Bits and Bobs 50
50 shades of bits
Yeah little thumb wheel. So weird to get used to. I've skated loads but I nearly fell off as soon as I set off. It's just like someone tried to kick your board out from under you.
I forgot you ordered that! Enough range to get to the Strawberry Gardens and back for a few pints of Black Dragon cider?
Easily! Probably even get to KFC on the way home.
Through the drive-thru, natch.
markg wrote:
Easily! Probably even get to KFC on the way home.

Especially if you plug it in at the pub.
There's actually even precedent where plod tried to do someone for drink driving on an electric skateboard and the judge threw it out.
The Crown is being filmed near work so the cunard building is now in America. There are quite a few American cars going round and round it is ace. Here is a crappy photo.
There is some weird focus shit going on in that picture.
markg wrote:
There's actually even precedent where plod tried to do someone for drink driving on an electric skateboard and the judge threw it out.

That's not very nice, I expect they're quite expensive!
Trooper wrote:
There is some weird focus shit going on in that picture.

Yes there is, isn't there?
GazChap wrote:
markg wrote:
There's actually even precedent where plod tried to do someone for drink driving on an electric skateboard and the judge threw it out.

That's not very nice, I expect they're quite expensive!

MaliA wrote:
Trooper wrote:
There is some weird focus shit going on in that picture.

Yes there is, isn't there?

I think it's probably in portrait mode.
MaliA wrote:
The Crown is being filmed near work so the cunard building is now in America. There are quite a few American cars going round and round it is ace. Here is a crappy photo.

Mrs W and I watched Florence Foster Jenkins last night and the external shots of the New York apartment building she was living in were actually the Liver Building, but I first realised this when I saw shots from inside her building showing the building across the road, which I immediately recognised as Cunard Building on Water St, as we used to have offices on the ground floor there. It's been used in quite a lot films and TV progs, just as the interior of Manchester Town Hall has been used many, many times, probably most often as the interior of The palace Of Westminster.
About to cross the finish line with my boy..
Did he beat you?

Great work, Kov. Stunning achievement!
Wow, your son did it too? That kind of puts your achievement in the shade.
That's a lovely photo Kov. Definitely one worth getting printed.
Kern wrote:
That's a lovely photo Kov. Definitely one worth getting printed.

Yes I have ordered a High Res version
Love this guy:

I've got those spongebob pants!
Great photo Kov. I took a really nice pic of my mate and his boy last week when we were out riding. You should deffo print it man and frame it :)
Out playing on my stupid new toy:

Only in the middle speed mode here. Full speed can get a bit sketchy with speed wobbles starting, but at least on this you can just brake. Normally when you get speed wobbles it's when you're bombing a hill on a normal board and unless you can ride it out to the bottom then you're pretty much coming off.
That's loads faster than I expected!
It's a lot of fun. I'll pop round yours on it and you can have a go.
Yeah, that's excellent. How is the range?
markg wrote:
Out playing on my stupid new toy:

Only in the middle speed mode here. Full speed can get a bit sketchy with speed wobbles starting, but at least on this you can just brake. Normally when you get speed wobbles it's when you're bombing a hill on a normal board and unless you can ride it out to the bottom then you're pretty much coming off.

That looks really good, how much was it?
I don't know really. I went out after work and did 15km and it wasn't on the last bar. It's generally not a good idea to do a full range test with these things, though. So I'll just trust what others say and try and not run it right down.
asfish wrote:
markg wrote:
Out playing on my stupid new toy:

Only in the middle speed mode here. Full speed can get a bit sketchy with speed wobbles starting, but at least on this you can just brake. Normally when you get speed wobbles it's when you're bombing a hill on a normal board and unless you can ride it out to the bottom then you're pretty much coming off.

That looks really good, how much was it?

$414 inc delivery and import duty.
I bet you could have bought Mali's rover for that much... Seriously though, that looks amazing fun!
This is even a relatively cheap one. The US made ones such as Boosted boards are over a grand.
markg wrote:
It's a lot of fun. I'll pop round yours on it and you can have a go.

:metul: ... 2984144896


Quiet here today
Looks lovely and fresh. :)
Zardoz wrote:
Must be Olay.

It's MaliA
My hometown keeps making the national news this week, mainly due to the council going bankrupt, but today BBC breakfast were here because the m&s has closed...
Got home after a weekend away to find a box of flowers stuffed into my letterbox. My initial excitement at having a secret admirer diminished when the label said it was for a long lost previous owner of the house who I've never had any details for and only ever scribble 'Return to sender' when circulars in her name come through.

I felt that since people send flowers for reasons, they'd be disappointed if they didn't know they had the wrong address. I emailed the company to inform them that I had the package and asked if they'd let the sender know. The company passed on the message and said I could dispose of them if I didn't hear anything within the day.

Haven't decided if I'll put them in a vase, chuck them in the compost box, or give them to my neighbour.
In a vase...

After a year of now working for a new company, they migrated all the accounts over on Friday. Mostly it went well, just i can't access any mail on works phone, as it is windows.

Is there an official outlook app for a windows phone?
Very much so. Whether you'll be able to hook it up to your work email is a totally different story
Cras wrote:
Very much so. Whether you'll be able to hook it up to your work email is a totally different story

I had to use the official outlook app on my iPhone as admin will only allow outlook.
KovacsC wrote:
In a vase...

After a year of now working for a new company, they migrated all the accounts over on Friday. Mostly it went well, just i can't access any mail on works phone, as it is windows.

Is there an official outlook app for a windows phone?

Does OWA via your browser work?
Owls with attitude.
Outlook Web Access.
OwO What's this?
KovacsC wrote:
Cras wrote:
Very much so. Whether you'll be able to hook it up to your work email is a totally different story

I had to use the official outlook app on my iPhone as admin will only allow outlook.

There are dozens of different ways to set Exchange up for mobile access. The only people who can really tell you what to do is your helpdesk
Cras wrote:
Outlook Web Access.

Not looked, i might have to get a new handset, iphone or android. Something cheap, as we have to get out own phones now
If Outlook on iPhone is supported I'd be quite surprised if Outlook on Windows Phone wasn't. They'll be using conditional access which can apply all the same policy rules over Outlook on Windows as it can on the other devices.

Get an iPhone or Android device anyway. Windows phones are bad.
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