('SNIP!' - Ed.)
I agree with CUS.

Mr Chris wrote:
jonarob wrote:
When did this place start censoring things?

It hasn't. A rule was made (and a very lengthy argument went into its creation. Search and ye shall find), and CUS is trying to be clever in breaking it for the sake of breaking it and being some sort of Albert Camus character. does NOT break the rule though, I thought the arguement resulted in that link being allowed.


As to this forum, while the mod direction isn't to all tastes, at least if you created a thread asking about something, say the ability to see profiles, the powers that be wouldn't, for instance, browse it in full view of anyone on the member list page, ignore it completely and presumably hope people will forget about it rather than have someone remind everyone that said admin claimed it was for security when actually it was a pathetic attempt to stop friends contacting each other out of pure spite.

Or something.
Maybe there just needs to be some form of "crap" filter put on by the moderators. ;)

The biggest problem I find is that the topics veer off topic within no time at all (hey, look at this topic as an example- I've managed to start moaning, someone else is talking about starting a topic about local authority's treatment of disabled children). The trouble is that there are parts of topics that start discussing things that I'm interested in. Even if they were started off as something completely different. So unless I read every single topic, and every single post, I tend to miss out on things that are genuinely interesting to me.

And that's where the problem lies- I'm really not interested in the rest of the "crap" (although I understand it's important to other people) but there's some things on here that are fantastic to me. But I cannot be bothered trawling through all the crap to get to it. And I've got a feeling that quite a few people think like that.

I will give Stu one big bit of credit- he was pretty harsh in keeping things "on topic" which meant it a lot easier to choose what to read in the forum. If there was a topic about cheese then everyone knew what that topic was about cheese. It may veer off a little bit, but it would get back on track pretty quickly. As a suggestion it would help a lot if it was done here.

But hey, I hardly post (although I'd probably post more if I could find relevant topics) so my point of view probably doesn't count for much!!! ;)
Dudley wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
jonarob wrote:
When did this place start censoring things?

It hasn't. A rule was made (and a very lengthy argument went into its creation. Search and ye shall find), and CUS is trying to be clever in breaking it for the sake of breaking it and being some sort of Albert Camus character. does NOT break the rule though, I thought the arguement resulted in that link being allowed.

I'm still not sure about that. It broke the original rule, but it didn't break the amended rule I suggested.
As to this forum, while the mod direction isn't to all tastes, at least if you created a thread asking about something, say the ability to see profiles, the powers that be wouldn't, for instance, browse it in full view of anyone on the member list page, ignore it completely and presumably hope people will forget about it rather than have someone remind everyone that said admin claimed it was for security when actually it was a pathetic attempt to stop friends contacting each other out of pure spite.

Or something.

Well, quite.

So. If it isn't to your taste, start threads that are. And keep going. This place will be what its members make it. And if all its members spend their all their posts going on about how crap it is then it's going to be a bit shit, eh?
Everybodies POV counts Moora, we just can't cater to them all!
I completely disagree. Threads went off topic just as much on WoS.

Plus a "crap filter" was attemped via those UTTERLY FUCKING SHIT topic icons I did, but when mods started editing threads to add them when people forgot to, WW3 ensued. Hence why development on the filter was stopped.
moora wrote:
I will give Stu one big bit of credit- he was pretty harsh in keeping things "on topic" which meant it a lot easier to choose what to read in the forum. If there was a topic about cheese then everyone knew what that topic was about cheese. It may veer off a little bit, but it would get back on track pretty quickly.

No, he didn't, though. Until the GREAT CHANGE he was forever touting how great his forum was on the basis of how threads veered off into lovely unexpected directions and everyone learnt new things. Which was true and all WoSers agreed with him, including me.
At the same time, remember that nobody really cares about what web forum anyone uses.

It's only in rare circumstances where forums become excellent enough with users caring enough about each other that they meet up in real life and form fast friendships.

Otherwise nobody even notices if you don't post for a month.

This forum isn't a replacement for WoS, but a couple of people are thinking there's only one option or the other.

There's no such thing as the clique, there's just people who read more posts than other people, or who can remember stuff that was posted in other threads more efficiently.

The reason there's a lot of 'noise' is because people are excited about posting on a forum where their opinion matters, and will be considered and heard, rather than under the dictatorship of a flat-topped Scotch hamster.

This forum is grand. I'm rambling. Change comes from within. If you don't like it, don't leave; rather raise the bar with quality psots yourself.

Yes, I;m aware this doesn't count as a quality post.
Mr Russ wrote:
Yes, I;m aware this doesn't count as a quality post.

I agree with Russ.
Actually, distill my last post down to "If you don't like it, raise the bar with higher quality posts yourself."

That is all. For now.
whatever, dick.
It's "whatever Dick". You dick.

We're Making A Difference Together
There's no such thing as the clique, there's just people who read more posts than other people, or who can remember stuff that was posted in other threads more efficiently.

Mm. I probably look like I'm in this 'clique', but to be perfectly honest I don't hav a clue what everyone's on about most of the time. I just ignore the in-jokes and bits that don't sound interesting to me, same as everywhere.
sinister agent wrote:
There's no such thing as the clique, there's just people who read more posts than other people, or who can remember stuff that was posted in other threads more efficiently.

Mm. I probably look like I'm in this 'clique', but to be perfectly honest I don't hav a clue what everyone's on about most of the time. I just ignore the in-jokes and bits that don't sound interesting to me, same as everywhere.

Mr Chris wrote:
You can't please all of the people all of the time, unless you're the Man In Black in the Princess Bride. In which case your very existance is TEH WINNAR. Obv.

Quite. He pleases me. :)

Not trying to distract you boys from arguing among yourselves I would like to say that I have been sad enough to order myself one of these for my bookshelf.


Oh, and I'd also like an Inigo, if anyone ever spots one for sale.
I don't like my pub, so I'm going to talk to everyone in the pub and ask them to drink something else and talk about differnt things, differently.

Rather than, you know, go to another pub.
I think that is a good idea, Goatboy.

I'll have a white wine and a packet of Doritos.
Drunk Mimi for the rest of the day!
No zzssirrr, for the restd of ther week! *Hic!* :hat:
I just kept trying to translate zzssirrr into a torrent site address.
Mimi wrote:
I think that is a good idea, Goatboy.

I'll have a white wine and a packet of Doritos.

Doritos? GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

McCoys for normal everyday pub snackage, pork scratchings in dodgy pubs, Kettle Chips for posh pub snackage and scampi/bacon/whatever in little packets for those who don't feel they are coming across as sufficiently unique and would sooner not get a celtic/tribal tattoo. Peanuts are their own discipline and should be dery roasted as standard, with chilli flavouring for special nights.

But Walkers, in any form, sold out years ago. And their crisps all taste of health, Gary Linekar or air these days.
Well, our local pub only has crisps by 'The Real Food Co.' or something like that and they are gorgeous - especially the Jalepeno pepper flavour.
I like those ones too.
I've literally just finished eating a bag of those. They're ace, since discovering those I never bother getting a Dominos pizza anymore. They make a delicious cheap replacement.
Evening all, I've had a day to chill out about everything. I definitely love you lot, but I think I miss Stu. That's my statement.
I htink Jonorob has been drinking.
I haven't! I've had a nice Sunday dinner at my girlfriend's house, and I'm just about to re-jig one of my MA assignments to bump the grade up a little. Definitely not been drinkininge.
I've always imagined jonarob as more of a smackhead than a drinker.
Thanks matey.
jonarob wrote:
Evening all, I've had a day to chill out about everything. I definitely love you lot, but I think I miss Stu. That's my statement.

Well you are allowed both you know, quite a few of us dabble between worlds.
Yeah, you can be bi-forums, jonarob, if you're curious.
I am. It just isn't the same, though. Never mind.
jonarob wrote:
I am. It just isn't the same, though. Never mind.

It's the afterglow, isn't it? Just doesn't feel r...

ANYWAY, Sunday lunch, eh? Phwoaar!
Mr Chris wrote:
I love The Stranger.

Ooh, that's my online pseudonym.

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