Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
Agent Starling wrote:
I enjoyed the final episode last night but FFS, they did rather drag out the ending and I just wanted him to die and get on with it.

Anyway, not watched the trailer for the new series yet, but I took an instant dislike to the new guy ages ago, plus the new bird looks very boring and plain to me. Still, RTD is gone and that's a cause for celebration, and I will be tuning in for whenever it starts (I presume May or something?)


I was bored by the end!
All of what Agent Starling said. Harrumph.
Agent Starling wrote:
I enjoyed the final episode last night but FFS, they did rather drag out the ending and I just wanted him to die and get on with it.

Anyway, not watched the trailer for the new series yet, but I took an instant dislike to the new guy ages ago, plus the new bird looks very boring and plain to me. Still, RTD is gone and that's a cause for celebration, and I will be tuning in for whenever it starts (I presume May or something?)

"Spring 2010"
zaphod79 wrote:
Agent Starling wrote:
I enjoyed the final episode last night but FFS, they did rather drag out the ending and I just wanted him to die and get on with it.

Anyway, not watched the trailer for the new series yet, but I took an instant dislike to the new guy ages ago, plus the new bird looks very boring and plain to me. Still, RTD is gone and that's a cause for celebration, and I will be tuning in for whenever it starts (I presume May or something?)

"Spring 2010"

Usually starts at Easter.


I enjoyed the final episode, and was glad the brief reappearance of the Time Lords made enough sense within the story so that it didn't irritate me. The standoff was surprisingly tense as well.

The long drawn out ending for Tennant worked for me: the idea of a Doctor knowing the end is coming spending his last days bouncing around for a bit was quite charming*, especially as it was capped by his sudden 'I don't want to die' line as the regeneration started.

Won't judge the new guy until I've watched an episode. Amy Pond, on the other hand... :hat: :hat: :hat:

* Captain Jack in his natural habitat more or less stole the routine, of course, though the reference to the book of impossible things was a nice touch too.
Just got round to watching this. I see Starling is moaning about Doctor Who again! ;)

I enjoyed it. Sad that Tennant is going, but I thought that about Ecclestone, too.
I really liked Tenant. He played it very close to Old Doctors very well.
I like fun Doctors. Tennant was a fun Doctor at times, Eccelstone pretty much never was. McCoy was fun and ruthless at the same time.
I watched episode 1 last night. It was utterly fucking mess and I'm not sure how long it will be before I can bring myself to watch episode 2.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
I watched episode 1 last night. It was utterly fucking mess and I'm not sure how long it will be before I can bring myself to watch episode 2.

The second one is much better. Gawd bless Cribbins and his watery eyes.
Agreed, the second episode was much better. I have to say I really am looking forward to the new Moffat-led, Amy Pond-featuring new series though.

Does this anticipation of a new series of Doctor Who based largely on the fact I rather fancy the new assistant mean I have actually now officially become my dad?
DavPaz wrote:
chinnyhill10 wrote:
I watched episode 1 last night. It was utterly fucking mess and I'm not sure how long it will be before I can bring myself to watch episode 2.
The second one is dragged out to buggery & back, but Gawd bless Cribbins and his watery eyes.
FTFY! Like the more recent Call of Duty games it had some great moments, but sadly the majority of it was tedious.
Time for a geekgasm...Gaiman is writing for Dr Who. ... isode.html

Series after next I'm afraid.
New Series spoilergasm culled from HGFB at YakYak:

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
The wizards over at GallifreyBase posted their updated spoiler summary for the new season. Among other things: according to set reports and other sources, the newly regenerated Doctor crashes the TARDIS in the garden of the young Amelia Pond, a little girl. He runs up to the house shouting a warning, and later talks to young Amelia. Then he goes back into the TARDIS to do some repairs, and disappears. He reappears a few minutes later - but it's been years for Amelia, now Amy — and she's now a grown-up. She tells the Doctor she had 12 years of therapy. Also, the Earth is threatened by aliens, possibly called the Ataxis, who are searching for the escaped Prisoner 0. They announce via mobile phones and ice cream truck speakers (among other things) that all human life will be incinerated if non-humans don't announce themselves. Prisoner 0 is apparently a dog.

The second episode, co-starring Sophie Okonedo, seems to involve robed men, keys and clocks, and possibly a spaceship. In the third episode, the Dalek one, Winston Churchill's Daleks are called "Ironclads." Episodes four and five feature River Song, who says "Hello sweetie" to the Doctor. And this is probably the "wreck of the Byzantium," which she mentioned to the Doctor previously. River Song reportedly winds up in handcuffs at one point. And there may be two varieties of weeping angels in this story. Steven Moffat told Doctor Who Magazine:

Ahh, you think you know the Weeping Angels ... Well, think again! That lot in "Blink" were just scavengers, survivors hiding out on Earth. What might an Angel achieve at the height of its powers? And do you really think you're safe just because you don't blink...?

In the Silurian story, there are two levels of Silurian society, we may get to see a Silurian Senate, and a female Silurian reportedly falls in love with the Doctor. And the line "Don't diss the sonic!" is spoken. There's a rumor that Rory dies in the Silurian story. And in the just-filmed Stonehenge story, reportedly called "The Pandorica Opens," the Doctor, Amy and River Song visit a museum of history, and some old monsters may turn up. Also, there's speculation the "Pandorica" is like a kind of Pandora's Box, or a piece of technology that River Song finds and activates
Well done to The Times for noticing that a Doctor Who story was abit left wing..... some 22 years after the rest of us realised.

Everyone knew what the Happiness Patrol was, even a 9 year old me on transmission! They even had a Tory MP on the 30th birthday doc on BBC 1 in 1993 having a laugh about it!
Well done to The Times for noticing that a Doctor Who story was abit left wing..... some 22 years after the rest of us realised. ... 026314.ece

Everyone knew what the Happiness Patrol was, even a 9 year old me on transmission! They even had a Tory MP on the 30th birthday doc on BBC 1 in 1993 having a laugh about it!

That's funny. The bias that's written with makes it quite funny. 'Feminist' Ace, indeed. Science Fiction in anti-establishment shocker!

Also the comments.... :S
ltia wrote:
Well done to The Times for noticing that a Doctor Who story was abit left wing..... some 22 years after the rest of us realised. ... 026314.ece

Everyone knew what the Happiness Patrol was, even a 9 year old me on transmission! They even had a Tory MP on the 30th birthday doc on BBC 1 in 1993 having a laugh about it!

That's funny. The bias that's written with makes it quite funny. 'Feminist' Ace, indeed. Science Fiction in anti-establishment shocker!

Also the comments.... :S

And the thing is, nobody cared at the time and it was widely known!

As for the accusations of BBC bias on that page, where do they find these cretins? They forget the biggest advert for Thatcherist 80's Britain was on prime time Sunday nights and called Howards Way. Wealth and power = good.

And nobody mentions The Sunmakers, a Who story from 1977 that deals with privatisation and the tax system under Labour. It even has a character with Dennis Healey eyebrows!

Doesn't one of the Peledon stories deal with miners strikes?
At least Newsnight gets the story right. About 5 minutes into the video below the Tory MP who appeared on the 30th anniversary show points out that he and a load of other people at Tory central office knew:

[edit] Wow, now that's a Tory I could vote for. Knows his sci-fi and Who inside out!
You expect the Times and Sky et al to start having a go at the BBC ahead of an election, but this is a bit bloody weak isn't it? Hilarious too though.
So what do we make of the new teaser trailer thing for the new series?

He is extraordinarily ugly.

Not much to go off in the trailer, sadly, though on the brief glimpses afforded to us in the final Tennant ep and the trailer, I am now a bit more confident that Matt Smith will work in the role. Let's see at Easter, eh?
Christ if we have to sit through another possible love interest for the Doctor then I'm calling time on the fucking thing.
Morte wrote:
Christ if we have to sit through another possible love interest for the Doctor then I'm calling time on the fucking thing.

Tom's putting it in now.......
Scarysheep3000 wrote:
Not much to go off in the trailer, sadly, though on the brief glimpses afforded to us in the final Tennant ep and the trailer, I am now a bit more confident that Matt Smith will work in the role. Let's see at Easter, eh?
He annoyed me in that final Tennant episode, but was slightly less annoying in the trailer.
/waits for Easter
I was watching the trailer with three ladies - two of whom screamed very loudly when the Weeping Angels showed up. But, from what I could gather through my partial deafness, I'm hopeful. Shame I'm going to be out of the country when it starts - don't let me down, Sky HD box!
He has a really annoying cadence to his voice. Also, he still sounds like he's doing a Tennant script.

"Yeah, sorry about that."
I'm just watching Party Animals for the first time and have concluded that Matt Smith resembles a Nick Park character. He and Minty off of Eastenders should do a live action remake of Wallace and Gromit. Not decided who should have which role yet though...
Is it possible for the Doctor to regenerate as a female?
Grim... wrote:
Is it possible for the Doctor to regenerate as a female?

9 minutes in:

Grim... wrote:
Is it possible for the Doctor to regenerate as a female?

Its been hinted at and in "The Curse of Fatal Death" (a comic relief episode written by the current show runner) the Doctor does at one point regenerate into Jonna Lumley (depends if you take it as cannon or not)

18:00 minutes into this :

Grim... wrote:
Is it possible for the Doctor to regenerate as a female?

I don't see why not.
Didn't he check for tits at the end of the most recent one? As part of the same bit that caused the furore over "Phew, still not ginger".
Craster wrote:
Didn't he check for tits at the end of the most recent one? As part of the same bit that caused the furore over "Phew, still not ginger".

It was more of an "Awww, still not ginger." He's made reference in the past to wanting to be ginger.
In case you didn't know that trailer was made for 3D cinemas which goes someway to explain why it mainly consisted of rocks flying towards the screen.

He seems to be playing him close to Tennant a little i thought, but I do think he's very interesting and surely thats the most important thing.

And his new companion is currently flying straight to the top of my geek-list right next to Annie from being Human infact.
Dr Lave wrote:
And his new companion is currently flying straight to the top of my geek-list right next to Annie from being Human infact.

You mean :

Dr Lave wrote:
that trailer was made for 3D cinemas

Amy Pond in 3D. :hat: :hat:
John Barrow Man was being interviewed on Radio 1 this morning.

JB: What sort of stupid name is "Sirius" for a satellite radio network anyway?

Comedy Dave: Erm, Sirius is the Dog Star.

JB: Oh, is it?

Chris Moyles: It's the brightest star I think.

JB: [camp voice] No, *you're* the brightest star
Well John (Barrow Man!) certainly isn't.
kalmar wrote:
John Barrow Man was being interviewed on Radio 1 this morning.
JB: What sort of stupid name is "Sirius" for a satellite radio network anyway?
A fair question.

kalmar wrote:
Comedy Dave: Erm, Sirius is the Dog Star.
Er, so?

kalmar wrote:
JB: Oh, is it?
Oh dear.

kalmar wrote:
Chris Moyles: It's the brightest star I think.
At nighttime, yes.

kalmar wrote:
JB: [camp voice] No, *you're* the brightest star
Oh dear God.
I like Mr Barrowman, he's the acceptable face of (male) gaymosexuality.
I'd have subscribed to that view before, but now that I've heard him be interviewed, I just think he's a massively camp waste of oxygen.

I mean, it turns out that he has two albums of him singing (badly) things like "Lola".
At least he's camp, I like my gays camp as a row of tents.
This new Doctor's face just really pisses me off for some reason. I'll give it a go but he'll have to be really good.
markg wrote:
This new Doctor's face just really pisses me off for some reason. I'll give it a go but he'll have to be really good.


I keep trying to tell myself that the stories are the most important thing and that the actors are not really all that important, but when both the lead actors in this case are plain and ugly and boring, it's tricky to get beyond that.

Still, the stories should be good and that should be enough.
Agent Starling wrote:
but when both the lead actors in this case are plain and ugly and boring

No. Perfect sight. They're both ugly!
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