Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
Goatboy wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I caught this one, and spent most of it going 'hahaha what?'
Towing the Earth?

A normal Tardis, with a normal crew of six, would have to do this sort of thing routinely as they policed time. Remeber the Doctor is a renegade and the Tardis chooses the timelord, not the other way around - and there's likely as not enough power in any given dimension (a Tardis is one) to tow a lump of rock with a little atmosphere.

Presumably only if the planet has Homestart on their policy.
Craster wrote:
Goatboy wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I caught this one, and spent most of it going 'hahaha what?'
Towing the Earth?

A normal Tardis, with a normal crew of six, would have to do this sort of thing routinely as they policed time. Remeber the Doctor is a renegade and the Tardis chooses the timelord, not the other way around - and there's likely as not enough power in any given dimension (a Tardis is one) to tow a lump of rock with a little atmosphere.

Presumably only if the planet has Homestart on their policy.

Unfeasibly large number of bananas/100
Craster wrote:
Presumably only if the planet has Homestart on their policy.

"Ooh, looks like your asteroid belt has gone I'm afraid. And as you're more than 3 miles out of your designated space lane I'm afraid we can't tow you home."
GazChap wrote:
Craster wrote:
Presumably only if the planet has Homestar on their policy.

"Ooh, looks like your astewoid belt has gone I'm afwaid. And as you'wre more than 3 miles out of your designated space lane I'm afwaid we can't tow you home."

has anyone mentioned Dalek Fred yet? The internet has named the Dalek that shot the Doctor Dalek Fred.

And have written all about him

I'm putting it down to be up all night working but I think it's awesome

So who was Gwen Cooper related to, then?
There was an episode set in the 1800s in one of the earlier series, the character in it was played by the same actress as Gwen. Sorry for being a bit vague, but I am sure you get the gist.
So is Tennant still the doctor then? After all the bishop tugging on BBC Radio about the super secret ending, did Tennant turn into, say, Darius, or is he still Tennant?
Tennant is the Doctor still, but there are three of time, one trapped in America around the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence; one trapped in the so-called present day, who has a broken TARDIS, and another trapped in the future, where he's been caught as a pet.
I was hoping for Darius, really.
Mr Chris wrote:
So is Tennant still the doctor then? After all the bishop tugging on BBC Radio about the super secret ending, did Tennant turn into, say, Darius, or is he still Tennant?

Still Tennant.

He'll be doing some amount of 'specials' but not a normal series in 2009, due to other acting jobs (I believe he's doing something with Jean-Luc Picard and the RSC).

He may, or may not still be in the Tardis come the 2010 series.
So I didn't catch the christmas time clip at the end but apparently the Cybermen are back. I propose that this will be the episodes 'big bad.'

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If the cybermen are from the parallel universe now days could it be a special about the blue suit doctor? That way RTD could do his own thing for the specials whilst leaving the slate clean for Moffat...
Oooh, that would be quite cool. Also allows just a little more Rose before moving on.
Lave wrote:
If the cybermen are from the parallel universe now days could it be a special about the blue suit doctor? That way RTD could do his own thing for the specials whilst leaving the slate clean for Moffat...

Good point, and not implausible.

Although I suspect it is more like that there's a more predictable plot to the Christmas special, like the Cybusmen jumping universes at the same time Rose did, for example.
Thank fuck, I've crammed in all 13 episodes into the last three days and can finally read this thread.
It's a bit hard to give a :munkeh: about the spare doctor. He's basically Rose's coin operated boy.
Doesn't Bludoc sound like Donna though? Wouldn't that creep Rose out?
Mr Chris wrote:
I was hoping for Darius, really.

Sorry, but who is Darius? ?:|
I'm so glad I didn't read this thread before watching the series in its entirety; just reading the first page has made me want to claw my eyes out.
Not a great episode, but I admit to getting a rather large nerd-on when the Time Lords appeared at the end!
Not great? It waqs fucking bollocks. Laboured, flat, disinteresting, repetitive bollocks.

Fuck the bloody Timelords at the end, fuck them. I couldn't wait for them to get back but there'd better be some decent explanation of why and how because the dross they just served up purely to get to this point hasn't been even slightly worth it. Bouncy Master fuck off.

I'm glad Davies is going if this is the best he can do.
Oh fuck off. Every time I come here after enjoying Dr Who there's people saying it was the WORST EPISODE EVER! By my reckoning every episode since the show came back must have been terrible.

Today was excellent. Thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish, as did most other people.

Can't freaking wait until the next episode!
Generally, I agree with Myopika except:

Bouncy Master fuck off.


I did a little geek yelp when the timelords came back. Partially because I'd kind of guessed by that point. Been waiting for that for ages. The ultimate thingy would be for Romana II to come back, as then I would literally do a nerd spunk, but that isn't going to happen.

But, yeah. Boring, wasn't it? Looks like they've written a 45 minute episode into 2 hours, with the first hour being the equivalent of the first 5 minutes of 45 minute one. Assuming the next episode isn't a hour of bang! boom! humans are great! boom! master and that! all characters ever!!!! bang. Regeneration! end.
Clausiosity wrote:
Oh fuck off. Every time I come here after enjoying Dr Who there's people saying it was the WORST EPISODE EVER! By my reckoning every episode since the show came back must have been terrible.

Today was excellent. Thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish, as did most other people.

Can't freaking wait until the next episode!

Maybe it's different people who object to different episodes, in much the same way that any episode I see, I can find someone on each of the forums I frequent that liked it.
tennant looked like he really couldn't be arsed. Brian Cox as voice of Ood was excellent, James Bond as a time lord?!!
I realise it's unlikely to be spoiling anything for anyone, but just to be extra certain:
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So, during the events of The Doctor's last run in with The Master, The Doctor hit a reset button which meant none of it had ever happened - Other than The Doctor, only Lucy Saxon (The Master's wife) recalls those events. So, why is she in prison after a "behind closed doors" trial at the start of this evening's episode? Am I missing something obvious? It's possible, I have just eaten a great abundance of cheese.
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When the wussy cop-out big reset happened, it was reset to the period just before the whole Toclafane invasion happened, but after Saxon was prime minister, and he murdered a fair few people.
she did still shoot, and kill, the serving prime minister
Don't read if not watched, etc.

Basically everyone onboard the Valiant was outside of the great 're-set' and were unaffected by the memory loss. Everything up to the event of opening the portal however still took place. So Saxon/Master did make announcements about aliens and did kill the cabinet, but the US President was never killed on TV. All everybody knows was that Saxon was a nut that killed the cabinet and disappeared after making bizarre proclamations that never happened. Being party to that cabinet-killilng conspiracy I guess his wife would have a secret trial, with most of the prior events hushed up. The Master, ever one for 'I'll be back!' plans, left a cult behind to bring him back.

So that's cleared up. Now, what did I think of the episode?

Damn frustrating. The trouble with RTD is that he has these grand ideas that really do work, and then he bungles it all by throwing out first draft scripts and join the dots plotting. There were moments of excellence in the episode but they were undermined by the sloppy plotting that made the framework. The entire, "Hey, I'm a billionaire with a private army and a spacecraft and am building something mysterioso," was so unwieldy that I'm amazed that it ever got past first draft. Wouldn't it have been better for the aliens to have been working for him in exchange for him helping them fix their ship and getting them back home? It would have made the plotting a lot less, "Oh and by the way..." And why take the risk with Saxon/Master when the aliens would have eventually cracked it anyway?

Likewise with jumpy/lightning bolty Master. How exactly does that work? It's merely there for spectacle. I like the idea of him feeding on tramps and being brought low - that works, but again RTD tries to shoehorn it into an "AH HA! I HAS PLOTS ALL ALON!" notion that doesn't actually work. How did The Master know any of this was underway? It's an attempt once again to force an apocalyptic finale which hasn't had any groundwork laid for it. And no number of pompous Timelord utterances can mask it.

Were there good things in the episode? Yes. The finale with the 6 billion Masters was tops. The bits with Bernard Cribbins and the cafe talk was very good, and the Master sharing his insanity of the drumming with the Doctor was jolly neat too. John Simm was also super, and Cribbins great as usual. But beyond that it all felt thrown together.

It's infuriating because RTD is capable of aceness. Midnight, Rose, End of the World, Love & Monsters (yes, really), Parting of the Ways are all excellent episodes. But I think he's finally forgotten how to make good Who. His character has lost all the subtlety and mysteriousness of Ecclestone's series 1. There was a real distance to the character there that was quite affecting, but now that the Doctor wears his heart on his sleeve in every scene, and barks emotions and angst and joy, it makes for a one-note character. Damn shame.

Roll on the new guard. Thanks for bringing him back RTD, but we really need to carry on without you now.

i think u may have missed a little bit, pete. The millionare did non know tey were aliens, so had to take risk on the master. However, i agree with u that it felt very cobbled together, and that it could have been done in a shorter epiode. Five mins of the master laughing, followed by a further five of him dancing, check me out, i'm dancin', i'm dancin'! Had figured out the TL before the end, but still a good arch. On the whole, it could have been better, but it sets us up for an exciting finale, and let's be honest, that's all we really want.
Aha. I see. That makes sense. Sort of.
So the Master writes a book that he shares with his cult about how to resurrect him, but also includes a section possibly entitled "How to Fuck Me Up"?


That was, quite simply, the worst episode of Nu-Who I've ever seen. NOTHING made sense. Where's the Master suddenly got these superpowers from? How did the black dude and his daughter know where the Master (and Doctor) were? How did the Doctor go from being shot in that quarry, to bringing the TARDIS outside Donna's house?

Why did the Volvicci, or whatever they're called, not salvage the machine BEFORE repairing it?

Why is Donna apparently not affected by the Master Race thing? I can understand the Doctor, being non-human, and I can understand Wilf, as he was locked away in that radiation chamber thingie, but Donna is still human and was "exposed" - surely having been in the TARDIS doesn't change your DNA?

Oh, and of course, how the hell have the Time Lords come back? And, more to the point, how come the Doctor/Master haven't realised they're back given that they're supposedly able to detect other Time Lords in existence telepathically?

Oh, and why are the Time Lords banging on about The End of Time when they always had a policy of non-interference?

I'm calling it now: RTD is basically creating a completely blank slate for Moffatt and Smith to work with, so at the end of the next episode, the Time Lords are gonna say "What the fuck have you two been doing?", kill the Master and force the Doctor to regenerate. Then they'll undo all the shit they've been doing.
That episode was utter tripe, let's face it. The only good bit was the talk in the café. It might not have been the worst episode ever but it was certainly up there.
Donna is half-Doctor, half-human, remember.
I didn't think she was part Time Lord, just had Time Lord knowledge put inside her brain?
Fuck knows. I think you're overanalysing what is basically a Saturday night family show, though.
Once a Time Lord always a Time Lord. They're like junkies & Pringles addicts :)
mypsletoe wrote:
Fuck knows. I think you're overanalysing what is basically a Saturday night family show, though.

No, RTD is underanalysing it ;)
Well I enjoyed it.
Aye, I forgot to say that I enjoyed it. The Gruffalo was better though :luv:
I felt that someone could tell you what happened in last night's episode, and it would sound great. It was just the actual telling of the episode itself which spoiled it. RTD's writing style disagrees with me though, with a few odd exceptions. On the other hand, Cribbins was great.
I'm also all for bringing the Timelords back, assuming the reset switch can be resisted at the end of the next episode.
I'm in favour of the return of the Timelords as well. I'm not entirely sure how they're doing it with this but then who cares really?
There's a peek at the next episode on the BBC website: (click Videos | Exclusive Scene, the End Of Time Part 2)

My guess is:
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Faced with the knowledge that the Doctor is going to destroy both the Daleks and the Timelords and end the Time War, the new, nastier, more villainous head of the Time Lords, James Bond, contrives some MacGuffin that will hide them rather than them face destruction. The hiding required some sort of key to release them, which was tied up in the Master, and is what unravelled at the end of the last episode.

This could lead to an interesting dynamic in the new series, with the Timelords hunting the Doctor. I think they make interesting antagonists, so that could be a nifty plotline.
I'll be watching this later tonight. I'm hopeful, and generally enjoy them and try my best to overlook any silly parts.
Agent Starling wrote:
I'll be watching this later tonight. I'm hopeful, and generally enjoy them and try my best to overlook any silly parts.

Just watch the 5 minutes in the café then.
For once I watched the special through the sober eyes of Boxing Day rather than the merry blur that is Christmas Day after around noon. The start was dire, the middle bits were confused, but it did get better towards the end.
Cribbens and Tennant were excellent (especially in the cafe), whilst Simm just stole the show as the Master should, though the resurrection sequence was ropey to say the least. Loved him going mad and developing a taste for human flesh and the western style standoff in the scrapyard worked well.

I wasn't too keen on the multibillonaire or his justifications for the 'gate' (why did he want his daughter to be immortal? What did she think about it?) and I didn't think they should have named live politicians, though. But we'll have to see how the two parter stands up once its all complete.

[EDIT And there had better be a good explanation for the resurrection of the Time Lords: just one shot of the silly hats was enough to irritate me.]
I was confused as to whether they were Timelords or if it was the new school year at Hogwarts.
I thought the mentals Master was excellent! Apart from that it made about as much sense and was just as annoying as any other episode. It did seem to be lacking something, which I assume was the Doctor (and no assistant) not actually being involved in it, much.

I did think it was better than previous Xmas specials though. They're normally very soppy and kid oriented but this one certainly wasn't.
I hate the manic master. I want a cool calm and collected master like old series.
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