Top Gear
Grim... wrote:
Top Gear on Dave is the most watched Digital programme after Sky Sports football coverage.

It really hadn't run its course.


No way it beats GoT per episode.
Looks like the rest of the world hate Clarkson as much as I do. ... arkson-bbc
Lonewolves wrote:
Looks like the rest of the world hate Clarkson as much as I do. ... arkson-bbc

I find it highly unlikely that syndication deals for Nu-Nu Top Gear have been struck since this season started to air, which means that the level of syndication says absolutely nothing about the quality or reception of the show - merely that there was an expectation it would be popular.
It's due to the weak pound.
Lonewolves wrote:
Looks like the rest of the world hate Clarkson as much as I do. ... arkson-bbc

They hate him enough to make his show the most popular BBC export for several years, and popular enough to still trade on that name after he's gone?

You clearly don't hate him as much as you claim.
No Christmas Special this year, apparently.
I don't think there's going to be a Christmas this year.

Bloody Brexit.
Oh holy shit, look at this:

Wait (or whizz) to the last thirty seconds to see all the motherfucking people.
Yeah that's pretty much exactly what it was like in Blackpool when Evans and Le Blanc were there.

Jeremy Corbyn gets bigger crowds, so he's clearly more popular than Hammond or Evans combined.
Kern wrote:
Jeremy Corbyn gets bigger crowds, so he's clearly more popular than Hammond or Evans combined.

I'm not convinced either part of that is true ;)
Grim... wrote:
Oh holy shit, look at this:

Wait (or whizz) to the last thirty seconds to see all the motherfucking people.

I'm not a fan of the show and haven't got a clue if this is actually backed up with any facts, but the Bing homescreen today has a boxout that says "Martin for Top Gear?" with a picture of James Martin.

I can't think of anyone worse at presenting than him. How he's got a job on TV is beyond me...
I used to quite enjoy Saturday Kitchen and thought he was OK on that.

I did see a program (or perhaps I read about it) when he was doing some classic car race in europe and he acted like a really whiny, spoiled bitch the whole way through it because the old car (it might have been a really old Maserati) broke down a few times and he wasn't sure he would be able to participate. He really came across as a prick.
It was a little ray of sunshine on an otherwise shitty year.
I may have to sit and watch this at work.
That's what I did :)
Watched half of it this morning. It was good. You can see where all the money went. Top Gear looked pretty flashy at times but this is on another level.
markg wrote:
Watched half of it this morning. It was good. You can see where all the money went. Top Gear looked pretty flashy at times but this is on another level.

Second half not so good. The tent section took a week and wasn't funny.
What APOD said.

And the thing with the three cars was dragged on for far too long and wasn't particularly entertaining.
MrChris wrote:
What APOD said.

And the thing with the three cars was dragged on for far too long and wasn't particularly entertaining.

Bro, do you even car?
MrChris wrote:
What APOD said.

And the thing with the three cars was dragged on for far too long and wasn't particularly entertaining.

As I said elsewhere earlier.

I feel like the tent section took longer than I spent at work today and that I laughed more at work today. When I sacked someone.
Thought the Grand Tour was pretty good, I don't have a huge interest in cars, but always found Top Gear entertaining.
I enjoyed that. Jezzer's gut is coming on strong!
It basically was Top Gear, but without the BBC filter.
It was very good to see them back on screen. I think Jeremy is a total arse who deserved to be fired, but they do make a very good tv show.
The opening sequence was just glorious and I like their new test track. It could have done with a bit tighter editing, and the celebrities were predictable though that didn't spoil anything for me.
That was just awesome, loved it. All hail mighty Porsche, and they even used the term "swivel eyed". I knew I was years ahead of my time :D
The Porsche is a (well, all three hypercars are) engineering marvels, but the McLaren is so, so pretty.

Although the fact the Porsche breathes fire is a definite plus :)
It's the Porsche that appeals most to me in the event of a hypothetical euromillions win.
Haven't watched 'Top Gear' for over five years (just did an archive search, my last comment was in January 2011), but after renewing Prime because it was cheapish and I quite liked using it for ordering those batteries, toothbrush heads, and other sundries that I always forget to buy in the supermarket I decided to watch the remake over the Roku.

The opening was tremendous, and some of the interplay between the three was as enjoyable as I remembered it being back in its glory days. Felt it needed tighter editing and I'm wondering if some bits were included just to acknowledge the heritage then discard it. The celebrity bit dragged - the only way to save a gag like that is to prolong then invert it after it becomes extremely tedious, but they didn't event get to that stage.

I'll probably keep watching the series as the nights get dark, at least while it remains fresh.
*scrolls up*
*reads top message*
*scrolls down*

Basically, what Dr Zoidberg said.
That was most enjoyable. The celebrities bit was toss though.
I'm not sure if it was a dig at the BBC or not. SiaRPC was the most-disliked part of Top Gear, but (according to Andy Wilman's book) they weren't allowed to drop it, so they could be taking the piss.

Doesn't magically make it entertaining, though (although I did like "I don't bloody know, I'm not a pathologist!").
I thought it was all a bit smug, snarky and tedious, if I'm honest.
DavPaz wrote:
I thought it was all a bit smug, snarky and tedious, if I'm honest.

All: So just like Top Gear then.
Kern wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
I thought it was all a bit smug, snarky and tedious, if I'm honest.

All: So just like Top Gear then.

True. They should drop the studio section and just do the films.
Grim... wrote:
The Porsche is a (well, all three hypercars are) engineering marvels, but the McLaren is so, so pretty.

Although the fact the Porsche breathes fire is a definite plus :)

For me, I'd take the objectively worst and slowest of the three, the P1.
It might be the slowest, but it's also the baddest. Plus it looks like the Crinale from Ridge Racer... it's even got "nitro" (DRS) boost. All it needs is a "13 Racing" decal or two...

The Porsche is an engineering triumph, but I like my cars (and bikes and women) to bite back occasionally. It's just too "nice" and "safe", the bespectacled class swot, whereas the P1 is smoking a fag down the back of the bike sheds with me. :D
Did you all watch it through Amazon Video (or whatever it's called) or by some alternative route?

Have to say, I'm quite keen to see what GT is like, after a break and a bit of a refresh (for both the show, and for me too) it might be more appealing again. I used to quite like the car news section in the TG studio. Motoring news is often pretty boring but I did quite like their dash of irreverence. I do like a spot of informative but light-hearted car/game/music news.
The problem is, this show is filmed months in advance, so there won't be much in the way of up to date news.

And yes, I watched it on Amazon prime through the Roku
If you watch it in the Prime website it comes up with trivia about what's on the screen if you pause it.

You can see what all the cars in the into are, for example.
Is this the X-ray feature? Amazon put these into a lot of programmes. It's really useful if you want to know what song is playing or what other films the actors have been in.
Yeah, that's right.
I only noticed it at the beginning when they provided trivia about the truthfulness of each persons firing history.
Grim... wrote:
If you watch it in the Prime website it comes up with trivia about what's on the screen if you pause it.

You can see what all the cars in the into are, for example.

Yeah, but then I'd have to watch TV on a computer. What do you think I am, a NERD?
DavPaz wrote:
Grim... wrote:
If you watch it in the Prime website it comes up with trivia about what's on the screen if you pause it.

You can see what all the cars in the into are, for example.

Yeah, but then I'd have to watch TV on a computer. What do you think I am, a NERD?

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