The 'NAY!' Thread
Ridiculous: After 7 years of medical training and hard work, a good friend of mine has been struck off for one minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his patients with whom he was good friends and can now no longer work in the profession he loves. What a waste of time, money and effort.
A genuinely nice guy and an excellent vet.
KovacsC wrote:
Ridiculous: After 7 years of medical training and hard work, a good friend of mine has been struck off for one minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his patients with whom he was good friends and can now no longer work in the profession he loves. What a waste of time, money and effort.
A genuinely nice guy and an excellent vet.

Another letter from the same hospital (sent on the same day as the other letter, but only arrived today), this time to my GP (with me CCed), about my diabetes.


I have never taken a driving test, and last held a provisional licence about fifteen years ago. I think they're just trolling me at this point. :D
We have a trip to Dubrovnik booked for May next year, flying with Monarch.

Who are about to go bust......

Fortunately we have travel insurance and booked an ATOL protected package.
Dubrovnik is lovely. Check if the Buza Bar is open, as it's awesome.
Will do if we get there.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
We have a trip to Dubrovnik booked for May next year, flying with Monarch.

Who are about to go bust......

Fortunately we have travel insurance and booked an ATOL protected package.

Hey, no-longer-travelling-to-Europe-next-May-with-Monarch buddy. :(

Still, could be worse, my mate flies for them (or used to).
Joans wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
We have a trip to Dubrovnik booked for May next year, flying with Monarch.

Who are about to go bust......

Fortunately we have travel insurance and booked an ATOL protected package.

Hey, no-longer-travelling-to-Europe-next-May-with-Monarch buddy. :(

Still, could be worse, my mate flies for them (or used to).

Well at least he/she should be able to find a new job soon if there really is a shortage of pilots. Hopefully it won’t be with Ryan Air though.

I had a look, and there’s a non-direct flight from Birmingham to Dubrovnik a few hours later so my holiday should go ahead as planned. The change time looks a bit tight though which was why we prefer to go direct.
Absolutely terrible morning this morning. I woke up in the small hours with what could have been a mild migraine so that put me in a bad mood to start the day.

Then, getting the girls ready to go to school and my eldest wanted to wear two coats… Yep, two coats. You know when you catch yourself and think “Why on earth am I even having this conversation?”

Anyway, that all broke down and resulted in my eldest having a tantrum and not wanting to go into school and therefore, made everyone late.

I hate Tuesdays.
Gotta love them kids.
Kids are cunts.

The end.
You may recall that when I got to the cottage, I was late as my wife was experiencing a massive toothache with one of her wisdom teeth.

Well, she actually had it removed last Tuesday and it’s royally fucked her up ever since. She’s barely slept and barely eaten and can’t seem to get comfortable with it. It was my birthday last week and I spent the day looking after her first before taking my girls to a soft play area. It wasn’t exactly a brilliant birthday with me sitting there on my own on the uncomfortable chairs while my kids went off to play.

Anyway, she’s on the road to recovery now but still experiencing pain. Then, to top it all off… my youngest was sick last night! After going to bed at 2am I was up at 4:45am putting stuff in the washing machine.

So yeah, a bit rubbish all round there then.
Yeah, that does sound rubbish. Hopefully temporary!

And go to bed earlier, fool!
Sorry to hear that.
A fairly minor Nay all things considered, but something has gone wrong with the drains here, and our whole office, and apparently the entire 19 story building, smells horrid. Like old eggy farts. It's really grim.
It wasn't... Oh, as you were.
Squirt wrote:
A fairly minor Nay all things considered, but something has gone wrong with the drains here, and our whole office, and apparently the entire 19 story building, smells horrid. Like old eggy farts. It's really grim.

Our next door neighbour is having work done to her kitchen and all the block of flats here smells exactly like that.
I just went to the toilet to have a sit down and play Words with Friends, only to discover someone has made an almighty mess in Cubicle Two.

They left the door wide open, which makes me suspect it's a deliberate dirty protest, and have left the toilet in a state of absolute disarray, with no evidence of an attempt to clean up.

It looked like three beef madras had been slopped into the toilet.

So I left. And of course passed someone coming in, so now they think it was me.

It wasn't me.

It was grim.
Jesus Grim..., that's horrible! Go back and clean up.
I hope he didn’t take one of his loo photos.
Findus Fop wrote:
I just went to the toilet to have a sit down and play Words with Friends, only to discover someone has made an almighty mess in Cubicle Two.

They left the door wide open, which makes me suspect it's a deliberate dirty protest, and have left the toilet in a state of absolute disarray, with no evidence of an attempt to clean up.

It looked like three beef madras had been slopped into the toilet.

So I left. And of course passed someone coming in, so now they think it was me.

It wasn't me.

It was grim.

I would have had to say that it wasn't me and offered to take a DNA test if they needed proof.
Mimi wrote:
I hope he didn’t take one of his loo photos.

Yuletide last, we got The Big One a digital camera. This was VERY EXCITING. Last month, I was downloading the photos to the electronic adderupper and to my utmost delight she'd created a triptych of a bowel movement she was clearly proud of. Mother's child.
So – Singapore.
Great place. Greeeat place.

God almighty my employers aren’t half making this hard though. Well, not my employers but my chuffing boss. I’ve got god knows how much planning work to do before we go, no time to do it in, and had to come out here again at his request, “to make sure the team have a visible leader around” or some such. And on the moving week the moving people are coming 6/7 December and my boss has scheduled a leadership away thing for the same two days. I’ve told him this really isn’t going to work. Ruth’s obviously mega stressed, as me being in Singapore for almost half the time we have left in the UK means she’s dealing with loads of the practicalities of the move – like yesterday the gas people said they couldn’t do the gas safety for the Rayburn and we had to get someone else – we’ve got a tenant lined up to move in the day after we leave and we can’t let the house without the safety certificate. She’s sorted it out, and they’re little things but they add up. And she’s also got all her work to do as well – she works from home and has a lot on. There’s only so much I can do from here, and I’m back on Wednesday at least. But I feel fairly terrible that I’m putting her through all of this – she had a really emotional couple of days meeting her best friends and basically saying goodbye so she’s not in the best of places at the moment. I had the same thing at the weekend but at least I’ll have the opportunity to see them fairly regularly while I’m in Singapore as I’ll be back in the UK every three months.

The apartment we wanted, that I was supposed to see this week, fell through last week so now I'm looking at others (spent all last evening out looking at places) and it’s feeling like we’re going to just have to settle. There are not that many options, as we have to be (a) near to an MRT station that Ruth can use to get the kids to school and (b) near a pocket of civilisation – which means Holland Village where the cafes and whatnot are, so Ruth can go and meet people. So there aren’t many to choose from.

I dunno, feels like it should be in the “first world problems” thread, but I’m stressed and not really seeing the (undoubtedly massive) upsides to the move at the moment. Ruth’s taken to referring to herself by the very mumsnet-esque acronym “TS” meaning trailing spouse – comes from the expat message boards I think. She almost decked one of the mums at school this week – this woman said she knew three families who’d moved to south east asia, and for all three the wife and kids had come back and the man had stayed out there with a hot Asian lady, so Ruth needed to “up her game”! F*cking school playgrounds, man.

Hey ho.
That sounds like an awful situation. Your boss is making this way more stressful than it needs to be. Big hugs to both you and Ruth, just a few weeks to go now and I'm sure it will all be worth it, particularly for your boys who are going to have an amazing life experience.

Will you have a decent chunk of time to spend with them when you move over even if it's over Christmas?
It’ll all be fine - she’s just having a shit week. She’s very stoic usually but this weeks just been, well, shit :)
It sounds very stressful and with that type of pressure anxiety as you’ll likely both be desperately not wanting to forget or miss or not be able to do something. I hope that things go relatively smoothly in the run up and all of the little stress triggers start to abate.

The woman at the school gates sounds like a right idiot, and the one who needs to ‘up her game’.
I’m going to move this x
That sounds awful Meems. Wishing you all the best :luv:
Hope the tests come back with something they can quickly treat you for. Must be horrible feeling like that.
What zardoz and davpaz said - sorry meems x
Best wishes Mimi.
Urgh, that sounds unpleasant. GWS Meems.
Best wishes Mimi..

If you need anything, let me know.
My beer has warmed up to room temperature very quickly.
MrChris wrote:
My beer has warmed up to room temperature very quickly.

Drink faster and use smaller glasses
Oh FFS - the apartment I saw Tuesday that I liked has now gone as well. :-/ AAAAARGH STUPID COUNTRY
Hnnggh :’(

I’m really upset. God, it’s so stupid and I’m so annoyed because I don’t know what to do. So, yeah, things have been a bit bad recently what with health problems and such, as many will know. You may also know that one of my happy safe places, Spud U Lije has closed down, etc. It's a stupid thing, but they made me happy. Anyway, I don’t have a ‘proper’ oven in my little kitchen, just a table top microwave with a convection element, but it’s not good enough to do a baked potato. It almost became a running joke, to get me a proper baked potato. My mother started looking at potato ovens because I know she really wants to do something kind and nice. Anyway, after almost accidentally bidding on a 120 potato capacity oven she realised that she had a halogen oven she rarely used that might be perfect t for me. So, after me saying no, she should keep it she kept insisting she’d post it. I eventually said no, ok, we’d see her before Christmas and she was under strict obstruction NOT to post it. Of course, stupid idiot spent money she didn’t have posting me her halogen oven by my Hermes. All day she’s been excited. Telling me to buy spuds in anticipation, but the delivery slot kept getting pushed back and it’s just arrived.

Of course it’s broken into a thousand pieces. It’s been packaged all perfectly with layers and layers of padding in the original box but it’s also probably been chucked on the floor from van to van or whatever. And I’ve cut myself on the glass, and of course because of the other stuff I can’t stop effing bleeding now so have had to patch up my bloody hand and my mum is all excited asking if I have time to make potatoes tonight or will it be the weekend and I don’t know whether to tell her because she will be so upset so now I’m just crying and stressed because this was so unceccesary and I do t want her to be sad, and she’s gone to stupid lengths to do a nice thing for me and all for nothing. And I felt rubbish and upset before and I feel worse now and I don’t know whether to tell her. I don’t want to, but short of photoshopping potatoes into my family photos I feel stuck.
She even packed the box full of sweets for my little boy. Why can’t I just have something go rightvthat I can make someone else feel good for?!!
For actual fs sake I’m just so pissed Off.
No, I’m not. I’m just really, really miserable.
Sorry to hear that. You’re going to have to tell her as you’ll need to make a claim against them.

On the positive side, nice people doing caring things!
I had a quick look and can’t claim as she doesn’t have the receipt. Sorry, just everythjng feels so gnnfghh
Decided to lie and say it was fine and am trying to scramble one as close as possible from eBay. I feel crap doing it, but I spent the evening weighing up my conscience at not telling the truth and how utterly crap it would make her feel if knowing that when she went so far out of her way to try and do such a kind and amazing thing for me that it went all wrong. I usually have a pretty strong feeling if I’ve done the right thing or not, but I actually don’t know.
Decided to give my face fuzz a quick trim this morning. As I am terrible at this, I am now clean shaven.

Except! When driving in to work, I realised that i have missed a tiny little patch of hair right under one of my nostrils. So I had to go to the Student shop and buy a razor.

My face is cold. :(
My gran passed away yesterday. She'd been housebound for a while now and under full-time care, in between being in and out of hospital. The latest infection was just too much for her, though there wasn't much pain. I got the call when I came out from seeing Star Wars last night. It came as a bit of a shock, but not unexpected. I honestly thought she'd keep going until her upcoming 90th. I've been in a bit of a stupor all day as a result. Anyway, I'll be off back to the family nest on Wednesday. It'll be a bit of a strange Christmas but I'll try and be on here for my general sanity.

Bless the lot of you. xxx
Oh Pete, I’m sorry to hear this. I hope you and your family can take comfort in spending some time together xx
Deepest sympathies Pete.
Thanks guys. The little 'un Seth will be up on Friday with his agreeable toddler-nephew-based nonsense, so that'll help some I'm sure.
Sorry to hear that, buddy.
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