Microsoft Acts On DRM Issue!
And there's no Spring Update..
I can see why the 6% thing would be quite high as I download the trials of pretty much everything unless it sounds really bad in concept or it's just the type of thing that I don't like. Having said that, there's only 4 or 5 games on that list that I've actually bought, but there's quite a few on there that make me think I should give them another look (and given that I've got about 4000 points at the moment, I could easily buy some of them).
CUS wrote:
Really? Some of them are rather fun. I've spent hours on Robotron and Time Pilot for example, which I'm too young to have played in the arcade, but old enough to have 'been there', just barely.

The retro ones don't really count since we've all seen them before.

Of the original IP there, well it can all fuck off.

I can see why the 6% thing would be quite high as I download the trials of pretty much everything unless it sounds really bad in concept or it's just the type of thing that I don't like.

Plus a lot of people, me included, have it set to automatically download all new XBLA. I probably only even play 2/3rds.
Asteroids, Battlezone and any other Atari games should be delisted if only for their criminally crap demos. I'm not spending any amount of money on a game if the sole lure is a 10-second demo in which the majority of features are disabled.
I spent most of last Xmas playing real Asteroids. Coming back to try it the XBL version was an immense let-down, partly due to (surely, easy) things like the sound effects being wrong. I mean, for fuck's sake.
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