The 'NAY!' Thread
BikNorton wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
After all of that, Jazzy gets to feel good about making a single mum and her child homeless at Christmas time. :(
doesn't sound like that's your fault.

Business be business
Not ignoring things would've meant being in a new home well before Christmas, is what I actually meant.
BikNorton wrote:
Not ignoring things would've meant being in a new home well before Christmas, is what I actually meant.

Yes, and this is what I keep reminding myself of. She was served with the section 21 in July. Apparently this would have bumped her up the council waiting list immediately. This is because of choices she has made.

Still doesn't feel good though.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
After having both a section 21 and a section 8 ignored by my tenant, I've just had to fill in court forms. She has a week to respond. >:|

Court date set for December 8th, 2pm.

We don't seem to be able to catch a break this week. This is my kitchen. :'(

The electrics have tripped, lights and the kitchen appliances, including fridge, etc, which isn't exactly ideal with a two month old baby. The flat above have their landlady sorting it. Their landlady phoned me and couldn't have sounded like she gave less of a poop.

'I understand you have a little bit of a leak?' No, YOU have a leak, and it's not little.

She said that her electrician should be around some time today, but he's busy. I said that our fridge etc were out and she chuckled 'oh well!', then said he'd be round later, he was busy in Birmingham... bye!

That would be a lovely water feature if it was outside where you could admire it. Inside, less so.
I hope they are well insured and you get it sorted sooner rather than later.
You'll be claiming back for all the spoiled food and ruined soft furnishings, natch.
Christ! That is awful.
If you don't have working electrics by the end of the day (which seems unlikely) , they should be paying for a hotel for you.
When I phoned up the building management company they said 'Those flats have solid concrete floors, so I can't see how you could have any water coming through as there shouldn't be anywhere for the water to escape from upstairs or any way for it to make it into your flat', like I might just have been making it up...

I'm feeling a bit fed up, now, both because of the leak/flood and the attitudes of most of the people I have dealt with today. At least The Spud is sleeping soundly, so I have something cute to look at.
Get them to come over and tell the water that it can't exist.
I've just seen your instagram video Mimi. That looks awful! I hope you can get it fixed.

It looks like the water is coming down the side of the wall so clearly the concrete floors above aren't forming a waterproof seal at the edges and why would they? They're not supposed to hold water in. Nightmare!
Oh dear.... hope it gets fixed soon
I am getting kind of upset and annoyed, now.
Sub optimal situation mimi :( keep records of times and what was said and that. Hope you get it sorted soon but don't pan the land lady's face in with a toy tractor at all.
Landlady from upstairs flat has just now been, but without the electrician.

She asked what was out in the electrics. As far as I can see it is all the lights and the kitchen appliances (fridge, washing machine), etc. When I said washing machine she said 'well that's not really important, so that can wait a while'. Can it? Who is somebody else's landlady to tell me I can do without a washing machine if needs be? Especially as my baby keeps exploding with poo.

I need to calm down as I am getting increasingly upset. It's not the situation itself, it's the attitude of some people.

Thanks all, for the sympathy and for sounding a bit shocked at the volume of water. It at least makes me believe that I am right to think that it was quite a lot of water, and not 'a little bit of a leak' (I did send the video to her, so she could see the amount of water that was making a monsoon of my kitchen).

Thanks Wookie, we have no toy tractors as yet, but Darwin may just give her a bosh with MR CRAB

EDIT: posting that picture actually made me smile a bit :) :luv:
Also, she said that my son looked like a girl.

Well, what she actually said was: 'sorry, have I just woken her? It is a girl, isn't it? She looks like a girl but she's dressed in blue so I wasn't sure'.

'He's a boy'.

'Oh, he's got a girl's face'.

Darwin's rainbow vomiting crab soon to be introduced to some landlady face.
Can you ring your insurance company qnd get them to sort it and claim back from that stupid landlady?

You cannot wait for her to get around to be bothered about sorting it out. You have to look after your interests, sod her and the tenant above.
Sorry Mimi. Unfortunately I cannot be of any practical use right now as I'm on call this week. But I hope you get it sorted soon, chick. xx
She's really determined to give a good first impression then.....
We have lights :) And a fridge working again.
Mimi wrote:
We have lights :) And a fridge working again.

Wrong thread. :luv:
Sorry to hear you've had a crappy day Meems, I hope you're starting to feel better now though. :) :luv:
So as of yesterday I've got some discolouration of my bathroom ceiling and a small amount of water running down the seam where two bits of wood meet; all happening near the window. Given that this coincided with the constant and torrential rain yesterday I imagine it's water somehow getting in from outside rather than an actual leak in the flat above. All the wood round that part of the window's going to need ripped out so I can see what's actually going on then whatever it is will need fixed and my bathroom all sorted out again. I fucking hate this kind of shit because I'm so DIY-stupid that I end up not really knowing what to do with it and depending utterly on my dad etc for advice. Fucking houses man, who ever thought it was a good idea to buy them?
Do you remember earlier in the year, I did a gig with my old band because one of the singers had passed away? I've just found out that the bass player passed away last night. Looks like he drunk himself to death too.
TheVision wrote:
Do you remember earlier in the year, I did a gig with my old band because one of the singers had passed away? I've just found out that the bass player passed away last night. Looks like he drunk himself to death too.

Oh, mate. Really sorry to hear that.
That is awful, sorry to hear that
TheVision wrote:
Do you remember earlier in the year, I did a gig with my old band because one of the singers had passed away? I've just found out that the bass player passed away last night. Looks like he drunk himself to death too.

I'm sorry mate. :(
TheVision wrote:
Do you remember earlier in the year, I did a gig with my old band because one of the singers had passed away? I've just found out that the bass player passed away last night. Looks like he drunk himself to death too.

Sorry for your loss :(
Sorry to hear that Vision, that is horrible news. :(

Had a plumber come around yesterday to look a re tiling a showing we have downstairs

All the grout in the tiles is dirty and it just looks shit

The guy told my wife to stop using it as he suspected that water was getting behind the tiles.

It has a sort of tiled shelf\seat in it, and I've always wondered what was behind there, so I boke that out last night in preparation for him starting Monday.

Not a good sign when the tiles come up with a screw driver and a bit of pressure, he was right about the water, the timber forming the boxing was so wet and rotten I could crush it with my hands. Floor boards all wet as well

Can't find tiles that match size never mind pattern anywhere, so fun weekend of tile company visits awaits

God knows what other problems I'll find once the rest of the tiles come off.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
After having both a section 21 and a section 8 ignored by my tenant, I've just had to fill in court forms. She has a week to respond. >:|

Court date set for December 8th, 2pm.


The rental agency insisted they could cover the court appearance fine, I didn't need to attend.

Turns out that because I served the section 21, I needed to be there. Like I told them. They insisted I didn't need to as they attend these all of the time without the landlord present. It's been adjourned to sometime in the next 21 days.

Came out of work to a message on my mobile at 12:30 asking me to call them back. This is despite me constantly reminding them that I don't have my mobile in work and my office number being my primary contact number. I still could have gone, even then.

Sue the rental agency too.

Or at least seriously complain and ask for money.
Curiositree wrote:
Or at least seriously complain and ask for money.

This is my plan. I'm considering waiting until after court though. They are incompetent enough without encouragement.
Keep all correspondence, record all phone calls!
Grim-beard... the noisy wrote:
Keep all correspondence, record all phone calls!

I can't. They rarely reply to emails these days, so I always end up calling them from work. No recording equipment allowed. :(
This doesn't really compare to a lot of the nays in this thread, but it's a nay to me.

My auntie has given me a collection of around 40 Megadrive games. The only problem is that they've been in a shed for years. Subsequently, they're all damp. I think I can salvage some carts but the instructions and most of the boxes have had it.
You should post, "just been given 40 mega drive games!" In the yay thread. :)
asfish wrote:
Had a plumber come around yesterday to look a re tiling a showing we have downstairs

All the grout in the tiles is dirty and it just looks shit

The guy told my wife to stop using it as he suspected that water was getting behind the tiles.

It has a sort of tiled shelf\seat in it, and I've always wondered what was behind there, so I boke that out last night in preparation for him starting Monday.

Not a good sign when the tiles come up with a screw driver and a bit of pressure, he was right about the water, the timber forming the boxing was so wet and rotten I could crush it with my hands. Floor boards all wet as well

Can't find tiles that match size never mind pattern anywhere, so fun weekend of tile company visits awaits

God knows what other problems I'll find once the rest of the tiles come off.

Probably a bit late, but showers should always have hardy backer installed before the tiles go up.
So, I'd be hearing about this Eastenders actress with her kids who had died over the last few days, but didn't twig who it was. Today I realised that I used to work with her! Completely thrown by this news now. She was a lovely girl, and although I've not spoken to her since she was in Eastenders, it's still a massive shock to find out that she and her kids have been killed!
Malc wrote:
So, I'd be hearing about this Eastenders actress with her kids who had died over the last few days, but didn't twig who it was. Today I realised that I used to work with her! Completely thrown by this news now. She was a lovely girl, and although I've not spoken to her since she was in Eastenders, it's still a massive shock to find out that she and her kids have been killed!

It's a horrible story.
Lonewolves wrote:
Malc wrote:
So, I'd be hearing about this Eastenders actress with her kids who had died over the last few days, but didn't twig who it was. Today I realised that I used to work with her! Completely thrown by this news now. She was a lovely girl, and although I've not spoken to her since she was in Eastenders, it's still a massive shock to find out that she and her kids have been killed!

It's a horrible story.

Indeed. I hope you're okay Malc, that must have been quite a shock. X
Yeah, I'm okay now, but when Pauline asked me (she used to work with her as well) if I'd seen who had died, I said, "Yeah some Eastenders actress and her children, they're saying it looks like murder now". And then Pauline said: "But did you see which actress it was? It was Sian, who we used to work with" It really shook me.

I had quite the crush on her and even asked her out (she said no). So yeah, quite shocking last night, and still in disbelief really now when I stop to think about it.
Malc wrote:
she said no

It would appear that she has bad taste in men.
Grim... wrote:
Malc wrote:
she said no

It would appear that she has bad taste in men.

Sounds like she would have been better off with Malc than the guy she ended up with tbh
Well, that's damning with faint praise!

If she had said yes, I probably would not have said yes when Pauline asked me out to the cinema, I imagine things would have been very different.
Everyone would have superpowers and Biff would be in charge.
So, I live in an ex-council flat, but some of the block is still council owned, and the freeholder is Barnet council. As such, they have to abide by all sorts of stupid regulations (mostly because they don't have the wherewithal to fight them); one of them is electricity and lighting. As such, we have to pay for upgrading the electrics and lighting in the block:
A requirement for EDF to switch on the electricity again after switching is we must have a certificate:
Failed, so need new fusebox:
RCD fusebox trips out when washing machine used! new washing machine:

Good job the wife is going back to work!
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