The 'NAY!' Thread
Sorry to hear that, Pete. :(
Sorry to hear this fella
Sorry to hear about your gran Pete. :(
So sorry for your loss Pete.

Enjoy nephew nonsense time :) x
My condolencies Pete
Very sorry to hear you've lost your Nan, Pete.

Glad you'll be around your family over Christmas.
Mrs TheVision was just involved in a car accident. Luckily no one was hurt so that's the main thing.

A car pulled in front of her on a duel carriage way and slammed his brakes on. She went into the back of him and the car behind my wife went into her so 3 cars involved in total. The couple in the car behind were really nice though and stuck around until I turned up.

There's a fair bit of damage to our car though. Annoying but never mind.
Sounds like a deliberate accident to try and claim compensation. Was there a few people in the car ahead?
That was my initial thought but it was only one guy and it was a brand new car so I'm doubting it now. I just think he wasn't a very good driver.
Possibly first time driving an automatic, muscle memory going for the clutch presses brake instead?
I hadn't thought of that. Good call. There was absolutely no reason for him to slam his brakes on so it could be that? I dunno.
The people behind her were probably being quite nice because there's no way they should have hit her.
Glad Mrs TV is ok. Sorry to hear about the Nissan Square.
Grim... wrote:
The people behind her were probably being quite nice because there's no way they should have hit her.

My thoughts exactly but I'm glad they stuck around. They were a lovely couple and very comforting to my wife and kids.

Lonewolves wrote:
Glad Mrs TV is ok. Sorry to hear about the Nissan Square.

Thanks but the box lives another day! It was 'the family car', the Vauxhall Meriva that got smacked.
A couple of people tried to get my nephew into their car yesterday >:|

He is 16 and was walking home and they asked did he live on this road and did he want a lift, he said no and thankfully they drove off.

He got the number plate and its been reported to the Police.
I've been credit card frauded, and now my whole bank account has been drained :(
Arse! That is a big nay-two different things, too? The one should not lead to the other, after all, ut least not with UK accounts.
JBR wrote:
Arse! That is a big nay-two different things, too? The one should not lead to the other, after all, ut least not with UK accounts.

I've got a direct debit set up to pay my cc off every month.
LewieP wrote:
JBR wrote:
Arse! That is a big nay-two different things, too? The one should not lead to the other, after all, ut least not with UK accounts.

I've got a direct debit set up to pay my cc off every month.

On the same day, though? Are you sure that’s how it came to be emptied as usually the direct debit would come a period of time after the credit card spend. If you haven’t already I’d phone up and check.

So very sorry to hear it :( I can imagine it’s very stressful. Are you able to get by whilst it is sorted out and has anyone given you any indication of how long it may take to rectify?
The credit card fraudulent transactions were spread out over november/december, but I spent that time on an island with no cash machines, and without my bank pin code thingy, so only just checked my bank account. Transactions were all things like phone credit, gift vouchers, and cinema/train/bus tickets.

I'm back on the mainland now, so just saw it today.

Thankfully the owner of the place I was working on the island has gone out of his way to pay me cash in hand today, instead of just next time I see him as we usually do (he owns the resort but lives elsewhere), and he sent round a colleague with cash for me immediately upon hearing the news. I have enough for rent + essentials for the next few weeks at least.

It is pretty stressful though, worst thing is that it's making me paranoid and highly suspicious.

Edit: I did the maths, it's around £1,300.
Oh, grayscale o awful news. Was it a UK bank/credit card company? It’s completeky understandable the stress and paranoia, but hopefully the credit card company will get it sorted quickly. Do you have a service whereby you can be alerted when you’ve spent over a certain amount? If so it may be worth setting that quite low if you perhaps do not check your credit card account so often. Really I am surprised that the cc company did not query the transactions being so many of the exact type fraudsters use.
Credit card companies are usually really good at detecting any sort of unusual activity on a card, I'm surprised the scammers managed to get away with so many transactions over a two month period. (Unless the scammers are doing some sort of super-sophisticated 'profile matching' to slip under the radar.)
Glad your wife and kids are ok. Horrible being involved in a crash.

TheVision wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Sorry to hear about the Nissan Square.

Thanks but the box lives another day! It was 'the family car', the Vauxhall Meriva that got smacked.

Thank God! I hate Merivas, one of those was responsible for writing off my Ibiza.
Mimi wrote:
Oh, grayscale o awful news. Was it a UK bank/credit card company? It’s completeky understandable the stress and paranoia, but hopefully the credit card company will get it sorted quickly. Do you have a service whereby you can be alerted when you’ve spent over a certain amount? If so it may be worth setting that quite low if you perhaps do not check your credit card account so often. Really I am surprised that the cc company did not query the transactions being so many of the exact type fraudsters use.

It's halifax, my parents are popping into the local branch now. I think once we've got this wrapped up, I will look into exactly this kind of service. I had told them I was out of the country, but the maximum time window I could set was 12 months, which would have probably rolled over by now.

They were spread out, and I guess it's the kind of thing that could be in line with Christmas shopping, but yeah I'm a little surprised it didn't flag up.
Hearthly wrote:
Credit card companies are usually really good at detecting any sort of unusual activity on a card, I'm surprised the scammers managed to get away with so many transactions over a two month period. (Unless the scammers are doing some sort of super-sophisticated 'profile matching' to slip under the radar.)

They use different methods now, I had a £600 payment blocked from my current account and then had my access to online banking stopped. When I called my bank, they said that fraud in the amount of £600 was "trending" so I had been shut down simply because of the amount of money I was sending.

Then my friend at work paid extra to Barclay Card for some sort of enhanced fraud protection. At first, they just pissed him off by calling every time he bought something on Amazon.

Then they stopped doing that, a few weeks later he gets home and finds an invoice for a flight to Paris in the post, then the next day another invoice for a flight to Brazil. All were charged to his card so he looks on line and find its been maxed out to the tune of £14,000.

When he gets the details, he sees that thousands had been spend on Afro Caribbean hair extensions and eclectic guitars, oddly enough this never rang any alarm bells with Barclay Card!

Total pain in the arse when this happens, but your bank should sort things out quickly, more so when you can show you are out of the UK.
asfish wrote:
Then my friend at work paid extra to Barclay Card for some sort of enhanced fraud protection.

I can't think of a single reason for
a) this to exist, and
b) to pay for it

Although the fact that your friend paid for it is probably enough for (a).
Grim... wrote:
asfish wrote:
Then my friend at work paid extra to Barclay Card for some sort of enhanced fraud protection.

I can't think of a single reason for
a) this to exist, and
b) to pay for it

Although the fact that your friend paid for it is probably enough for (a).

It was maybe 3 years ago, guess this sort of service is now standard?

He does love his insurance though, always had gap on his car and and any sort of extended service on anything he bought.

He got 7K back from PPI !
Grim... wrote:
asfish wrote:
Then my friend at work paid extra to Barclay Card for some sort of enhanced fraud protection.

I can't think of a single reason for
a) this to exist, and
b) to pay for it

Although the fact that your friend paid for it is probably enough for (a).

It does seem like the sort of thing that they’ll be refunding thousands of people for in a few months. That you can pay for enhanced protection against fraud would suggest that they do not do their best to protect you against fraud as standard.
asfish wrote:
eclectic guitars

Well, you don't want ordinary ones, do you?
asfish wrote:
He does love his insurance though, always had gap on his car

GAP Insurance (or RTI, if poss) is something I'd always recommend - it's about the only "extra insurance" thing I always take up. I never get it via the dealer though.
All fraudulent charges being refunded!
Phew! Will you have to now wait for new cards to be issued?
Yep, but I mostly use it as a backup. My main debit card is fine.
Great news to hear, Lewis.
A horrible day. My dad is still in hospital as he has cancer and various things are going wrong with him. The doctors called the family this morning and said it's best that we get to the hospital ASAP. Turns out his kidney and liver aren't working as they should and as a result his potassium levels were dangerously high. This could result in heart failure which is why they called us in.

We've been there all day and luckily the levels dropped throughout the day so he was responding to the treatment but he's still not out of the woods yet.

We were able to speak though and he's very realistic about his chances and the Quality of life he has. He can't walk anymore and has no strength so he's ready to go. It's just difficult to face up to I guess...
Really sorry to hear that mate.
Take care, bud.
Really sorry to hear that The Vision. :(
In my thoughts TheVision.
Really sorry to hear that, mate.
Sending you our virtual best, dude.
Really sorry to hear this.
Sorry to hear about your Dad, TheVision :(
So, so sorry to hear that very difficult news. It’s good that you were able to talk, openly and fairly, so that you know your dad has peace and acceptance in his mind, and do that you can find comfort in that. Hoping for the best for your dad and your family, and sending love to you xxx
Sorry to hear this Vision, all the best.
Mimi wrote:
So, so sorry to hear that very difficult news. It’s good that you were able to talk, openly and fairly, so that you know your dad has peace and acceptance in his mind, and do that you can find comfort in that. Hoping for the best for your dad and your family, and sending love to you xxx

What Mimi said as eloquently as ever, being able to talk about it with him is something you will be eternally grateful for in the future. Thoughts with you chap.
Trousers wrote:
Mimi wrote:
So, so sorry to hear that very difficult news. It’s good that you were able to talk, openly and fairly, so that you know your dad has peace and acceptance in his mind, and do that you can find comfort in that. Hoping for the best for your dad and your family, and sending love to you xxx

What Mimi said as eloquently as ever, being able to talk about it with him is something you will be eternally grateful for in the future. Thoughts with you chap.

Had some leave to use up so I'd booked today off. A rare day all to myself, such plans, wonderful plans to do more or less nothing but just potter about. But it looks like I'll be spending half of it fixing a fucking cunting burst water pipe instead. >:(
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