The 'NAY!' Thread
Here's how it's done:
Intro: Scrumpy for essential vitamin C and energy. 1-2 pints
Main course: 8% (minimum) dark ale for warmth. 2 pints (more if you still feel cold)
Palette cleanser: 10%+ Perry. 1 pint
Cool down: 5% (minimum) ales for the rest of the night
Dr Zardoz has spoken. Make sure you get your prescription slip stamped!
Fucking hell it's like my throat is full of razor blades and my head hurts and i cant sleep and aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh >:-/
Did you follow my advice?

I drank beer all afternoon and evening yesterday and all afternoon today and I feel pretty great!
I still feel pretty great!

Popped my shoulder out and hurt my back diving for a ball in softball practice today. Realised I'm getting old and probably shouldn't throw myself around like I'm 20 anymore. :(
Given the rattle when I breathe and chunks of green metallic tasting slime I'm coughing up, I think I have a mild chest infection yay.
Jem wrote:
Given the rattle when I breathe and chunks of green metallic tasting slime I'm coughing up, I think I have a mild chest infection yay.

I get that. The medical establishment decided its because I'm allergic to grass.

Even though it happens in winter when there's no grass.

Oh, and try decongestant and 'seawater' - I'm always convinced it's chest but the steroid nasal spray fixes it.
I've caught Kissyfur's super sore throat. No energy, can't speak, can't swallow
DavPaz wrote:
I've caught Kissyfur's super sore throat. No energy, can't speak, can't swallow

The you shouldn't have been frenching him. Kids these days.
I am, fairly obviously, worth it.
Second born just puked over himself and his bed. An enjoyable half an hour sorting all that out whilst retching uncontrollably (his vom really really honks), and i expect one or both of Ruth and i will now come down with this in time for Ruth's sister's wedding on Saturday. Ffs
And now a fucking police helicopter is doing laps overhead. Just fucking fuck off!
MrChris wrote:
And now a fucking police helicopter is doing laps overhead. Just fucking fuck off!

is it the fashion police.. :)
They're busy hunting down that t-shirt of yours.
MrChris wrote:
They're busy hunting down that t-shirt of yours.

I will wear it for you at the cottage :)
Things are not going great at the moment. I've just had a £60 parking fine. Arses.

Remember when I mentioned I broke a mirror a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, I remember it too....
TheVision wrote:
Things are not going great at the moment. I've just had a £60 parking fine. Arses.

Remember when I mentioned I broke a mirror a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, I remember it too....

You got a free mirror though.
Lonewolves wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Things are not going great at the moment. I've just had a £60 parking fine. Arses.

Remember when I mentioned I broke a mirror a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, I remember it too....

You got a free mirror though.

You're right, I did. Did I mention that I broke another mirror a few days before? It was a little shaving mirror. I didn't get that replaced and clearly all my luck was encased in that.
On the subject of breaking stuff, my neighbours now have a lovely six-inch hole in their front window, crudely fixed with plastic and tape by the look of it. I guess it could have been vandalism, but considering the tempers of my neighbours, I'm guessing the course of young love hasn't been running smoothly again.
A rather stressful 24 hours. We spent 12 hours at A&E yesterday with my Dad who was really struggling for breath, getting dizzy and was struggling to take a few steps. We left him in the Acute Medical Unit there overnight and he seemed to have settled (hospitals can be rather isolating, but to a deaf person, even more so, so he was rather agitated for a while). Worryingly he was regularly getting his words mixed up.. he'd end substituting the word 'potato' for the word he meant without realising it. Even when it was pointed out, he'd re-sign what he was saying and make the same mistake again.

However, I've just come off the phone with my brother who is with him at the moment and he's apparently doing better today - the confusion has gone and he's able to walk around a bit and he's laughing a joking a bit. Hopefully it's now just a case of getting his fluids up further so he can have a scan to get an all-clear. Then maybe home in a couple of days.

Horrible stuff all the same though.
That sounds terrifying. I hope he's back soon, and you're doing OK.
Not great, sorry to hear that DM.
devilman wrote:
A rather stressful 24 hours. We spent 12 hours at A&E yesterday with my Dad who was really struggling for breath, getting dizzy and was struggling to take a few steps. We left him in the Acute Medical Unit there overnight and he seemed to have settled (hospitals can be rather isolating, but to a deaf person, even more so, so he was rather agitated for a while). Worryingly he was regularly getting his words mixed up.. he'd end substituting the word 'potato' for the word he meant without realising it. Even when it was pointed out, he'd re-sign what he was saying and make the same mistake again.

However, I've just come off the phone with my brother who is with him at the moment and he's apparently doing better today - the confusion has gone and he's able to walk around a bit and he's laughing a joking a bit. Hopefully it's now just a case of getting his fluids up further so he can have a scan to get an all-clear. Then maybe home in a couple of days.

Horrible stuff all the same though.

What an awful experience. Please tell your Dad I hope he's feeling better soon and home fussing Tilly. Give your Mum a hug from me too. Xxx
Sorry to hear this. Fingers crossed he gets home soon.
Best wishes for for Dad's recovery, Devilman. Sounds scary, glad to hear he's already improving.
Speedy recovery to your old man, DM
My Mum was taken into hospital last night, has been sick all weekend and had bad abdominal pains

Kept in tonight but won't know any more until my dad is back later on.

Bit moody as she cancelled a week away with us last year due to abdominal issues.
Speedy recovery to mum and dad.
Yeah, best of luck fellas with those parents. I hope everyone has an uneventful and speedy recovery. Scary stuff.
Sorry to hear that Ashfish.
Thank you for the good wishes. Just got back from the hospital and my Dad's in good spirits, more bored than anything. His scan was postponed till tomorrow as his kidneys haven't improved enough yet. I think he's hoping to come home tomorrow, but I don't see it, as he's still getting breathless very easily. Still, positive signs. :)
Thanks guys, all I know to date is that my mum was kept in last night after some scans

She is in good spirits and will hopefully be home today.

I had to laugh at one point, my parents (again) messed up what they were doing on WhatsApp. They were sending messages to each other on a group we have for family.

My mum sent my dad a message asking him to bring her blue handbag when he came to visit in case she was released that day :)
asfish wrote:

My mum sent my dad a message asking him to bring her blue handbag when he came to visit in case she was released that day :)

My Mum has had to take a load of stuff in for my Dad even though he's hopefully only going to be there a couple more days. He now has he shaving stuff and his comb among other things - he still wants to look his best on the ward. :)
I'm sorry to hear the bad news folks... I hope they make a speedy recovery!

@Devilman Any idea what the problem is? Forgetting words and losing coordination could be signs of a stroke? I'm sure the doctors would have explored this though so don't take my word for it. It was just what sprung to mind when reading your post.
TheVision wrote:
I'm sorry to hear the bad news folks... I hope they make a speedy recovery!

@Devilman Any idea what the problem is? Forgetting words and losing coordination could be signs of a stroke? I'm sure the doctors would have explored this though so don't take my word for it. It was just what sprung to mind when reading your post.

Yeah, a stroke had come to mind to me too, but I think it's the severe dehydration caused by his recent diarrhoea and vomiting that caused his kidneys problems. Now that his fluids are up and his blood pressure getting up to more normal levels, the confusion has gone (he did actually sign 'potato' at one point last night but fortunately that was actually the word he wanted at the time as he was talking about the hospital food :) ). I did read that infections can cause this kind of issue too. They initially treated him for a chest infection but are now treating him for a clot somewhere in the chest, so whichever it is, at least it doesn't seem to be a stroke.
Just had a text from my Mum. Dad will be coming home later today. The scan revealed a blood clot on his lungs so he'll be on thinning tablets for six months and he'll need another scan in a few weeks. Good news. (well in the sense that it's treatable and they know what the problem is) :)

I'm glad he's coming home as he was getting noticeably irritable last night, mainly through boredom - he'd been moved to his own room so at least a bit of privacy and his own telly, but the remote for it wasn't an exact match so I couldn't turn the subtitles on, which was annoying. We left him last night watching Holby City of all things.
Glad to hear it!
TheVision wrote:
Things are not going great at the moment. I've just had a £60 parking fine. Arses.

Remember when I mentioned I broke a mirror a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, I remember it too....

Looks like I've got this parking charge cancelled! Watch this space...
Lost my totemic cock in a Children's Easter Egg Hunt competition. Boo.
My Mum had Diverticulitis in the end.

To save you Googling "Diverticulitis occurs when the bulging sacs that appear in the lining of your large intestine, or colon, get acutely infected or inflamed."

It can be quite serious in older people and she just passed it off for 2 days as a bug before gong to the hospital.

So they pumped her full of antibiotics and she has a 10-day course to take at home, other than that she is ok
That's what Brock Lesnar had. He had to have a significant amount of intestine removed.
Curiosity wrote:
That's what Brock Lesnar had. He had to have a significant amount of intestine removed.

He bravely saw it out though.
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