Funny pictures
:DD The person in that picture really doesn't look like they have slipped over.
That "Ellie" text message is a stone cold classic.
Grim... wrote:

Amazing. Very literally laughing out loud.
Dimrill wrote:
Grim... wrote:

Amazing. Very literally laughing out loud.

My favourite one is:
"Gold and Silver?"
Was looking around about it last night and it all went down (aw yeah) in 2010.

How did he remove the wheel nuts?
Someone's going to get scratched.

Goddess Jasmine wrote:

metalangel wrote:
How did he remove the wheel nuts?

I was wondering that too. :)

(Slight NSFW penis in one of the photos...)

(I couldn't find a general cosplay thread, so Zed goes here!)
YOG wrote:

(I couldn't find a general cosplay thread, so Zed goes here!)
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Yeah, yeah, seams fine. :)
WTB wrote:

(Slight NSFW penis in one of the photos...)

Those are great :)
Haha absolute classic that Oprah gif.
Wait, isn't Player Two Luigi?

Is it asking someone to be your brother?

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
But, other than that, awwwwwww!
I assume it's a girl asking a boy?
Grim... wrote:
I assume it's a girl asking a boy?

Yeah - but player 1 and player 2 would be Mario and Luigi, not Peach and Mario.
Should have gone for the 'Eat these mushrooms and slide in my pipe'.
Many things wrong.

Player 2 isn't mario
Player 1 has an engagement ring, whereas player 2 is a wedding band.
Trooper wrote:
Many things wrong.

Player 2 isn't mario
Player 1 has an engagement ring, whereas player 2 is a wedding band.

That's a boy's engagement ring.
Yeah. Blokes don't often wear engagement rings, but I guess if a woman's proposing, she might want to give him something.
Craster wrote:
Yeah. Blokes don't often wear engagement rings, but I guess if a woman's proposing, she might want to give him something.

Like a blowjob.
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Many things wrong.

Player 2 isn't mario
Player 1 has an engagement ring, whereas player 2 is a wedding band.

That's a boy's engagement ring.

Do boys do that? Really?
Some do, I guess. I didn't.

Traditionally, of course, boys don't wear wedding rings either.
Grim... wrote:
Some do, I guess. I didn't.

I've never met anyone who did. Although i probably have met some who did, but didn't realise. That's me not realising, not them, that would be stupid.
Trooper wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Many things wrong.

Player 2 isn't mario
Player 1 has an engagement ring, whereas player 2 is a wedding band.

That's a boy's engagement ring.

Do boys do that? Really?

That has to be a Shandy Land thing surely, never heard of that up here.
I don't remember posing for Wullie on that day...
Built in dedication of the Eggstacy of St Teresa.
Loads of great ones on this page so far! Particularly like Battletoads and the Oprah one.

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:

If I had been browsing on Offbeat Bride last night, which I totally wasn't, then I might have seen that. It's great and really sweet. Also might have seen some awesome Portal themed save the dates and invitations...
My girlfriend was just sorting out an order for Ocado and got this at the end under "try something new"

Ocado? You posh bastard.
Best real-life Derpina yet?


Apart from Lexi Belle, of course...

metalangel wrote:
Best real-life Derpina yet?

Nah. She can hardly move her face.
I agree. She's fucking rubbish. The hair is spot-on, though.
Dimrill wrote:
metalangel wrote:
Best real-life Derpina yet?

Nah. She can hardly move her face.

Meh. The fact she's slightly odd looking in a cute way and isn't able to do a WOW job strike me as being very Derpina-like qualities.

She looks like she has a moustache.
Yes, #4 is very moustachioed. Also she can't move her face.
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