The 'NAY!' Thread
TheVision wrote:
They don't, no. They have a house and a cat together. I'm not sure either of them can afford to buy the other out so lord knows what's going to happen there?

So the "other women" doesn't want him to live with her? Or is she married as well!?
She admitted that she'd hit him with a rolled up newspaper and that she wasn't proud of that. I told her to be sensible

I have a married mate who could never keep it in his pants.

He got caught out when he gave an old IPhone to his daughter and either didn't wipe it first or had messages linked from his. So his daughter found all the saucy messages between him and his latest lady friend :roll:

Think his wife had long suspected, but this was proof.

He told me about 3 weeks after it all came out, he was asleep in the spare room and his wife removed a draw from the clothes chest and smashed on his head! So you friend shouldn't feel too bad.

He is still with this other girl who is very attractive and runs a pub, still messing around though 8)
On my commute I'm regularly shocked at the dalliances I see going on.

The men with two phones (like two iPhones or an iPhone and a burner Nokia, not your company-issue Blackberry and iPhone).

Flitting between one messaging app and another (presumably to avoid risk of cross-contamination), sending inane pleasantries. "Morning babe." "Morning darling". "Awite babe". And then shimmying across these threads of "alleged" adultery for the remainder of the journey.

They always have wedding rings. They're often old and balding.

I saw one man who looked a little like Captain Mainwaring sweatily posting responses to BDSM ads for couples on his phone.

The best time had nothing to do with fooling around though. I sat next to a middle-aged chap in a pin-stripe suit, with an incredibly red face. He was swigging (but never spitting) from a bottle of Listerine throughout the journey. He had a Discman, into which I saw him insert a Tina Turner CD. He was reading hardcore pron on his Kindle Fire - properly graphic stuff. And sending messages to a woman he was meeting for a date that evening.

I'm a very nosy commuter.
asfish wrote:
TheVision wrote:
They don't, no. They have a house and a cat together. I'm not sure either of them can afford to buy the other out so lord knows what's going to happen there?

So the "other women" doesn't want him to live with her? Or is she married as well!?

The "other woman" is ten years his junior and still lives with her parents. I'm guessing they wouldn't be too keen on it.
TheVision wrote:
asfish wrote:
TheVision wrote:
They don't, no. They have a house and a cat together. I'm not sure either of them can afford to buy the other out so lord knows what's going to happen there?

So the "other women" doesn't want him to live with her? Or is she married as well!?

The "other woman" is ten years his junior and still lives with her parents. I'm guessing they wouldn't be too keen on it.

"You've no business, as God's my witness, with a child as young as mine", So make sure that she's old enough, before you blow your mind.
MaliA wrote:
TheVision wrote:
asfish wrote:
TheVision wrote:
They don't, no. They have a house and a cat together. I'm not sure either of them can afford to buy the other out so lord knows what's going to happen there?

So the "other women" doesn't want him to live with her? Or is she married as well!?

The "other woman" is ten years his junior and still lives with her parents. I'm guessing they wouldn't be too keen on it.

"You've no business, as God's my witness, with a child as young as mine", So make sure that she's old enough, before you blow your mind.

"Young girl, get out of my mind. My love for you is way out of line. Better run, girl. You're much too young, girl."
Mrs C has her breast cancer screening appointment tomorrow - the GP was really referring as a precaution as she was fairly confident it was fibrocystic something or other, but still, Mrs C is fairly nervous, as you can imagine...
I hope everything turns out to be ok, Mr C
Sending positive thoughts to you all.
Absolutely.. Fingers crossed it all goes well for you!
Good luck to you all, Mr Chris
Hope it all turns out well for her.
Good luck Mrs Chris. Give her lots of support MrChris. I know how frightening these things can be.
Good luck Mr and Mrs Chris xx
Will be thinking of you and MrsC tomorrow, Mr Chris. I have my check up tomorrow but I'm fairly certain they'll say I'm fine and will just need the lumpy bit removing if it doesn't go down as the lump has subsided but left a dark patch with a little lump.
devilman wrote:
devilman wrote:
Best wishes to your father and father-in-law, TheVision. Must be a stressful time.

My Dad seems largely back to normal now. Still a bit breathless, but he's back driving again and they've been to their caravan in Wales a couple of times, so normal service is resumed. Hopefully next time he has something bad, he won't leave it as long before going to hospital.

And.. now he's back in Acute Medical Unit for an overnight stay again. Thankfully not the major breathlessness of before, but a rather more unusual problem of fluid all over the place. He's mainly leaking from the elbows, which is odd in itself, but unfortunately the bigger problem is down below, where his scrotum is a damn sight bigger than it should be. And as I'm there as translator, I have to stay put as the doctor looks at my dad's balls, while I try to stare solely at the doctor.

They think it's kidney-related, but they'll know more tomorrow. On the plus side, the nurse on the night shift that was helping him is frankly stunning. :)

Another oddity - it's only a small ward, 20-something beds, and three of the patients in there have the same first and last name, one being my dad. And as I've got the same name too, there were four of us there this evening.

A big part of me is feeling sorry for my Dad still being stuck in hospital - he's now on a regular ward, but with regular visiting hours rather than the 24/7 visiting that AMU allows. He also now has six stitches in his head after stumbling in the loo.

A small part of me is also annoyed at some of the stuff that he's either kept quiet about or left too long (I'll spare the details as they're not pretty). I know us men can be stubborn about getting medical stuff sorted, but he's taken things to an extreme.

Also annoying to see a heavily pregnant woman smoking away outside the maternity ward, but her choice I suppose.
devilman wrote:
devilman wrote:
devilman wrote:
Best wishes to your father and father-in-law, TheVision. Must be a stressful time.

My Dad seems largely back to normal now. Still a bit breathless, but he's back driving again and they've been to their caravan in Wales a couple of times, so normal service is resumed. Hopefully next time he has something bad, he won't leave it as long before going to hospital.

And.. now he's back in Acute Medical Unit for an overnight stay again. Thankfully not the major breathlessness of before, but a rather more unusual problem of fluid all over the place. He's mainly leaking from the elbows, which is odd in itself, but unfortunately the bigger problem is down below, where his scrotum is a damn sight bigger than it should be. And as I'm there as translator, I have to stay put as the doctor looks at my dad's balls, while I try to stare solely at the doctor.

They think it's kidney-related, but they'll know more tomorrow. On the plus side, the nurse on the night shift that was helping him is frankly stunning. :)

Another oddity - it's only a small ward, 20-something beds, and three of the patients in there have the same first and last name, one being my dad. And as I've got the same name too, there were four of us there this evening.

A big part of me is feeling sorry for my Dad still being stuck in hospital - he's now on a regular ward, but with regular visiting hours rather than the 24/7 visiting that AMU allows. He also now has six stitches in his head after stumbling in the loo.

A small part of me is also annoyed at some of the stuff that he's either kept quiet about or left too long (I'll spare the details as they're not pretty). I know us men can be stubborn about getting medical stuff sorted, but he's taken things to an extreme.

Also annoying to see a heavily pregnant woman smoking away outside the maternity ward, but her choice I suppose.

I always got sad nods as I left the paeds oncology ward for a fag. And was still judgemental at the people smoking outside maternity.
Another day, another nay.

So… With my dads ongoing health problems, he ended up in hospital yesterday. Not sure how he’s done it but he’s fractured a vertebrae in his lower spine. Not sure how they’re going to fix it but he’s going to be in for a few days.

My wife called my mom this morning to see how she is and she told us that my uncle went into hospital last night! He’s had problems with a DVT recently but yesterday, he felt his heart racing and it wouldn’t stop so they took him in. Normally he’s as fit as a fiddle but there you go.

Rubbish all round I’m sure you’ll agree. If it wasn’t for bad news, I’d have no news at all.
Oh, mate. I'm sorry it's shit at the moment. It'll stop being shit, soon.
MaliA wrote:
Oh, mate. I'm sorry it's shit at the moment. It'll stop being shit, soon.

Are you sure? I've still got to put up with all you lot at the cottage soon! ;)
TheVision wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Oh, mate. I'm sorry it's shit at the moment. It'll stop being shit, soon.

Are you sure? I've still got to put up with all you lot at the cottage soon! ;)

Due to a combination of long-term team shrinkage, sickness and holidays, the university where I work currently has 2 IT support technicians available to work. I am one of them. One tech per campus.

I'm sure it'll be fine.
Fingers crossed that it's a quieter day than usual.
DavPaz wrote:
Due to a combination of long-term team shrinkage, sickness and holidays, the university where I work currently has 2 IT support technicians available to work. I am one of them. One tech per campus.

I'm sure it'll be fine.

Oh, that's balls.
Hope the University's decision goes your way, mate.
Zardoz wrote:
Hope the University's decision goes your way, mate.

I think he's saying that the team shrinkage has previously happened and that there are now holidays and sickness leading to there not being enough people at work today. Not that he's in fear of his job. Is that right?
Mr Russell wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Hope the University's decision goes your way, mate.

I think he's saying that the team shrinkage has previously happened and that there are now holidays and sickness leading to there not being enough people at work today. Not that he's in fear of his job. Is that right?

Correct. 3 on holiday, 2 on sick.

But I appreciate the sentiment, Z-Man :hug:
Ah, sorry, not had my coffee yet.

Well that's good news then! So shut up :DD
DavPaz wrote:
Due to a combination of long-term team shrinkage...

Thankfully this sentence didn't end as it could have done.
My work is generally pretty low stress and I don't think I've left the office after five in all the years I've worked here. That could be about to change, albeit temporarily, because some stupid fucking financial regulation comes into force in January and, as is often the way with these things, the company as a whole has pissed away all the time we had to prepare for it. So it's likely to be a mad fucking scramble between now and then to get the changes implemented and the fact that it needs to be done for January can pretty much guarantee that my Christmas will be a shitshow. I usually take a few weeks off around that time and I'm not looking forward to having that shat on. Stupid fucking MiFID.
Heh, voice recording?
My christmas started 4 weeks ago.:(
I'd be pretty mifid too.
Cras wrote:
Heh, voice recording?

Bamba wrote:
Cras wrote:
Heh, voice recording?


All the MiFID stuff I'm having to slog through at the moment is recording and archiving of voice calls, SMS, WhatsApp etc
We can start a MiFID II support group.
My MiFid?

Cras wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Cras wrote:
Heh, voice recording?


All the MiFID stuff I'm having to slog through at the moment is recording and archiving of voice calls, SMS, WhatsApp etc

That sounds horrible. No, our headache is entitling, or not, clients for research. Which seems like an easy thing to do but isn't because of reasons.
I'm such a fucking idiot! I've just been pulled over by police on the M6 because my bloody MOT has expired. £100 fine and very stern talking to.

Booked in for the morning. What a fucking tool.
It's crap, but a genuine mistake and not malicious. Get it into your calendar/reminders sharpish x
Mimi wrote:
It's crap, but a genuine mistake and not malicious. Get it into your calendar/reminders sharpish x

I'll not be forgetting that again. Grrrr
DavPaz wrote:
Mimi wrote:
It's crap, but a genuine mistake and not malicious. Get it into your calendar/reminders sharpish x

I'll not be forgetting that again. Grrrr

Do you even get certs anymore, can't see any for mine in our "cars" file. I always put everything in there.

Think mine is due on both Nov\Dec but will check with garage!
The certificate is online, but you still get a printout for the log. I was just paitently waiting for a reminder

Giphy "facepalm":
I forgot once but got away with it for over 3 months.
DavPaz wrote:
The certificate is online, but you still get a printout for the log. I was just paitently waiting for a reminder

So did they pull you over specifically for that, as a result of some sort of sinister big brother database style shenanigans?

Must be nice for everyone that there are no other crimes going on for them to bother with though.
Hearthly wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
The certificate is online, but you still get a printout for the log. I was just paitently waiting for a reminder

So did they pull you over specifically for that, as a result of some sort of sinister big brother database style shenanigans?

Must be nice for everyone that there are no other crimes going on for them to bother with though.

Hadn't you heard? Here on the mainland we ranked all crime in order of seriousness and just worked through them because that seemed like the most sensible thing to do. This week is MOT Crackdown and next week it's Minor Theft-o-rama.
Hearthly wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
The certificate is online, but you still get a printout for the log. I was just patiently waiting for a reminder

So did they pull you over specifically for that, as a result of some sort of sinister big brother database style shenanigans?

Must be nice for everyone that there are no other crimes going on for them to bother with though.

They can now check for this and insurance instantly, every year or so the local Police set themselves up on the main road near me, they check everyone going past the first check point, anyone not having insurance and or MOT is then diverted into a car park at checkpoint 2.

They also take cars away from people, not sure how this works, guess if you can't pay for insurance or are a serial offender?
It was on the M6. They were tootling down the inside lane at 50mph causing people to overtake, which I did. As soon as I pulled in front, on comes the blues and I'm pulled over.

I'm six weeks overdue. EEK!
Halfords helpfully start reminding me of my forthcoming MOT the month after I've just had it done.
DavPaz wrote:
It was on the M6. They were tootling down the inside lane at 50mph causing people to overtake, which I did. As soon as I pulled in front, on comes the blues and I'm pulled over.

I'm six weeks overdue. EEK!

Sounds like entrapment to me, you should have fled at maximum speed screaming something about never being taken alive.
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