The 'NAY!' Thread
It happens! I let mine expire this year too, somehow got confused with the tax 'end of the month' thing. Luckily figured it out and got it sorted within a week or so, and the police I drove past during that time didn't have ANPR or weren't that bothered.

No insurance has been an immediate impounding for years, at least in liverpool, dunno if tax and mot are too (i guess they might as it's invalidate insurance you DO have?)
Gah! Should have happened to me - mine got later and later in the year as I forgot (or just failed to organise) for a month or so each year for, what, three years? I'm better at it now.
Wife and daughter left hospital yesterday. Midwife visit today. Sent us to A&E as her weight was down 13% from birthweight. Following very long afternoon in A&E, they think she seems fine but are keeping them in overnight to monitor feeding and check weight in morning. Wife in tears, keeps apologising to both of us for "starving" her. This sets me off due to combination of worry about daughter, upset at wife's distress, ditto at daughter's screaming (she didn't enjoy being examined and really didn't enjoy having blood taken from her foot for testing), worry about wife's mental state (she's strong as fuck but never seen her like this including when her dad died) and long-term guilt about my own mother (memories of her being distressed when I was ill as a kid, mingling with inability to talk to her now). Then when I was leaving to fetch stuff from home, had sudden excruciating pain in chest and stomach. Cleared up in a few minutes, but was frankly all I needed today.
Aww man, that's rough.
Well, that was a long day and night, but she's gained 100g so they're letting us take her home again this morning. :)
I know it's easier said than done but try and encourage your wife not to take it to heart - these things happens sometimes. Birthweight can sometimes be inflated by fluid intake prior to the birth, meds, the length of birth etc which gives an artificial 'starting point' and add that to even the smallest delay in milk coming in or feeding that is less than 100% efficient (due to sleepy baby or dodgy positioning or a gazillion things) and it makes the later comparison seem so scary. The vast majority of times this is easily and quickly reversed with some intensive feeding and an upward trend in weight becomes apparent.

:luv: :kiss:
Nik wrote:
Wife and daughter left hospital yesterday. Midwife visit today. Sent us to A&E as her weight was down 13% from birthweight. Following very long afternoon in A&E, they think she seems fine but are keeping them in overnight to monitor feeding and check weight in morning. Wife in tears, keeps apologising to both of us for "starving" her. This sets me off due to combination of worry about daughter, upset at wife's distress, ditto at daughter's screaming (she didn't enjoy being examined and really didn't enjoy having blood taken from her foot for testing), worry about wife's mental state (she's strong as fuck but never seen her like this including when her dad died) and long-term guilt about my own mother (memories of her being distressed when I was ill as a kid, mingling with inability to talk to her now). Then when I was leaving to fetch stuff from home, had sudden excruciating pain in chest and stomach. Cleared up in a few minutes, but was frankly all I needed today.

Sorry to hear this :(

Not sure how old your baby is now? There is an expectation that they loose a bit of weight in the first week or so, my 2nd son didn't and the midwife commented on the fact she expected him to.

Guess 13% is too much though.

Not nice for your wife, if its breast feeding at issue then there is no issue with bulking out with formula, just ignore the Midwife\NCT pressure on breast feeding. If your wife can do it successfully then great if not then its doesn't matter.

With my first son we didn't take him for the red book weigh in for a month when he was a baby. We found no gain for all that time, so we bulked him out with a bottle for 2 months and my wife breast fed him 100% after that.

Still can't look at the pictures of him at this time without feeling as guilty as fuck :( He looks underweight and its so obvious looking at the pictures now.

This is a hopefully a small bump in the road, guess it doesn't feel like it right now but it will get better :)
Glad to hear your baby girl has started to put on weight and they'll be home soon. My son was borderline on being taken back in due to his weight but then suddenly started putting on the weight. I'm sure you're supporting your wife as much as you can, just keep at it.
asfish wrote:
Guess 13% is too much though.

10% is where they draw the line.

asfish wrote:
Not nice for your wife, if its breast feeding at issue then there is no issue with bulking out with formula

This isn't actually true though. Your success story is great but introducing "just one bottle" has destroyed a lot of breastfeeding relationships.

It's been a long time since I touched my BFing counsellor material so call me hypocritical if you want, but IMO you shouldn't be giving advice like that.
Jem wrote:

It's been a long time since I touched my BFing counsellor material so call me hypocritical if you want, but IMO you shouldn't be giving advice like that.

:this: My wife was a huge advocate for breastfeeding and I totally agree.
Jem wrote:
asfish wrote:
Guess 13% is too much though.

10% is where they draw the line.

asfish wrote:
Not nice for your wife, if its breast feeding at issue then there is no issue with bulking out with formula

This isn't actually true though. Your success story is great but introducing "just one bottle" has destroyed a lot of breastfeeding relationships.

It's been a long time since I touched my BFing counsellor material so call me hypocritical if you want, but IMO you shouldn't be giving advice like that.

I'm not advising, I agree 100% that breast feeding is the best thing. That said I've also seen a number of friends in pieces with guilt when they couldn't do it after trying really hard for weeks.

Recently we had a lactation consultant snip a tongue tie on our son. She told my wife not to take the advice of a specialist to try our son on formula for 48 hours to rule out allergies.

She told my wife that her supply would dry up and that she should feed him all the time as his weight has dipped a bit

So 4 weeks after that my wife spoke with her again and told her that our son was still upset etc.

Her advice was try the formula then :facepalm:

I've found this sort of bad and contradictory advice from a lot of people in this field (NCT, Midwifes etc)

So sorry if it looked like I was anti breast feeding, not the case at all :)
When my daughter was born, she lost weight like that too, and had to go back in to hospital(on, I think, New Years Eve - she was born on the 18th of December), they advised us it was lack of milk, so we breast/bottle fed. I actually really liked it, as I was able to do my share of the feeding for once. My wife had expressed with the boys, but we really didn't find it worked that well, the boys didn't like the bottle, and Pauline much preferred feeding them naturally. It meant that there was only ever so much I could do in terms of comforting them.

We were worried by the bottle ruining the breast production, (which is why we didn't even consider it with the boys) but I do think in our case it was needed for my (now 8, almost 9, year old) daughter.

I do think the midwives and health care visitors tend to worry about (which makes sense as it's far better to err on the side of the caution then do nothing, and the something bad happens) the magic 10% figure, my daughter was really quite large at birth (I forget the numbers, but it was in the 99th percentile for weight and height) so even though she lost over 10% of her weight, she was still much bigger than most new born babies. I am sure with your daughter it will be something similar, they are just erring on the side of the caution.
Nik wrote:
Wife and daughter left hospital yesterday. Midwife visit today. Sent us to A&E as her weight was down 13% from birthweight. Following very long afternoon in A&E, they think she seems fine but are keeping them in overnight to monitor feeding and check weight in morning. Wife in tears, keeps apologising to both of us for "starving" her. This sets me off due to combination of worry about daughter, upset at wife's distress, ditto at daughter's screaming (she didn't enjoy being examined and really didn't enjoy having blood taken from her foot for testing), worry about wife's mental state (she's strong as fuck but never seen her like this including when her dad died) and long-term guilt about my own mother (memories of her being distressed when I was ill as a kid, mingling with inability to talk to her now). Then when I was leaving to fetch stuff from home, had sudden excruciating pain in chest and stomach. Cleared up in a few minutes, but was frankly all I needed today.

Sorry to hear that. It'll pick up and then you'll forget about it soon enough. MrsA had visits from lactation consultants and what nots, and M-Dog ended up having a tongue tie done and it all worked out so far. Children can survive for a surprisingly long time without food, and nursing staff are following check boxes to pick up a petcentage of risks so don't worry about that, either. If they come around a lot, you probably have a nice house and make a good cup of tea.
asfish wrote:
I'm not advising, I agree 100% that breast feeding is the best thing. That said I've also seen a number of friends in pieces with guilt when they couldn't do it after trying really hard for weeks.

Recently we had a lactation consultant snip a tongue tie on our son. She told my wife not to take the advice of a specialist to try our son on formula for 48 hours to rule out allergies.

She told my wife that her supply would dry up and that she should feed him all the time as his weight has dipped a bit

So 4 weeks after that my wife spoke with her again and told her that our son was still upset etc.

Her advice was try the formula then :facepalm:

I've found this sort of bad and contradictory advice from a lot of people in this field (NCT, Midwifes etc)

So sorry if it looked like I was anti breast feeding, not the case at all :)

It's not about whether or not breastfeeding is the "best thing", it's about making casual throwaway statements of advice based on nothing more than a snippet of information. You need a much bigger picture to be able to make a judgement call on whether or not a baby needs formula top-ups that we just don't have. Offer your sympathies, offer your personal stories, sure... but when you say "there is no issue doing X" when that is patently incorrect, we have a problem.
Thank you everyone for the kind words and sharing advice and experiences. Due to some issues my wife's had with both breastfeeding and expressing, we're supplementing it with some formula milk, but fortunately Violet doesn't seem to be suffering any nipple confusion and is still enthusiastically taking breast milk too.

It's lovely to be back home with both of them.
Nik wrote:
still enthusiastically taking breast

Nik wrote:
Thank you everyone for the kind words and sharing advice and experiences. Due to some issues my wife's had with both breastfeeding and expressing, we're supplementing it with some formula milk, but fortunately Violet doesn't seem to be suffering any nipple confusion and is still enthusiastically taking breast milk too.

It's lovely to be back home with both of them.

We did that, it made everything much easier for poor Mrs wookie and seren was a lot happier too, hope it works out well for you guys :)
Nik wrote:
Thank you everyone for the kind words and sharing advice and experiences. Due to some issues my wife's had with both breastfeeding and expressing, we're supplementing it with some formula milk, but fortunately Violet doesn't seem to be suffering any nipple confusion and is still enthusiastically taking breast milk too.

It's lovely to be back home with both of them.

Jem wrote:
asfish wrote:
I'm not advising, I agree 100% that breast feeding is the best thing. That said I've also seen a number of friends in pieces with guilt when they couldn't do it after trying really hard for weeks.

Recently we had a lactation consultant snip a tongue tie on our son. She told my wife not to take the advice of a specialist to try our son on formula for 48 hours to rule out allergies.

She told my wife that her supply would dry up and that she should feed him all the time as his weight has dipped a bit

So 4 weeks after that my wife spoke with her again and told her that our son was still upset etc.

Her advice was try the formula then :facepalm:

I've found this sort of bad and contradictory advice from a lot of people in this field (NCT, Midwifes etc)

So sorry if it looked like I was anti breast feeding, not the case at all :)

It's not about whether or not breastfeeding is the "best thing", it's about making casual throwaway statements of advice based on nothing more than a snippet of information. You need a much bigger picture to be able to make a judgement call on whether or not a baby needs formula top-ups that we just don't have. Offer your sympathies, offer your personal stories, sure... but when you say "there is no issue doing X" when that is patently incorrect, we have a problem.

Ok see what you mean so maybe so a bit more info...

The weight loss was not due to breast feeding issues, it was reflux, he was getting more than enough milk from my wife, but at the same time was sick a lot. So a paediatrician upped the dose of the medicine, telling us that GP’s tend to always start low and work up with dosing whilst she preferred the other way around. She also said that no women could provide enough milk to catch his weight up so in came the bottle to supplement.

So I guess the no issue thing came from me thinking about what I said to my wife at the time, she was feeling guilty and a shit mother etc, so I said there was no issue with what was suggested as she was not going to be breast feeding any less, but at the same time it wasn’t possible for her to make enough milk to build his weight up. We did it for 6 weeks and then went back to 100% breastfeeding as her supply was always been used 100%

Have the same issue with our 2nd child he is windy and very hard work, he is 5 months now and my wife breast feeds him all the time as it appears that the comfort of this helps him get his wind out. He also has the sleeping pattern of an adult and is awake all day going down at 8-9pm for 5-6 hours

Again we were advised to give him a diary free formula and nothing else for 48 hours, my wife refuses to this, so I’ve said whilst this may not be the magic cure we should try it and if not then she will be having a hard time of things until maybe solids start. She has accepted this and whilst we have understandable days when she gets pissed off she is coping. Don’t really know how she does with a lively 4 year old as well.

Babies are amazing at even a young age, ours refuses to take a bottle of expressed milk from my wife and goes mental if she tries. I can take the same bottle and within 5 seconds he takes it!? Its like he knows that bottle is not the normal from mum, but sees it as a welcome bonus from me
The problem is, asfish, is you extrapolating your personal experience into a blanket statement of advice as mentioned before. You're effectively giving medical advice for a newborn baby which is dangerous territory.

I could do the same now and tell you everything about your post is wrong based on my personal experience; e.g. I went on an exclusion diet when my son had suspected CMPI rather than use specialist formula. I could tell you that no baby milk has as many calories per ml on average as breastmilk and therefore you were wrong to top up with formula instead of expressed BM. I could tell you 100 things based on my experience but they won't necessarily fit your situation, your circumstances, your preferences.

I don't care how you feed/fed your babies, I do care (passionately) about inappropriate/incorrect advice on breastfeeding.
I don't care how you feed/fed your babies, I do care (passionately) about inappropriate/incorrect advice on breastfeeding.

Ok agreed but I wasn't trying to give any advice, when I said no issue I meant that mothers shouldn't feel guilty if they have to do bottle, but in the context of that advice being given by a medical professional. Fully agree that I've no place to be giving anyone any advice on breastfeeding as a an unqualified male :)

Now in other Nay news, just had a text from one our friends locally saying my wife turned up on her door 10 minutes ago in pieces :( So maybe my thinking she is coping is a little of the mark :(
asfish wrote:
Now in other Nay news, just had a text from one our friends locally saying my wife turned up on her door 10 minutes ago in pieces :( So maybe my thinking she is coping is a little of the mark :(

I'm sorry to hear she's struggling right now. It's good that she has friends that she can go to when she's feeling overwhelmed. :luv:
So glad to see you've all found something that works for your babies and for you all as families, and hopefully the news that your little ones are feeding well and keeping healthy will continue.

Asfish, that sounds worrying and I hope that your wife and you are both ok. It's really great that she was able to get herself to a friend or neighbour for help, because that can be a massive part of the struggle. I hope you all are able to get the support you need.

Love to all the babies. If only it were possible to reach through the Internet and squidge the babies gently. :luv: :luv: :luv:
Asfish, that sounds worrying and I hope that your wife and you are both ok. It's really great that she was able to get herself to a friend or neighbour for help, because that can be a massive part of the struggle. I hope you all are able to get the support you need.

She is better now, and also has some support plans using health visitor, Home Start, and also some baby groups and friends

Her Dad isn't well either, in addition to that stress it meant that they couldn't come and stay for a week later this month when I have to be in Denmark doing all the IT for a new office.

So I have got my parents to come down now.

Finally for a change my older son was in the Deputy heads office for something else other than a telling off today, he was given a good behavior sticker that only she hands out :)

So day is a lot better now, I will be working at home tomorrow to help her out as well.
Good start with children and technology this morning

Eldest sone threw the harmony remote on the floor in temper, whilst is still works the back panel was cracked and doesn't quite fit as well as it did.

Then my little boy of 5 months was getting excited by the flashing keys on my Corsair keyboard, so I sat him on my knee and he pressed a few. It just stopped working! Not only are there no lights it won't even function as a dumb keyboard, find it hard to believe that a 4-month-old baby could break a keyboard designed for a gaming but still a pain.
Have you tried turning them off and on again?
Hope things continue to improve for you, asfish. (Although I remember developing a habit for breaking technology when I was very young, and at 41 I've yet to grow out of it, so best to load up on accidental damage insurance.)

Meanwhile we got sent back to hospital yet again on Friday (the midwife wasn't going to send us back until I pointed out how high her weight had been on Tuesday morning when they discharged us, and so how much it had dropped by Wednesda - she hadn't seen that weight in the records because I had taken the red book to register the birth on Wednesday and she completely ignored my wife actually telling her the Tuesday weight - I should have kept my mouth shut). All tests were fine and I talked the doctor out of keeping us overnight again, with a promise that we'd try to increase Violet's milk intake, which I think we've been doing ok, but despite the midwife saying we must call them on Saturday to get someone to come and weigh her again, no one returned our calls until this morning, when they said they might come today if they're not too busy, as they're understaffed. (Desire to punch Jeremy Cunt and any brexiteers in the face grows stronger by the minute.)

And yesterday, we received this:

NHSletter 1.jpeg

I'd love to know what it is on her records that indicates she's a visitor to the UK. Still, it's great that Jeremy Cunt is ensuring that life for new parents is that little bit more stressful than it would be otherwise.
MaliA wrote:
Have you tried turning them off and on again?

For the Keyboard, I've removed and reinstalled the software, redone firmware and tried it on 2 other computers

It's odd as it lights up at boot then by the time we are into Windows nothing including basic keyboard functions

If I launch the app that controls it then keys light up for a while but won't stay like that.

Also if you leave it connected to any PC for more than 10 minutes it starts to cause issues with the mouse and the windows freeze as well

Will try it on with Amazon first but its 9 months old so guess I will be fobbed off to Corsair, there is supposed to be some process they can do with you that resets it.
Nik wrote:
Hope things continue to improve for you, asfish. (Although I remember developing a habit for breaking technology when I was very young, and at 41 I've yet to grow out of it, so best to load up on accidental damage insurance.)

Meanwhile we got sent back to hospital yet again on Friday (the midwife wasn't going to send us back until I pointed out how high her weight had been on Tuesday morning when they discharged us, and so how much it had dropped by Wednesda - she hadn't seen that weight in the records because I had taken the red book to register the birth on Wednesday and she completely ignored my wife actually telling her the Tuesday weight - I should have kept my mouth shut). All tests were fine and I talked the doctor out of keeping us overnight again, with a promise that we'd try to increase Violet's milk intake, which I think we've been doing ok, but despite the midwife saying we must call them on Saturday to get someone to come and weigh her again, no one returned our calls until this morning, when they said they might come today if they're not too busy, as they're understaffed. (Desire to punch Jeremy Cunt and any brexiteers in the face grows stronger by the minute.)

And yesterday, we received this:

NHSletter 1.jpeg

I'd love to know what it is on her records that indicates she's a visitor to the UK. Still, it's great that Jeremy Cunt is ensuring that life for new parents is that little bit more stressful than it would be otherwise.

That's pretty shit, I mean even if your wife wasn't from the UK, your child was born here so the letter is just a rather offensive mistake under the circumstances?

As for feeding keep at it, you will all be fine, this is just a bump in the road before you know she will be breaking all you gadgets :)
asfish wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Have you tried turning them off and on again?

For the Keyboard, I've removed and reinstalled the software, redone firmware and tried it on 2 other computers

It's odd as it lights up at boot then by the time we are into Windows nothing including basic keyboard functions

If I launch the app that controls it then keys light up for a while but won't stay like that.

Also if you leave it connected to any PC for more than 10 minutes it starts to cause issues with the mouse and the windows freeze as well

Will try it on with Amazon first but its 9 months old so guess I will be fobbed off to Corsair, there is supposed to be some process they can do with you that resets it.

I think he meant the kids.
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
asfish wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Have you tried turning them off and on again?

For the Keyboard, I've removed and reinstalled the software, redone firmware and tried it on 2 other computers

It's odd as it lights up at boot then by the time we are into Windows nothing including basic keyboard functions

If I launch the app that controls it then keys light up for a while but won't stay like that.

Also if you leave it connected to any PC for more than 10 minutes it starts to cause issues with the mouse and the windows freeze as well

Will try it on with Amazon first but its 9 months old so guess I will be fobbed off to Corsair, there is supposed to be some process they can do with you that resets it.

I think he meant the kids.

Tried that as well, didn't work :p
asfish wrote:
That's pretty shit, I mean even if your wife wasn't from the UK, your child was born here so the letter is just a rather offensive mistake under the circumstances

Unlike the US, there's no right to UK citizenship or residency as a result of being born here.
Cras wrote:
asfish wrote:
That's pretty shit, I mean even if your wife wasn't from the UK, your child was born here so the letter is just a rather offensive mistake under the circumstances

Unlike the US, there's no right to UK citizenship or residency as a result of being born here.


My wife is from Dublin which in terms of citizenship\residency is a bit different from the rest of the EU.

No issue with a UK passport for my kids, only small thing is that their passports are linked to mine as I have a UK one and that's the only one that I can add to the application

So my wife needs children's birth certs with her is she ever takes them out of the UK, she is down as their mother so birth cert is accepted

The only exception to this is ironically Ireland.
The 'you must register with the police' signs will soon be prominent around the campus to enrage me, too-for 'tier 4' visitors, that is, but still. Nice and Russian.

And dear NHS, the code is 020.
A shouty religious man damned me to hell for not taking a leaflet.

What a judgemental cunt!
DavPaz wrote:
A shouty religious man damned me to hell for not taking a leaflet.

What a judgemental cunt!

Well, as long as you didn't trade the family cow for some magic beans you should be fine...
Some big headed heathen refused to take a leaflet off me!
ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
asfish wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Have you tried turning them off and on again?

For the Keyboard, I've removed and reinstalled the software, redone firmware and tried it on 2 other computers

It's odd as it lights up at boot then by the time we are into Windows nothing including basic keyboard functions

If I launch the app that controls it then keys light up for a while but won't stay like that.

Also if you leave it connected to any PC for more than 10 minutes it starts to cause issues with the mouse and the windows freeze as well

Will try it on with Amazon first but its 9 months old so guess I will be fobbed off to Corsair, there is supposed to be some process they can do with you that resets it.

I think he meant the kids.

Called Amazon and no issue refund! Was wondering as I bought it in November 2016 and the order details didn't have a return link.

Only issue is that this model is end of life so I will get money back and have to find another one
I tweeted that letter. Now Docs Not Cops want me to speak at their event and the Independent want to interview me. That escalated quickly.
Nik wrote:
I tweeted that letter. Now Docs Not Cops want me to speak at their event and the Independent want to interview me. That escalated quickly.

Good for you :)
They spell your name differently in the first picture caption.
But oddly, correctly in the picture credit.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Odd.

Has the actual problem been sorted out?
Oh aye, basically "it was an error; ignore it". I'd still like to know what the criteria were for sending it in the first place.
Nik wrote:
Oh aye, basically "it was an error; ignore it". I'd still like to know what the criteria were for sending it in the first place.

I can't imagine how insulted and pissed off you feel over this, especially with the stress of the weight issues you had as well.

I would like to think that is down to overworked staff and a heavy reliance on paper work in the NHS, my wife had a lot of scans in the 3 weeks before our 2nd was born and each time a new Dr would read some spidery hand writing in her notes and we would have to correct them over small points. The first time a computer came into play was when they printed an arm band for him, they fired up a windows 7 computer then spent 5 minutes finding someone who could log in! Then they were asking me questions like what time he was born?!

You did a great thing pulling them on it and getting the press involved as hopefully they will ensure they improve their process and the next set of parents won't get this shitty treatment. :)
Glad it's been sorted now, Nik. But bloody hell, shouldn't have ever happened in the first place.

Yes, the lack of electronic records is the NHS is very disappointing. I was doing data entry (effectively digitising paper records) on a work experience placement in 1998, and it seemed (from my very narrow glimpse into that world) that things were moving in the right direction, so it's a bit shit that nearly 20 years on, things are still so disjointed.

Having moved on and forgiven the London North West trust's mistake (although it would be great to find out how it happened, but that seems unlikely to happen), I now have the means to recreate that feeling of being insulted and pissed off, not to mention despairing of people, simply by reading the comments on the Independent article!
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