The 'NAY!' Thread
asfish wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
asfish wrote:
Sounds like a nightmare, so you got no rent for 5 months if I read this right?

How did she get away with taking the piss for that long?

I guess you have no chance of getting anymore that a few £ a week in costs from somebody on benefits?

We were originally waiting for her housing benefit to come through, that can take up to twelve weeks, when we realised it wasn't going to happen, she was served with two months notice. That took her to the end of her six month tenancy anyway (she'd paid the month in advance). Since then I've been getting some housing benefit, but it doesn't cover the cost of the rent as there's only two if them in a three bed house.

Has this changed now so that the tenant gets the housing benefit and has to pay it to you? I thought you used to get the money direct from the council before?

Yes, it changed a couple of years ago. But when a tenant becomes eight weeks behind with their rent you can ask for direct payments to be made.
Yay you got your house back Jas :D

I've still got poo on my huarache. Scrubbed it on the curb when I was out and went nuts on the door mat outside but nope, this one's gonna need the tooth pick :spew:
JohnCoffey wrote:
Yay you got your house back Jas :D

I've still got poo on my huarache. Scrubbed it on the curb when I was out and went nuts on the door mat outside but nope, this one's gonna need the tooth pick :spew:

High pressure water spray.
On the topic of poo, my son wakes this morning around 6.30am and after 10 mins of his calls for Daddy getting nowhere ( I was out for a walk) he takes his (very filled) nappy off to get my attention (my wife heard him saying look Daddy whilst he was doing it)

So shit all over his bed, the floor and around 20 stuffed toys he has in the bed.

I get back from my walk around 6.50 am and hear my wife shout that he is coming down stairs, I'm greeted with a grinning little boy with just a top on. So I clean him up and put a nappy on him

Around 6.55 am I see that he has come down the stairs on his bum as there is a skid mark on every step :DD

Thankfully we have a carpet that is stain proof, but still had to clean it off

All this before 7am, one kid so much carnage
asfish wrote:
Around 6.55 am I see that he has come down the stairs on his bum as there is a skid mark on every step :DD

Have planning permission in to extend the house, no complaints from anybody etc

Then last night I get a call from the women doing my drawings to say that some faceless committee has issues with the roof line and the view up the street.

Its total bollocks as my street is a mix of house styles, plots and positions.

The planning officer is on our side but has to convince this committee who despite there opinion has never been to my house to look at it

So I just had to shell out another 360 quid for 3D models and other stuff to convince these people at their meeting tomorrow

Still could be refused as well!
Turned down >:|

They are objecting to the proposed view of my house as you come up my street (new bit in black)

But they are also saying that there is no issue with me lifting the roof to the hight of the house next door??

if the objection is a blot on the landscape so to speak then I don't see how their proposal is any better, it will cost me 50K more to do though

So not sure what to do now, thinking of letting it get turned down then changing things as you get a free 2nd application
Oh dear. Someone doesn't like you. Otherwise, why would they object? It seems perfectly reasonable a request
I kind of disagree. The proposal totally changes the presentation of the house from that angle, from a pitched roof to a vertical wall face. Raising the pitch of the roof is much less significant a change than what Asfish is proposing.
Nobody objected from my street was some faceless council committee.

On reflection I get the point, looking at other options, doubt I will sink that much into this house though as I will want to move if my new job works out

Bit Board of it now, should just do what all the settled travelers around me do. Build a separate dwelling in my garden wait until the council get wind of it then apply afterwards and be allowed to keep it :(

3 times that has happened in the last 12 months!
Took the parents to my favourite country gastropub last night. Have been up since two this morning reliving the meal I had. Not going there again, but not angry enough to say bad things on TripAdvisor.
Kern wrote:
Took the parents to my favourite country gastropub last night. Have been up since two this morning reliving the meal I had. Not going there again, but not angry enough to say bad things on TripAdvisor.

Probably worth dropping them a line, to be honest. Were your folks similarly affected? They might either comp you something or take another look at hygiene or supply chains or whatever. If it's a place you like then worth making the inquiry. Especially if you add that you like the place and didn't want to just leave them a shitty TA review.
Thanks. I've just written them a note along these lines, setting out what I ordered.
Had a day off today and a nice series of outdoor Nays

Firstly I find that my overhanging Parasol has broken, its still working but the bit that's broken stopped it moving around when deployed, so now I have to have a bit of rope pegged into the ground.

Then whilst moving it around one of the heavy plastic base plates snapped in two.

Went off to see what a replacement will cost, the main body without base plates is £80. It does piss me off that this thing is 4 years old, gets bugger all use and is kept the garage over winter and its still broken.

Its one of these ... ack-126274

Not sure if I should be spending £300 on one that's a better build.

Then whilst mowing the lawn I shoot a stone into one of the double glazed conservatory doors, it breaks one of the 2 pains of glass, biggest pain has been getting all the glass up. My son likes to run around outside in various states of undress but he never wants shoes or socks on. Have a guy coming to measure that at 4pm

Wish I'd gone to bloody work :)
I'm leaning more towards the 'first world problems' thread with that list :D
yeah, oooh, look at me, I have a garden!

Just found out that a guy I know from uni has been hit by a car whilst cycling in Oxfordshire and died at the scene. We weren't close, but he was a decent guy. What a shit way to die at 33.
DavPaz wrote:
Just found out that a guy I know from uni has been hit by a car whilst cycling in Oxfordshire and died at the scene. We weren't close, but he was a decent guy. What a shit way to die at 33.

Really sorry to hear that, I hope you're okay too. Even though you weren't close, it can still trigger emotions. *hugs*
Thanks Jazzy. Haven't seen him for 15 years but it's still a bit of a shocker. We're not immortal
So, today myself and Mini Me went to the park with our friends, Paula and Mini Paula.

Whilst out a bastard wasp flew up my skirt and stung my thigh. It caused me to shout out some words which sounded a bit like 'ow you cunt!' as an old couple walked by cooing at the babies. The wasp then continued to crawl all over my legs under my skirt whilst I did what looked like the most panicked Can-Can ever trying to get the bastard thing out.

Who invented wasps? The dick.
Mimi wrote:
So, today myself and Mini Me went to the park with our friends, Paula and Mini Paula.

Whilst out a bastard wasp flew up my skirt and stung my thigh. It caused me to shout out some words which sounded a bit like 'ow you cunt!' as an old couple walked by cooing at the babies. The wasp then continued to crawl all over my legs under my skirt whilst I did what looked like the most panicked Can-Can ever trying to get the bastard thing out.

Who invented wasps? The dick.
See this is why Zardoz should still do photoshops.
Fuck I just broke a £1200 chair...
I snapped the arm mech. Duct tape won't work :(

Still, it'll stop me sitting like an idiot (I was using the arms to lift myself up to sit hippy and I can't do that any more).
My parents were very, very lucky yesterday.

They were driving down from the North East to spend a few days with us. Just after getting off the M60 onto the M62, they were sideswiped at 65mph by an articulated lorry that decided to change lanes randomly whilst my Dad was overtaking. The lorry was left hand drive, so he didn't see them (apparently) and smashed straight into them. Dad's car was struck on the passenger side, spun, hit on the rear then smashed into a fence post by the side of the road.

Car's a mess, but thankfully my folks are uninjured. You wouldn't have know it from the amount of straps and sensors that were attached to her in Warrington Hospital when I got there.

Phew! Lucky escape.
Good grief! Sorry to hear that Davpaz but I'm glad no one was seriously injured.
Jesus. That#s awful.
Blimey! Glad to hear they're okay.
Sorry to hear that. Glad your folks are ok.
Good to hear they are ok..
Fuck. Must have been a right shock for you, but not as much as it was for them. Glad they're ok, though.
Glad everyone's ok, Dave. x
Bloody hell. Hope everyone comes out ok.
Thanks all. Dad's currently wrapped up in bureaucracy as both his driving license and insurance certificate are in Middlesbrough :facepalm:
Bloody hell! Glad they're OK, Dave.
DavPaz wrote:
Thanks all. Dad's currently wrapped up in bureaucracy as both his driving license and insurance certificate are in Middlesbrough :facepalm:

Glad to hear they're both okay.

Can't the police access all of that sort of thing anyway?
Phew! I'd still be shaking now - maybe that accounts for the straps!
Also very glad Dave. Hugs x
I have a leak in my bathroom. There was a drip of water coming down the wall last night downstairs.

I'm hoping that if I reseal the bath, that'll fix it. I hope it's nothing more expensive than that! Pipes don't normally just start leaking do they? The water pipes have been under the bath for year. I don't see why they'd start leaking now?
TheVision wrote:
I have a leak in my bathroom. There was a drip of water coming down the wall last night downstairs.

I'm hoping that if I reseal the bath, that'll fix it. I hope it's nothing more expensive than that! Pipes don't normally just start leaking do they? The water pipes have been under the bath for year. I don't see why they'd start leaking now?

Us getting in and out of the bath repeatedly caused the join between the plug and the pipes to break, leaking water through our floor into the flat below when the bath was emptied.

But yeah, pipes can just crack or erode, especially if there's been extremes of hot or cold recently. You might be best off calling a plumber in case it gets serious, or at the very least telling everyone in the house where the water shut off is, and checking it works.
If you have shower over the bath and the water is coming down more after you've used it then it might be the bath seal but otherwise it probably isn't. Can you take the panel off the bath and have a look?
I'm pretty sure it's not the plug as it's in the wrong place. I'm going to seal it tonight and tape an old shower curtain inside the shower, around the walls so that it can't leak.

I'll then be able to see if it's a pipe or the seal.
A true process of elimination! This time next week, I'll be leak free.

I hope...
Speaking of leaks, I only found out last week that a leek is basically a big onion. I'd had it boiled to death so many times as a child it had no flavour left. Hated them then, love them now.
Mr Russell wrote:
Speaking of leaks, I only found out last week that a leek is basically a big onion. I'd had it boiled to death so many times as a child it had no flavour left. Hated them then, love them now.

Mr Russell wrote:
Speaking of leaks, I only found out last week that a leek is basically a big onion. I'd had it boiled to death so many times as a child it had no flavour left. Hated them then, love them now.

Well it looks exactly like a huge spring onion, so not a great shock.
An allium, indeed.
Lonewolves wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Speaking of leaks, I only found out last week that a leek is basically a big onion. I'd had it boiled to death so many times as a child it had no flavour left. Hated them then, love them now.

Well it looks exactly like a huge spring onion, so not a great shock.

Not exactly like.
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