Be Excellent To Each Other

magazine publishing rights as a staff writer
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Author:  myp [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer


Author:  Grim... [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Stuart Campbell vs Future Publishing account

TheAlbin0Kid wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I shout at people here for making dick management decisions but if they offered me £10k to stop shouting you'd better believe I'd take it.

FWIW, I'd accept £10k to stop shouting about how shit the mods are.

I can ban you for free.

Author:  JohnCoffey [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

BTW just wanted to point out. I don't personally dislike the guy. I don't like the way he behaves but I don't know him personally.

What I do know however is that the outcome of that fiasco involving Future ended up with him only fucking himself.

Sure, some may find it rather heroic and a valiant attempt at sticking it to the man but personally his bravery was ultimately stupidity.

Author:  Malc [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Stuart Campbell vs Future Publishing account

JohnCoffey wrote:
sinister agent wrote:
You don't think that his sense of justice is stronger than his greed?

If it's not, he would never have stopped working for future in the first place, because he would have shut up and sucked it every time they screwed over him and the people around him. Which was many times.

I never ever said that I thought Future were right. Infact, they clearly were not, hence why he had had victory over them before. However, it's hard not to bring greed into it when the guy has basically sat down and worked out pretty much to the penny what they owe him. And, also, why he would not have scoffed at their £10k offer to shut him up. As I said if it was not about money but more about being proven right then he had his chance and decided to blow it. And when you look into the reasons why he decided to push on all you read about is how pathetic and woefully short of his quotes for the work £10k was.

It's not like I am speculating, he made all of these figures perfectly clear. If it was morals over money then he would have kept the figures and ammounts to himself.

Also, note how he did not make the entire debacle public until it was all said and done. So maybe he was biting his tongue and, had their offer been more substantial would have taken a back hander to be quiet?

That I don't know but as I say, the entire thing smacked of greed to me.

And Grim you're right of course. They had long stopped hiring him after he made all of his previous dealings with them public information and spattered it all over the internet. Why would you hire an obvious enemy?

I don't know how it is in civil law, but under criminal law, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to discuss the details of a trial whilst it is ongoing.


Author:  TheAlbin0Kid [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Stuart Campbell vs Future Publishing account

Grim... wrote:
TheAlbin0Kid wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I shout at people here for making dick management decisions but if they offered me £10k to stop shouting you'd better believe I'd take it.

FWIW, I'd accept £10k to stop shouting about how shit the mods are.

I can ban you for free.

Um, I'd take £8k if that's better for you?

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

Grim... wrote:
TheAlbin0Kid wrote:
In before mercy lock.
You've not been here long, have you?
Mercy locks are for weak forums full of pussies.

Grim... wrote:
TheAlbin0Kid wrote:
FWIW, I'd accept £10k to stop shouting about how shit the mods are.
I can ban you for free.
Sent via paypal.

Author:  Sir Taxalot [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

Grim... wrote:
I can ban you for free.

You could get rid of a lot of us by charging tw(Snip! - Ed)

Author:  myp [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

I'm not paying for Albino to get banned for free.

Author:  JohnCoffey [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Stuart Campbell vs Future Publishing account

Malc wrote:
I don't know how it is in civil law, but under criminal law, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to discuss the details of a trial whilst it is ongoing.


Fair enough. Thing is, he wrote it all on the fly "as it so happened". And as I say it just smacked of greed to me.

Also.. If he wasn't motivated by greed and money and really was such a genuine 'for the people' chap what the fuck is everyone doing here? :D

Just an observation of course, and I don't know the specific ins and outs, but I thought he started charging people for his forum and articles and so they all came here?

Apologies if my facts are wrong, but if they're not it's hardly a great character reference is it?

And yes, I have looked over what you actually get should you decide to pay him. A couple of games that he didn't make or create and some other BS. Bit fucking hypocritical really eh?

Author:  Hearthly [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

JohnCoffey wrote:
Sure, some may find it rather heroic and a valiant attempt at sticking it to the man but personally his bravery was ultimately stupidity.

Was it though? The guy's still solvent, he still has paid work, he isn't a millionaire by a long stretch but he absolutely refused to take the shaft, even if it was a shaft with £10000 in used twenties attached to it, stuck to his principles and lived to fight another day.

Stories of Future being a shower of mercenary cunts are pretty common, most people take some sort of settlement off them, Stu didn't, he may have lost the court case, but his integrity and scruples remain intact.

The £10000 would have been spent sooner or later, money is transient, a conscience lasts forever.

Author:  TheAlbin0Kid [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I can ban you for free.
Sent via paypal.

Paypal says: Transaction declined, cannot extract fee from a zero amount... also Albin0 is clearly awesome.

Author:  JohnCoffey [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 15:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

As I say dude I am perfectly aware of what Future are like. Like I've said about OCuk you usually find that large businesses/their owners/corporations are all about fucking people in the ass. I mean, everyone who has a job gets fucked in the ass, we just have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up and get on with it (see your personal experiences).

It's just a little hard to take him on face value when he behaves so hypocritically. I mean like you say, money shouldn't have been the basis of the Future case, he makes enough money etc.

Why charge people for a forum then?

I have tried many times over the years to understand him and what motivates him. I have seen him come to forums and scream and shout about moderation and freedom of speech only to join his forum as FickleMisstress and be banned as soon as he realised it was me (and I hadn't even done anything wrong, I suppose he was just worried that should he offend me I would point people to his alter life where he behaved like a fucking child? don't know).

I've tried to be nice to him, I've tried to level with him, but all you get is foul language and insults.

Author:  JohnCoffey [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 16:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

BTW just wanted to point a couple of things out. I may make more sense then.

I found out who Stu was in 2002. I had never even heard of him before.

Basically there was this big hoo har on the pinball forums about modding other people's work. For a laugh I decided to go and read it.

I found that he had used a backdrop out of one of my creations that I spent about a week designing to mod a pinball layout. No mention of me at all. No credit, nothing in the notes. Apparently he had totally created it himself.

I decide to join said forum and point out to people that the marvellous idea and wonderful creation he had just released to them wasn't really his marvellous idea or creation. I get called a whining cunt.

Whatever, prick. I leave it there returning to my forum.

Shortly afterwards he turns up demanding that people do not lock their creations because they are not really their creations. They are simply pieces of artwork. Over the space of two years he creates so much unrest, so much noise and so much argument that like myself other designers said "fuck the cunt, give him what he wants".

A couple of months later he kicks off over something else and decides to tell people he wishes they would die in a chemical fire.

So, just to give him a poke I take one of his creations, fix it, mod it and upload it. He goes bezerk, claiming that I stole his work, closes down his downloads and then comes along a week later with his latest creation saying "fuck you lot here is what you could have had".

Which of course I thought was fucking hilarious seeing as I gave him a single taste of the medicine he had been forcing others to swallow for coming on three years. Toys out the pram, he doesn't post there again.

Author:  grumpysmurf [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Stuart Campbell vs Future Publishing account

JohnCoffey wrote:
Atrocity Exhibition wrote:
If by 'how not to go about things' you mean 'sticking to your principles instead of being bought off like a cheap whore', then yes.

I'm still confused after a whole day to mull that over as to what you mean?

If it was a battle of right and wrong then surely they basically said "look, you're right, here's ten or so grand, you are right"

I mean, all along Stu basically made it very clear (well, maybe he was fibbing) that it wasn't about the money. So if it wasn't about the money why not just take the money when offered at the admission that they had done wrong?

Why push on for more? Greed?

I fail to see how pushing for what you believe you're owed is greedy.

Obviously, a sane man would have realised he had fuck all chance of netting 100k out of a multimillion dollar publishing empire, but that's what the unpaid reprints added up to. It was stupid to push on, but definitely not greedy.

Incidentally, Stuart Campbell is responsible for me wanting to become a games journalist. His flaws as a person are part of what makes him such an entertaining writer. So lay off, eh?

Author:  Grim... [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

No-one is debating his skill as a writer.

Author:  sinister agent [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

Like anyone worth mentioning, his greatest strengths are also his greatest weaknesses.

Author:  Mr Russell [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 15:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

sinister agent wrote:
Like anyone worth mentioning, his greatest strengths are also his greatest weaknesses.

Even Superman?

Author:  chinnyhill10 [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 16:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

sinister agent wrote:
Like anyone worth mentioning, his greatest strengths are also his greatest weaknesses.

Doesn't work for Mr T.

Author:  markg [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 17:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

Yeah, that saying pretty much makes no sense.

Author:  Peter St. John [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

Mr Russell wrote:
sinister agent wrote:
Like anyone worth mentioning, his greatest strengths are also his greatest weaknesses.

Even Superman?

Powers come from being born on Krypton, yet he's vulnerable to Kryptonite? :)

Author:  Mr Russell [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 18:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

His greatest strength isn't the fact that he's from another planet though.

Anyway, it's only fun when I pick holes in other peoples arguments. Not in mine.

Author:  myp [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 18:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

Mr Russell wrote:
His greatest strength isn't the fact that he's from another planet though.

Anyway, it's only fun when I pick holes in other peoples arguments. Not in mine.

Err, yes it is. Otherwise he'd just be a pleb wearing his pants on the outside of his trousers.

Author:  Mr Russell [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 18:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: magazine publishing rights as a staff writer

No his strengths come about because of that fact. The fact itself is not a strength.

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