Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
Ok. Fuck.

The trailer. The clip.


I'm expecting it to be so very, very good now.
I'm convinced it's going to be brilliant now as well. 1 week to go! Can't wait!
I was looking round the BBC mobile website in the Doctor Who bit and noticed they will be showing the first minute of the new episode at 6:25pm. ... ndex.shtml?
I wouldn't bother. It's the first 40 seconds, a cgi Tardis spinning wonkily and the top of the Doctor's head. Utter piss take to build it up on the website all week.

Save it for next Saturday, when it'll mean something.
In fact, here's a little something to distract you all for the coming week.

Yes, I know, I'm your hero.

The stories available are:

The Space Museum - First Doctor
Tomb of the Cybermen - Second Doctor
Planet of the Spiders - Third Doctor
Talons of Weng-Chang - Fourth Doctor
The Mark of the Rani - Sixth Doctor
Survival - Seventh Doctor

Someone really knows their shit - you couldn't want a better selection. I'd say one a day for the next seven ;)
That Delia Derbyshire programme was just on radio 4 again, make sure to iplayer it if you've not heard it.
GovernmentYard wrote:
The Space Museum - First Doctor
Tomb of the Cybermen - Second Doctor
Planet of the Spiders - Third Doctor
Talons of Weng-Chang - Fourth Doctor
The Mark of the Rani - Sixth Doctor
Survival - Seventh Doctor

All of them are great. If I'm going to recommend one then its Survival. Why?

An astonishing performance from Antony Ainley as The Master. We'd all written him off as a beard twirling idiot version of a once great character and yet he appears in this story how you suspect Ainley wanted to play him all along.

It's a glimpse into what Who might have become. Contemporary earth setting, heavy use of video effects and computer graphics to enhance scenes. Things that were finally within reach of the series.

A script from a strong non sci-fi writer who manages to sneak in subtle feminist and gay/lesbian subtexts in the way that Russell T Davies seems to find so difficult. See Russell, if you want to deal with "issues" isn't it better not to scream them from the rooftop?

It's just fun. It's not bogged down in 26 years of back story and it's has that sense some old Who stories managed of an adventure with the Doctor being just the next street away from you. New Who tries really hard to do this but often fails (cue cutaway of Dalek menacing a family in their home etc).

You can watch it and then go and walk around the real locations. It was all shot in the real Perivale, just off the A40.

Or you could watch Mark of the Rani, ogle Peris tits and then go and visit the Ironbridge Open Air Museum, entirely up to you.
Peri and Jo Grant are my least favourite companions. I wish Liz Shaw had been given more time.
Nirejhenge wrote:
Peri and Jo Grant are my least favourite companions. I wish Liz Shaw had been given more time.

Impossible. She would have left anyway as she was preggers.
Oh also I strongly disagree with the idea of OLD WHO being the street away from you. To me it feels much further away through time and space. That's a good thing by the way. NuWho takes place far too much on Earth.

I recently picked up the video of The Mutants and was reminded how much I think that story is great.

Even wronger on my part is that I think POTS, TOWC and COTA are all tosh.

It's a shame about Liz Shaw. I liked the character a lot. Jo Grant was agonisingly bad though, I hated her. I've not watched anything of Colin Baker though in recent years so I can't comment on any of his companions.
Who was the bird who did a nudie picture shoot with a Dalek?
That was Jo Grant. (Can't remember her real name). That sort of thing was exactly the problem with her, if you ask me.
Ah, that's her. I get a few of those blonde ones mixed up.
There weren't any other blonde companions were there? Apart from Rose.
Was Liz Shaw blonde? If not I'm thinking of someone else!
Liz Shaw was ginger like Amy Pond.
Nirejhenge wrote:
Liz Shaw was ginger like Amy Pond.

Brown with red tint not ginger. You are born a ginger, you can't just become one.
Nirejhenge wrote:
Oh also I strongly disagree with the idea of OLD WHO being the street away from you. To me it feels much further away through time and space. That's a good thing by the way. NuWho takes place far too much on Earth.

It could do both. My point is that it did contemporary earth stories far better than the new series seems to manage. I find Silver Nemesis far more relatable than anything in the new series because I'd been to the location for walks and it felt far more atmospheric for it.

They also used a far wider range of locations for alien worlds than the new series. Yes there was an awful lot of quarries but there were also some inspired location choices and they weren't afraid to travel if required (although rarely more than a day from London).

There are so many Who locations you can go and walk around. Want to visit Skaro? Winspit quarry in Dorset is the place. The locations used for Silver Nemesis, why that's Arundel in Sussex. Want to see the rock on the beach that Peri was chained to in Trial of a Time Lord? Telscombe Cliffs near Brighton.

New Who seems to stick with the same kinds of locations, all near Cardiff. Every story seems to look the same. And that's a huge shame.
The stories set on earth always grate with me. They are very formulaic and the set piece of typical Londoner family enduring whatever horror it is are extremely dull. It sort of seems dated and 'of it's time' even on first viewing.

Apart from the one or two gems per series of course.
Nirejhenge wrote:
It's a shame about Liz Shaw. I liked the character a lot. Jo Grant was agonisingly bad though, I hated her. I've not watched anything of Colin Baker though in recent years so I can't comment on any of his companions.

Best not to watch the Colin Baker episodes... Last time I had a watch, they are far worse than I ever had remembered. Not just down to C. Baker, but he wasn't really that good a Doctor, to say the least.
Anonymous X wrote:
Nirejhenge wrote:
It's a shame about Liz Shaw. I liked the character a lot. Jo Grant was agonisingly bad though, I hated her. I've not watched anything of Colin Baker though in recent years so I can't comment on any of his companions.

Best not to watch the Colin Baker episodes... Last time I had a watch, they are far worse than I ever had remembered. Not just down to C. Baker, but he wasn't really that good a Doctor, to say the least.

Nonsense. Granted he doesn't have many classics but the length of his tenure has much to do with that.

Revelation of the Daleks is a worthwhile romp and Mark of the Rani is OK. He does suffer from some poor scripts though, no question. Colin is much more settled in his performance in his second season, but by then the scripts were pretty bad and the show was suffering. That said the Trial season does have some highlights.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
Nirejhenge wrote:
Oh also I strongly disagree with the idea of OLD WHO being the street away from you. To me it feels much further away through time and space. That's a good thing by the way. NuWho takes place far too much on Earth.

It could do both. My point is that it did contemporary earth stories far better than the new series seems to manage. I find Silver Nemesis far more relatable than anything in the new series because I'd been to the location for walks and it felt far more atmospheric for it.

They also used a far wider range of locations for alien worlds than the new series. Yes there was an awful lot of quarries but there were also some inspired location choices and they weren't afraid to travel if required (although rarely more than a day from London).

There are so many Who locations you can go and walk around. Want to visit Skaro? Winspit quarry in Dorset is the place. The locations used for Silver Nemesis, why that's Arundel in Sussex. Want to see the rock on the beach that Peri was chained to in Trial of a Time Lord? Telscombe Cliffs near Brighton.

New Who seems to stick with the same kinds of locations, all near Cardiff. Every story seems to look the same. And that's a huge shame.

What about the phone box? Did you find that atmospheric?
chinnyhill10 wrote:
I find Silver Nemesis far more relatable than anything in the new series because I'd been to the location for walks and it felt far more atmospheric for it.
New Who seems to stick with the same kinds of locations, all near Cardiff.
Well, you wouldn't expect BBC Wales to shoot very far outside of Wales, would you? And my understanding is they don't have the budget to support lots of exotic on-location stuff.

And as someonewho lives near Cardiff, I really enjoy doing location spotting in new Who :)
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
New Who seems to stick with the same kinds of locations, all near Cardiff.
Well, you wouldn't expect BBC Wales to shoot very far outside of Wales, would you? And my understanding is they don't have the budget to support lots of exotic on-location stuff.

Which is ironic considering just how much more money they have these days and the fact location shooting is now so much cheaper than it used to be.
In addition to the see saw stuff posted earlier ... sic-Series

Has (free to watch)

The Caves of Androzani (PD)
The Warriors Gate (TB)
State of Decay (TB)
Talons of Weng-Chiang (TB)
The Krotons (PT)
Tomb of the Cybermen (PT)
The Web Planet(?) (WH)
Strangers in Space (WH)
Strangers in Space (WH)[/quote]

No such story so I assume they've messed an episode title up. Hartnell stories had a different title each week but also had a story name.
I have just watched the Survival story and something is puzzling me. Why does Ace call the Doctor Professor?
I'd imagine it's because he looks a bit like one. But then I've not watched much McCoy.
I watched 'The Tomb of the Cybermen' over the weekend. Can't get enough of Troughton, though the story itself was a bit dull. The sets were fantastic though.

Might investigate the others over the next few weeks.
Nemmie wrote:
I have just watched the Survival story and something is puzzling me. Why does Ace call the Doctor Professor?

Just her nickname for him.
There was an interview with Stephen Moffat on Frontrow this evening - he comes across very well

(interview will probably be on listen again somewhere - which i'll find and link back to from here - it was Radio 4 around 20 past 7)

Hmmm - looks like you cant get the program but they do release a highlights show at the end of the week
zaphod79 wrote:

The Caves of Androzani (PD)
The Warriors Gate (TB)
State of Decay (TB)
Talons of Weng-Chiang (TB)
The Krotons (PT)
Tomb of the Cybermen (PT)
The Web Planet(?) (WH)
Strangers in Space (WH)

State of Decay is very underrated. It was written during the height of the gothic Baker era to be shown in 1977, but was pulled as the BBC were adapting Dracula and the head of drama thought Who shouldn't be on the same territory as a major drama for that year. But they finally made it in 1980. It does have its shortcomings though and Tom and Lalla had a massive falling out and don't even look at each other for the first 3 episodes!

Androzani is classic.

Warriors Gate is good but is rather style over substance. I love the opening 2 minutes. Do do a crane shot for that long is a real achievement. Sadly the director pissed off all sorts of BBC staff during the production and went over budget so never worked on the show again. Shame as it shows what could be done with a little bit more time/money and being allowed to think outside the box.

The Krotons is a bog standard Patrick Troughton story, the only remarkable thing being that it didn't get destroyed instead of Evil of the Daleks.

Talons speaks for itself. Its a bona-fida classic and the last Phillip Hinchcliffe produced story. It was all downhill from here.
I'm about the only person who doesn't like Talons. I found it boring.

They need to get good stuff like The Mutants and Time Monster on there. I have a soft spot for Invasion of Time but really it's astonishingly bad. I just like it because it's so ridiculous.

I can't remember SOD too well or WG. I recall not being so keen on the E-Space trilogy.
Nirejhenge wrote:
I'm about the only person who doesn't like Talons. I found it boring.

They need to get good stuff like The Mutants and Time Monster on there.

The Discon Guide sums up The Time Monster as "Like watching paint dry while being whipped with barbed wire". Personally I consider that a generous assessment. It has quite alot going for it, but it still manages to be rubbish.*

Still if The Time Monster taught me anything it's not to climb a ladder to clean windows while wearing cuban heels.

* And not in the way The Horns of Nimon is rubbish but is still vastly entertaining at the same time.
The Time Monster was released on DVD yesterday in a box set with two other stinkers, Underworld and (oddly) The Horns Of Nimon.

I'll wait for it to be reduced as I'd like to have Nimon on DVD. It just makes me laugh so much.

Spot the problem 50 seconds in. Clue: Watch his trousers.

The Discon guide disagrees with me over The Mutants as well which I thought was great. Underworld was a stinker though. Why did they think it a good idea to release them all together?
Nirejhenge wrote:
The Discon guide disagrees with me over The Mutants as well which I thought was great. Underworld was a stinker though. Why did they think it a good idea to release them all together?

The problem with The Mutants is that its rather like Colony in Space. It's a good script let down by some poor implementation. Not the best Who ever but not the worse.
Some that I remember being particularly good, listed here for no good reason and probably not in any sensible order.

Spearhead from Space, Silurians (if a tad slow), Inferno, Colony In Space, Mutants, Time Monster, Hand of Fear, Face of Evil, Genesis of the Daleks (obviously), Robots, Pyramids of Mars, Invasion of Time (for being silly), Frontier in Space, Invisible Enemy, Four to Doomsday, Castrovalva, Black Orchid, Frontios, Resurrection of the Daleks, Terminus.
She's pretty until she opens her mouth.

Can I have your go on her then?
It has to be said that the classic gothic period of Who was really only Tom Baker's first three seasons - it's every bit at much Hinchcliffe as it is Baker. Oddly, the very first story in the following season (Horror of Fang Rock) very much continues the Hammer-inspired excellence and is one of my favourites. After that one, it started to get *really* crap and the only
story really worth a mention from the late 70s is the awesome City of Death.

The other period of aceness is Troughton's last season and Pertwee's first, and again I reckon there's a sudden drop in quality after that until Hinchcliffe joined. Nice to see some people agree with me about Jo Grant being terrible.

I do like Bakers last season, though. State of Decay in particular.

Also, watching Horns of Nimon out of context makes it even funnier. Man, the Nimon looks ridiulous. Never spotted the split trousers, but that's probably because I'm too busy oggling at Lalla Ward AND Janet Ellis in the same shot.

After that, when it was good, it was every bit as good as the 70s good stuff. when it was bad... I mean ffs.

Colin Baker's first season actually has some good stories, mostly the stuff he isn't in. The Two Doctors is really good, partially just because of Troughton's fantastic performance. To be fair, I'm told Colin baker's audio stuff is really quite good.

I reckon the worst Who ever got was Baker's last season and McCoy's first. After that, it rapidly got better. Ace is a good assistant although I think her acting ability wasn't really up to the task once the writing got better.
..that is until RTD took over and there were atrocities like Fear Her and The Idiot Lantern.
ltia wrote:
It has to be said that the classic gothic period of Who was really only Tom Baker's first three seasons - it's every bit at much Hinchcliffe as it is Baker. Oddly, the very first story in the following season (Horror of Fang Rock) very much continues the Hammer-inspired excellence and is one of my favourites. After that one, it started to get *really* crap and the only
story really worth a mention from the late 70s is the awesome City of Death.

The other period of aceness is Troughton's last season and Pertwee's first, and again I reckon there's a sudden drop in quality after that until Hinchcliffe joined. Nice to see some people agree with me about Jo Grant being terrible.

I do like Bakers last season, though. State of Decay in particular.

Also, watching Horns of Nimon out of context makes it even funnier. Man, the Nimon looks ridiulous. Never spotted the split trousers, but that's probably because I'm too busy oggling at Lalla Ward AND Janet Ellis in the same shot.

After that, when it was good, it was every bit as good as the 70s good stuff. when it was bad... I mean ffs.

Colin Baker's first season actually has some good stories, mostly the stuff he isn't in. The Two Doctors is really good, partially just because of Troughton's fantastic performance. To be fair, I'm told Colin baker's audio stuff is really quite good.

I reckon the worst Who ever got was Baker's last season and McCoy's first. After that, it rapidly got better. Ace is a good assistant although I think her acting ability wasn't really up to the task once the writing got better.

Of Colin's first season Revelation of the Daleks, The Two Doctors and Vengeance on Varos stand out. Mark of the Rani is superbly implemented with location work that is up there with the top dramas of the day (another shoot was cancelled and JNT got double the intended location recording time for no extra money). Mark of the Rani proves how good Who could have looked with just a few extra quid. However Mark falls down thanks to having the Master bumbling around.

Revelation has some lovely location work as well, but it was pure luck that it snowed. As a result the entire opening episodes location work looks stunning. No special effects, no snow machines, just pure luck and the fact they had to record because they couldn't afford a remount. I was watching the documentry on the DVD last night and Graeme Harper (the director who also works on the new series) was recounting what a challenge it was to get it all shot. Tractors having to pull the crew vehicles, etc.

The Trial season has its good points but they get swamped in the dross. I quite like Mindwarp as a story. It looks good and has a decent cast.

The problem with Ace is that she is very much of her era. I'm not inclined to blame Sophie for that.
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