The Pinball Arcade
For just about every OS in Jan
More new iOS tables

Attack from Mars and Genie ... 26958?mt=8

Got their email newsletter. Annoyingly, they've completely skipped over any Xbox 360 news. They really are fucking awful developers for the most part. It's a great game when you're actually playing it, but they're shit at everything else.
From reading the pinballarcadefans forum the general opininion seems to be that the next batch of tables for the 360 will be here in February / March. (The good news is it will probably be Twilight Zone and Star Trek TNG.).
Downloading the iOS update now, but it apparently now also enables portrait menus (presumably with the new even-more-hideous menu set-up), which means I might actually start playing the thing again. Why the hell they can't employ a UI designer for a couple of days, I don't know.
WTB wrote:
Got their email newsletter. Annoyingly, they've completely skipped over any Xbox 360 news. They really are fucking awful developers for the most part. It's a great game when you're actually playing it, but they're shit at everything else.

It's a bit rubbish I must agree.

We'll have XBox 720s by the time they've finished releasing the tables at this rate.

The iOS tables are pretty good but without the online leaderboards I don't really see the point.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
The iOS tables are pretty good but without the online leaderboards I don't really see the point.

Online leaderboards ?


I'd much rather have it linked and using my XBL friends list but it has both world and 'friends' leaderboards in the game
zaphod79 wrote:
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
The iOS tables are pretty good but without the online leaderboards I don't really see the point.

Online leaderboards ?

I'd much rather have it linked and using my XBL friends list but it has both world and 'friends' leaderboards in the game

Sorry should have been more specific, I meant XBL leaderboards.

I ignore the 'world' leaderboards and just go off the high scores on my friends list.

I don't have any kind of friends shenanigans going on with iOS, (I don't even have my own login), plus my access to the iPad is patchy as AE Jnr and Mrs AE are using it a lot of the time.
BBC story about pinball becoming more popular (i doubt it will make a difference but nice to see the ideas on some of these new tables)
For fuck's sake! Piss off, commoners! If loads of unwashed folk drive the prices of tables up even more before I manage to buy one I'm going to be pissed.
I still weep about selling my Twilight Zone and ST:TNG, I didn't lose any money on them over my term of ownership, but by fuck they'd be worth a fortune now.

(Not that I'd want to sell them anyway, they were such gorgeous things to behold.)
WTB wrote:
For fuck's sake! Piss off, commoners! If loads of unwashed folk drive the prices of tables up even more before I manage to buy one I'm going to be pissed.

Heh. Fanboys ruin everything.
Pinball Arcade newsletter arrived to my Gmail this morning, I see they're up to table pack 11 on Android and iOS now, what did the 360 get stuck at? Fucking four or something?

Dr Dude is in the latest one, which is a brilliant table >:(
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Pinball Arcade newsletter arrived to my Gmail this morning, I see they're up to table pack 11 on Android and iOS now, what did the 360 get stuck at? Fucking four or something?

Dr Dude is in the latest one, which is a brilliant table >:(

Downloading it now (for iOS) - new tables are Dr Dude and Firepower

AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Pinball Arcade newsletter arrived to my Gmail this morning, I see they're up to table pack 11 on Android and iOS now, what did the 360 get stuck at? Fucking four or something?

Time to get yourself an iPad!
CraigGrannell wrote:
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Pinball Arcade newsletter arrived to my Gmail this morning, I see they're up to table pack 11 on Android and iOS now, what did the 360 get stuck at? Fucking four or something?

Time to get yourself an iPad!

I've already got an iPad!

Well, technically it's the family iPad, and I do have Pinball Arcade installed on it, but:

a) It doesn't feel as good to play as the 360 version


b) It doesn't have my 360 friends list high scores


c) I don't have exclusive access to the iPad anyway


d) The sound from an iPad is shit, and a BIG part of the pinball experience for me is the sound and music, so I want that coming through my proper speaker setup (headphones doesn't cut it, pinball should be a loud 'open' experience)
I agree with AE. I also have Pinball Arcade installed on the ipad but haven’t been tempted to buy any tables. Sure, it’s beautiful, and they’ve done a great job, but prodding a glass screen to flip doesn’t work for me at all. It’s awful for accurate shots, trapping the ball and suchlike. Plus it’s too small for my Magoo vision.

Give me the triggers on the 360 any day. In fact, if I could play a real machine again I’d almost rather it had two little niches with triggers rather than the two buttons on the sides, but I’m odd.
I'm also with AE on this... it's good on iPad, definitely, but I've also got it on PS3 and it's so much better there. Vastly better visually, and having physical controls helps.
Yep.. Me too. I prefer playing it on the Xbox.
That said, The Twilight Zone has been absolutely doing me in on PS3 - it seems a little easier on the iPad.
Latest news :

#post60335"> ... #post60335

• Updated the “Features, Additions And Improvements Coming In The Near Future” section.

• Some of the staff at FarSight Studios will be on hand at the 2013 Texas Pinball Festival, which is scheduled for March 15th-17th, at the Hilton Anatole at 2201 Stemmons Freeway in Dallas, Texas. They will be showing off every table released to date, up to and including Cactus Canyon and Central Park, on all supported platforms and devices.

• Android version 1.11.2 was released on March 6th and features Tales of the Arabian Nights unlocked for unlimited free play, Black Hole, Ripley’s Believe It or Not! and Theatre of Magic on sale for a limited time, a fix for the Nexus 7 compatibility bug and “The Big Shot” is now animated on Dr. Dude.

• To celebrate the one year anniversary of The Pinball Arcade on Google Play, FarSight is now offering Tales of the Arabian Nights for FREE on Android devices!

• The Pinball Arcade is currently #38 in Top Free Games and #76 in Top Free Apps on Google Play!

• FarSight is still waiting for SCEE to deliver The Twilight Zone Kickstarter redemption codes for backers who chose the PS3 (EU) and/or PS Vita (EU) as their platform(s) of choice.

• Table Add-On Pack #9 featuring Star Trek : The Next Generation should be available on PS3 (NA/EU) and PS Vita (NA/EU) within the next couple weeks.

• Table Add-On Pack #12 featuring Cactus Canyon and Central Park should be available on Android, iOS, Kindle and Mac by mid-late March and PS3 (NA/EU) and PS Vita (NA/EU) by early-mid June. Xbox 360 release time frames TBD.

• FarSight is looking to make an announcement for the next tournament soon.

• Tournament implementation for PS3 (NA/EU) and PS Vita (EU) is still in the works and should be included in a future title update.

• FarSight is still looking to submit the Wii U version of The Pinball Arcade to NOA and NOE as soon as possible.

• FarSight will be submitting The Pinball Arcade for Windows 8 very soon. They plan to release on all Windows 8 devices through it's marketplace.

• The PC version of The Pinball Arcade will feature resolution settings, an option to turn on/off HDR and other graphics settings.

• FarSight is still working on the Xbox 360 release issues. As soon as they get them cleared, they will make an announcement and will then focus on bringing the Xbox 360 up-to-date.

• Centaur is onsite at FarSight Studios and is currently in development.

• Pinball Arcade Fans moderator Jeff Strong will be conducting an interview with Bobby King (Lead Designer at FarSight Studios) on March 12th and should have the MP3 uploaded later that same day...Xbox 360 and/or PC update forthcoming??? Stay Tuned!!!

Centaur is one of the tables that used to be in my local arcade so i'm keen to see a version of that


Still no news on the 360 releases then :(
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Still no news on the 360 releases then :(

Their official statement at the moment

• FarSight's official statement on the Xbox 360 publishing issues is as follows :

"We are still waiting for the bankruptcy judge to rule that the new publisher take over our original contract with Crave. That is what is holding the whole process up, and we don't know when they will because they keep telling us 'soon'. We are hoping for this to be settled and over with, as we want to put everything out on the 360 asap, not to mention the kickstarter backers that we owe tables to. Until the judge comes back and rules one way or the other, we're stuck in the middle."
Please stop sending me newsletters about games I can't buy on my eggbox, FarSight. :(
Two new tables on iOS (and android?) , central park which is an early electromechanical and one i dont really like (very small flippers and a long way away from the middle of the table) and Cactus Canyon which seems okay but not one i've ever seen before
Next two tables are live on iOS

Whitewater and Space Shuttle

Also they have finally been greenlit for steam so the game will have a PC port 'soon' - still no news on the XBL stuff :-(
Pretty sure they said last year that the next Xbox tables would be out in Jan/Feb. They seem to be having an awful lot of trouble, but I wish they wouldn't tease us with dates like that... :P
Latest tables trailer (due for iOS shortly)

Do you reckon we'll ever see the new tables on the Xbox? I don't think we will...
TheVision wrote:
Do you reckon we'll ever see the new tables on the Xbox? I don't think we will...

At this stage with the new Xbox being announced tomorrow I doubt it :-(
New tables are 'fixed' for iOS today - Centaur and Pinbot

They released them on Saturday but as soon as you launched the app it crashed so they have released the patch today and they are both now working.




zaphod79 wrote:

Is it me, or does that make no sense? We don’t make an exceptional number of pinballs, just a number of exceptional ones. Weird?
TheVision wrote:
Is it me, or does that make no sense? We don’t make an exceptional number of pinballs, just a number of exceptional ones. Weird?

We dont make a really high number of pinball games just a small number of very good ones ?

I'm not that fond of Pinbot itself (although bits of it do remind me of the Doctor Who pinball table) , but Centaur was one of the pinball tables in my local arcade so I had to buy that one
Latest Pinball Arcade newsletter has arrived and they're not even talking about the 360 as a platform any more!?!?!?!?!

They do apparently have stuff up and running on PS4 already.

I'm a bit pissed off about the whole thing since I invested a fair bit of time and cash into the game on the 360 but now that platform appears to be a dead end for Pinball Arcade and I can't complete my table collection on there, so I'm basically going to have to start again on another platform. (I realise this isn't Farsight's fault, BTW.)

So I could get a PS3 and completely max out straight away with the game and all the table packs (writing off the whole 360 Pinball Arcade experience as a bad dream), but then I already know that there's no backwards compatibility on PS4 so it's effectively going to be redundant before the year's out, and I'm then gonna have to maintain a PS3 and a PS4 for a full Pinball Arcade experience.

Since the Steam version is already in beta and up for a full release soon, I'm coming round to the logical conclusion that the only 'safe' way to do this game is on the PC, as it's then available on my Steam account and fully 'portable' as it were to any PC or laptop I own, with no built-in obsolescence and/or deliberately and spitefully breaking the game should I choose to buy a new PC or something like that. (Plus I could also do a full install of the game to a laptop for example, put Steam on that laptop into offline mode, and the game will just work on there forever.)

I don't know what Microsoft's long term plans are for XBLA and XBLA games, but given the fucking bullshit they tried to pull with the XBone I wouldn't trust my 360 to just stop working one day, and my XBLA games collection becoming inaccessible.
If you are interested in getting it on PlayStation, AE, Sony and Farsight are apparently doing something called 'Cross Discount' for this, which means that Pinball Arcade and any DLC you've bought on PS3 will be a lot cheaper to re-purchase on PS4. As it stands, it's already Cross Buy with the Vita, so when you buy the game and any DLC on the PS3, you also get the Vita versions for free (and vice versa).
Cheers Zio, that sounds like an interesting proposition.

Pinball Arcade is very much the sort of game I'd rather play on console, I might just hang fire and get a PS4 when they come out and max out Pinball Arcade on that, it seems silly to buy a PS3 so close to the release of the PS4.

MS are definitely out of the picture for me, no way I'm getting another XBox.
Another Kickstarter, this time for Terminator 2. They're over halfway towards a $59,000 goal.

All very well and good of course, but with no 360 version in the offing (and indeed I've never got my 360 version of TZ which I was a backer for, or ST:TNG), I do have to wonder if it's worth it.

I suppose I just have to look forward to the PS4/PC version and think about it that way.

Yeah I know I could get them all on the iPad, but come on, really.....

Looks like the T2 Kickstarter is going to go right down to the wire, and of course part of the problem here is that the 360 is basically a dead platform for Pinball Arcade at the moment - so a lot of potential backers will be wondering if they'll ever get to see the table on the 360. ... dgment-day

Indeed, those who backed the TZ and ST:TNG Kickstarters still haven't got their tables for the 360!
It's a shame Microsoft retain their rules preventing self-publishing of games on the 360. I've had TZ and ST:TNG on both PS3 and Vita for months now.

Both tables are right cunts, BTW. I don't remember the original tables being so difficult! Although I'm starting to rake in some decent scores on ST:TNG now.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Looks like the T2 Kickstarter is going to go right down to the wire,

It made it and they have announced what they would like to Kickstarter next which will get a lot of backers if they can actually come up with the goods

While we've hit our T2 goal, thanks to the overwhelming support of the pinball community, there's still time for those of you who have not pledged to get in on some great rewards while at the same time, help us to begin funding our future Kickstarter project, which we're hopeful will be The Addams Family. We are aggressively working to secure all the licenses needed to bring this widely popular table to The Pinball Arcade and with your continued support, we're optimistic that we will be able to add this holy grail of pinball to The Pinball Arcade in the near future!
T2 table is out on iOS / Android
zaphod79 wrote:
T2 table is out on iOS / Android

According to the newsletters the PC version is going into beta soon so I'll wait for that. I've given up on the 360 tables ever appearing now and since there's no backwards compatibility on the XBoner I'd always feel my collection was on borrowed time anyway.

I wouldn't be averse to buying a PS3 just for a complete Pinball Arcade collection, but again, there's nothing to say my PS3 won't break at some point and no guarantee of being able to re-download the collection on a replacement console.

I don't see the point of playing the game on the iPad, for me pinball is about 'big and loud' (like a real table is), playing it on a tablet makes no sense to me whatsoever.
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
I wouldn't be averse to buying a PS3 just for a complete Pinball Arcade collection, but again, there's nothing to say my PS3 won't break at some point and no guarantee of being able to re-download the collection on a replacement console.

PS3 allows you multiple console installs from a single set of credentials (people have abused that in the past to share games) - i think at the moment its 3 , and the game on PS3 is 'cross buy' which means if you buy it on the PS3 you can get the Vita version for free.

And yes I'd like a big brash loud set of tables but being able to pick up and play basically a 'real' table on an Ipad is amazing.
zaphod79 wrote:
PS3 allows you multiple console installs from a single set of credentials (people have abused that in the past to share games) - i think at the moment its 3 , and the game on PS3 is 'cross buy' which means if you buy it on the PS3 you can get the Vita version for free.

But for that to help I'd need to get two PS3s upfront, which is into the realms of serious overkill.

TBH I think I trust Steam far more than any of the consoles, I honestly didn't think that both MS and Sony would both basically say 'Yeah all that digital content you bought this generation? Doesn't work next generation, sorry.'
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
I honestly didn't think that both MS and Sony would both basically say 'Yeah all that digital content you bought this generation? Doesn't work next generation, sorry.'

I continue to be surprised you expected otherwise, the chance of them coming out with devices that kept to the same architecture as the PS3/360 was always pretty slim (especially in the case of the arguably over-engineered PS3). And the chance of them including a 'copy' of the previous gen's hardware in the new devices a la the original version of the PS3 was even slimmer due to the cost implications. The current situation was always pretty much inevitable.
And for those saying they will wait for PC - they have posted an early build pic for the PS4

(image too big to slap img tags around)
zaphod79 wrote:
And for those saying they will wait for PC - they have posted an early build pic for the PS4

(image too big to slap img tags around)

That just looks like a standard sort of pinball table render from any platform TBH, in fact it reminds me of the Timeshock renders that were included on the CD in 1997 :D

The 360 version of Pinball Arcade runs at a native 720p@60FPS which is perfectly acceptable I think. A resolution bump would be nice though, so if the PS4 can do 1080p that'd be preferable, more pixels means more artwork detail.

Then again I'd really want to target the native res of my monitor, which at 2560x1440 means PC.
One of the tables for the next pack

Haunted House

Whole lot coming to Steam on November 1st, the game plus all 18 table packs - according to the latest newsletter.

That's that one settled then, no point waiting for a PS4.
Last few packs have been a bit underwhelming (another Ios pack yesterday) - still getting them but T2 was the last big release

Yesterdays pack was Victory and Class of 1812

Just out of curiosity, is there anyone here thinking of getting a PS4 early or early-ish and buying the Pinball Arcade? I've almost run out of reasons to justify a day one purchase, PA is one of the last ones.

Pinball without friends leaderboards is not nearly as much fun.
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