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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:07 
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I'll eat pretty much anything.

As long as it's chips.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:11 
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I used to have a friend who was a fussy eater and quite rude with it, so I used to frequently see my mum quietly seething with rage while he turned his nose up at her dinner and made rude comments. So while I have every sympathy for people with allergies, I don't have an awful lot of time for truly fussy eaters.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:12 
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Fish. :spew:

If there's a choice between meat and fish I'll take the former, otherwise I will munch it begrudginly then leave most of it. Other than that I'm not really fussy, although I don't like drinking from the same cup or hipflask.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:13 
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Malc74 wrote:
Can I just interject (ooer) here and ask how many of you lot, when you sit down to eat your meals, have to eat each food item separately, one at a time? (For example, if you sat down to sausages, beans and chips, you'd have to eat all the sausages, followed by all the beans and then all the chips; no mixing of anything and no alternating bites of different food).

It's an odd little foible I've noticed in a couple of family members, and I also have a couple of workmates who can't bear to mix their food together either. In fact, one of my workmates is very weird - if she cooks food together (eg, a chicken, vegetables and noodle stir-fry) she can eat it no problem. However, if she cooked the chicken, vegetables and noodles separately and put them on her plate in different little piles, not only is she unable to mix them, she can't even bear to have them touching one another.

So, erm, yes. Anyone else craz(Erm, "idiosyncratic". Ed.) like that?

Yes, I am exactly as above. Craig often laughs at this fact. I like to eat foods one at a time - usually, least favourite first, working my way to finishing my most favourite, and I don't like to have them touching on the plate (when I was younger I would even always have things like beans (foods that 'creep') in a separate bowl on the side).


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:18 
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I love any type of fish. Fish is amazing!

EDIT: My sister and mother are like you Mimi (or like you were?) they HATE food touching, it really creeps them out 0_o;
My hates in food/sauces (that I can think of at the moment):

Any cheese other than Mild Cheddar. Anything else makes me v.poorly
Chocolate spread (I LOVE chocolate, just not spread-ick)
Brown Sauce
Any really hot sauce
Any really hot food-spice wise (which is why I make my own chilli, the mild version)

It's a shame that some food I love I can't eat, but that's because of Chrones.

Decaf metal

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:19 
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Mimi wrote:
I actually can't bare to even see anyone else eat fish or seafood of any kind, it makes me want to throw up even seeing it.


I'm not allergic, though. There is a possibly true family story that I fell into a pond full of fish at a trout farm when I was three that might explain why I hate them so much, if it happened.

But apart from fish and seafood I'm still quite a fussy eater. Mayonnaise makes me want to vomit - quite literally, there's a gag reflex if I try to eat it - and I hate pickle, which is really annoying, as it means I can never eat pre-packaged sandwiches.

Other things I don't like? Peas, pineapple, liver, kidney, half the fruits in the world and more.

I'm not a big fan of any posh kind of sauces.


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:20 
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Mimi wrote:
things like beans (foods that 'creep')

I just formed mental images of baked beans seeping through the streets of Pompeii...

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:22 
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Shin wrote:
I love any type of fish. Fish is amazing!

EDIT: My sister and mother are like you Mimi (or like you were?) they HATE food touching, it really creeps them out 0_o;

Like I still am. I have progressed past needeing to have any beans, etc in a seperate bowl, though (most of the time)


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:24 
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That Rev Chap

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My wife tries to keep different foodstuffs separate, too. I think it's pretty common.


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:25 
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The Rev Owen wrote:
Mayonnaise makes me want to vomit


I hate pickle, which is really annoying, as it means I can never eat pre-packaged sandwiches.









 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:28 
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Sorry, but that's just weird. I like a FOOD MASHUP.

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:29 
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That Rev Chap

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I do, however, love sprouts and broccoli.

Sprouts are one of my favourite parts of Christmas dinner. Mmmm, sprouts!

Oh, I remembered something else. I don't like food with wine in it, because I don't like wine.


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:31 
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The Rev Owen wrote:

:this: Love the stuff.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:36 
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Oh I forgot! Me and Gaz hate eggs :spew:

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:39 
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If we had a grand BETEO food meet, I think all we could agree on eating would be white bread. Until someone turns up with a gluten allergy, then it'll just be water for all of us.


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:40 
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I despise broccoli. Apparently this is a genetic predisposition though. For people like me who have the "don't like broccoli gene", broccoli is a vile, bitter nasty abomination. Those of you who do like it have the gene that makes it taste not bitter and horrid. I can't even begin to imagine how broccoli could be made to taste good, other than perhaps marinating it in worcester sauce, frying it in butter, then THROWING IT IN THE BIN AND EATING SOMETHING THAT IS ACTUALLY FOOD AND NOT A SMALL TREE.

Oh, so other than that (which is genetic), I eat all foods. ALL OF THEM. And I think it's dead weird that people don't like specific foods because "they have funny textures" or "look gross" and such. I thought people got past that when they left junior school and stopped having cucumber sandwhiches which had been sat in their lunchbox all day. (brrrrr).

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:42 
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I used to be really fussy; didn't like mushrooms, celery, tea, coffee, less-processed meat (all I'd eat was sausages, burgers, mince and chicken breast), gravy (a stew/casserole/pie: lovely. Gravy in a boat to pour on a plateful of food: GET YOUR FILTH AWAY FROM ME)... or salt and pepper. Always loved sprouts though, cooked anywhere from properly (ie crunchy) through the white, soggy mush that my grandma served.

I'm now pretty much "cured" - I still hate coffee (although I don't gag at the faintest smell of it these days) and celery, don't really go for poultry/fowl on the bone (chicken legs/wings - too much effort in the picking and chewing, which makes me retch slightly) but apart from that, I'm unlikely to turn anything down. Especially a big, bleeding lump of cow. Oh, but fish - if there's a chance it's got bones I can be stabbed and/or suffocated by, I'm not fucking having it in my mouth. And salmon is just grim.

I don't get the (not) touching thing; with a plate of something like a roast, with many veg, multiple meats and/or potatoes, whatever, I like to make sure I've had as many combinations as possible on the cud, by the end. Carrots+mash, beans+mash, meat+mash, beans+carrots, etc. All the way up to a bit of everything, which can be embarassing as I attempt not to choke on a dozen food items in my mouth at once. Then again, with added gravy. Oddly though, if we're having salad with something, I'll find myself wolfing down the entire salad first, then starting on the main part of the dish.

I've managed to turn Charl's opinion of broccolli around, and she'll touch raw chicken to prepare it now, but she still refuses to even consider the thought of cauliflower, because "it looks like brains". I miss cauliflower.

Oh, and I wouldn't eat apples for about 15 years because of that telly programme that had a maggoty one as it's opening video. Likewise, I wouldn't go near cabbage for a decade because my dad forgot to wash some, once. I noticed the caterpillar this close >< to my mouth. I was uneasy about tomatoes for a while after being served one with a grub in it at Chester Zoo, in my cooked breakfast. "Dear Mr Norton, after lab analysis we can say that what you found was a tomato grub." No shit, really, the grub in my tomato was a tomato grub? Wow.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:44 
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My mum used to try and encourage me to eat it as I am anaemic and I understand it contains lots of iron. She used to cover it in cheese like you do with cauliflower but it is a LIE mum! It is not cauliflower, it is actually green and icky tasting, you lie.

I also HATE spinach, which also has iron aplenty :(

I'd get a fake tan, but I don't want to look like: Image

I also have to have meat cooked very very well, until it's nearly cremated as I can't stand any blood on the plate from it. What the hell is up with people who eat 'rare' meat? Just go up and bite a cow why dont'cha

Decaf metal

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:46 
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Shin wrote:
[color=#800080]My mum used to try and encourage me to eat it as I am anaemic and I understand it contains lots of iron. She used to cover it in cheese like you do with cauliflower but it is a LIE mum! It is not cauliflower, it is actually green and icky tasting, you lie.

Word, sister.

I also HATE spinach, which also has iron aplenty :(

Baby spinach is loveliness. And you can stick it in lots of things so you don't notice it as much if you're not mad keen on it.

I also have to have meat cooked very very well, until it's nearly cremated as I can't stand any blood on the plate from it. What the hell is up with people who eat 'rare' meat? Just go up and bite a cow why dont'cha

I would, but that's illegal.

Bloody rare meat is TEH WINNER.

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:48 
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richardgaywood wrote:
I think all we could agree on eating would be white bread.

Yuck. Wholemeal all the way.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:48 
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You are a tiger Mr.Chris, so you are allowed to eat meat that way :)

Kern-'Best of Both?'

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:49 
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That Rev Chap

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And how could I forget to mention the most annoying food dislike of mine - lettuce.

I fucking hate it. Every now and again I will try to eat something with lettuce in, because it's so good for me and so ubiquitous, but I can't do it. It just dies in my mouth and lies there like a vegetable corpse, while my throat refuses to swallow it until I force it to at gunpoint. I can normally manage three or four mouthfuls (spread over several minutes) before my body revolts and refuses to eat any more.

Ugh. Lettuce.

Also spinach isn't very nice, but cauliflower is awesome.


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:51 
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Isn't that lovely?

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What type of Lettuce?

Iceberg is crunchier than Round.


Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:52 
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The Rev Owen wrote:
I do, however, love sprouts and broccoli.

Not :this: :S


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:54 
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I love lettuce, but I hate 'watery' fruits such as tomatoes and cucumbers.

I don't like rare meat, because I am cared of getting ill.

White bread is a waste of flour.


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:55 
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The Rev Owen wrote:
And how could I forget to mention the most annoying food dislike of mine - lettuce.
I don't care for lettuce much. I don't usually remove it from sandwiches when it's there but I don't add it either. To me it has a slightly bitter aftertaste I don't care for (like a diluted version of celery, which I also don't like raw, although I'm happy to cook with it for sauces).

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:57 
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Rare lamb is the best food in the whole world ever. I can't understand anyone who would eat that or steak well done, as it just gets all chewy and tasteless.

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:58 
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myoptika wrote:
Rare lamb is the best food in the whole world ever. I can't understand anyone who would eat that or steak well done, as it just gets all chewy and tasteless.


"Yes, let's cook the meat until you need a machine to chew it for you and has no taste left!"

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:58 

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Wow this thread is a downer, I have a reason to feel sympathy for almost anyone.

Not liking Smoked Haddock? Coffee? The joy of chucking assorted cold meats on your salad? Not being able to type the word menu?


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:05 
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I like lettuce in moderation, but I once tried to eat a plate of lettuce on it's own and I couldn't take more than three mouthfuls before the sheer blandness started to drive me to suicide.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:11 
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I'm also scared of getting ill from uncooked meat, after having Salmonella I tend to make sure stuff is well cooked. If other people want it rare or whatever I can cook it for them, I can't eat it though

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:11 
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The Rev Owen wrote:
And how could I forget to mention the most annoying food dislike of mine - lettuce.

I fucking hate it. Every now and again I will try to eat something with lettuce in, because it's so good for me and so ubiquitous, but I can't do it. It just dies in my mouth and lies there like a vegetable corpse, while my throat refuses to swallow it until I force it to at gunpoint. I can normally manage three or four mouthfuls (spread over several minutes) before my body revolts and refuses to eat any more.

Ugh. Lettuce.

Also spinach isn't very nice, but cauliflower is awesome.

Nah, Spinach is nice. Not sure about cauliflower though. But lettuce really works if you have some nice dressing, or olive oil, and spice up yer salads with neat things like olives, tomatoes, cheese, black pudding, chorizo...

Anyway, proper post addressing issues to come...

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:17 
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I'm not a fussy eater - there's very few things I don't like. I don't like things mashed for example. I don't like peas and I don't like marmite. I don't like processed cheap cheese like Dairylee. Apart from that I'm fine. If anything I like food to much. Though I'm of a modest weight, I eat just a little too much and eat too expensively. Good job I walk a couple of hours each day.

My sister was a very fussy eater, however. My parents had a hard time getting her to eat. She basically survived on marmite, which she loved. She still hasn't really adjusted to the joy of food, and her diet is quite spartan aside from chocolatte and crisps. However, she's cleverer than me so she wins.

Rare steak is lush, never over-do your steak, let it bleed.

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:19 
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Firstly: I'll eat pretty much anything.
Secondly: Have you guys seen Freaky Eaters on the beeb? There was a guy on the other day (and 2 years ago when it was first aired) who only ate cheese and crisps, but of course they conquereredded that fear for him. Amusingly, the pysche on the show always, always, always, without a doubt, links it back to "something that happened at childhood". I think those of you who are scared of certain foods should watch the show at least once and then cure yourselves.

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:24 
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I watch that! Man they are mega freaks (hehe) sorry that's mean. The guy with the cheese and crisps was one of the first one's I'd seen

I can't say I have ever had a bad experience with broccoli though...

Decaf metal

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:48 

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Pod wrote:
Firstly: I'll eat pretty much anything.
Secondly: Have you guys seen Freaky Eaters on the beeb? There was a guy on the other day (and 2 years ago when it was first aired) who only ate cheese and crisps, but of course they conquereredded that fear for him. Amusingly, the pysche on the show always, always, always, without a doubt, links it back to "something that happened at childhood". I think those of you who are scared of certain foods should watch the show at least once and then cure yourselves.

You see the meat only guy a week ago?

I used to work with him :D

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:52 
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I saw him - he had the cute red-haired girlfriend, right?
I bet his breath was really bad.

I think one of the interesting things about these 'freaky eaters' is that they're hardly ever fat.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:02 

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Yes, that's Pete and Beth. Superb bloke actually, pretty much exactly as he came across.

I can't say I ever noticed but it certainly explains the late night KFC trips while we were at Blockbuster.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:07 
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Does anyone watch Spendaholics?

Fuck me, that 'psychologist', or whoever the fuck he is, the laconic, emotionally dead drone who, after somehow convincing everyone that their overspending is a result of some childhood trauma (and not because they're just useless fuckbuckets) then draws lots of highly questionable psychological deductions about their personality based on the most ludicrously tenuous evidence I've ever seen. I would really, really quite like to stab this guy in the eye.

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:09 
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Hello all, I used to live with a guy who didn't think cheese and meat went together and would purposefully pick pepperoni off pizzas that he bought because he liked the other spices that went on it, but not with the meat.

Each to their own with their food tastes, unless you like Swede (which should be wiped off this planet)

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:18 
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imtypingonakeyboard wrote:
Each to their own with their food tastes, unless you like Swede (which should be wiped off this planet)


Also-Hello new person! :)

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:29 
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Soopah red DS

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My housemate has terms for these different eating styles -

serial monologuer - eating each thing in turn (though I'm not sure we thought people really would eat all of one thing before another, let alone keeping them apart on the plate, much as the description of beans as 'creeping' is very cute)
paralleller - forming a delicious forkfull from a variety of things on the plate. Can become obsessive, such that you (me) end up cutting the last chip in four so that you have a little bit with each of the last few mouthfuls.

I also try to end on the taste I like most on the plate, which means sometimes I can be hungry but turn down the non-finisher's leftovers because well, that's not the taste to end with. If they'd offered it me earlier that would have been fine.

And no hot drinks here please - as Grim... says, that doesn't half make life easier. Also you don't ever accidentally let out an "ahhhh" when drinking tea and thereby sound like you're decrepit and have very few pleasures left.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:39 
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I'm definitely a paralleller.

Also, what's with all the vegetable hate? Am I the only one that thinks that swede, broccoli, parsnip and carrot all taste virtually identical? Carrots have more flavour than the rest, but they're all palatable.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:41 
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GazChap wrote:
I'm definitely a paralleller.

Also, what's with all the vegetable hate? Am I the only one that thinks that swede, broccoli, parsnip and carrot all taste virtually identical? Carrots have more flavour than the rest, but they're all palatable.

Carrots taste the same as parsnips taste the same as broccoli tastes the same as swede? No fucking way. They're all excellent, apart from the swede, but they taste completely different.

It's like saying beef and Marmite and vanilla ice cream and blackberries all taste the same.

You are broken.


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:46 
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I also have to have meat cooked very very well, until it's nearly cremated as I can't stand any blood on the plate from it. What the hell is up with people who eat 'rare' meat? Just go up and bite a cow why dont'cha

I would, but that's illegal.

Bloody rare meat is TEH WINNER.[/quote]
:this: Over cooked meat, particularly beef, is bordering on sacrilegious as far as I'm concerned.

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:14 
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I will eat just about anything (although there are obviously some things which i prefer more than others) although seeing blood in a rare steak always used to freak me out (it doesnt now).

Whereas my GF has lots of things she wont eat and i'm suprised that one of them has not been listed yet :


She doesnt like the whole idea of it - whereas i've had it since a kid and always loved it.

Strangely enough she will eat Haggis which I'm suprised at again because of the thought of what it is.

 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:17 
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I love black (and white) pudding. It's like sex with Zardoz - so wrong but I just can't help myself.

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:17 
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zaphod79 wrote:
Whereas my GF has lots of things she wont eat and i'm suprised that one of them has not been listed yet :


I didn't list it because we were talking about food.


 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:18 
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I don't like Haggis but I love black pudding-white pudding's better though.

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 Post subject: Re: Fussy Eaters.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:18 
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Soopah red DS

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I had some black pudding for the first time only last week - inside some roast squid, it was, and really quite tasty though it felt baaaaad.

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