BETEO Official Nottingham Meet
9th August 2008
Space Bar is a funny name.
Grim... wrote:
Space Bar is a funny name.

Star Bar >>> Space Bar

Also - apologies, but I'm not going to be able to make it to the meet. This is for a few non-forum related reasons which suck lots, so please, don't anybody start moaning at me now about this, or I'll be annoyed with you. Have a lovely time everyone, and take lots of hilarious photos, ta.

GazChap, I'm afraid/pleased to say you now have a spare seat again, thank-you sir.
CUS wrote:
Also - apologies, but I'm not going to be able to make it to the meet. This is for a few non-forum related reasons which suck lots, so please, don't anybody start moaning at me now about this, or I'll be annoyed with you. Have a lovely time everyone, and take lots of hilarious photos, ta.

You should send the bag of hair in your place.
So who is going. Is there a list?
Craster wrote:
You should send the tub of lard in your place.

Grim... wrote:
So who is going. Is there a list?

We should move the forum while they're all there. You know, like moving house when people go out, so they come back and go 'gosh, where did they go?'. That would be funny and stuff.
I want to check out the state of everyone by the power of UNO cam!
CUS wrote:
GazChap, I'm afraid/pleased to say you now have a spare seat again, thank-you sir.

No probs. That's good in a way, as it means if anything comes up that means I can't go I'm not letting anyone else down :p
Hmm... seems I may have tempted fate by posting that. I think I got nobbled by a speed camera on the way home from Wrexham today. If I'm right and I get a NIP through the post then I'm not gonna be able to make it as I'll have to use those sponds to pay the fine.

Hopefully they'll send it pretty quick. If it hasn't arrived by the 9th I'll come anyway and hope I can make up the money elsewhere ;)
I can't tell you about whoever's in charge of Wrexham, but in Bucks about 1 in 10 cameras is actually operation at any one time. You're probably safe.
It was a mobile van.
Ah. Difficult to know then.
You will be locked up as a peeeeedofiddler.

GazChap wrote:
If I'm right and I get a NIP through the post

I don't think there's many people that would mind receiving that in the post.

Well, except Robert Kilroy-Silk, natch.
She has very western eyes. I wonder if she's had them operated on.
Grim... wrote:
She has very western eyes. I wonder if she's had them operated on.

That's immediately what I thought. "Gosh," I thought, "what western eyes she has."
She's got Betty Davis eyes.
Zardoz wrote:
She's got Betty Davis eyes.

Hope they're not among the grapes or she's in for a shock.
Grim... wrote:
So who is going. Is there a list?

Yarr, on the first post. I haven't taken CUS off it yet, though.
I think this meet is cursed. When I got home from The Big Chill on Monday I felt tired and rundown (as expected after partying for four nights running), but yesterday I started throwing up and I've had to call in sick today. I've slept pretty much solid since 8pm last night and looking at my screen to type this post is hurting my eyes. Could it be some kind of bug?

If I'm not better by Friday I think we're going to have to cancel this. :(
Either way I win, as I've already booked the weekend off (yes, I have to book weekends off, as I work them sometimes, etc)
Sounds like you've caught a.... big chill. HAHAHAHA! Oh, I kill myself.
myoptika wrote:
I drank 2 pints of shandy at the Big Chill festival. Fell into a coma, and had my eyebrows shaved off.

If they haven't grown back by Friday I think we're going to have to cancel this. :(

I'll go to my local joke shop to see if I can get some replacement eyebrows.
Why aren't you nursing him back to health, Ange?
What's the rectal thermometer reading?
Zardoz wrote:
What's the rectal thermometer reading?

Hot hot hot!
Zardoz wrote:
What's the rectal thermometer reading?

'The Female Eunuch'
MetalAngel wrote:
Why aren't you nursing him back to health, Ange?

Because some of us have to go to work. And some of us have already had 12 weeks off sick this year so taking time off sick would result in being sacked. Or something.

Anyway, it's just a small dose of festivalitis, he'll be fine by the weekend. Although he was too ill yesterday to play on the X Box. Now I'm worried!
Curiosity wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
What's the rectal thermometer reading?

'The Female Eunuch'

Of course, stuck up and full of shit.
Zardoz wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
What's the rectal thermometer reading?

'The Female Eunuch'

Of course, stuck up and full of shit.

*Claims 2 points for the assist*
Well that was brilliant. Ange told me that I'd just feel better if I got up and had a shower. In a roundabout way she was right; as soon as I'd stepped out of it, I threw up again.
Was Marc Almond in your tent?
Ah I knew it'd all be my fault.
Don't worry mate, if you can just draw up a plan of where you were going to take us, I'm sure we'll find our way around and we'll try not to disturb you when we get back.

In all seriousness though, hope you feel better, and don't try to put up with us lot if you don't.
Ok, he is actually quite ill. There's wimpering and mysery a-plenty. Oh wait, there goes the bell again... :p
Can you lock him in the shed and take us out and about instead, Ange? Even if it is just down to Oddbins to get some boxes o' wine.
Well I did consider that :D

Illness update - he's managed to eat a piece of dry toast and some fruit. So far this hasn't made a reappearance. Hurrah!
Ange wrote:
Well I did consider that :D

Illness update - he's managed to eat a piece of dry toast and some fruit. So far this hasn't made a reappearance. Hurrah!

How is the invalid today?

I really do wish I had taken a video of the attempt to move him from the chair on Saturday...
He's deaded. Well, not quite. He went to the doctor this morning and they said he's got a virus, prescribed him some buccastem and told him to take some Gaviscon. It's the usual "keep the fluid levels up and rest" thing really.

I shall be annoyed if we have to cancel Saturday as I'd formulated a plan which meant I could go to the toga party, go to meet my friend for his birthday AND hang out with a bunch of internet geeks. Oh well.
Hmm. It more than likely looks as if this is cancelled now, doesn't it? Oh well. Get better soon floppy fringe.
Ange wrote:
He's deaded. Well, not quite. He went to the doctor this morning and they said he's got a virus, prescribed him some buccastem and told him to take some Gaviscon. It's the usual "keep the fluid levels up and rest" thing really.

I shall be annoyed if we have to cancel Saturday as I'd formulated a plan which meant I could go to the toga party, go to meet my friend for his birthday AND hang out with a bunch of internet geeks. Oh well.

Wow, with us lot coming as well that would have been quite a busy day.

Oh, I see.
Dimrill wrote:
Hmm. It more than likely looks as if this is cancelled now, doesn't it? Oh well. Get better soon floppy fringe.

This sort of defeatist attitude would never have been tolerated at a London meet.
Craster wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Hmm. It more than likely looks as if this is cancelled now, doesn't it? Oh well. Get better soon floppy fringe.

This sort of defeatist attitude would never have been tolerated at a London meet.

This is true. Come on, we've got his address, see you all there saturday. :p
Craster wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Hmm. It more than likely looks as if this is cancelled now, doesn't it? Oh well. Get better soon floppy fringe.

This sort of defeatist attitude would never have been tolerated at a London meet.

Yeah. London represent.
Can someone do a photographic mash-up of Grim and Tim Westwood please? kthnxbibi.
Grim Westwood :D

Can someone do a photographic mash-up of Mr Chris and an old man who sits on his sofa and looks after children while his friends go out nearby?
What's that? No mashing needed? Well, I never.
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