The 'NAY!' Thread
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
After having both a section 21 and a section 8 ignored by my tenant, I've just had to fill in court forms. She has a week to respond. >:|

Court date set for December 8th, 2pm.


The rental agency insisted they could cover the court appearance fine, I didn't need to attend.

Turns out that because I served the section 21, I needed to be there. Like I told them. They insisted I didn't need to as they attend these all of the time without the landlord present. It's been adjourned to sometime in the next 21 days.

Came out of work to a message on my mobile at 12:30 asking me to call them back. This is despite me constantly reminding them that I don't have my mobile in work and my office number being my primary contact number. I still could have gone, even then.



We are back in court tomorrow. I called the estate agents this morning to ask who would be meeting me there. They knew nothing about it. They explained that it is a totally new team promised me they would get up to speed and meet me there tomorrow.

This afternoon I got a call letting me know who was meeting me there and asking me what she needed to bring with her. :facepalm:

I am now frantically putting together a dossier of everything I have asked them to bring because I trust them this " much.

I have now ran out of black ink and have a stonking headache.

Off to the shops it is then. This was supposed to be a study day - not a prepare for court day!
I think you should stop paying this agency.
Bobbyaro wrote:
I think you should stop paying this agency.

MaliA wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
I think you should stop paying this agency.


Amusingly, they took £200 on account when they first signed up the tenant but haven't had anything since. I sat down over Christmas to try and work out what to pay them for work that had actually been done. I had to poke them for their payment details... This was when I discovered that they had charged me for a second month of the tenancy using the tenants deposit as a second months rent as they clearly haven't put it in a tenancy deposit scheme...
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
I think you should stop paying this agency.


Amusingly, they took £200 on account when they first signed up the tenant but haven't had anything since. I sat down over Christmas to try and work out what to pay them for work that had actually been done. I had to poke them for their payment details... This was when I discovered that they had charged me for a second month of the tenancy using the tenants deposit as a second months rent as they clearly haven't put it in a tenancy deposit scheme...

Goddess Jasmine wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
I think you should stop paying this agency.


Amusingly, they took £200 on account when they first signed up the tenant but haven't had anything since. I sat down over Christmas to try and work out what to pay them for work that had actually been done. I had to poke them for their payment details... This was when I discovered that they had charged me for a second month of the tenancy using the tenants deposit as a second months rent as they clearly haven't put it in a tenancy deposit scheme...

That's illegal, right?
Curiosity wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
I think you should stop paying this agency.


Amusingly, they took £200 on account when they first signed up the tenant but haven't had anything since. I sat down over Christmas to try and work out what to pay them for work that had actually been done. I had to poke them for their payment details... This was when I discovered that they had charged me for a second month of the tenancy using the tenants deposit as a second months rent as they clearly haven't put it in a tenancy deposit scheme...

That's illegal, right?

Indeed, which means my section 21 was invalid. I'm not sure that the tenant will be aware of this though, and I haven't raised it yet with the agents; I want to get tomorrow out of the way first. Thankfully it doesn't affect the Section 8 (which is where we're at, and she's nearly 12 months into a 6 month tenancy...)

ETA: While we don't need it, it's going to be very embarrassing for them tomorrow if the judge asks to see it.
My wife has a Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tear in her wrist :(

She had a steroid injection for it yesterday which will hurt like shit for a couple of days.

She sort of mentioned this to me at 6am when looking for painkillers after getting no sleep, trying to be "no trouble"

So put my foot down and sent her back to bed, took 2 days off to look after our son so she can get some rest.
Insomnia cause by job (or probable lack of) stress.
asfish wrote:
My wife has a Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tear in her wrist :(

I have no idea what that is but it sounds painful - hope it heals soon
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Insomnia cause by job (or probable lack of) stress.

Sorry to hear that mate. :(
Try to stay positive! :hug:
Jem wrote:
asfish wrote:
My wife has a Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tear in her wrist :(

I have no idea what that is but it sounds painful - hope it heals soon


Sending healing vibes. xxx
Cavey wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Insomnia cause by job (or probable lack of) stress.

Sorry to hear that mate. :(
Try to stay positive! :hug:

Ugh, I've felt that pain and it's horrible, you have my every sympathy. Hopefully something will come along very soon. xxx
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Cavey wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Insomnia cause by job (or probable lack of) stress.

Sorry to hear that mate. :(
Try to stay positive! :hug:

Ugh, I've felt that pain and it's horrible, you have my every sympathy. Hopefully something will come along very soon. xxx

It wouldn't be so bad if I knew whether I'm going or not - at least there would be some certainty even if it's bad news.
At the moment I feel like I'm being strung along to get the most they can from me then it will be "Surprise, you're at risk of redundancy!".
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
I think you should stop paying this agency.


Amusingly, they took £200 on account when they first signed up the tenant but haven't had anything since. I sat down over Christmas to try and work out what to pay them for work that had actually been done. I had to poke them for their payment details... This was when I discovered that they had charged me for a second month of the tenancy using the tenants deposit as a second months rent as they clearly haven't put it in a tenancy deposit scheme...

That's illegal, right?

Indeed, which means my section 21 was invalid. I'm not sure that the tenant will be aware of this though, and I haven't raised it yet with the agents; I want to get tomorrow out of the way first. Thankfully it doesn't affect the Section 8 (which is where we're at, and she's nearly 12 months into a 6 month tenancy...)

ETA: While we don't need it, it's going to be very embarrassing for them tomorrow if the judge asks to see it.

Just come out of court. Judge ruled in my favour; she has seven days to get out. Awarded arrears and court costs too.

All good, but I'm not holding my breath on any of it!
That is good news...
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Just come out of court. Judge ruled in my favour; she has seven days to get out. Awarded arrears and court costs too.

All good, but I'm not holding my breath on any of it!

Well done, and yep, don't count on seeing the cash any time soon.
"Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out. BECAUSE I DON'T WANT ARSE PRINTS ON MY DOOR."
Gnnhh! Over the last couple of days Three have kicked my phone off the network completely a couple of times due to apparently thinking that I'm tethering my phone, which my current contract doesn't allow. I'm not and never have. Yesterday I thought it was a vaguely amusing glitch because their error page's suggested reboot of the phone sorted it straight out. Tonight's been a much more teeth-grinding affair as two reboots still saw me locked out of the service I'm paying for and using legitimately.

When I got home from the gym I deleted the APN settings and re-input them in case whatever magic Android does when you set up a new phone had somehow got something wrong, but I get no reception in my flat anyway so I won't know until tomorrow if that's helped. I'm not optimistic and I'm going to be fucking enraged if this becomes a thing just before my weekend trip to London when a working phone will be a necessity on at least a couple of occasions. I've heard particularly bad things about Three's customer service in general and as this is likely to be some deeply technical fuck-up in their TrafficSense nonsense I'm expecting the worst here.
Back to the dentist again today. Seems the extraction wasn't as clean as I thought and now I have a large piece of bone sticking through my gum. I'm not sure if it's detached or not I've not prodded it or anything. The last couple of extractions I had I ended up digging them out myself with a pair of tweezers soaked in alcohol but I don't know if it's shrapnel or my jaw bone.

Thankfully I have an appointment any way (they're fitting my denture today) so I will get them to sort that out too. Got a feeling I'm gonna be sore though.
Bollocks :(

Went to the dentist. Dentures fit great. She had a look at my extraction site and said she could see the bone sticking out so she took an Xray and it's no bone. It's my jaw. The procedure now is to wait until it completely heals, then cut it open and grind down the jaw bone.

I can't wait....
auw, thats awful :(
Sounds ghastly. Sorry to hear that JC.
It's no biggy really as everything will be done with injections just more of an inconvenience.

Every time I have a tooth pulled I have isssues like this. Last one I had dry socket, that really really sucked. It was terribly painful but even worse they stuffed it full of the most revolting gunk I've ever had in my mouth lol. It made me heave, and every time I did that it hurt lol.
Sorry to hear that, hope the fix goes smoothly.
Sorry to hear about your dental woes, hope it gets sorted. Xx
Man, that's fucking grim. You have all my sympathy dude.
Bamba wrote:
Man, that's fucking grim.

Is he a sweaty panting mess tangled in the bedsheets? Then I think not.
JohnCoffey wrote:
just more of an inconvenience.

Bamba wrote:
that's fucking Grim

Seems about right.
Grim... wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Man, that's fucking grim.

Is he a sweaty panting mess tangled in the bedsheets? Then I think not.

You pick really weird times to suddenly not be precious about your ellipsis.
Bamba wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Man, that's fucking grim.

Is he a sweaty panting mess tangled in the bedsheets? Then I think not.

You pick really weird times to suddenly not be precious about your ellipsis.

"When it can be funny".
Grim... wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Man, that's fucking grim.

Is he a sweaty panting mess tangled in the bedsheets? Then I think not.

You pick really weird times to suddenly not be precious about your ellipsis.

"When it can be funny".

"When you want us to think about you and JC fucking."
And then you can't mentally un-see something.
Hearthly wrote:
And then you can't mentally un-see something.

There was so much love on his face you could hardly see the tears.
Don't kiss him Grim...

And defo no oral.
At least he won't bite it.
He's a dangerously splintered gnawer.
Heh, the breadth in quality of Three's customer support is bonkers.

First call got me to a guy who within minutes declared that he had no idea why I was getting kicked off their network and could suggest only that I upgrade my contract to fix the problem. I humoured him and got transferred to their upgrades team to get another guy who thought offering me 5000MB of data for £1.90 less than I'm currently paying for all-you-can-eat was somehow the deal of the century.

Second time round I got someone who actually wanted to know the details of my SIM card and had raised a ticket to their second line support within minutes of the call starting. I'm still pretty sceptical that their eventual solution will be, "You're on a really old contract and we can't fix so this so renew or fuck off," but at least hopefully now the right people are looking into it. Worryingly I've just talked to my mate in London who forgot her phone this morning so I'm going to need data to email her when I arrive so she can come and get me. This could devolve into a throwback comedy of missed meetings if Three pick this afternoon to fuck with me again. It's only been happening in the evenings thus far though so hopefully it'll be cool.
Just the thought of all that dental stuff is making me want to curl up in a ball and cry JC - hope you get it sorted soon.
Oh cripes, that's some horrible shit A. :(
Sending good thoughts and best wishes your way, man. :hug:
I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water this morning only to have my head dripped on. Looked up and there was water coming through. :(

Called my management company and they put me onto the upstairs landlord. Faulty boiler, apparently. Once it's dried out he's going to organise someone to redecorate.

A bit of a pain, but could've been much worse and it's being sorted.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:

Just come out of court. Judge ruled in my favour; she has seven days to get out. Awarded arrears and court costs too.

All good, but I'm not holding my breath on any of it!

So, she was supposed to be out yesterday. Just had confirmation that she's still there. Bailiffs requested.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:

Just come out of court. Judge ruled in my favour; she has seven days to get out. Awarded arrears and court costs too.

All good, but I'm not holding my breath on any of it!

So, she was supposed to be out yesterday. Just had confirmation that she's still there. Bailiffs requested.

Ah. Balls. Business be business, and it just a way of taking care of business. Can you go after the management people in any way?
MaliA wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:

Just come out of court. Judge ruled in my favour; she has seven days to get out. Awarded arrears and court costs too.

All good, but I'm not holding my breath on any of it!

So, she was supposed to be out yesterday. Just had confirmation that she's still there. Bailiffs requested.

Ah. Balls. Business be business, and it just a way of taking care of business. Can you go after the management people in any way?

I shall try, but I don't hold out much hope.

Got an eviction date now; 13th April @ 09:30. Really shocked it's had to go that far to be honest. :shrug:
Joans didn't buy enough red wine. :(
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Joans didn't buy enough red wine. :(

Be honest now. Would any of you?
Joans: "But I've still got lots of white left"
Me: How?
Joans: I've only drunk one bottle.
Me: >:|
Bear in mind, if I'd bought more red, she'd have drunk white. I feel this is more first world problems than the nay thread.
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