The 'NAY!' Thread
I have solved this problem for now by hitting it with a lump hammer and a brick bolster so the water in the house is back on at least.
Did you have any leak into the house? An ex-workmate posted on FB to say her waste water pipe had frozen and burst. She must have been unaware and washed up a curry which backed up in the sink and has leaked all under her laminate floor. :s
It's days like this when you realise how many British houses have external plumbing. A friend of my wife lost her upstairs water the main supply looped outside the house. Mental
Thankfully no leaks in the house, this is just a water pipe that goes out to the garage where the washing machine is. The water was only off in the house because I had to turn it off to stop the water gushing out everywhere outside while I stopped the pipe off.
Really sorry to hear about your Dad, Vision. Thoughts with all your family. Can't say it any better than Mimi has already put it.
My team, which was at one point 15 people (1 manager, 10 main campus IT/AV techs, 1 secondary campus IT/AV tech, 1 media tech and 2 'performance' techs) will today be running at 4 people (1 manager, 2 main campus techs and 1 secondary campus tech). We've got one guy on annual leave, another off with anxiety and depression, and the rest have either left, moved to different departments or been removed from IT Services' control.

The situation is starting to feel a little desperate, if I'm honest.
Ugh. Dad's back in hospital. Thankfully without the breathing difficulties so a little less scary this time, but my brother's been with my parents all afternoon and basically, it's just corridors of patients all waiting for places on wards. Dad's had various tests but is facing a night in a corridor. I can't fault the staff there but they have an impossible job.
I hope he gets a place on a ward soon mate. Best wishes to you all.
Thanks, Zardoz. Not long after I made that post, my brother messaged me to say that Dad had soiled himself and they'd put him in his own room to avoid the possible spread of infection. Not good that it had to come to that, but hopefully he's at least had a peaceful night.
devilman wrote:
Thanks, Zardoz. Not long after I made that post, my brother messaged me to say that Dad had soiled himself and they'd put him in his own room to avoid the possible spread of infection. Not good that it had to come to that, but hopefully he's at least had a peaceful night.

Every cloud has a silver lining. Hope he comes through ok.
So very sorry to read this. Hopefully now he had a room he will have the help, comfort and attention he needs from the staff. xxxx
Thanks, Mimi :). Just got back from seeing him and he's still got his relatively cushy room to himself which is still only temporary, but I walked past a few corridors of people on trolleys head to toe waiting for a proper bed and it's just grim stuff.

He's still coping though. The nurse who had been looking after him looked like a young Kat Dennings and when she finished her shift, he joked about going home with her, so there's still life in the old dog yet.
devilman wrote:
The nurse who had been looking after him looked like a young Kat Dennings

Giphy "hubba hubba":
:D He seems to have all the luck with the nurses. The one on the following shift reminded me of Kate Mara.
devilman wrote:
:D He seems to have all the luck with the nurses. The one on the following shift reminded me of Kate Mara.

Did he get to see her Triangle?
Hope it pans out well, Devilman.
The Boy has fallen on his face after a scooter accident at after school club. Majorly split lip. Like bifurcation. Nothing that won't heal up, but pretty nasty to look at right now.

He's currently in A&E with MrsPaz whilst I eat ice cream and watch Crafty Carol with a very concerned older sister.

They don't tell you about this in parenting school.
Oh shit.

GWS, chicks dig scars, etc.
I did that twice as a kid. He'll be fine or at least sort of okay. Can still feel a little lump with my tongue, though.
Oh love to him. He’s the cutest kid ever, and he’ll have everyone just wanting to snuggle him up. Are his teeth ok?
7am appointment at Alder Hey with the plastic surgeon. He needs to be sedated. This gon be fun :S
Ouch! Hope he’s mends quickly.
Oh blimey, posted before your update, hope it goes well for him mate.
Thanks man. They're on their way back now. He seems ok. He's a little trooper (small T)
Ouch. You must be a bit scared but he's in good hands.
Oh, goodness. There is no preparation for this. He’s in the best hands, and the sedation is just to help stop him stressing. It will be over soon, and you can all make the biggest fuss of him. Make sure big sister gets lots of cuddles too, I bet she’s shaken up. Thinking of you all xxx
Thanks all. He's sleeping now. I'm most worried about denying him breakfast at 6am :D
Sounds ghastly. Hope he gets patched up quickly.
Sat in reception now. He's feeling sorry for himself!
I hope it’s over as quickly as possible. At least he’s got a couple of days off school with the weekend so will have you to give him snuggles x
He's had the surgery ( after 9 frickin hours in the waiting room) and in recovery doing well. Phew!
DavPaz wrote:
He's had the surgery ( after 9 frickin hours in the waiting room) and in recovery doing well. Phew!

Nine hours waiting? Ouch, that must have been difficult. Mend well, Little dude xx
We had to split it. I did 7 hours of tedium, MrsPaz did the hard bit where he was sedated and wheeled away.

I reckon I got the better deal
Yes, you perhaps did, though I bet you were all nervous throughout the day. Will he be coming home tonight or staying in until tomorrow?

Have the doctors given you any tips on preparing food that he won’t struggle eating. I think I asked but don’t know if you saw earlier, but are all his teeth ok? Hopefully he hasn’t knocked any out x
He'll be home tonight. Teeth are apparently all fine. He's already scoffed a cheese sandwich, so I think we'll be ok for food!
DavPaz wrote:
He'll be home tonight. Teeth are apparently all fine. He's already scoffed a cheese sandwich, so I think we'll be ok for food!

Best get a curry delivered. Just in case.
Sushi, kids love sushi.
DavPaz wrote:
He'll be home tonight. Teeth are apparently all fine. He's already scoffed a cheese sandwich, so I think we'll be ok for food!

Oh, that’s brilliant news. All his favourite foods for the weekend, then. And great to hear his teeth are ok. Not that he’d look any less cute without if they are still his baby teeth.
Glad to hear he’s on the mend.
He's home, fed and sleeping. He asked if his sister could sleep in his bedroom to keep him company. So cute.

Thanks for the kind words, folks :luv:
Awwww! That’s cute.
What not to do with a carbon fibre seat post.

Use it as a strap on?
Don't be daft.

Magic wand innit.
I've booked and paid for a house in Tenby for a week in June with my parents

Next week I would have got details on address and how to get keys etc

Instead of that, I get an email that starts with...

"This is a courtesy email to let you know the owner is having another house built across the drive from (the house we have rented)"

They knew about this when they took my money back in February, the reason for this sudden courtesy is that the building work has overrun so that now affects my booking as follows

I can't park on the drive of the house (as its a building site), they laughingly offered to refund my parking in some coach park 500 yards away on the production of receipts.

We have to drive to the agent's office miles away to get the keys as I can't use the night safe, there is an HSE issue because it's in the building site the owner has created. Not an HSE issue with the proposal I unload my kids and car in front of the property on a narrow road with a blind bend 20 foot away :roll:

The ended with saying that all this shit plus builders on the doorstep hasn't affected any other bookings but offered me around 20% of the booking as a result

Told them to refund me and I'll find something else, the agent had the cheek to link me another property from the tosser who owns this one as an option!
Wearing this top and having short arms gave me particularly stupid sunburn. (Not my hand, obviously).

Pretty top though. :)
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