The 'NAY!' Thread
Bobbyaro wrote:
I agree with Grim..., there needs to be at least some shouting and use of the word 'Caaah".

Also, when can I see you on BBC1?

They're in Stoke so they'll sound more scouse.
It's a teacher training day for a lot of schools today.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
It's a teacher training day for a lot of schools today.

A Wednesday? That's odd. Our lot all had it on Monday.
Mimi wrote:
The son will find out pretty soon (if he doesn't already know) that his mother hasn't paid rent in, what, is it close to a year? And why isn't the son in school at 10am on a Wednesday? I do feel sorry for the lad: it's not his doing, but it certainly isn't YOUR doing, either.

She didn't pay for five months, then I started getting a benefit payment for her but just for a two bed which was £80 less than it was supposed to be. I've been having to pay £60 pcm for her to live there to cover costs. I'm wondering if her son is on study leave if they still do that. Although, thinking about it, when I was there a couple of weeks ago there were punch marks in a couple of the doors and broken furniture down the side of the house and in the garden. Maybe that is down to him too and he doesn't go to school. :shrug:
Bayliff has just called again. The police are there, they are packing some stuff up and leaving. Then they'll call me back.
I want first dibs on what they leave behind.

Oh wait, I guess you should get that. I want second dibs!
Grim... wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
It's a teacher training day for a lot of schools today.

A Wednesday? That's odd. Our lot all had it on Monday.

I'm in the midlands and ours are all off today. It is unusual not to tack it directly onto the half term.
Hope it all works out well Jazzy.

Also, if they leave any rare First Editions, antique militaria or pre-1820 cabinetry behind, I will double whatever Grim is offering for them!
Ooh, yeah - if they leave any gold behind, I'll take that off your hands at 5p/gramme.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
It's a teacher training day for a lot of schools today.

A Wednesday? That's odd. Our lot all had it on Monday.

I'm in the midlands and ours are all off today. It is unusual not to tack it directly onto the half term.

Ah - our term started on Monday, but the kids went back on Tuesday.

I guess they only have a limited amount of trainers.
Grim... wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
It's a teacher training day for a lot of schools today.

A Wednesday? That's odd. Our lot all had it on Monday.

I'm in the midlands and ours are all off today. It is unusual not to tack it directly onto the half term.

Ah - our term started on Monday, but the kids went back on Tuesday.

I guess they only have a limited amount of trainers.

They could probably borrow a fair few off John Coffey.
Grim... wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
It's a teacher training day for a lot of schools today.

A Wednesday? That's odd. Our lot all had it on Monday.

I'm in the midlands and ours are all off today. It is unusual not to tack it directly onto the half term.

Ah - our term started on Monday, but the kids went back on Tuesday.

I guess they only have a limited amount of trainers.

Sorry to hear this Jazzy. I don't really understand what's happening here but it sounds pants. Sorry to hear it. :(

Sorry to hear about all these tenant based woes you're having Jazzy. I hope they're sucked out of your house soon, perhaps by the police employing the equivalent of that machine Wallace uses on rabbits in that film. Really sucks, though. :(

The situation, not the machine.

If there's a punch dent in any of the walls, I'll make you a nice print to cover it with if you like - gratis, to cheer* you up! x

*Print might be of bleak, depressing, rust belt scene.
NervousPete wrote:
Sorry to hear about all these tenant based woes you're having Jazzy. I hope they're sucked out of your house soon, perhaps by the police employing the equivalent of that machine Wallace uses on rabbits in that film. Really sucks, though. :(

The situation, not the machine.

If there's a punch dent in any of the walls, I'll make you a nice print to cover it with if you like - gratis, to cheer* you up! x

*Print might be of bleak, depressing, rust belt scene, with punches in the walls.

NervousPete wrote:
Sorry to hear about all these tenant based woes you're having Jazzy. I hope they're sucked out of your house soon, perhaps by the police employing the equivalent of that machine Wallace uses on rabbits in that film. Really sucks, though. :(

The situation, not the machine.

If there's a punch dent in any of the walls, I'll make you a nice print to cover it with if you like - gratis, to cheer* you up! x

*Print might be of bleak, depressing, rust belt scene.

Apparently, my eyesight is bad...

What I read "Sorry to hear about all these tentacle based woes you're having Jazzy"
In combination with a sucking machine that doesn't suck...
Good luck Jas. Hopefully it'll all be sorted soon :)
Mr Dave wrote:
NervousPete wrote:
Sorry to hear about all these tenant based woes you're having Jazzy. I hope they're sucked out of your house soon, perhaps by the police employing the equivalent of that machine Wallace uses on rabbits in that film. Really sucks, though. :(

The situation, not the machine.

If there's a punch dent in any of the walls, I'll make you a nice print to cover it with if you like - gratis, to cheer* you up! x

*Print might be of bleak, depressing, rust belt scene.

Apparently, my eyesight is bad...

What I read "Sorry to hear about all these tentacle based woes you're having Jazzy"
In combination with a sucking machine that doesn't suck...

Too much japanese culture, Dave.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
It's a teacher training day for a lot of schools today.

A Wednesday? That's odd. Our lot all had it on Monday.

I'm in the midlands and ours are all off today. It is unusual not to tack it directly onto the half term.

I'm also in the Midlands, and the kids here are definitely in school today (I'm a local hero for chucking a tennis ball back over a fence for the next generation of cricketers).
Maybe our teenager had just blagged an extra day in bed....
Grim... wrote:
I want first dibs on what they leave behind.

Oh wait, I guess you should get that. I want second dibs!

Would you like the broken doors or kitchen? :P

Ooh, there's loads of fuel for Bobby at the BBQ!

Anyway. The bailiff called me just as I was trying to post earlier (so inconsiderate :P ) He said that they were just waiting for a taxi and he would call me as they left. He wanted me to arrive before the police left just in case they tried to come back etc.

I waited for his call and actually drove past them as I went back (I was only about 10 seconds around the corner). The two police cars waited for me to go into the house then left themselves and the bailiff signed the property back over to me and I changed the locks. He said that they are usually quite straight forward, but I was one of the unlucky ones.

So, I had a look around the house. Four of the doors upstairs need replacing and three downstairs, it's going to need a new kitchen too. and I'm dying to redecorate the living room.

I was speaking to the neighbours, apparently she doesn't have a lot of friends in the street because "She gets drunk every night and when she's drunk she gobs off at people".

The boy has been expelled from two schools and he's the reason the shed door has been ripped off, he's been in there smoking with his mates.

Upstairs smells like a pub used to, smoke and beer.

I left at about three, got in the house and face planted food.

Two things;

1. The bailiff was great, really fab. I didn't realise it until I had to sign for the house but I was actually shaking!

2. You guys are also great. While I was sat in the car waiting you were a great distraction making me laugh about the situation but also engaging in interesting conversation. Thank you. :luv:
What a nightmare. Glad you've finally got them out, hope it doesn't end up costing you too much to get it all put right again!
Also, who breaks doors?!
Cras wrote:
Also, who breaks doors?!

15 year old lads who don't want to be evicted apparently.

They have a week to get their furniture. Against my better judgement I have given the new keys to Reeds Rains *shudder* they have to be chaperoned.

I'm going for a hot bubble bath, then I need to pack!
Sounds like you need to organise a decorating party.

Doors are easy enough if you need a hand.
Grim... wrote:
Sounds like you need to organise a decorating party.


Sounds good.


*rules and restrictions apply
sounds horrid, it's good to hear you had a nice person bailiff there with you
hope you get lots of hugs now
By my count we need 5 new doors hanging and two rehanging (he's pulled the hinges out of the frame but the door it's self isn't damaged).

How are you all at fitting kitchens? :P:

But seriously guys, you've all been so kind and supportive - that's priceless. :)
Never tried to fit a kitchen so it makes sense to me to start with yours.
Hanging doors is easy. You just fit them over the gap then bang nails in all around.

Wait. That's coffin lids.
Cras wrote:
Hanging doors is easy. You just fit them over the gap then bang nails in all around.

Wait. That's coffin lids.

Yep, doors work best with No More Nails.
Bead curtains is where it's at.
MaliA wrote:
Bead curtains is where it's at.

Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bead curtains is where it's at.


Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bead curtains is where it's at.



50p a look, £5 a go.
Lonewolves wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bead curtains is where it's at.


You knows it
Hanging doors is easy enough - tricky on your own, though.
Grim... wrote:
Hanging doors is easy enough - tricky on your own, though.

Yeah, it's just time consuming and there are so many.

I'm watching can't pay, we'll take it away. :D
Engaging and interesting conversation is what I'm here for, you're welcome.

Glad you got it sorted, GJ.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Hanging doors is easy enough - tricky on your own, though.

Yeah, it's just time consuming and there are so many.

I'm watching can't pay, we'll take it away. :D

Busman's holiday!
Cras wrote:
Hanging doors is easy. You just fit them over the gap then bang nails in all around.

Wait. That's coffin lids.

I've seen your attempts to fix doors.
I've fitted a kitchen - pretty straightforward - don't let Joans do the gas stuff!
Sounds like a nightmare, so you got no rent for 5 months if I read this right?

How did she get away with taking the piss for that long?

I guess you have no chance of getting anymore that a few £ a week in costs from somebody on benefits?
Curiosity wrote:
Cras wrote:
Hanging doors is easy. You just fit them over the gap then bang nails in all around.

Wait. That's coffin lids.

I've seen your attempts to fix doors.

Haha, I'd forgotten that!
MaliA wrote:
Never tried to fit a kitchen so it makes sense to me to start with yours.

What could possibly go wrong? :)
asfish wrote:
Sounds like a nightmare, so you got no rent for 5 months if I read this right?

How did she get away with taking the piss for that long?

I guess you have no chance of getting anymore that a few £ a week in costs from somebody on benefits?

We were originally waiting for her housing benefit to come through, that can take up to twelve weeks, when we realised it wasn't going to happen, she was served with two months notice. That took her to the end of her six month tenancy anyway (she'd paid the month in advance). Since then I've been getting some housing benefit, but it doesn't cover the cost of the rent as there's only two if them in a three bed house.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
asfish wrote:
Sounds like a nightmare, so you got no rent for 5 months if I read this right?

How did she get away with taking the piss for that long?

I guess you have no chance of getting anymore that a few £ a week in costs from somebody on benefits?

We were originally waiting for her housing benefit to come through, that can take up to twelve weeks, when we realised it wasn't going to happen, she was served with two months notice. That took her to the end of her six month tenancy anyway (she'd paid the month in advance). Since then I've been getting some housing benefit, but it doesn't cover the cost of the rent as there's only two if them in a three bed house.

Has this changed now so that the tenant gets the housing benefit and has to pay it to you? I thought you used to get the money direct from the council before?
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