Getting American foods in the UK
ESPECIALLY Lucky Charms!
Fruit Loops were good, but Apple Jacks were better. Those seemed to have been discontinued when I searched Loblaws last year.

Wullie wrote:
Malabar Front wrote:
And they're £1.20 a pop, which is scandalous. But You can get a dozen of them for £8.95; still daylight robbery, but I can put up with it for a treat every so often.
Christy, you get 5 donuts cooked in front of your eyes for £1 at most seaside towns/markets & they taste awesome. They also have the added bonus of not having a shite name like DD or KK, instead opting for names like Kiosk or The Kiosk & sometimes they don't even have names :DD

KK are 75c a pop in the U.S and you can get a dozen for $6. I have seen them at Tesco, laughed my fucking head off and walked on past. Whilst I do like their glazed blackberry donuts there is no fucking way I am paying £1.20 for them. Not only are DD better in the U.S but so are Tim Horton. And they're both cheaper than KK who tbh have gotten where they are today thanks to Chris Rock wanking over them.

Any way the reason I dig this up is because today I had to order from American sweets. When my buddy came last October he brought me 6 pounds of DD hazelnut. Sadly my mother is a bit of an airhead and has thrown four of them away. Well, there is no other logical explanation as to why four bags have walked. Sadly AS don't stock DD and tbh I wouldn't give them £12 a go again, especially because my friend is returning this year and will bring more. So I decided to get some Folgers


Three off, £6.99 each which is not bad at all. I also ordered some corn bread mix (lmao) and some Big Red. Big Red FTW.
I quite liked Wendy's when i was over state side, especially the breakfast biscuits.
Yeah I really miss Wendys :(
I'm an american that feels your pain. I'll ship you foods if you like.

Two rules:
must not weigh a ton
must not be beer/soda/pop as these get mishandled and explode. (do not ask how I know) and the shipping is $$$ for glass

Anyway, feel free to send wish lists. I'll send care packages.

An American who loves Pot Noodle, Branston Pickle, Aero Bars, Walkers Crisps, Tyrrells Crisps etc.
MaliA wrote:

Caramellos are getting hard to find. Fear if I mailed some now they would melt. But willing to try.
A friend of mine from MD wanted me to send him some pepsi raw. Apparently you can't send any liquids at all ever now.

Sending coffee is a bummer too 'cos they think you have hidden some hard core drugs in it.

Ry isn't coming back until May of next year. So I am at the mercy of importers for my hazelnut shit until then. Gits.
kim wrote:
MaliA wrote:

Caramellos are getting hard to find. Fear if I mailed some now they would melt. But willing to try.

I am sure we can work out a deal. otherwise it's a the hour long drive to MK to purchase them at £1 a bar.

Kim, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
MaliA wrote:
Kim, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

MaliA wrote:
Fuck, my teeth hurt so much atm.

I hope she has good dental skills :)
OMFG. ... -176-c.asp

Top one.

WANT. I use to put that shit on EVERYTHING. Even cheese sarnies ffs.
JohnCoffey wrote:
OMFG. ... -176-c.asp

Top one.

WANT. I use to put that shit on EVERYTHING. Even cheese sarnies ffs.

It's disgusting. Don't waste your $. Tastes nothing like my friend Jack Daniels, tastes a lot like bad sugary products. Solution: look up recipe for whiskey based bbq sauce and make your own. Much better.

We get Pepsi raw here so no idea why they wanted you to send that. Also had pepsi throwback etc.
And then theres the mexican coca cola still made without hfcs.

I'm willing to try the caramellos send. I'll also be back in the early fall and I usually bring a suitcase just for taking shit over and bringing shit back. Last time I forgot to put my branston in the checked luggage and the stupid security took it away. They cited some code against jams and jellies. I said branston is neither a jam nor jelly. They got madder. I shed a tear, not gonna lie.
I lived in NJ for 10 years. Did a bit of DE, MD and OH before coming home.

I loved that JD sauce. Was really sweet (and I have a terribly sweet tooth).

I found that in different states came different things. Foods and drinks and so on. For example Ohio had a Steak and Shake and Sonic but NJ had neither. NJ has Wawa by the dozen and Heritage stores but Wawa isn't in many states inc Ohio (they love a bit of 7/11). Pepsi Raw is the same sadly. He lives in the Chesapeake area (about 20m from the Bay Bridge just under DC) and he said they don't have it there :(
JohnCoffey wrote:
I lived in NJ for 10 years. Did a bit of DE, MD and OH before coming home.

I loved that JD sauce. Was really sweet (and I have a terribly sweet tooth).

I found that in different states came different things. Foods and drinks and so on. For example Ohio had a Steak and Shake and Sonic but NJ had neither. NJ has Wawa by the dozen and Heritage stores but Wawa isn't in many states inc Ohio (they love a bit of 7/11). Pepsi Raw is the same sadly. He lives in the Chesapeake area (about 20m from the Bay Bridge just under DC) and he said they don't have it there :(

I grew up in MD. Here in NY, I found the pepsi throwback and raw all over the place. It's gone now, so maybe was a limited release. Suggest he go to Wegmans and find it in the mexican food section, mexican coke in a bottle. Same thing, all cane sugar.
Why on earth would you want to live in the armpit of the states for 10 years?
Sure different states get different things. We can't get my favourite american crisps here, but you can if you go more downstate. Very strange. Can't get tastykakes here either, but again you can downstate.
I spent the weekend in pennsylvania and brought back a carfull of beer, crisps, tastykake, drakes cakes, root beer etc. I can send you the coffee if you like.
I knew you'd raise the armpit remark. :D

Far removed Kim. I was waaaaay down south near the DE Memorial bridge and Phila.

The only time I ever travelled up to the north of NJ was Edison (company HQ) which is about half way up, Jackson for Whitecastle which is about 2/3 up and LBI and Seaside Heights (because they were both amazing places to be).

I lived in Salem Co for the most part which is about 8 miles from Fortescue which looks accross the DE bay.

We got Tastycakes. Their delivery trucks were like clockwork at 4am every morning :)

PA was very close to me. Massive Phils fan and spent a lot of time over there. Never did to go Amish towns though :(
I like:

American -

Breakfasts (though their bacon could be better)
Local indie BBQ restaurants

I dislike:

American -

Half their bacon

They edge it in the end.
'Breakfast potatoes' fill me with rage.
Craster wrote:
'Breakfast potatoes' fill me with rage.

You mean home fries?

EDIT. Just don't ask for shit on a shingle :D
No. Seemingly every breakfast I had in the southwest, they gave me what I ordered (typically eggs benedict, obviously) with a side of 'breakfast potatoes'. These appeared to be sliced and sauteed new potatoes, sometimes with onion, sometimes with sliced pepper (?!). I have no idea what they think eggs benedict is lacking that it requires this culinary abomination on the side. I suspect the answer is 'more food'.
Best things of ever in the USA (but sadly discontinued. HARUMPH).

Pepsi Holiday Spice.
Blue Pepsi (I liked it so ner).
Fruitopia - Beachside Blast & Kiwiberry Ruckus.
Snapple Elements Rain (the real huge big bottle not the gaywad metal one).

Things I adored.

Arizona iced tea with pomegranate.
Jones Soda Co (Pepsi raw in every flavour, sour apple was awesome.. As I said, very very sweet tooth).
Bargs rootbeer.
Snapple Kiwi Teawi.

:this: was pretty much what stocked my fridge, with Hazelnut coffee and my Mr Coffee alongside. Choc full 'o' nuts being my budget choice or DD if I wanted to spend the $9+ per bag.
Craster wrote:
No. Seemingly every breakfast I had in the southwest, they gave me what I ordered (typically eggs benedict, obviously) with a side of 'breakfast potatoes'. These appeared to be sliced and sauteed new potatoes, sometimes with onion, sometimes with sliced pepper (?!). I have no idea what they think eggs benedict is lacking that it requires this culinary abomination on the side. I suspect the answer is 'more food'.

Yeah that's home fries. A greasy starchy stodgy mess.

Did you have the scrapple? :DD
Oh my... Oh my... Oh my... I've broken out in a sweat!

Kim, if you could be so kind as to send a poor suffering fool a couple of boxes of Lucky Charms, then I will be forever in your debt!

Of course I'll pay....

Oh... and some peanut butter M&Ms! You'd be the best forummer ever!!*

*Sorry guys.. it's true!
I fell in love with Mississippi Slugburgers when I was over there last.

That and $5 all-you-can-eat roadside diners which were basically 'deep fried everything'. I was full on my first plate.

@TheVision - If you want Lucky Charms, you have to do the accent. 'Tis the rules.
Ooh, no. That looks nice, though.
Kern wrote:
@TheVision - If you want Lucky Charms, you have to do the accent. 'Tis the rules.

Good thing he doesn't want Goldfish crackers really. He'd have to sing the super duper song.

The snack that smiles back !

Kim sorry... I don't need things sent thanks :) I have friends in the right places thank god :D

After becoming accustomed to your food I would die now without my personal importers to keep me stocked :D

When my friend comes over he loads up his second suitcase with crap and then uses it to fill to take home lots of our crap :D works very well.

I'm still good for Old Bay seasoning. I would die without it lol.
NervousPete wrote:
I like:

American -


Grim... wrote:
NervousPete wrote:
I like:

American -



Never had any real American beer Grim...?

Sam Adams Summer Ale. PA Hop Devil. Mud. Yeungling. All were more than doable.
TheVision wrote:
Oh my... Oh my... Oh my... I've broken out in a sweat!

Kim, if you could be so kind as to send a poor suffering fool a couple of boxes of Lucky Charms, then I will be forever in your debt!

Of course I'll pay....

Oh... and some peanut butter M&Ms! You'd be the best forummer ever!!*

*Sorry guys.. it's true!

Cybercandy had all this last time I was in. I don't see what all the fuss is about as it's all fairly easily obtainable.

Not cheap but neither is shipping stuff halfway around the world.
JohnCoffey wrote:
Grim... wrote:
NervousPete wrote:
I like:

American -



Never had any real American beer Grim...?

Sam Adams Summer Ale. PA Hop Devil. Mud. Yeungling. All were more than doable.

Yuengling is piss in a bottle. Oh my. You drink pee pee. And pepsi blue? made me lols. Crystal pepsi too?
TheVision wrote:
Oh my... Oh my... Oh my... I've broken out in a sweat!

Kim, if you could be so kind as to send a poor suffering fool a couple of boxes of Lucky Charms, then I will be forever in your debt!

Of course I'll pay....

Oh... and some peanut butter M&Ms! You'd be the best forummer ever!!*

*Sorry guys.. it's true!

Sure. Peanut butter m&ms...not reeses pieces? I shall send both maybe.

John- If you like Jones, look for Boylans soda over there. Same kind of stuff. V. tasty.

re: home fries, i'm not a big fan if done wrong. when done right? a delicious mess.
see what my town is famous for, called a garbage plate:

So what it is... either 2 hamburger patties or two "hot dogs" (certain brand from here) covered with a spicy meat sauce, and served with macaroni salad and homefries. It's delicious. And looks a mess.
I'm also near the land of buffalo wings... mmmm wings.
kim wrote:
Last time I forgot to put my branston in the checked luggage and the stupid security took it away. They cited some code against jams and jellies. I said branston is neither a jam nor jelly. They got madder. I shed a tear, not gonna lie.

Oooh that's annoying!

BTW I saw the small chunk in a plastic squeezy bottle in the supermarket. Not sure how I feel about that. It ain't a sauce, either.
Proper glass jar and a teaspoon is the correct way.

But it could be handy for posting ;)

I'm also near the land of buffalo wings

Would that be... Buffalo?
kim wrote:
It's disgusting. Don't waste your $. Tastes nothing like my friend Jack Daniels, tastes a lot like bad sugary products.
This is the truth, I have a bottle of the stuff in my cupboard that's only been used once. I was quite annoyed because semi-awful chain restaurant TGI Fridays has a Jack Daniels marinade which is fairly palatable if you're in the right mood. This bottled stuff was nothing like it.

And then theres the mexican coca cola still made without hfcs.
Canadian coca cola is still sugar-based too, at least all the stuff I saw was. You forgot to mention the abomination that is HFCS ketchup -- again, in Canada, it's all cane sugar based. I did see some Heinz organic ketchup in the US that was cane sugar though.

You're right about the Branston I saw in Indy -- it was the normal stuff, not the small chunk.
kalmar wrote:
Would that be... Buffalo?

My auntie and uncle live in Buffalo. :)
NervousPete wrote:
kalmar wrote:
Would that be... Buffalo?

My auntie and uncle live in Buffalo. :)

I know someone who comes from Barfalo. Well, from Clarence, where that plane crashed last year.
I'm in Rochester which is about 40 minutes from Buffalo. Neither are much special. Considering another move soon.
Wish it could be out of the country.

I've got 2 of the small chunk squeezy now. One in fridge almost empty and the backup int he cupboard. Sad but to make it last longer I mix it with the branston smooth. :( woe is me. as I could eat a cheese and pickle everyday and be happy.

note: I don't keep it in the fridge cause i think it needs to be there, i keep it in the fridge cause i like it cold. also got some of the branston relish left. and one can of beans. i'm out of salad cream and the local store sells it for almost $7 a bottle. yikes.

I'd also love a cornetto right about now. have to settle for a nestle drumstick, not as good. down to my last pot noodle and it's a flavour i didnt even want. tough times here.
With beans on toast, you're putting worcester sauce on there, right?

All depends on my mood. Sometimes HP/brown sauce. Sometimes ...ketchup.

Now you're chained to the cooker making beans on toast for tea!

Omg that commercial. Pot Noodle haha. I love the pot noodle mining commercials as well.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
I was quite annoyed because semi-awful chain restaurant TGI Fridays has a Jack Daniels marinade which is fairly palatable if you're in the right mood. This bottled stuff was nothing like it.

I quite like the TGI's stuff, but you're right: the bottled JD BBQ sauce is disgusting.
kalmar wrote:
With beans on toast, you're putting worcester sauce on there, right?

Worcester sauce shouldn't be on beans, it should be in beans.

kalmar wrote:
NervousPete wrote:
kalmar wrote:
Would that be... Buffalo?

My auntie and uncle live in Buffalo. :)

I know someone who comes from Barfalo. Well, from Clarence, where that plane crashed last year.

You know someone that lives in the Hudson river?
Craster wrote:
kalmar wrote:
With beans on toast, you're putting worcester sauce on there, right?

Worcester sauce shouldn't be on beans, it should be in beans.



The amount of Worcester Sauce I put in the sauce of my pasta bakes is both worrying and tremendous. Also, tasty.
Malabar Front wrote:
Craster wrote:
kalmar wrote:
With beans on toast, you're putting worcester sauce on there, right?

Worcester sauce shouldn't be on beans, it should be in beans.



The amount of Worcester Sauce I put in the sauce of my pasta bakes is both worrying and tremendous. Also, tasty.

I do the same. However, I can't always get decent beans here. Shame.
Jones Soda Co (Pepsi raw in every flavour, sour apple was awesome.. As I said, very very sweet tooth).

Had that, and it is indeed lovely, very sweet and with real sugar which is a bonus. Shame I've only seen it available in one corner shop up town.
kim wrote:
However, I can't always get decent beans here. Shame.


Craster wrote:
Worcester sauce shouldn't be on beans, it should be in beans.


No excuse.
The best baked beans I've ever had were from Zingerman's deli in Ann Arbor.
Craster wrote:
kim wrote:
However, I can't always get decent beans here. Shame.


Craster wrote:
Worcester sauce shouldn't be on beans, it should be in beans.


No excuse.

I can't be bothered most times. ;)
You should chain someone to a cooker and get them to do it for you.
kalmar wrote:
You should chain someone to a cooker and get them to do it for you.

Already online ordering some chains.
This was primarily for Sista Flapjack because she was concerned about the lack of canned pumpkin in the Old World. Then I was at my American friends house and she'd just received a big pile of weird US foods, including canned pumpkin, and here are her favourite shops: this is the one i typically use ... 2AodFR9g2g ... -230-c.asp ... 4wodVUnn1g

Hope that helps!
Is the Mtn Dew (green can) for sale on those sites the nice old Mountain Dew we used to get here? I bought a bright green bottle of the stuff in Tesco a few weeks ago and it was some fucking AWFUL energy drink shit. Absolutely fucking awful.

Also - can we get these anywhere yet?

The problem is they're all limited editions I think :(
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