The 'NAY!' Thread
Sorry to hear that, mate. :(
It is ok... thanks folks
Sorry to hear that, Kov.

Was it in any way related to your Trainers?

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Sorry to hear that dude.
Sorry to hear about this Kov, how are you feeling today? Xx
I am ok.. mixture, grumpy and relieved.
My dad went into hospital yesterday. I don't know if I mentioned it but he's got prostate cancer and that moved into his spine last year. He had an operation to put some metal plates in his spine and correct some things and he's struggled to walk since but on the whole, he's been ok.

The past could of weeks though he's been in loads of pain. So much that he can't sleep and it was even making him sick. He went into hospital yesterday to find out what's going on.

Between him and my father in law, things are pretty shit at the moment.
Very sorry to hear this, Vision. Hope the hospital can make your dad comfortable quickly.

Best wishes to all of you.
Really sorry to hear that TheVision, and that things are so crappy for you and your family at the moment. Hope things improve soon.
Best wishes, mate.
Sorry to hear this.
Best wishes to your father and father-in-law, TheVision. Must be a stressful time.

My Dad seems largely back to normal now. Still a bit breathless, but he's back driving again and they've been to their caravan in Wales a couple of times, so normal service is resumed. Hopefully next time he has something bad, he won't leave it as long before going to hospital.
A first world problem, but irritating:
Wife bought tickets in November for her, me and her cousin to do the Crystal Maze. Being sensible (?) she paid extra for cancellation protection.
She subsequently got pregnant.
Crystal Maze specifically forbids pregnant women from taking part.
See Tickets say their cancellation protection specifically excludes pregnancy as a reason for cancellation.
Result: she can't attend (and neither me nor her cousin want to attend without her, frankly) and can't have a refund.

See Tickets are being utter arses about it. :(
Nik wrote:
A first world problem, but irritating:
Wife bought tickets in November for her, me and her cousin to do the Crystal Maze. Being sensible (?) she paid extra for cancellation protection.
She subsequently got pregnant.
Crystal Maze specifically forbids pregnant women from taking part.
See Tickets say their cancellation protection specifically excludes pregnancy as a reason for cancellation.
Result: she can't attend (and neither me nor her cousin want to attend without her, frankly) and can't have a refund.

See Tickets are being utter arses about it. :(

Try ringing their customer services team and see what they can do, subsequently inform them that you'll put it on social media.
Or, accept that this is your fault, because you didn't read/meet the published Ts&Cs.
Nik wrote:
A first world problem, but irritating:
Wife bought tickets in November for her, me and her cousin to do the Crystal Maze. Being sensible (?) she paid extra for cancellation protection.
She subsequently got pregnant.
Crystal Maze specifically forbids pregnant women from taking part.
See Tickets say their cancellation protection specifically excludes pregnancy as a reason for cancellation.
Result: she can't attend (and neither me nor her cousin want to attend without her, frankly) and can't have a refund.

See Tickets are being utter arses about it. :(

Find some other disaster that *is* covered by insurance and have that happen to you?
Did I tell you all that my dad is in hospital again? Last September he had an operation on his spine as he had a cancer grow in there. It’s mucked up his walking and took a while to recover but he kept his spirits high.

Last week he was having more pain in his lower spine so off to hospital he went, fearing that the same was happening again. Anyway… long story cut short, they’re kept him in and he’s had some sessions of radiotherapy to ease it.

I found out last night that they want him to have Chemo starting tomorrow. So yeah, pretty shitty stuff. With my father in law and my dad both quite ill at the moment, I’m surprised I’m not a massive ball of stress! It’s certainly made me think about a few things.
Remember to take care of yourself, man. Stress can do funny things to your mind and your body. And remember, if you need anymore to call you a cunt for a hug, we're here for you.
DavPaz wrote:
Remember to take care of yourself, man. Stress can do funny things to your mind and your body for a hug, we're here for you.

All ll this. Anxiety and stress can manifest in ways not everyone might initially think. Lean on us if it starts to weigh you down, chippy xxx
Sorry to hear this, if you need anything let me know...
Over at our head office in Belgium and they just paid my boss off :(

Real shame as he was a nice guy and pretty much the best type of boss I could want in that he left me alone to do my job but would help me if I needed it.

Anoying as well, I could see the writing on the wall and had been telling him he needed to look out for himself for the last year, but he was too easy going a personality to really react to it.
devilman wrote:
Best wishes to your father and father-in-law, TheVision. Must be a stressful time.

My Dad seems largely back to normal now. Still a bit breathless, but he's back driving again and they've been to their caravan in Wales a couple of times, so normal service is resumed. Hopefully next time he has something bad, he won't leave it as long before going to hospital.

And.. now he's back in Acute Medical Unit for an overnight stay again. Thankfully not the major breathlessness of before, but a rather more unusual problem of fluid all over the place. He's mainly leaking from the elbows, which is odd in itself, but unfortunately the bigger problem is down below, where his scrotum is a damn sight bigger than it should be. And as I'm there as translator, I have to stay put as the doctor looks at my dad's balls, while I try to stare solely at the doctor.

They think it's kidney-related, but they'll know more tomorrow. On the plus side, the nurse on the night shift that was helping him is frankly stunning. :)

Another oddity - it's only a small ward, 20-something beds, and three of the patients in there have the same first and last name, one being my dad. And as I've got the same name too, there were four of us there this evening.
A close friend of mine got married 8 weeks ago. I found out over the weekend that he's been seeing someone else since March.

A pretty shitty thing to do by all accounts.
Does his wife know?
Or her husband? God, DavPaz you sexist pig.
Yep. She found out earlier in the day, before I did.

She's since gone on a Facebook rant which has turned into a witch hunt on my friend. I'm not defending him in the slightest but I don't agree with airing your dirty laundry like this. We shall see how it develops.
TheVision wrote:
A close friend of mine got married 8 weeks ago. I found out over the weekend that he's been seeing someone else since March.

A pretty shitty thing to do by all accounts.

That's some serious lack of balls to go through with a wedding while having an affair.

TheVision wrote:
I don't agree with airing your dirty laundry like this.

:this: A few of my friends do that on Facebook. I don't think they realise that it just gives off the impression that they're nuts, especially when whoever they're bitching about won't read the statuses anyway.
TheVision wrote:
Yep. She found out earlier in the day, before I did.

She's since gone on a Facebook rant which has turned into a witch hunt on my friend. I'm not defending him in the slightest but I don't agree with airing your dirty laundry like this. We shall see how it develops.

screenshot pls.
devilman wrote:
TheVision wrote:
A close friend of mine got married 8 weeks ago. I found out over the weekend that he's been seeing someone else since March.

A pretty shitty thing to do by all accounts.

That's some serious lack of balls to go through with a wedding while having an affair.

TheVision wrote:
I don't agree with airing your dirty laundry like this.

:this: A few of my friends do that on Facebook. I don't think they realise that it just gives off the impression that they're nuts, especially when whoever they're bitching about won't read the statuses anyway.

Absolutely. I really do feel for his wife as I can't imagine what she's going through and she's obviously trying to deal with it the best she can.

One of our friends has posted on there saying that she shouldn't really be sharing this stuff as now all manner of random people will be reveling in their misery.. and he's right! One of her Facebook friends has said "I've never met the bloke but he does look shifty to me...".

I would use many words to describe my friend. Shifty would be the absolute last.
MrChris wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Yep. She found out earlier in the day, before I did.

She's since gone on a Facebook rant which has turned into a witch hunt on my friend. I'm not defending him in the slightest but I don't agree with airing your dirty laundry like this. We shall see how it develops.

screenshot pls.

I'd love to but I don't have access to it. I have a Facebook account but have zero friends on there and only use it to look at a retro video game shops page.
TheVision wrote:
MrChris wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Yep. She found out earlier in the day, before I did.

She's since gone on a Facebook rant which has turned into a witch hunt on my friend. I'm not defending him in the slightest but I don't agree with airing your dirty laundry like this. We shall see how it develops.

screenshot pls.

I'd love to but I don't have access to it. I have a Facebook account but have zero friends on there and only use it to look at a retro video game shops page.

You can't post here intimating at an entertaining FB rant and then not share. FOR SHAME MR THEVISION, FOR SHAME.
Man oh man. Also, airing it that way won't help them sort it out, potentially ending up as a permanent reminder. A friend of mine did something similar, meeting someone on his stag do and continuing with it after the wedding. His wife found out - told by anonymous letter - and ended up kicking him out for a week, maybe two. Fixed time period, anyway, much more on the 'think about what you're doing' line, than 'fuck off forever'. He realised what he was endangering, came back with apologies and they've been happy together ever since.
TheVision wrote:
Yep. She found out earlier in the day, before I did.

She's since gone on a Facebook rant which has turned into a witch hunt on my friend. I'm not defending him in the slightest but I don't agree with airing your dirty laundry like this. We shall see how it develops.

Honestly, I can sympathise. The amount of times I've been sorely tempted to lay out every tiny thing my ex did/continues to do so that family and so-called friends stop believing his bullshit is... well, I've lost count. It's incredibly hard knowing that people out there believe all manner of bullshit and wanting to set the record straight is normal.

Must be the bigger person though. >:|
If you stay quiet, folks think you are in the wrong, if you say something you are spiteful. Very fine line to walk.
I rapidly realised that it didn't matter what I said anyway, people would still jump to conclusions or believe the bullshit. Fuck 'em.
She can deal with the betrayal in any way she sees fit, in my eyes. She's not in the wrong here.
Lonewolves wrote:
She can deal with the betrayal in any way she sees fit, in my eyes. She's not in the wrong here.

I agree with the first sentence, but the second is an assumption. For all you know the FB post is a string of lies.
I totally agree that she's not in the wrong and I can only imagine how difficult it must be to come to terms with.

I've just been to see her to offer my support. Obviously, I was friends with him before she came on the scene but that doesn't change the fact I consider her a friend now care about her. I didn't really know what I was going to say but I'm glad I went. It was the right thing to do. I doubt she'll take me up on the offer but she knows now that my family are there if she needs us.
Cras wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
She can deal with the betrayal in any way she sees fit, in my eyes. She's not in the wrong here.

I agree with the first sentence, but the second is an assumption. For all you know the FB post is a string of lies.

Oh, I'm assuming the infidelity was confirmed by Vision.
Cras wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
She can deal with the betrayal in any way she sees fit, in my eyes. She's not in the wrong here.

I agree with the first sentence, but the second is an assumption. For all you know the FB post is a string of lies.

Quite. And maybe she is in the wrong - maybe she's been sleeping with his brother, or stabbing him with knitting needles, and that lead to him finding solace in the arms of another, and she's only giving one side of the story. Or maybe it's just one of those things, as humans are all fallible and relationships are a messy complicated business at the best of times. Or maybe it's all true and she's completely in the right. We, of course, don't know.
Good work MrChris.. and yes, the infidelity is confirmed.
MrChris wrote:
Cras wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
She can deal with the betrayal in any way she sees fit, in my eyes. She's not in the wrong here.

I agree with the first sentence, but the second is an assumption. For all you know the FB post is a string of lies.

Quite. And maybe she is in the wrong - maybe she's been sleeping with his brother, or stabbing him with knitting needles, and that lead to him finding solace in the arms of another, and she's only giving one side of the story. Or maybe it's just one of those things, as humans are all fallible and relationships are a messy complicated business at the best of times. Or maybe it's all true and she's completely in the right. We, of course, don't know.

Any updates?

Not much to tell you really. I went to see her yesterday at work and she said that she'd kicked him out. I knew this as he's stopping at one of his friends houses for the time being. She was very composed and calm about it all so that's good. They had a discussion on Sunday evening apparently where he came clean and told her everything (Well, I presume he did. I'm not sure I know everything to be honest?) She admitted that she'd hit him with a rolled up newspaper and that she wasn't proud of that. I told her to be sensible. The last thing she needs is to get in trouble with the law!

We all normally play online on a Monday night but he sent a message saying he wouldn't be able to join us. Apart from that, it's just been me and my other friends in quite a state of disbelief. He was the last person we'd expect this from.
Ah, the Millwall Brick. Well, crikey. Presumably they don't have children.
They don't, no. They have a house and a cat together. I'm not sure either of them can afford to buy the other out so lord knows what's going to happen there?
TheVision wrote:
They don't, no. They have a house and a cat together. I'm not sure either of them can afford to buy the other out so lord knows what's going to happen there?

Cats aren't all that expensive, they should be able to come to a deal.
Cras wrote:
TheVision wrote:
They don't, no. They have a house and a cat together. I'm not sure either of them can afford to buy the other out so lord knows what's going to happen there?

Cats aren't all that expensive, they should be able to come to a deal.

£2, tops. Hessian bag and a housebrick.
Sat is single and looking for some rebound loving, bee tee dubs.
MaliA wrote:
Cras wrote:
TheVision wrote:
They don't, no. They have a house and a cat together. I'm not sure either of them can afford to buy the other out so lord knows what's going to happen there?

Cats aren't all that expensive, they should be able to come to a deal.

£2, tops. Hessian bag and a housebrick.

Satsuma wrote:
Sat is single and looking for some rebound loving, bee tee dubs.

Why would you want a dude that might cheat on you?
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