*~Pets Corner!~*
Pet and animal talk ^.^
LaceSensor wrote:
Get those claws clipped man.

Fuck even trying :D

I've never seen a cat with such a tiny head have as much bite force.

Put it this way, Jan has two English blues. big, fat, heavy English blues. One weighs 16lb. Neither will go near Jas.

She's definitely a runt but fuck me she's as hard as nails.
Aww ickle puddy tat!
JohnCoffey wrote:

Is that one of your Bengals in the background?
JohnCoffey wrote:
I went to see Jasmine today. She's doubled in size !


devilman wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
I went to see Jasmine today. She's doubled in size !



3 MORE SLEEPS! :D :luv:
Awww! :hug:

I see his wings aren't fully developed yet.
1 more sleep! I'm so excited. I have to 'Willow proof' the house though so as she can't chew any of the wires or anything. I can't wait to get her though :luv:
Excited for you. SQUEEE!
Not long to go now.
That a Cocker Gill? We used to have a cocker a few years back, turned into a fat little fecker...RIP Dillon.

Got a Springer now and he is absolutely looney, so much so, FLIS wont allow him in the house. She's away this week so no doubt the house will be stinking of dog by the time she returns :D
Awwwwww I can't wait to meet Willow in May! :D
Yeah she is a Cocker, and her mum is quite small so I don't think she is going to grow to be too big. I'm home all the time right now so hopefully I will be able to train her well enough to not be too much of a wee monster :) I can't wait to get her, it is going to be so good for me to have company in the house when I'm home alone.
Hopefully she will be a wee angel by the time you come up Ange! :S
superdupergill wrote:
a wee monster :)
Your puns are pish.
Good luck. You may know this, but if you don't...
Puppies CHEW everything. So, if you don't want to spend a fortune replacing hats, gloves, shoes, underwear, glasses(specs) or anything that might possibly fit in her mouth, then keep it out of her way. Buy her plenty of chew toys. Do not underestimate how bloody destructive they can be.

Get on top of the house training ASAP as well.

The one of our dogs we got as a puppy probably cost us the thick end of £5k in material damage to house and contents in her first year.
She ate the following.
One Cartier Tank Basculante watch. Watch was repairable, strap needed replacing. £300
Two pairs of Oakley M Frame shades. £280
One cycling helmet. £90
Three pairs of riding gloves. £105
Eight pairs of shoes. £500
innumerable items of underwear - she basically had a penchant for stealing dirty knickers out of the laundry and chewing the crotch out of them. Not mine I hasten to add! God knows how many pairs, but it was several dozen and probably double that by the time we factor in bras - let's say £300
Two pairs of specs £380
Every carpet in the house got trashed with her incontinence and vomiting up of unsavoury things she'd eaten. Cost of recarpeting. £3k
She even chewed HC's purse and several of her bags and one time stole cash out of her purse and chewed that. Fortunately you can get mangled money replaced.
TheAlbin0Kid wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:

Is that one of your Bengals in the background?

Nope, it's a bask... Oh
Wullie wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
a wee monster :)
Your puns are pish.

DBSnappa wrote:
Good luck. You may know this, but if you don't...
Puppies CHEW everything. So, if you don't want to spend a fortune replacing hats, gloves, shoes, underwear, glasses(specs) or anything that might possibly fit in her mouth, then keep it out of her way. Buy her plenty of chew toys. Do not underestimate how bloody destructive they can be.

Apparently cocker owners often nickname their pups 'crocodiles' :'(

Jens parents old dog used to steal shoes and bury them in the garden so a shoe would go missing then turn up months later covered in dirt. Their new dog Bliss is actually really good and doesn't really chew many things that she's not supposed to.
I've already bought Willow a load of chew toys and teething chew things. I'm going to get some of those puzzles as well where they have to figure out how to get to a treat. Apparently that can keep them entertained for quite a while.
superdupergill wrote:
Wullie wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
a wee monster :)
Your puns are pish.
Wee, as in what foreigners call pish :facepalm:
I'd say ‘Get a cat’ but you should see the state of our sofa. That and they're getting to the old, weak-bladdered stage now, so they're starting to struggle making it to the litter tray before letting go in a corner somewhere.

Pics as soon as you get her, Gill. And not the one you showed me three times in Manchester ;)
Wullie wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
Wullie wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
a wee monster :)
Your puns are pish.
Wee, as in what foreigners call pish :facepalm:

Oh, right. Oops. Also, I don't call it that either.
Ramsea wrote:
Got a Springer now and he is absolutely looney, so much so,

We've got 2 springers... they are quite mad but also lovely and basically run the house, they always get what they want and sit and sleep where they want.

Edit: And Gill puppy teeth are like little needles, get prepared to be bitten a few times, playful bites but it still can hurt
I'm ready for the bites as well- Bliss was quite bitey at first as well. It's going to be a bit of an adventure, I'm sure I'll be posting in here a lot to regale everyone with the latest details :)
Get pet insurance.

Very much what Zardoz said. Essential.
Oh don't worry I wouldn't dream of not getting pet insurance, that is madness.
Very good. :luv:

Oh, and look forward to her first season.

*gags at the stench memory*
Zardoz wrote:
Get pet insurance.



Got it for both my girls.
Dimrill wrote:
Very much what Zardoz said. Essential.

Fuck - do you get group discount on your gippys?
We've only got it on our Wabbit, Twitch. They don't do insurance for smaller, it seems.
Zardoz wrote:
Oh, and look forward to her first season.

*gags at the stench memory*

Oh god! we've got 2 girls and a boy and now the girls have been spayed. but he'd be all over them (even though we've had him snipped) and they'd also leave mess on the carpet :spew:
If she aint house trained, the biggest tip I have is buy her a cage.,...they make house training a doddle apparently not that I had to house train mine as he has a dog flap to go to the garden whenever he wants to.
Here are some pictures of Willow as (repeatedly) requested by Nick ;) :luv: :kiss:
Aw, she really is adorable :luv:
Gill Im coming up to meet willow. She's adorable!!!!!

Reminds me of when my jake was a puppy. Baby dogs so much cuter than adults!!!
Aw, she's beautiful x
Oh how I miss that "butter wouldn't melt" mischievous puppy face.
I'll see you soon mate x
Despite my best efforts & the fact that she can fit inside my jacket pocket Willow remains in the hands of Gill & Jen :'(
Does that mean they'll be able to eat North American/Japanese dog food?
MetalAngel wrote:
Does that mean they'll be able to eat North American/Japanese dog food?

And if they have unscrupulous owners pirated food ?
Cats remain at large.
Grim... wrote:
kalmar wrote:


I demand all children are microchipped, tagged, and are muzzled when in public.

I do not consider this unreasonable. That is all.
Grim... wrote:
kalmar wrote:


I think it's a bit mad to have a dog and not have insurance and I'm getting Willow chipped once she's a bit bigger. Obviously not because she's going to maul anyone at the moment (except maybe with licks :luv: ) but for my own peace of mind as well. Imagine if she dissapeared and I hadn't had it done :( :'(

Only possible problems will come from low income families etc who will argue that this is making owning a dog less affordable but I'm not sure that's a good argument.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
Grim... wrote:
kalmar wrote:


I demand all children are microchipped, tagged, and are muzzled when in public.

I do not consider this unreasonable. That is all.

Microchips aren't just for finding owners of bad dogs. They are also for finding the owners of good dogs that are lost, or finding out who left the dog to starve in a bag. Vets can (in some cases) read the chip to get an animals medical history, and the EU will only allow animals to travel across borders if they are chipped.
Getting animals chipped or freeze-marked is the very least a responsible owner should do.
It's only £20 isn't it? How much does a dog cost to feed in a year? Must be a bloody fortune!

If you're so low income you can't afford a one-off £20 you have no business owning a dog IMHO.

edit: agreeing with SDG FAOD
kalmar wrote:
It's only £20 isn't it? How much does a dog cost to feed in a year? Must be a bloody fortune!

If you're so low income you can't afford a one-off £20 you have no business owning a dog IMHO.

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