Be Excellent To Each Other

Google Android
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Author:  Grim... [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 19:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android





Author:  GovernmentYard [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 20:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

It's great and all, except playing controller games on a touchscreen is shit.

Author:  LewieP [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 22:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

GovernmentYard wrote:
It's great and all, except playing controller games on a touchscreen is shit.

Pretty sure you can connect controllers to your phone pretty easily.

I know at least there is a way to do it with a wiimote.

My Desire is shipping on Wednesday. Can't wait.

Author:  GovernmentYard [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 22:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Colony Wars on a wiimote. Hmm.

Author:  Blucey [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

GovernmentYard wrote:
Colony Wars on a wiimote. Hmm.

Colony Wars running at a framerate that'll make Two Worlds look like silk on a Wiimote mer like.

Also, fucking hell Orange... why is my Hero still on old Android?

Author:  Grim... [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Blucey wrote:
GovernmentYard wrote:
Colony Wars on a wiimote. Hmm.

Colony Wars running at a framerate that'll make Two Worlds look like silk on a Wiimote mer like.

Erm - I'm not convinced that phones like the Nexus One and the Desire won't be more powerful than the PS1...

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

There's no doubt they will be in raw performance terms, but emulation is very inefficient. You'd know that if you understood assembler.

Author:  Grim... [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Raw CPU they'll be more powerful (and they kick in the PS1's rather paltry 2MB of RAM), but there's no specialist GPU which isn't going to help.

Author:  pupil [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Grim...: I know you love the physical keyboard on your G1, so this could be the perfect next phone for you? ... droidAtlas

Author:  Grim... [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

No, it doesn't come out soon enough. There's the Galaxy Pro with a keyboard coming "soon" too.

I'm getting a Desire now.

Author:  Joans [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

My contract is up in less than a month.
I think my options are: Desire, Galaxy S, stick with the G1 until something else comes out.
I can extend my current contract (£200 calls/text allowance (voicemail extra) for £31.50/month for another 18 months) and get a Desire for £70.
I could also get a 20% discount on my monthly bill and keep my G1 for another 18 months (I might keep it, but not for that long).
Although they've started selling it, there's no upgrade price for a Galaxy S on the T-Mobile website, so I guess I'll have to speak to someone.
I also don't use anything near my £200 allowance, so I'd probably like something less for less money. I'd also probably like an 18 month contract, but I suppose I should get used to a 24 month one.

Author:  LewieP [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Desire arrived. Yay!

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 15:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android ... 4&posted=1


Author:  Grim... [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 15:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Dear God, that forum is worse than Eurogamer.

Glad I've got a Nokia now ;)

Author:  TheVision [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 19:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

The thing is, why would you download something to change the wallpapers? The phone can do that already.

(Phone rings) Hang on... hello... what... sorry... some people are stupid? Oh.... Right... I see.

Carry on!

Author:  LewieP [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 19:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

So I have synced my facebook contacts, and got it to just show ones that have a number (and added the numbers of everyone who doesn't have their number on facebook/doesn't have a facebook manually).

There are quite a lot of people that I am friends with on facebook, that have their numbers on facebook, that I am never ever going to call. I can't seem to find a way to delete them from my phonebook. Ideas?

Author:  TheVision [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 19:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

I sent you a message on Twitter but if you go into your address book, press the menu button, then view.. there should be an option to show you which set of contacts to have in your list.

Author:  LewieP [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 20:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

There is, but I can only pick to show/hide all facebook, can't choose on an individual basis.

Author:  TheVision [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Ah right.. so you want a few, but not all to show from Facebook.

Then I'm not sure. I don't use Facebook but I had a similar problem with my Gmail contacts. Can't you just add the people you want into your phone book and then, when you go into their name, there's a link icon in the top right hand corner.

Click that (Do you click things on a touch screen?!?) Anyway.. press that and it should give you options to link people together and only have one instance of that person showing.

Author:  LewieP [ Fri Jul 30, 2010 23:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android is incredible.

I have got it set up on my pc (took a minute or two), and now I access my enitre music collection, including all tags and album artwork, through wifi/3G.

The android app has a fantastic interface, it's really slick and even my ~90gb library doesn't slow it down.

The app is free, but the PC software is free for 30 days and then minimum donation £8.50ish for 12 months, although supposedly google are rolling out their (probably free) version of this with the next release of Chrome (it's build into Froyo, but they haven't released the PC side of stuff yet). No timeline, but they have showed it off publically so it can't be too far off.

So I can access my entire music library wherever I am, it even gives you the option to downsample if you are using 3G. It also caches stuff locally, so after playing something via internets you can then play it offline.

Utterly incredible, I'm amazed I haven't heard of this before. It was so simple to set up.

Edit: It can even add missing album artwork automatically, and the interface to add artwork for stuff it can't find on the PC is really easy.

Author:  TheVision [ Fri Jul 30, 2010 23:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

I shall be having a mess with this tomorrow. I've downloaded the phone app already but it sounds very clever!

Author:  Joans [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 0:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

This sounds great, but I open it up and it asks for me to set an admin password, then create a user and password. Once I've done that it dumps me back to the login screen where neither of the logins I've created are accepted.

Author:  LewieP [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 0:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Joans wrote:
This sounds great, but I open it up and it asks for me to set an admin password, then create a user and password. Once I've done that it dumps me back to the login screen where neither of the logins I've created are accepted.

It also says something like "or just click here"

it means you have to login as "Admin/password" and then you can change the password.

Author:  Joans [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 0:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

LewieP wrote:
Joans wrote:
This sounds great, but I open it up and it asks for me to set an admin password, then create a user and password. Once I've done that it dumps me back to the login screen where neither of the logins I've created are accepted.

It also says something like "or just click here"

it means you have to login as "Admin/password" and then you can change the password.

I already clicked on the link and changed my password, but it wouldn't let me log back in.
Bizarrely, after finding a post on the forum about how to find out your password, I confirmed it was the one I'd been trying and now it works ?:|

Author:  Joans [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 0:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Still can't get it working though. The automatic port forwarding doesn't work, and even though I've set it up manually, it still says it's disabled and times out when testing the connection.

Author:  TheVision [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

This doesn't bode well...

Author:  LewieP [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Dunno what to say, it worked straight away for me.

Author:  Joans [ Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Well, after rebooting my router, port forwarding is apparently still disabled, but everything now magically works. Now I just have to see how much I actually use it in the next month.

Author:  TheVision [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 14:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

I gave up on Subsonic pretty quick. It didn't work first time and I can't be bothered messing with my router as it took me ages to get it sorted for my PS3 and Xbox 360.

Anyway... has anyone found a decent music player for the Desire? The one that came with it is ok but it lacks an equalizer.

Author:  LewieP [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 16:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Rooted official HTC Android 2.2 rom uploading here: ... 22&page=14

Author:  DavPaz [ Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

DavPaz wrote:
HTC Desire GET!

I wandered into the t-mobile shop on my lunchbreak yesterday and asked about the Desire. My contract doesn't run out until 1st September, but I'm an impatient bugger so I asked if there were any options to get an upgrade early. The guy (Wesley, permatanned and very Scouse) said I would need to take out an additional line for the remainder of my contract, then cancel my old one in september. I did the maths and it means I'm basically paying double for one month to get the Desire early. He then told me there was a 2 week waiting list for the phone. Dejected, I wandered away, leaving my details for when stock came in.

At 10:30 this morning, my phone rang. It was Wes (as I like to call him). He'd had 2 Desires delivered this morning and did I want one? Yup.

So I snuck out of work and trotted into town. NEW PHONE!

Also, Mazuma will give me £70 for my old phone, so I'm actually £35 up. Excellent.

Arg. Remember this? Remember how happy I was?

Fuckers. I was lied to. Apparently it's impossible to transfer numbers between contracts on the same network. I've just had a 20 minute discussion with a very patient but very stubborn Indian lady about why I don't want to change numbers or pay any extra charges because of some permatanned muppet mis-selling me to get an extra tick in his commission box.

What I wanted them to do was transfer my old number to the new contract. Failing that, cancel the new contract and renew the old one. They're insisting that I have to pay for the phone despite me stating categorically that I am willing to continue with them for another 24 months if they're willing to cancel all early repayment charges.

In the end, I finally got them to agree to investigate Wesley in the store and get back to me. Fucking hell, I was willing to wait, but the buggers waived a new Desire at me and I was starstruck!

The other option of course is to port the old contract number over to another network on PAYG and then port it back, but I can't be bothered with the messing about and waiting that entails.


Author:  Zen-Chan [ Mon Aug 02, 2010 17:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

DavPaz wrote:
Apparently it's impossible to transfer numbers between contracts on the same network.

I'm 99% certain my missus has just done this exact thing, on T-Mobile no less, due to assorted messing around between a business phone and a personal phone which have different contract renewal dates.

Author:  nickachu [ Mon Aug 02, 2010 21:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Aww I though you and wes were best mates davpaz... :(

Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Mon Aug 02, 2010 22:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

I note that BBC news have changed their earlier headline of 'Shipment of Android Phones Explodes' to the more reasonable, less open to confusion, and ultimately less scary 'Spike in Android Phone shipments'

Author:  TheVision [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 14:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

So, I bought my first app through the android store and it was priced in US dollars. Not a problem as the Google Checkout converts it into pounds and lets you know exactly how much you’re paying.

So far, so good..

Until I checked my bank account this morning and noticed that Lloyds TSB have charged me an extra £1 because it’s being paid in dollars and they’ve had to convert it! So let this be a lesson to you all… don’t buy things in dollars with a Lloyds TSB account.

Author:  Grim... [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 14:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

I can't be 100% sure, but I think all banks do that to some extent.

Author:  TheVision [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 14:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Thinking about it, they probably do so there's no way around it.

I'm pretty sure I can't link it to my Paypal account so I'll just have to not buy things in dollars again.

Author:  Joans [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 14:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Threw coffee all over my G1 at lunchtime, still seems to work fine, but the case now has a distinct smell of toffee nut syrup. ?:|

Author:  TheVision [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 14:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Here's me thinking out loud... I've just ordered a pre paid Mastercard for when I visit the states.

I could link that to my Google account and use that to purchase things. They won't charge for overseas transactions either.

Yes.. That is what I'll do when I get back.

Author:  Cras [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 14:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Grim... wrote:
I can't be 100% sure, but I think all banks do that to some extent.

Paypal do the conversion for you though, which means that the charge that hits my account is already in Sterling.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 21:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Paypal add on their own currency conversion fee though.

Author:  DavPaz [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 21:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Desire users. I have a battery saving top tip.

Hold the power button and turn off MOBILE NETWORK if you're not using it. You can still make and receive calls and texts and it's easy enough to switch back on when you want it.

You're welcome

Author:  TheVision [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 22:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

DavPaz wrote:
Desire users. I have a battery saving top tip.

Hold the power button and turn off MOBILE NETWORK if you're not using it. You can still make and receive calls and texts and it's easy enough to switch back on when you want it.

You're welcome

You can have that as a Widget on your home screen. It's under Widget -> Settings -> Mobile network.

I have it and turn it off every time I don't need to use the internet.

Author:  LewieP [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 22:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

I installed setcpu and have told it to underclock the processor to about 200mhz when the screen is locked, and 800mhz when battery is sub 35%.

Seems to extend the battery a bit.

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Lewie, what process did you follow to root your desire?

The link you published seems to have been abandoned.

Author:  LewieP [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

I did this: ... y-method-2

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

LewieP wrote:

Cheers Lewie, damn thing won't unlock. I've tried about 3 methods now.

Author:  TheVision [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 13:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

@Lewie - I've read that if I root my phone, I'd need to reinstall Android 2.2 on there... and if there's any further updates, I'll have to re-root my phone?

Does rooting it disable the automatic updates then? I'm on Orange so I thought it would as there's bucklies chance of them getting Android 2.2 out any time soon.

Also.. will this wipe the memory card I have in there?

Author:  Blucey [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 13:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

right, Orange can fuck off now.

I'm rooting my Hero in a minute and putting 2.2 on it.

Author:  TheVision [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 13:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google Android

Gah... you're making me want to!

Stop it.. stop it everyone!

I'm scared I'll break it...

I did debrand a Nokia N95 once though.. that went alright.

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