Be Excellent To Each Other

The 'NAY!' Thread
Page 11 of 150

Author:  DavPaz [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 14:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

DBSnappa wrote:
Zio wrote:

Basically I have essentially decided that being single is a little difficult at the moment, and it's less than ideal living at my parents again, however, it won't be for too long and it will give me the opportunity to get my financial life in hand. I don't miss being able to go home to my ex-girlfriend, running the risk of getting a new one torn for no apparent reason, watching her smoke or basically oscillate wildly from calm to headcase with alarming frequency and no warning. I know I need to forget her and I'm getting better at remembering this with each passing day

FTFY to save me coming round to your place of work and repeatedly punching you in the head. :kiss:

21/03/11 - The Day The Sympathy Died

Author:  DBSnappa [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 16:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

DavPaz wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
Zio wrote:

Basically I have essentially decided that being single is a little difficult at the moment, and it's less than ideal living at my parents again, however, it won't be for too long and it will give me the opportunity to get my financial life in hand. I don't miss being able to go home to my ex-girlfriend, running the risk of getting a new one torn for no apparent reason, watching her smoke or basically oscillate wildly from calm to headcase with alarming frequency and no warning. I know I need to forget her and I'm getting better at remembering this with each passing day

FTFY to save me coming round to your place of work and repeatedly punching you in the head. :kiss:

21/03/11 - The Day The Sympathy Died

Bye Bye Emotional Pie?

Author:  Zardoz [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 16:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Did your Mum up the bum 'caus her fanny was dry.

Author:  MaliA [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 20:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Zio, sell the car, use some of the money to cover the deposit on a flat to rent. Sell the car for less than you want, to shift it quick. That solves problem number one.

Stop going out every night, and get in a routine of sorts, have a chat with your parents about your day or something.

This'll solve the tiredness, and saves you money.

You're not going to get a chick right off the bat, even I was single for some few weeks once, but you're not going to do it living with your mum and dad.

So, in the next four weeks I want you to have sold your car and being ready to move on to phase three of Zio's awesome existence. OK?


Author:  BikNorton [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Cor, Zio's got a MaliDad.

Author:  Grim... [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

MaliA wrote:
You're not going to get a chick right off the bat, even I was single for some few weeks once


Author:  Zio [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 14:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

I love you Mali!

Some notes, following yesterday's emo-belm:

- I had an awesome, awesome sleep last night. Literally out for the count for fucking hours. I feel so much better today, it's unreal!

- My father is buying a van for his business in the next couple of weeks and is temporarily giving me his car, so I can sell mine and still get about and stuff. Yes, his car is a shitty Rover 45, but it'll do the job for a while. Dear God will I miss my car though.

- I am already dramatically reducing my social commitments, although none of it was particularly expensive anyway, mostly just going round to friends for chats, pizza and movies. I may have a band practice night one night this week as well as at the weekend, since we'd like to push things along a bit there. No other plans, except for the below:

- A second date with the girl from last Friday. Just dinner somewhere, nothing fancy. We got on really well last time, so it'd be nice to possibly get a friend out of it if nothing else. I've been quite honest with her, she knows I'm living with my parents following a breakup in January, and she hasn't run a mile yet. I'd like to try to ascertain on Thursday whether or not this is because she's mental, and then base further decisions on that. I currently have zero plans on making her pregnant.

The above point is something I have been encouraged to do my numerous RL friends and even my bloody parents, although I get the feeling that the Beex hive mind is casting it's shadowy nod of disapproval on me for this. I did have a nice time seeing this girl last week, though also did drink a fair bit. Won't be able to do that this time as I'll be driving, so I figure I'll see how my sober mind feels about it at the end before deciding if I wish to pursue this any further. Two dates almost a week apart does not a committed relationship make, so I don't see any problem at blowing it off at that stage if that's what I decide is for the best.

Besides which *takes deep breath* last time I saw her, the ex had rearranged our bedroom in the flat to better accommodate her sole occupancy of it and promised Zioette's old bedroom to a friend of hers, who's moving in in about a weeks time. The only remaining evidence I was ever there are an empty TV stand and an empty computer desk in the lounge, as she has chosen not to replace either - mostly she seemed to be using only the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. She dumped me over absolutely nothing, just days after talking about how much she wanted us to get married, and is already now moving someone else in to the home I did so much work to set up for us all, so I feel that myself and my daughter have been treated incredibly badly by her. That does help somewhat. I do sometimes wonder why on Earth I get so worked up about someone who can treat me that way.

Author:  BikNorton [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 14:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Zio wrote:
I currently have zero plans on making her pregnant.
But do you have any choice?

Best of luck with correcting the possible-over-correcting.

Author:  Joans [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 15:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Zio wrote:
I currently have zero plans on making her pregnant.


Author:  DavPaz [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 15:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

"Plans" - There's a good one :DD

Author:  Blucey [ Sat Mar 26, 2011 19:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Went to see Richard Herring live last night. Had to leave really early on because it was savagely loud. If I'd stayed it would have done permanent damage. Especially when he did his shouty bits.

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 16:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

I put on Tumblr the other day that I was going for tests at the hospital today and I knwo a few folks here see me on Tumblr but I thought I would post here are I posted on twitter, but twitter messages can be a bit fleeting.

Well, some people here know I have had a few problems with health in the past. I had a few operations a while back due to scar tissue in my womb and a twisted fallopian tube. I had a scan today as I have recently been not so good, but the scan culdn't reveal too much due to a large shadow which they s=couldn't see past. A lot of scans I have had were more detailed than this which seemed quite rudimentary. It seemed likely that I would need a full hysterectomy. That's all I was told 'quite likely'.

Anyway, I had a few other exams and a poke around an I have a lump the size of a fist or large orange which was both a shock and a surprise. I've been told not to jump to any large conclusions as it could be a growth from scar tissue, so I am trying not to go all argh freak out!!! But now I have a wait, which is the thing I find the hardest, to know what will happen.

In a way, whatever happens is likely to mean the rather large operation I was hoping to avoid, but maybe my focus has shifted now to this morning's worst scenario actually being the less scary outcome.

I am tired and emotional though (not in the rockstar way, sadly) so maybe I will not feel so freaked out tomorrow.

I have not slept much recent;y, so now I just feel worn out so will sleep a while. I have a cup of tea. I have my giantmonkey chum and monkey.

It hurts when I sit down, so I am taking this as a sign from the universe that I should LAy down.

Anyway. Spare cuddles are always appreciated, but I know that you guys will at least think warmth, so mxxxx

Author:  Trooper [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 16:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Get well soon Meems :(

Author:  Cras [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 16:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

All the best for the test results, Mimi. Hope the waiting isn't too terrible.

Author:  Kern [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 16:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Best wishes Mimi

Author:  Squirt [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 16:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Hope it all turns out well Meems. Hug-like thoughts are being beamed to you.

Author:  Zardoz [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 16:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Sorry to hear that Mimi. I'm sending you a cyber glomp and positive vibes.

Hope everything goes well with the results.

Author:  flis [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 16:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Mimi, please keep us updated as to your progress, we're all thinking of you :( :luv:

I too hope the waiting for results isn't too awful and that it all goes well with them. I also hope they sort everything out for you soon.

Author:  lasermink [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 16:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Hope you get better soon, Mimi!

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 16:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

All the best, Meems. Thinking of you.

Author:  Curiosity [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 16:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

All the best, Meems.


Author:  Mimi [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 17:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Thanks guys.

Pressing problem at the moment is that I need loo every 15 minutes or so because I am feeling a tad sensitive, and I am starting to feel pain now every time I try to get up or lay down.

Starting to feel a tad sad and upset now that initial shock is wearing off :(

Author:  Mr Russell [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 17:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Hi, when you're feeling down, try not feeling down, and feeling awesome instead.

Author:  devilman [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 17:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

*hugs* I wish you all the best. :luv:

EDIT - to Mimi, obviously, but Russell can have a spare hug.

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 17:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

I have instructed Sir Giantmonk to deliver hugs forthwith

Author:  sdg [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 19:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Loads of gentle hugs Mimi, I hope everything goes as well as it can. Keep us updated and I'm sending you loads of love from me and

Author:  Agent Starling [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 20:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Best of luck with everything.

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 20:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Massive hugs the Meems, if there is anything practical I can do, I'm never more than a text message away. xxx

Author:  MaliA [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 23:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

MaliA wrote:
Zio, sell the car, use some of the money to cover the deposit on a flat to rent. Sell the car for less than you want, to shift it quick.

Checking in on you, bro'.

Author:  Anonymous X [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

GWS, Meemster!

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 23:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Thanks guys. I am mostly half laying, and I watched a movie, the Hangover, which wasn't big or clever but it cheered me up and took my mind of things for 90 minutes or so.

Monkey and Giantmonk and I have been team monkeying.

us :arrow: :munkeh: :o :munkeh:

Author:  Zio [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Bloody hell Meems, i hope everything goes as well as it can do. I'll certainly be thinking of you, as I'm sure many hear will.

Mali, there may be some positive news in that direction, thanks dude. Maybe another time though... my problems seem very much small fry all things considered.

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Thanks, Zio.

My painkillers have worn off now, so now I am trying for some distractions. So painful to read/rest/knit now. Giantmonk is snugglesome here. So warm like a big monkey pillow.

Author:  Malc74 [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

All the best Mimi! An extra big hug from Canadia is winging its way towards you!

Author:  MaliA [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Y'all take care, Mimi, put your feet up.

Author:  MrC [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Also a big fat ex-pat hug from Teutonia - you're definitely one of the people who make the forum more interesting (and not just because I'm a closet male knitter because I'm not). Big jiffy bag of zingy positive vibes is in the post...vroom!

Author:  Bobbyaro [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Awww Mimi. :( Get well soon. Lots of hugs and love.

Author:  Mimi [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 21:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

I had about an hour to maybe an hour and a half's sleep last night, but I read a lot.

Today I have been mostly in pain, but though I have got really crushingly upset twice in the day, I have felt, generally, less panicked than yesterday.

At 3:15am last night I got to where Bingley proposes to Jane, then skipped to the nasty snipy rebuke of the aunt, and then just kipped through to the return and confession of love of Darcy. Ahhhh :luv: i don't even particularly like Austen (apart from Mansfield park, which is acebest). Tonight I will start upon reading the entire Sherlock Holmes collection (all the Holmes short stories collections plus the full length novels). I guess I will fall asleep when I need to. Better to at least use my time awake with books and knitting when I can than staring at the ceiling feeling sorry for myself.

Thankyou guys, for all your well wishes and thoughts. Sorry I go quiet when I am stressed or upset. I fear of just blurting out all my troubles and just driving all my friends away from me, so I hold things in until breaking point and then I cannot cope. :(

Author:  Mr Russell [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 21:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

You know who drives friends away? People who are not you.

Author:  Trousers [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 21:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Mr Russell wrote:
You know who drives friends away? People who are not you.

Also taxi drivers.

I am sad for Meems - sister had all sorts of problems with "plumbing" and such (and still is) so I am vaguely aware is awful thing to go through. You have my every sympathy and I will kick a puppy* so that God** knows I am angry with him for being such a shit***

* may substitute with kitten depending on availability.
** do not actually believe in God.
*** will not actually kick baby animal - thought still there though.

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Thu Mar 31, 2011 22:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

I hope you sleep better tonight Meems, maybe exhaustion will take over and you will wake up feeling at least somewhat refresed and a little stronger. xxx

Author:  majomot [ Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

"hello guys, i am new at this site but i see the forums here are very interesting.i wish to have participate here "

Author:  Mimi [ Fri Apr 01, 2011 23:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Sister is pregnant (of course that's not a nay in itself, I love my nephew and niece very very very much), but I found out accidentally, and I found out via Facebook, and she's 35 weeks gone already and every. other. person. was told but me.

In the grand scheme of things perhaps it does not matter, and perhaps it should not make me sad with all the more pressing things at the moment, but I just feel flat. ?:|

I have watched a DVD and knit, and slept lots today, though, so I am OK. It was just a surprise. I'm not as upset about the way I found out now as I was a couple of hours ago, but I wonder when I should ever have known if it wasn't accidentally spilled by a friend of hers on that wall thing.

And no, it's not an April Fool. I did almost assume it was.

Author:  Malc [ Sat Apr 02, 2011 0:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

That's appalling Mimi!

However, I read the 2nd part of your post as

Mimi wrote:
I have watched a DVD in a kilt


Author:  romanista [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

hope you had a good night tonight mimi , since i couldn't sleep at all, yinyang should mean you did hopefully..

Author:  Mimi [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

I slept quite well until about 5:30, when pain woke me up and then I couldn't get back to sleep, but I felt quite rested so I jut lay there for a while, resting. Then at about 6:15 I got cramp in the calf of my leg. You know those really sharp arrgghhh! cramps? But I couldn't move to relieve it as I couldn't stand up because of my tummy pains, so I lay there like some convulsing squid. :DD It passed after a minute or so, but it was acute whilst it was happening and is till a bit sore on the back of my leg now.

I am up with a book and duvet, now. :)

Now the weekend has passed I have started to worry about when the hospital might contact me with my results. I am both anxious to find out and get it over with to find out where on the scale of bad > very bad I am, but also want to put it off for a few days because I have been able to push it out of my head to a little degree over the weekend, with the thought that I wasn't going to find out on a Sunday so might as well try and forget about it as much as I can.

Anyway, I don't think I will find out today so might as well just distract myself :munkeh:

Author:  Zio [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

That's terrible Mimi. Virtual internet hugs!

Author:  nickachu [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

I found out yesterday that after one of our dogs has had a massive mass removed from her and only given a few months to live that one of the other ones now has bum cancer. So it's likely that by the end of the year both of them won't be with us anymore :(

Author:  DavPaz [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

That sucks, Nick. Have you had them long?

Author:  nickachu [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: The "Nay!" Thread

Tiggy the one on top is 8 years old and had the mass removed.

Jake is 9.

But they should really have another 5 years each at least.

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