Bits and Bobs 50
50 shades of bits
Came into the office on my electric board this morning, where the path/road was smooth it was ace fun but there are a few sections where the vibrations got to the point where I could no longer feel my feet. Will definitely be doing it again though when the weather is nice.
That's a nice commute along the coast.

I miss being by the sea.
A question rather than an accusation. :D

Is it legal to do that commute on it? I suspect technically not...
I was looking at these boards when I was looking at house in Milton Keynes, as I could have ridden it to station on the bike paths, and then left it in a locker during the day at the station. Which was a great idea, apart from it looked like it wasn't really legal to use a powered board on the bike paths, and MK station doesn't have any lockers anymore...
Lonewolves wrote:
That's a nice commute along the coast.

I miss being by the sea.

Giphy "old man and the sea":
Well... that's a disturbing gif!
Trooper wrote:
Is it legal to do that commute on it? I suspect technically not...
I was looking at these boards when I was looking at house in Milton Keynes, as I could have ridden it to station on the bike paths, and then left it in a locker during the day at the station. Which was a great idea, apart from it looked like it wasn't really legal to use a powered board on the bike paths, and MK station doesn't have any lockers anymore...

Technically not legal, although rarely enforced I believe. Same deal with the electric scooters that are all over SF now. Some of those startups want to come to London but so far the fact they are illegal has stayed their hand.

(I reckon publicly rentable electric scooters are actually a pretty good idea and not, for once, total Bay Area nonsense.)
We have a fair few publicly rentable ones here in Singapore, but understandably they tend to be limited in use to certain areas.
If Segways were legal to use in the UK (and a bit cheaper) I'd have had one years ago. Amazing things.
As long as insurance on these things is compulsory, I’d allow it.
GazChap wrote:
If Segways were legal to use in the UK (and a bit cheaper) I'd have had one years ago. Amazing things.

They appear to be amazingly effective injury machines.

My work banned segway events after one particularly... Fun outing.
Just come back to the office after having a filling done to see that someone has placed a couple of boxes of M&S flapjacks and millionaire shortbreads on the cabinet of calories. I think this counts as workplace bullying.
Trooper wrote:
A question rather than an accusation. :D

Is it legal to do that commute on it? I suspect technically not...
I was looking at these boards when I was looking at house in Milton Keynes, as I could have ridden it to station on the bike paths, and then left it in a locker during the day at the station. Which was a great idea, apart from it looked like it wasn't really legal to use a powered board on the bike paths, and MK station doesn't have any lockers anymore...

It's not technically legal, although I can't see it being an issue unless they get popular. To be honest though, unless you can skate I think they're a really bad idea, a scooter would be a lot safer. If you look on reddit it's full of people who can't skate and will never learn to riding them dressed up looking like fucking TT racers or riot cops because they fall off so much. :D

Why would you leave it in the locker at the train station instead of using it after you get off the train as well and then charging it at work?
Kern wrote:
cabinet of calories

We have a 'Table o' Lard'. Or, sometimes, 'Table o' Diabetes'.
Lonewolves wrote:
That's a nice commute along the coast.

I miss being by the sea.

I don't think I could live inland. I mean I'm sure I'd get used to it eventually but I can't stand the idea of it.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Is it legal to do that commute on it? I suspect technically not...
I was looking at these boards when I was looking at house in Milton Keynes, as I could have ridden it to station on the bike paths, and then left it in a locker during the day at the station. Which was a great idea, apart from it looked like it wasn't really legal to use a powered board on the bike paths, and MK station doesn't have any lockers anymore...

Technically not legal, although rarely enforced I believe. Same deal with the electric scooters that are all over SF now. Some of those startups want to come to London but so far the fact they are illegal has stayed their hand.

(I reckon publicly rentable electric scooters are actually a pretty good idea and not, for once, total Bay Area nonsense.)

Where a lot of unusual vehicles become illegal is that they are fast enough to need to comply with Construction & Use regulations but can't do so because of their design.

Electrically assisted bikes are OK as long as they are limited to 15mph before the motor cuts out, but they also have brakes and reflectors which these don't.
The reality is that you'd be very unlikely to be stopped, and unless you are trundling up a hill at 15mph you can always say you were using leg power rather than electric.
markg wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
That's a nice commute along the coast.

I miss being by the sea.

I don't think I could live inland. I mean I'm sure I'd get used to it eventually but I can't stand the idea of it.

I moved from the coast to the most landlocked place in mainland Britain. I've now been here almost as long as I was down south. I didn't mean to stay this long. :(
markg wrote:
Why would you leave it in the locker at the train station instead of using it after you get off the train as well and then charging it at work?

I work in central london, I wouldn't want to try and ride the board through the streets during peak pedestrian rush hour :)
I get annoyed enough at walking speed with all the unaware morons who meander around with no thought for other people...
Trooper wrote:
markg wrote:
Why would you leave it in the locker at the train station instead of using it after you get off the train as well and then charging it at work?

I work in central london, I wouldn't want to try and ride the board through the streets during peak pedestrian rush hour :)

Bull bars.
Lie down on it and go through their legs, obv.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
The reality is that you'd be very unlikely to be stopped

Unless you crash into someone.
Those aren't hot tubs, they're paddling pools.
That would not help my disdain for hot tubs..
MaliA wrote:
Roof top hot tub cinema comes to Liverpool. Oh my.

Christ, no. Sounds like hell on earth.
I hope they refresh the water after each showing...
I hope that they haven't checked if the roof is strong enough and it isn't.
What films do you pair a hot tub with? Other than Kevin Costner's 'Waterworld', natch.
Hot Tub Time Machine
Hot Tub Time Machine 2
Hot Tub Ass Destroyers 8: This time it's personal
Kern wrote:
What films do you pair a hot tub with? Other than Kevin Costner's 'Waterworld', natch.

Fucking Grease. Fucking Greatest Showman.
DavPaz wrote:
Fucking Grease.

This isn't Blue Peter, just call it K-Y Jelly.
Went to an Indian restaurant on Thursday, this was the sign for the gents.

Edit: but the right way up, obvs.
No man is worthy to use that toilet.
I'm normally impressed by the descriptive names the Google Photos app comes up with for its automatically generated albums but perhaps "Saturday morning in the United Kingdom" is just a little too broad for some shots of a stretch of Cornish coast.
Read this person's Twitter time line from this tweet backwards: ... 7117605888

That's commitment!
Malc wrote:
Read this person's Twitter time line from this tweet backwards: ... 7117605888

That's commitment!

I just can't be arsed.
Warhead wrote:
Malc wrote:
Read this person's Twitter time line from this tweet backwards: ... 7117605888

That's commitment!

I just can't be arsed.

Nothing really matters to me
I am well on board the hype train for Cyberpunk 2077
Does anyone here design logos or know anyone who does?

Can pay in goldfish and pennies. :)
Surely @Zardoz might be able to help?
TheVision wrote:
Surely @Zardoz might be able to help?

Potentially - I want something really simple. A line drawing really.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Surely @Zardoz might be able to help?

Potentially - I want something really simple. A line drawing really.

Cue Zardoz sending you a picture of a line.
Lonewolves wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Surely @Zardoz might be able to help?

Potentially - I want something really simple. A line drawing really.

Cue Zardoz sending you a picture of a line.

:D Even I can do that! :P ---------------------------------------
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Surely @Zardoz might be able to help?

Potentially - I want something really simple. A line drawing really.

Zardoz is pretty simple.
When I get bored, I sometimes read travel forums to see what questions people are asking about Oxfordshire/England/the UK. I don't think I've ever come a forum thread as strange as 'Watching Londoners go to work'
Zardoz wrote:
I am here.

I've changed bmy mind about what I want. :D

But seriously, do you do logos? As I'm happy to PM you what I want and you quote me for it. :)
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