*~Pets Corner!~*
Pet and animal talk ^.^
Dimrill wrote:
Just had the phone call from the vets to tell me Cheeky died a couple of minutes ago. :( :'(

That's shit. Sorry buddy.
Sorry to hear about Cheeky, Dimrill.
JohnCoffey wrote:
Oh hell yeah. Hedgehogs are fucking awesome creatures. We have them roaming here. They root through people's rubbish bags in winter so I put down some milk soaked bread :)

:luv: Hedgehogs.
We used to do that, but...
**Do not give them bread and milk**. They cannot digest the bread and cows milk gives hedgehogs very bad diarrhoea. Many hedgehogs die because of this wrong diet.

See the cat food that yours reject after a day or whatever, hedgehogs will eat that quite happily :D
Wullie wrote:
See the cat food that yours reject after a day or whatever, hedgehogs will eat that quite happily :D

Fokkin' prorns.
Yup, I bought a can of cat food specially for mine :)

Made them a wee hoose as well, so they can hibernate in there if they want, but the man said they'd probably bugger off immediately and do their own thing, and you're not likely to see them very often, if at all.

Will post pics later.
I build mine a bonfire, they seem to love that :S
I leave half drank cans of Kestrel in the garden then I regurgitate slugs and beetles into their mouths once they're inebriated.
Zardoz wrote:
I leave half drank cans of Kestrel in the garden then I regurgitate slugs and beetles into their mouths once they're inebriated.

This also works with young children if they're refusing to eat their meals.
Wullie wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
Oh hell yeah. Hedgehogs are fucking awesome creatures. We have them roaming here. They root through people's rubbish bags in winter so I put down some milk soaked bread :)

:luv: Hedgehogs.
We used to do that, but...
**Do not give them bread and milk**. They cannot digest the bread and cows milk gives hedgehogs very bad diarrhoea. Many hedgehogs die because of this wrong diet.

See the cat food that yours reject after a day or whatever, hedgehogs will eat that quite happily :D

Hmm. Well blow me down.

Sadly I never have any left over cat food because one of my cats has 24 hour worms (well she doesn't but she would eat for England). So if one leaves her food the other one goes over and breathes it in.

I do have stale bits of kibbles in the bottom of the container but I also have these two big furry fuckers that keep coming in my garden so I know they would eat it :(

One of them was staring through the french doors annoying Punzel last night. Bastard.
As expected I haven't seen any sign of The Spiny Kids since releasing them, but I did put out some cat food last night in the shelter thing and it was all gone, so they're clearly around.
I remembered I have an old mono video camera with IR Leds on it, so I might sling that out and see if I can spot them scurrying about.
After Malabar's delightful photos, one of our local shops had some green spotted pufferfish at the weekend, and I couldn't resist. They really are lovely.
What did they taste like?
Craster wrote:
After Malabar's delightful photos, one of our local shops had some green spotted pufferfish at the weekend, and I couldn't resist. They really are lovely.

Fantastic. I hope you've got it in its own tank! They don't tend to play nice, though my F8 is a fucking pussy.
Oh, indeed. It's brackish, anyway, so it needs its own. It'll need a bigger one before long though.
Craster wrote:
Oh, indeed. It's brackish, anyway, so it needs its own. It'll need a bigger one before long though.

Ah, of course. Have fun buying and mixing salt. I love my puffer. If you want any snails to keep his beak in check, let me know — my population has boomed.
I've not read much of this thread, in fact only really the last two pages but:

Sound horrible when they are doing it, like someone stangling a kid.
Very cute though, especially the cubs.
There was a dead one in our garden once. We scooped it up into a bin bag and left it out for the dustmen.

Very cute. We had one that would always go through our rubbish bags but seemed to seek out the ones that had leftover Indian food in them. Once I saw one of them rustling about inside the bin liner, and then crawled back out of the bin bag with a foil milk bottle lid and some tissue stuck to his spines, it was so sweet looking.
A japanese person at uni saw a hedgehog and was really surprised by it and was struggling to describe it, and could only really offer 'rat, needle' over again.
Here's Jelly Sweet now. I've made him so plump compared to when I bought him a few months ago. It took ages of sitting there with my camera for him to approach the front; shy doesn't even begin to describe him.

Malabar Front wrote:
Here's Jelly Sweet now. I've made him so plump compared to when I bought him a few months ago.

I don't think he'll make much of a meal at Christmas though.
An Hog.
Aww that's awesome :D
Take a pic of your puffer for me, if you get chance, Craster.
I've lost a frog :S :'(

I haven't the faintest idea where it's gone. It can't have escaped, but I can't find it anywhere. I've taken out the rocks and ruffled through the grasses, but there's only one there, and I'm not sure whether that one is Kif or Mimi.
Malabar Front wrote:
I've lost a frog :S :'(

I haven't the faintest idea where it's gone. It can't have escaped, but I can't find it anywhere. I've taken out the rocks and ruffled through the grasses, but there's only one there, and I'm not sure whether that one is Kif or Mimi.
Is it knitting?
New gippy! Smoke:
Aw! Ginger bits like wot you got. Cute.
I'm getting a puppy :)

I'm off work right now and will be for the forseeable future so Jen decided now was a good time to get the dog we've always wanted. It will also hopefully make me feel a bit more at ease with being home alone at night since I'm still not really doing well with that. My parents are getting a pup from the same litter at the same time though so if I'm nervous about going out for walks they will be able to come with me.

She is a cocker spaniel, and we are getting her on March 8th. I can't wait. :)
Pics, ASAP. Also, name it after me.
we can't call a girl Malabar! That is a boys name in my head now :)
I posted a pic on Twitter, although she is so small right now she just looks like a wee worm! We'll get a better picture in a couple of weeks when she has opened her eyes.

We are thinking of calling her either Willow, Millie or Molly. Although we may come up with more before we get her! This is the happiest I've been in ages :)
I've had cats called both Millie and Mollie. I'm still going with Malabar, though. If I can call a crab Wullie...
Most excellent :D Willow is good.
What kind of dog are we talking? I always favour slightly old-fashioned human names for pets, I'd almost certainly choose Mollie from the list, although I once knew a cat called Mollie so I'd feel weird calling a dog that personally. Martha or Tess would be my choices :)
superdupergill wrote:
we can't call a girl Malabar! That is a boys name in my head now :)
I posted a pic on Twitter, although she is so small right now she just looks like a wee worm! We'll get a better picture in a couple of weeks when she has opened her eyes.

We are thinking of calling her either Willow, Millie or Molly. Although we may come up with more before we get her! This is the happiest I've been in ages :)

Call it Mary Hinge. Both of my girls would have been called that had they not had names already.

Spaniels are awesome dogs.
We can't call her Mary because I have a friend called Mary. I get what 118 is saying about old fashioned names (I had a gerbil called Nana Moon) but I know someone with a dog called Tess so I can't use it. Trying to go for something a bit less common so we don't end up knowing another wee doggy with the same name.
Also, Jen is very vocal with what she likes and doesn't like so obviously we have to both agree on something. I am coming up with crazy names now so I might just throw in a curve ball at some point. I can't wait to get her :)
call her Dogmeat, like in Fallout 3 :)
kalmar wrote:
Most excellent :D Willow is good.

Only if you can do magic tricks to make it vanish.
Yay doggie!

Call her Gertrude.
A picture of my wee puppy. I don't know how I'm going to make it to March, I have started talking to her already and she doesn't even live with us yet! ;)
Is that a dog or an alien? 8)
TheAlbin0Kid wrote:
Is that a dog or an alien? 8)

She looks like a wee worm or something eh? I :luv: her :)
superdupergill wrote:
TheAlbin0Kid wrote:
Is that a dog or an alien? 8)

She looks like a wee worm or something eh? I :luv: her :)

I'm sure she burst out of someone's stomach in a film I saw...
I have not seen the film of which you speak so I shall assume the creature you refer to must have been slightly odd looking but with an overwhelming aura of cuteness and loveability :) :luv: she is going to be my guard dog. Do you think she looks up to it? ;)
superdupergill wrote:
she is going to be my guard dog. Do you think she looks up to it? ;)

For the hour or so each day she is awake, probably. Although I think my guinea pig would win a fight between the two.
TheAlbin0Kid wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
she is going to be my guard dog. Do you think she looks up to it? ;)

For the hour or so each day she is awake, probably. Although I think my guinea pig would win a fight between the two.

I think that my sock would probably win a fight between the two at the moment :) :luv:
superdupergill wrote:
I have not seen the film of which you speak

Massive TSK! here

No excuses, spend £10 on the Alien Quadrilogy DVD set, if only for Alien and Aliens.

On topic - Id love a pet alien.
LaceSensor wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
I have not seen the film of which you speak

Massive TSK! here

No excuses, spend £10 on the Alien Quadrilogy DVD set, if only for Alien and Aliens.

On topic - Id love a pet alien.

It's been added to my lovefilm list :)
I went to see Jasmine today. She's doubled in size !



Attack GRRR !!!



And when I say heavy artillery I mean heavy artillery. You should see the state my hands are in.

Get those claws clipped man.
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