Royal Wedding, Electoral Reform, and Royal Babies thread
Honi soit qui mal y pense
And Venezuela.
And Ecuador.
I am confused, last time I checked, Cambridge was neither a country nor a principality. How, therefore, can our new saviour be Prince of Cambridge?
Bobbyaro wrote:
I am confused, last time I checked, Cambridge was neither a country nor a principality. How, therefore, can our new saviour be Prince of Cambridge?

That's why he's gonna be King some day, and you slept on a trampoline the other night.
Bobbyaro wrote:
I am confused, last time I checked, Cambridge was neither a country nor a principality.

It doesn't even have a proper university....
MaliA wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
I am confused, last time I checked, Cambridge was neither a country nor a principality. How, therefore, can our new saviour be Prince of Cambridge?

That's why he's gonna be King some day, and you slept on a trampoline the other night.

Why I oughta! :DD It was comfy, damnit.
Bobbyaro wrote:
Why I oughta! :DD It was comfy, damnit.

Bobbyaro wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
I am confused, last time I checked, Cambridge was neither a country nor a principality. How, therefore, can our new saviour be Prince of Cambridge?

That's why he's gonna be King some day, and you slept on a trampoline the other night.

Why I oughta! :DD It didn't snore, damnit.

I'm happy for them both, I’ve had my son a month know and it’s been great. They look to be a genuine couple in that way that they feel about each other, King or not it will be a great time for them with a lot of changes. Like the fact that they have decided not to put the baby in a wing of Buckingham palace and surround him by nannies, they are going to spend the first month or so with her mother.

The kid is destined to spend the rest of his life shaking hands with people, been chased by the press with a short stint in the army at some point. Not something I would want for my son, even with all the money
Trooper wrote:

Location, Bedford.



That's also totally fucking ridiculous. I bet someone actually buys it...
I was a bit young* when Wills graced us with his existence in 1982. Was the country having a media wankfest back then too?

* not born by ~6 months.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
I was a bit young* when Wills graced us with his existence in 1982. Was the country having a media wankfest back then too?

* not born by ~6 months.

Pretty sure they were.

Also, fuck you for making me feel old.
Mr Dave wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
I am confused, last time I checked, Cambridge was neither a country nor a principality. How, therefore, can our new saviour be Prince of Cambridge?

That's why he's gonna be King some day, and you slept on a trampoline the other night.

Why I oughta! :DD It didn't snore, damnit.


Drunken Kovacs snores... sorry :'(
MaliA wrote:
And Venezuela.
And Ecuador.

Those are presidential republics, not parliamentary republics.

But I see how you were trying to start a game of Good Republic, Bad Republic. :)
How horrible it must be to have a child, and know, even as you're carrying them, that the choice of what to name them is not yours to make. It will be based not on yours or the father's personal preferences , but rather by an august committee comprising your father-in-law, grandmother-in-law, and other advisors and traditionalists, who will whisper and rub their chins as they decide upon the most appropriate, respectful name that will be forever be accorded to your child. It will be decreed well in advance and you will be told what it will be, in keeping with the 'uncommon' life of pomp, prestige, and the all-costs retention of contrived social status you've sadly chosen for yourself.
It's very modern of them naming him after a popular dinosaur-loving pig.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
It's very modern of them naming him after a popular dinosaur-loving pig.


My daughter is going to be fucking delighted!
My lovely colleague George had money on for it to be his name, so he won £70! It was also his last day in our office, and the country as he's transferring to one of our US offices, so I thought that was a lovely send off for him! :)
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
It's very modern of them naming him after a popular dinosaur-loving pig.

My son is called George :(
Just as an aside on the security costs of royals etc.

This a a story on how George Bush Snr has shaved his head to support the son of one of his security guys who has cancer.

If you go to the bottom of the page there is a picture of him and all his secuirty, there must be 20 or more of them for an 89 year old man who hasn't been president for 20 years or more!
He's called George, you say?

Let's hope he doesn't turn out sad, bad, mad, or fat.

KovacsC wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
It's very modern of them naming him after a popular dinosaur-loving pig.

My son is called George :(

You've seen Peppa Pig, right?
asfish wrote:
If you go to the bottom of the page there is a picture of him and all his secuirty, there must be 20 or more of them for an 89 year old man who hasn't been president for 20 years or more!

Yes, but I'm sure there are just as many people who want him dead now as there were when he was in office, if not more.

Mainly for spawning that dribbling shitcunt Dubya.
Curiosity wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
It's very modern of them naming him after a popular dinosaur-loving pig.


My daughter is going to be fucking delighted!

as would ours be if she new about it! And he already has an aunt Peppa!
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
How horrible it must be to have a child, and know, even as you're carrying them, that the choice of what to name them is not yours to make.

Out of interest, how do you know this is the case? Lots of people name their children after relatives, entirely of their own free will. My daughter is named Rosie Joanna, slightly adapted after my paternal grandmother (Rosena) and my mother (Joan). No one asked myself or my ex to give her these names, we did it as a nice surprise for my family (she has her mother's surname, so that's where her family come in).
My friend at Fat Harry's parents showed remarkable foresight regarding his love of food and his hatred of exercise.
Zio wrote:
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
How horrible it must be to have a child, and know, even as you're carrying them, that the choice of what to name them is not yours to make.

Out of interest, how do you know this is the case? Lots of people name their children after relatives, entirely of their own free will. My daughter is named Rosie Joanna, slightly adapted after my paternal grandmother (Rosena) and my mother (Joan). No one asked myself or my ex to give her these names, we did it as a nice surprise for my family (she has her mother's surname, so that's where her family come in).

MrsA's family have a habit of using the same names over and over and over. I think it shows a lack of imagination.
A friend of mine gave his son the exact same name that he (the father) has.
Curiosity wrote:
A friend of mine gave his son the exact same name that he (the father) has.

And yes, he is American.
Is he an American?
My grandfather was Robert Griffiths.
My father is Robert Griffiths.
One of my brothers is Robert Griffiths.
I hope the third in line (sorry Harry!) takes the regnal name of King Louis. We've not had one yet,it sounds cool, and it would annoy the French.
Kern wrote:
I hope the third in line (sorry Harry!) takes the regnal name of King Louis. We've not had one yet,it sounds cool, and it would annoy the French.

For a horrifying moment, I had this idea of Harry centifuging sperm and only selecting the lighter layer before pouring into a turkey baster whilst chuckling "Soon, I'll be free!". With Kovacs in his dress as a lab assisstant. I need help.
My son has my first name as his middle name. My brother did the same with his son (his name, not mine). Not sure how that would work if either of us have another son.
I've always found that a slightly peculiar habit from our colonial cousins.

One of my brothers has one name from our maternal grandfather and the other name I got to pick. I was 5 years old at the time, so plumped for 'James' after James, the Red Engine from Thomas The Tank Engine. I love reminding him of that.

My youngest brother got my dad's name for his middle name, which is a bit unfortunate. My dad's called Colin.

As for me, my mum was apparently desperate for a little girl (Ha! That went well! Poor cow had three boys!), so they had no boys names prepared. My dad picked David, which my mum vetoed because his own sister already had a son called David, so it wasn't especially original. Then cards starting arriving at the hospital signed to her and 'David', so her hands were tied in the matter. So, brilliantly, I'm named after my own cousin. Thanks Dad!
It helps that my Father-In-Law is also called David :)
It's shite being named after where you were conceived, though, as my friend Vitesse knows.
My girlfriend's older brother is called David. As is her step-dad. They call me 'Number 3' when I visit, which is just great.
Zio wrote:
My girlfriend's older brother is called David. As is her step-dad. They call me 'Number 3' when I visit, which is just great.

Dude, Borg alert!
MaliA wrote:
It's shite being named after where you were conceived, though, as my friend Vitesse knows.

It's better than Bus Shelter.

Edit: Goddamn page breaks.
After my auntie was born, my grandfather was given the task of traipsing down to the register office to register the birth.

What my grandmother failed to realise was that his local pub was en route, and he stopped in for a few pints before making his way on to give the nice people at the council all of the details.

By the time he reached the register office, he was a little bit on the delicate side and had promptly forgotten the name that he was supposed to register on the birth certificate, so he just named her after his own grandmother.

Actually, thinking about it, this might also explain why my Dad has the same name as my grandfather - and indeed why my brother also has the same name.
Grim... wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
It's very modern of them naming him after a popular dinosaur-loving pig.

My son is called George :(

You've seen Peppa Pig, right?

oh yes many many many times.... I do get it.

I like the name George
I have a lingering fear that my brother and I are named after characters in 'The Archers'. The circumstantial evidence is pretty convincing.
DavPaz wrote:
My son has my first name as his middle name. My brother did the same with his son (his name, not mine). Not sure how that would work if either of us have another son.

Yes I did this too..
Kern wrote:
I have a lingering fear that my brother and I are named after characters in 'The Archers'. The circumstantial evidence is pretty convincing.

Oh. my.
My dad named his first son after himself, and his second son (Me) after his dad. My middle name is my maternal grandfathers's first name.

A profound lack of imagination by my parents, and also amusing because my brother got in to a lot of financial trouble which inadvertantly affected my dad on account of name confusion. That'll teach him to be so unoriginal.

My kids won't have any 'traditional' names from my family, because that would be dull. Dull dull dull. Are you listening to me, parents of Beex? Your children have dull names.
ElephantBanjoGnome wrote:
My dad named his first son after himself, and his second son (Me) after his dad. My middle name is my maternal grandfathers's first name.

A profound lack of imagination by my parents, and also amusing because my brother got in to a lot of financial trouble which inadvertantly affected my dad on account of name confusion. That'll teach him to be so unoriginal.

My kids won't have any 'traditional' names from my family, because that would be dull. Dull dull dull. Are you listening to me, parents of Beex? Your children have dull names.

I doubt any one would like to breed with you....

That's right, you got zinged by Kovacs.
Kern wrote:
I have a lingering fear that my brother and I are named after characters in 'The Archers'. The circumstantial evidence is pretty convincing.

If your middle name is Walter that would clinch it.
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