The 'NAY!' Thread
Sorry... Isis have APPLICATION FORMS?!?!

This is the most bizarre thing I've read all year, and it's 2016, the Chinese Year Of The WTF.
Nice airport has been evacuated with arm guards on GHE scene. Taking place now.
Nice airport has been evacuated with arm guards on GHE scene. Taking place now.

My Aunt and Uncle live there, so I texted my Aunt this morning to see if they were OK

She said everyone was fine and that she was in the UK but flying to Nice today

I thought she would have issues after something like this
Apparently it was a suspicious package, but everyone evacuated now, and there's been no further report so would hope to expect everyone is safe.

Mobile phones are sometimes remotely blocked when there is a suspect package as they have been used as detonators in the past.
Squirt wrote:
And a 24-hour technical support helpline : ISIS has its own 24-hour tech support called 'Jihadi Help Desk''

You call it and half the workers explode.
Mimi wrote:
Sorry... Isis have APPLICATION FORMS?!?!

This is the most bizarre thing I've read all year, and it's 2016, the Chinese Year Of The WTF.
And a glossy monthly magazine called Dabiq
miki wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Sorry... Isis have APPLICATION FORMS?!?!

This is the most bizarre thing I've read all year, and it's 2016, the Chinese Year Of The WTF.
And a glossy monthly magazine called Dabiq ... -magazine/

They need Graphic Designers and I'm guessing their location is a bit of a tax haven...
JohnCoffey wrote:
This is not the only song I have trouble listening to. Just after my dad died it was Leaving on a jet plane by John Denver that I just couldn't listen to.

Springsten's Bobby Jean reminds me of my friend C. I'd come back from the pub on Dec 30th and there was a note to call my friend T. So, even though it was late, I gave him a call. He told me that C was dead and had hanged herself. The next day, I went surfing and just sat out back for 2 hours, caught one wave, rode it all the way in and that was that. I've never looked up any reports or anything, as that'd remove the faint hope that it'd all been a mix up and she's somewhere doing something.
So, spent about 1200 quid keeping the volvo on the road in the last two weeks. Today on the way home, it started playing up - some dodgy noises from the engine, then it stalled, was hard to restart. Then, on the big slope down into the valley, it kept dying (revs just dropped off constantly and stalled the engine), which meant the electrics went out, which meant the steering went. That was an interesting few hundred meters. Thankfully, there is a very good garage at the bottom of the hill, so the chap there had a look for me despite being closing time. Turns out, for some unknown reason, the coolant had boiled, blown a clip off one of the hoses, and emptied the entire system. 20 minutes and a few gallons of water and a new clip later, car was (and still is) fine. Fucking bonkers. Must have been the weather or something.
Once you've cooked a car enough for it to pack up, it doesn't tend to fully recover.

It might be time to start looking around.

Could you not smell it?

And it's absolutely fine now. don't be a pessimist you bastard. Not least as it's booked in to have a new cambelt next week.
MrChris wrote:

And it's absolutely fine now. don't be a pessimist you bastard. Not least as it's booked in to have a new cambelt next week.

Remember when I cooked my Toyota, then the garage checked it all out and said it was fine to drive, then I drove us home for your stag do? Good times.
Yeah, but that was a shit car.
Once they go they tend to go easier in the future, is all.
I accidentally ordered a naked burrito for lunch rather than a proper one :(
What is a naked burrito?
It's in a box, rather than in a wrap.
No wrap? That's not a burrito, then. It's just meat, beans, salad snd cheese in a box. That has no right to call itself a burrito, naked or otherwise.

Worst. Lunch. Ever.
Stupidest order ever.
How can you accidentally not order the most important part of a burrito? What is wrong with you.
Presumably he assumed the burrito would arrive borne by a naked lady. It's what I would have thought
Hm, that would certainly provide confusion, yes.
Why the fuck else would you describe food as "naked"? Bonkers mis-selling
Jem wrote:
How can you accidentally not order the most important part of a burrito? What is wrong with you.

Hang on, we don't know whether or not the pulled pork and smoked chorizo were in the box.
Just found out that a club I used to be involved in has been ripped of to the tune of several grand by the treasurer. They owe a couple of grand in rent to the hall they used and all the various insurance etc has gone unpaid. Everyone's a bit shellshocked and are trying to work out what happens next. It's odd, as it seems it started happening almost exactly at the time I moved and stopped attending.
...and bought a several grand car.
Squirt wrote:
Just found out that a club I used to be involved in has been ripped of to the tune of several grand by the treasurer. They owe a couple of grand in rent to the hall they used and all the various insurance etc has gone unpaid. Everyone's a bit shellshocked and are trying to work out what happens next.


An organisation I'm involved with suffered that fate shortly before I joined - thankfully someone realised that their insurance included a part about a committee member with their fingers in the till so were able to recoup most of the losses.

Just shows that everyone, not just the committee members, ought to pay attention to Treasurers' reports and insist on good record-keeping.
Squirt wrote:
Just found out that a club I used to be involved in has been ripped of to the tune of several grand by the treasurer. They owe a couple of grand in rent to the hall they used and all the various insurance etc has gone unpaid. Everyone's a bit shellshocked and are trying to work out what happens next. It's odd, as it seems it started happening almost exactly at the time I moved and stopped attending.

Squirt recently seen with World's Largest Moussaka.
Pfft, as if a few grand's worth of Moussaka is enough to satisfy me! I get through 500 quids worth of moussaka on a slow day.
My season is over. :(
Oh you poor man. What did the doctor say?
Lonewolves wrote:
My season is over. :(

Thats one hell of a self-pleasuring injury.
DavPaz wrote:
Oh you poor man. What did the doctor say?

Went to the walk-in centre. They x-rayed it - broken. Now at A&E waiting for a fracture specialist to see me.
Lonewolves wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Oh you poor man. What did the doctor say?

Went to the walk-in centre. They x-rayed it - broken. Now at A&E waiting for a fracture specialist to see me.

All that from playing iRacing? You take it too seriously.
Lonewolves wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Oh you poor man. What did the doctor say?

Went to the walk-in centre. They x-rayed it - broken. Now at A&E waiting for a fracture specialist to see me.

You should stand up or wave or something. Just waiting there until they see you could take hours.
Is that the perspective or are your fingers actually that dumpy irl?

Also, that looks painful :( Hope it just needs strapping up and it's not going to be too much of a hindrance.
flis wrote:
Is that the perspective or are your fingers actually that dumpy irl?

Also, that looks painful :( Hope it just needs strapping up and it's not going to be too much of a hindrance.

I have delicate hands that have never done a day's work in my life, so must be the perspective.

Just been told they're going to splint it, which is what the nurse should have done at the walk-in centre after my X-ray. Wasting A&E resources ftw!
Ouch! How did you break it?
Zardoz wrote:
Ouch! How did you break it?

Failing to catch a cricket ball.
Lonewolves wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Ouch! How did you break it?

Failing to catch a cricket ball.

Due to having Trump-esque dumpy fingers.
Lonewolves wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Ouch! How did you break it?

Failing to catch a cricket ball.

Your captain broke your finger for that?!
Ouch, hope it's healing ok and the pain relief you have is working.
If it gets strapped up, ask for the really cool waterproof velcro-attached strapping that you can take off to wash your hand and then put back on. When I broke my little finger, I spent a week with crappy tape-based stuff that meant couldn't easily shower and it sucked.
Geraint Thomas rode the TdF with a broken pelvis; Tyler Hamilton did it with a broken collarbone; your finger ouchie shouldn't affect your Stickball.

But why not check out and their range of sports first aid?
MaliA wrote:
Geraint Thomas rode the TdF with a broken pelvis; Tyler Hamilton did it with a broken collarbone; your finger ouchie shouldn't affect your Stickball.

Yes, but cyclists are doping fucks - I'm sure they were high as kites at the time. I've just got ibuprofen.

And it's a bit difficult holding a bat and throwing a ball when you can't bend one of your fingers.
Just do one at a time then.
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