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eBook readers & Kindle
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Author:  sdg [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 18:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Curiosity wrote:
The screen is awesome too. I tried to peel off the 'instructions panel' on it before realising it was actually the screen.

My only minor gripe is that the buttons for moving the page are the same on both sides, and several times I have pressed the one on the left to try to go back a page, and it moves it on a page instead, but I guess they have to do that so as not to be racist to left handers.

All of this! I tried to peel a non existent sticker off as well and have pressed the left buttons a few times meaning to go back. Not really a gripe though, especially since my kindle is my new favourite thing.

Author:  Grim... [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 20:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

I've got to say that I don't like the buttons on the new Kindle.
The old ones has buttons that are much bigger, and that makes more sense to me.

Author:  Cras [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 20:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

You've got gorilla hands though. The page turn button is perfectly placed for my right thumb.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 21:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

They are smaller, but they wrap around the edge of the device, which makes them more handy, I think. I don't like how squishy they are -- the old buttons had a nice positive click to them -- but that click becomes an issue if you are reading whilst someone sleeps next to you, so overall that's a positive change too in my opinion.

Author:  Sir Taxalot [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 0:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

I bought my wife one for her birthday in October, and it has barely been used. I'm going to start using it for myself.

Author:  markg [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

I tried the same plan but it went awry, she uses it all the time :DD

Author:  Sir Taxalot [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 23:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

markg wrote:
I tried the same plan but it went awry, she uses it all the time :DD

I'd just be happy someone is getting use out of ours hers. I was quite pleased with myself for getting one for her, and she seemed to be really happy with it, but it just doesn't get used :S

Author:  Cras [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 23:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Does she read many paper books?

Author:  Sir Taxalot [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 23:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Craster wrote:
Does she read many paper books?

She has TONS of them at home (I know, because I had to box them up (around 20 boxes) cart them round and lift them into the sodding loft at her parent's house for storage) and used to read a lot. I don't think she has read much recently, but I know she really enjoys it so I was hoping the Kindle would make it easy for her to read so she could get back into it and not fill up our place with more books for me to lug around when we move or come back home. Books are also REALLY expensive here.

Author:  Squirt [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

The missus is thinking about getting one of these "kindle electronic reading devices". She's wondering if the web browser is really up to light usage - checking facebook, email and such, or will it cause her to hurl it at the wall in frustration after a week? She'd probably use it often, but not heavily, if you get what I mean.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

It's horrible to use, but it works. I'd call it 'emergency use' rather than anything you'd want to use on a regular basis.

Author:  markg [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Squirt wrote:
The missus is thinking about getting one of these "kindle electronic reading devices". She's wondering if the web browser is really up to light usage - checking facebook, email and such, or will it cause her to hurl it at the wall in frustration after a week?

What Craster says. It's up to occasional use. I wouldn't try to use it as a main device for email and social networking, though.

Author:  sdg [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

If you ever had to use internet on an old mobile phone before they started getting proper web browsers, then it's a bit like that. Annoying, but useable if necessary.

Author:  Decca [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Squirt wrote:
The missus is thinking about getting one of these "kindle electronic reading devices". She's wondering if the web browser is really up to light usage - checking facebook, email and such, or will it cause her to hurl it at the wall in frustration after a week? She'd probably use it often, but not heavily, if you get what I mean.

I am very very glad I changed my order to the non-3g one. The browser is very slow with the wireless version, and from what I have read it's even slower with 3G. As others have said it would be ok for back up but would drive you nuts in a day. I suspect your good lady might be better off with a light £100 netbook - she can use kindle for PC and do all the internets stuff as well. Or she could spend £600 on an ipad which can do exactly the same thing but without flash.

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 15:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Why is everyone going on about the web browser? Forget about the web browser. Forget about the music player, and the picture viewer.
The Kindle is for reading books, and it's hideously good at it. If you want something for any other purpose, don't buy it.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 15:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

What Grim... said.

Author:  Wullie [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 15:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Grim... wrote:
Why is everyone going on about the web browser?
I blame the jesusphone. Everyone was happy with their separate phone & camera & Gameboy & music player & books & computer until it came along, but now everyone wants all singing all dancing stuff that "isn't too much of a compromise". The twats.

Author:  Bobbyaro [ Thu Jan 06, 2011 21:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

I has got an Kindle now! It is so much more simple to use than the sony one wrt getting books on it and shizzle. Is there any way to change the contrast though?

Author:  Cras [ Thu Jan 06, 2011 21:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers you want it less contrasty?

Author:  Bobbyaro [ Thu Jan 06, 2011 22:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

No, more. Maybe it is just a bit of getting used to, but it seems a little dull. The sony you can change the contrast (a little) so wondered if there was such an option on the kindle.

Author:  Cras [ Thu Jan 06, 2011 22:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

It's the most contrasty screen I've ever seen. Perhaps yours is fucked?

Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Thu Jan 06, 2011 22:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Have you tried pulling off the screen protector?

Author:  Bobbyaro [ Thu Jan 06, 2011 22:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

I tried, but it just made a mess.

Author:  Bluecup [ Thu Jan 06, 2011 23:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Like many others I also got a kindle for Christmas and I love it I do.

I don't think I've seen anyone mention how can be set up to forward a magazine style ebook each Friday containing, I think, the last 20 unread articles added to it. I find this to be pretty cool. It even embeds pictures in to it as well. Was there a web article recommendation thread on here?

If I'm disappointed about anything it would be the lack of magazines available on the kindle store. I thought publishers would of been all over it.

As for using the web browser, using mobile sites is definitely the way to go if you need to use it. I can't see how anyone could consider it a day to day browser when it can't even open a link that would open a new tab/window.

Author:  End of an Era [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Bluecup wrote:
If I'm disappointed about anything it would be the lack of magazines available on the kindle store. I thought publishers would of been all over it.

Here was the response, verbatim, I got from the publishers of The Skeptic:

I thought you'd like to know that I have heard from Barry Karr regarding your Kindle question.

The answer is that it is being discussed but apparently the options have not been favourable.

It brought to mind the end of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. "Top People" are apparently looking into it. :facepalm:

Christ, even Interzone don't do a Kindle edition. I find that somewhat ironic: a magazine devoted to SF and futurism not embracing technology. Asimov's do, however, and so there's my fix.

Author:  kalmar [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Woah, interzone still exists??

Author:  End of an Era [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

kalmar wrote:
Woah, interzone still exists??

I believe so. Haven't subscribed in a few years, but I think TTA Press still produce it after Dave Pringle sold it/retired back in 2004 or thereabouts.

Which reminds me, I must see if they do a Kindle version... :|

Author:  ganoory [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Where can I find the ebook version of The Last Apprentice: clash of the demons? I want this ebook for free also. Clash of the Demons is the sixth book of the The Last Apprentice series. Thank you.

Author:  Decca [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

ru row

Stealing is rong, I did go to check the kindle price but they only do a paper version.

Author:  Bobbyaro [ Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Anyone used these guys? Sadly they don't list their books prior to signup which makes me suss, and obviously they could fold at any point, but in theory it looks quite good.

Author:  tossrStu [ Sun Feb 06, 2011 13:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Hmm, looks well dodgy, sorry: ... teany-good

Author:  Mimi [ Sun Feb 06, 2011 13:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Bobbyaro wrote:
Anyone used these guys? Sadly they don't list their books prior to signup which makes me suss, and obviously they could fold at any point, but in theory it looks quite good.

from the legal page wrote:
Product Purchase does not provide a direct database for downloading. provides members with the necessary links, tutorials & unlimited technical support for their downloading needs. We make no guarantees as to the content available in the member's area.

They charge $49 to tell people how to pirate books, etc, by the sound of it.

Author:  Bobbyaro [ Sun Feb 06, 2011 14:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Err, missed that bit! Think I shall steer clear.

Author:  Mimi [ Sun Feb 06, 2011 14:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Their legal page goes on to say that there is no illegal content on the site, etc, but that appears to be because they have no 'content' (by way of actual books, magazines, etc) on the site.

Author:  sdg [ Sun Feb 06, 2011 22:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Further to the conversation in another thread, I have just bought Fingersmith by Sarah Waters. I'll report back once I've read it.

Author:  Agent Starling [ Sun Feb 06, 2011 23:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Gilly wrote:
Further to the conversation in another thread, I have just bought Fingersmith by Sarah Waters. I'll report back once I've read it.

As I recall, this was a bit saucy too, when it was on the telly a year or two back. ;)

Author:  sdg [ Sun Feb 06, 2011 23:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Agent Starling wrote:
Gilly wrote:
Further to the conversation in another thread, I have just bought Fingersmith by Sarah Waters. I'll report back once I've read it.

As I recall, this was a bit saucy too, when it was on the telly a year or two back. ;)

*notes with interest the DVD on amazon is £4...*

Author:  romanista [ Mon Feb 07, 2011 13:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

just bought a kindle from amazon for my mum, found Calibre, and copying 1200 dutch book to it give her a bit of a start.... let's see if see start to buy new stuff..

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers


I have a Kindle.

Ohmygod. I'm a bit 'waaah?!' as I wasn't expecting it.

It came wrapped an unexpected along with a Lego Harry Potter game from my Amazon wish list form a blog reader.

Oh goodness me. EEkkk.

I have no idea what I am doing. reading the user guide, but ohmygod I am one of you!

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Oh, and I don't know what kind it is. I think there are two kinds, yes? The packaging is sparse.

And it was wrapped with a bow :D

Author:  Squirt [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers


I don't know how you tell the difference just by looking though. Mrs Squirt love her kindle, but it's so easy to get books make sure you don't end up spending 500 quid in the next two hours.

Author:  Malabelm [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Here's how you tell, I guess:


That's a hell of an anonymous present, Meems.

Author:  Grim... [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Some random just bought it for you off your wish list?

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

My favourite books are classics, and I hear that there are quite a few classics avaalble for free or very cheaply.

EEe, this is weird.

@Grim... Yes. I am a bit... I don't know. Taken aback.

And Lego Harry Potter, too.

I had no idea.

Author:  Mimi [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Is there a way to tell which type of kindle I have?

Author:  Squirt [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Mimi wrote:
My favourite books are classics, and I hear that there are quite a few classics avaalble for free or very cheaply.

Yep, pretty much any book written before 1900 can be found for free, and quite a lot of it afterwards as well.

Author:  Grim... [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Connect to the store without entering wireless details.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

It either has 3G or it doesn't. That's the only difference between the current (grey) models.

Author:  Zardoz [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Glad you like them.

Author:  Zardoz [ Tue Feb 08, 2011 14:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

I didn't get you them, I'm just glad you like them.

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