The 'NAY!' Thread
JohnCoffey wrote:
What about all of the years where I had fuck all?

What about all of the years where I had fuck all? That literally has nothing to do with it.

JohnCoffey wrote:
There are loads of threads on here where people are openly spending money. Cavey is always bragging about something he's bought . Porsches, Harleys etc.

Sure, but there are no threads where Cavey is whining about the government not paying for the house he wants.

Edit: Although there are plenty of threads where Cavey is whining about the government :)
JohnCoffey wrote:
Then that's their tough titty isn't it?

What about all of the years where I had fuck all?

Like I said I don't get anything I'm not legally entitled to nor are my finances really any of anyone's business.

There are loads of threads on here where people are openly spending money. Cavey is always bragging about something he's bought . Porsches, Harleys etc.

Radio control planes, consoles, games etc. Face it I'm being discriminated against for being on benefits aren't I ? The way the world sees it I should have fuck all because I don't deserve it.

Don't be ridiculous. You're being incredibly naive though if in multiple threads you discuss your expensive shoes, chairs, and constant expenditure on PC equipment while at the same time bemoaning that your evil landlady is a monster and you need to move into sheltered housing.
There's literally no point in trying to help him understand what it is about, either.

All the advice you've asked for previously, John, had hinged around how hard done to you have been by everyone and how no-one understands what it's like to be you in your situation. Mimi even reached peak exasperation at at least one stage.

Your conflicting posts can be inflammatory. You've done it again in your latest posts above, whether you understand that or not.
flis wrote:
There's literally no point in trying to help him understand what it is about, either.

All the advice you've asked for previously, John, had hinged around how hard done to you have been by everyone and how no-one understands what it's like to be you in your situation. Mimi even reached peak exasperation at at least one stage.

Your conflicting posts can be inflammatory. You've done it again in your latest posts above, whether you understand that or not.

I know perfectly well what it's about, thanks. Some cunt is pissed off at me because he thinks he has less than I do. What do they call it? jealousy? so he's lashed out at me. I assure you, there are no contradictions whatsoever. It all makes absolutely perfect sense but it's none of your business.

It just so happens I have been feeling a lot better over the past week, hence me being a bit brighter and talking about better things. And yeah, you're right Mimi couldn't help me because I was so ill that I ended up cutting myself (not done that since I was a teenager) because of the stress that this move is putting on me (caused by autism and change). Even my wife standing in front of me could not stop me, so Mimi had no chance. They've upped my meds again and given me yet another anti depressant to take.

Any way, yes I have a £2100 sofa. I also have a PC that cost about £1500. However, that's all I have. I have no savings at all and we live week to week. As I said I get about £100 a month, and due to having no life whatsoever I can save it up and spend some from time to time. Like I said, most of what we do own was bought when Mrs JC lost her house and I came from my mother's spare bedroom with nothing. So we like, needed something to sit on yes? Yes it was expensive but we are not children (I am 44 now Mrs JC is 46) and we needed a decent sofa.

Any way here is reality, given that some people seem to have gotten the wrong idea.
Edited: Removed the images with your bank details on because OMFG. Also you have far more money than me, so yay, I guess.
Cras wrote:
Don't be ridiculous. You're being incredibly naive though if in multiple threads you discuss your expensive shoes, chairs, and constant expenditure on PC equipment while at the same time bemoaning that your evil landlady is a monster and you need to move into sheltered housing.

We need to move into sheltered housing because we are not coping, not because of anything financial. My financial worries are not housing related. However, I may lose some benefits in which case I would have minus the money I need to live each month AND not be able to look after myself properly. I am also paying money out of my benefits because it was impossible to find a one bedroom flat that isn't like a rabit hutch that could house my wife's children when they want to stay . Thus I am paying extra per month (well, we are) and if my benefits are cut we would not be able to pay the rent. That's reality.

Honestly dude you really need to understand what my life is like. That's hard on a forum it really is. You may even look at photos of me and assume that I'm even somewhat normal. However, I assure you that is not the case. Not for me and certainly not for Mrs JC.

You can't see reality. All you see is what you get on your monitor.
Your monitor is too low-res, Cras. You should spend at least £900 on it.
JohnCoffey wrote:
What do they call it? jealousy?

The word you're looking for is "envy". Jealousy is something different.

But the word you should be looking for is "exasperation".
Yeah, this is getting a tad ridiculous.
Wow... I go out for a few hours.
KovacsC wrote:
Wow... I go out for a few hours.

Stop showing off.
Grim... wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Wow... I go out for a few hours.

Stop showing off.

In my new trainers :)

Am I helping
Edit: yep nopppppppppppppppppe
Bobby isn't a cunt.
I am waiting to have a tooth out... just cracked it. Not a good day
KovacsC wrote:
I am waiting to have a tooth out... just cracked it. Not a good day

Glad you figured it out
Lonewolves wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
I am waiting to have a tooth out... just cracked it. Not a good day

Glad you figured it out

ba dum, tish!!
Walked outside with bare feet. Stood on a slug.

In fairness, it's probably having a worse time than me.
Grim... wrote:
Walked outside with bare feet. Stood on a slug.

In fairness, it's probably having a worse time than me.

Did it go between your toes?
Grim... wrote:
Walked outside with bare feet. Stood on a slug.

In fairness, it's probably having a worse time than me.

My unsettled hangover belly did not want to read that :spew:
Jem wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Walked outside with bare feet. Stood on a slug.

In fairness, it's probably having a worse time than me.

My unsettled hangover belly did not want to read that :spew:

Just as well it doesn't have eyes.

It doesn't have eyes, does it?
I can confirm that Jem's belly, in hangover state or not, does not have eyes.
Mr Dave wrote:
Jem wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Walked outside with bare feet. Stood on a slug.

In fairness, it's probably having a worse time than me.

My unsettled hangover belly did not want to read that :spew:

Just as well it doesn't have eyes.

It doesn't have eyes, does it?

If it did, I'm pretty sure they would have popped a fair way.
Was in a raised bit of my garden this afternoon watering a load of herbs I have in pots.

When I had finished and was stepping down to the lawn ( a massive 8 inches) I sort of slipped and without thinking grabbed onto the nearest support with my hand.

That support turned out to be a very big rose tree\bush which I gripped very tightly.

So scratch from wrist to wedding ring on the top of my hand as well as numerous other scratches and bits of thorn in my hand that will get infected over the weekend :(

I had not partaken in drink when this occurred but have done so at the time of typing :)
Every rose does have its thorn.
Mr Dave wrote:
Every rose does have its thorn.

Mr Dave wrote:
Every rose does have its thorn.

Song wars PTSD right here
Findus Fop wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Every rose does have its thorn.

Song wars PTSD right here

Fucking hell, if more evidence were needed, that was it. Jesus H Christ in a fucking chicken basket.
MrChris wrote:
Fucking hell, if more evidence were needed, that was it. Jesus H Christ in a fucking chicken basket.

Are you OK, Mr Chris?
Michael Bay! Why do I keep wasting time on his films? They suck you in with explosions and one dimensional uncomplicated characters and then let you down. Every time.

Bloody Transformers films.
Ah, that wasn't immediately apparent. Glad you're (mostly) ok, though :D
Last week, the washing machine packed up in dramatic fashion.

This week, the oven exploded.

What's next week?
Your vacuum cleaner will explode with glitter all over your pan of freshly cooked bacon.
Mimi wrote:
Your vacuum cleaner will explode with glitter all over your pan of freshly cooked bacon.

There is a guy at work who I know to speak to at the coffee cart etc

Just been told by someone else what his situation is

He is around 42 and has arthritis, apparently he fell off a small ladder doing some work at home, he didn't appear to hurt himself and was in work for the next 2 weeks.

Then he just collapsed at home and was taken to hospital, turns out his top vertebra in his back were damaged, they think as a result of the ladder incident and also the arthritis.

Since then he has had an operation but there hasn't been much progress, he is paralysed from the neck down and is kept incubated for most of the day.

This all happened 6 weeks ago, but his prognosis is no change from how he is now ever :(

Has a kid a bit older than mine, even though I didn't really know the guy that well this is just dreadful for him and his family

Just goes to show you never know when life can turn on you.
Goodness. What an awful thing to happen from a seemingly small incident :( It really does make you think that we all need to cherish our lives, family and friends because you never know when life may just change everything, forever.
asfish wrote:

Just goes to show you never know when life can turn on you.

Indeed. I had a Facebook message from a woman I used to work with. She occasionally asks for tech help with her granddaughters' laptops etc but I never mind as she's a lovely woman. When I saw I had a message from her, I wondered what it would be this time, but she was messaging me to let me know that another woman we both worked with died of a brain tumour yesterday morning. :(

When the company went tits up and we all went our separate ways, we all did the usual 'must stay in touch' promises, but in truth, I think very little of that has happened and in this case, it's now too late.
Mimi wrote:
Goodness. What an awful thing to happen from a seemingly small incident :( It really does make you think that we all need to cherish our lives, family and friends because you never know when life may just change everything, forever.

Mimi wrote:
Goodness. What an awful thing to happen from a seemingly small incident :( It really does make you think that we all need to cherish our lives, family and friends because you never know when life may just change everything, forever.

His boss told me they wake him up for updates, which are just "no change" and also when his family come to visit. He can understand everything that goes on around him but can't respond.

Not sure I would want to live like that for the rest of my life to be honest, but guess that's not a straight forward decision with family to consider.
asfish wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Goodness. What an awful thing to happen from a seemingly small incident :( It really does make you think that we all need to cherish our lives, family and friends because you never know when life may just change everything, forever.

His boss told me they wake him up for updates, which are just "no change" and also when his family come to visit. He can understand everything that goes on around him but can't respond.

Not sure I would want to live like that for the rest of my life to be honest, but guess that's not a straight forward decision with family to consider.

I absolutely wouldn't want to live like that, or to inflict having to deal with that on my family.
I'd much rather be gone.
Bloody hell, that's awful.

Yeah, you've got to make the best of everything and appreciate the people around you.
Zardoz wrote:
Yeah, you've got to make the best of everything and appreciate the people around you.

What the fuck would you know about it?

I seem to be having difficulty getting to sleep, which is annoying as I am really fucking tired.

I think there might be some conjunction of sleep apnea and reflux, and something that's making my lungs full of phlegm. Every time I start to fall asleep I jolt awake because I have either:
1 - stopped breathing
2 - started choking on lungs full of phlegm
3 - started choking on stomach acid or whatever creeping up into my throat

Might have to go see a doctor tomorrow. Time to have another try now, but I've been trying for three hours and must have had a dozen of these 'jolts'. They're probably feeding each other in some way. It's just nasty as each one feels like you're dying.
Goodness, do go to the doctor today, Curio. Hooe all goes well X
Curiosity wrote:
I seem to be having difficulty getting to sleep, which is annoying as I am really fucking tired.

I think there might be some conjunction of sleep apnea and reflux, and something that's making my lungs full of phlegm. Every time I start to fall asleep I jolt awake because I have either:
1 - stopped breathing
2 - started choking on lungs full of phlegm
3 - started choking on stomach acid or whatever creeping up into my throat

Might have to go see a doctor tomorrow. Time to have another try now, but I've been trying for three hours and must have had a dozen of these 'jolts'. They're probably feeding each other in some way. It's just nasty as each one feels like you're dying.

Have you tried sleeping slightly sat up? 3-5 pillows can make quite a difference. X
Curiosity wrote:
I seem to be having difficulty getting to sleep, which is annoying as I am really fucking tired.

I think there might be some conjunction of sleep apnea and reflux, and something that's making my lungs full of phlegm. Every time I start to fall asleep I jolt awake because I have either:
1 - stopped breathing
2 - started choking on lungs full of phlegm
3 - started choking on stomach acid or whatever creeping up into my throat

Might have to go see a doctor tomorrow. Time to have another try now, but I've been trying for three hours and must have had a dozen of these 'jolts'. They're probably feeding each other in some way. It's just nasty as each one feels like you're dying.

I remember having something like this once which I attribute to inhaling too many paint fumes. Twer unpleasant, hope you get sorted.
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