Bits and Bobs 51
Where IS area 51?
Thanks folks.
I've just enrolled to do a BSc in Psychology
Sounds great. New area for you or something you've been dabbling with?
DBSnappa wrote:
I've just enrolled to do a BSc in Psychology


Just for fun, or to take it further?
Kern wrote:
Sounds great. New area for you or something you've been dabbling with?

I’ve always been interested in how we think and behave, I suppose it comes from interacting with art and perception. It’s largely driven by curiosity and it’s something I’d like to understand, or at least try.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
I've just enrolled to do a BSc in Psychology


Just for fun, or to take it further?

I did give this quite a lot of thought. The simple answer is it’s largely curiosity. Trying to understand how I and others think, has always fascinated me. I don’t know whether I’ll take it further just yet, but I did think that maybe another change of career as I get older and don’t want to do such a physically demanding job, may be an idea.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
I've just enrolled to do a BSc in Psychology


Just for fun, or to take it further?

I did give this quite a lot of thought. The simple answer is it’s largely curiosity. Trying to understand how I and others think, has always fascinated me. I don’t know whether I’ll take it further just yet, but I did think that maybe another change of career as I get older and don’t want to do such a physically demanding job, may be an idea.
DBSnappa wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
I've just enrolled to do a BSc in Psychology


Just for fun, or to take it further?

I did give this quite a lot of thought. The simple answer is it’s largely curiosity. Trying to understand how I and others think, has always fascinated me. I don’t know whether I’ll take it further just yet, but I did think that maybe another change of career as I get older and don’t want to do such a physically demanding job, may be an idea.

You might want to check if the degree is accredited then just in case. I made that mistake with my Masters, so ended up having to do two. :roll:

Just enjoy it though, I'm sure you will find it interesting and fascinating. :)
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
I've just enrolled to do a BSc in Psychology


Just for fun, or to take it further?

I did give this quite a lot of thought. The simple answer is it’s largely curiosity. Trying to understand how I and others think, has always fascinated me. I don’t know whether I’ll take it further just yet, but I did think that maybe another change of career as I get older and don’t want to do such a physically demanding job, may be an idea.

You might want to check if the degree is accredited then just in case. I made that mistake with my Masters, so ended up having to do two. :roll:

Just enjoy it though, I'm sure you will find it interesting and fascinating. :)

I have and it is, but it's helpful to have it pointed out. Fanks
DBSnappa wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
I've just enrolled to do a BSc in Psychology


Just for fun, or to take it further?

I did give this quite a lot of thought. The simple answer is it’s largely curiosity. Trying to understand how I and others think, has always fascinated me. I don’t know whether I’ll take it further just yet, but I did think that maybe another change of career as I get older and don’t want to do such a physically demanding job, may be an idea.

You might want to check if the degree is accredited then just in case. I made that mistake with my Masters, so ended up having to do two. :roll:

Just enjoy it though, I'm sure you will find it interesting and fascinating. :)

I have and it is, but it's helpful to have it pointed out. Fanks

Enjoy! :)
Check out Tina Two-Masters over here :D
DavPaz wrote:
Check out Tina Two-Masters over here :D

I'm taking my lunch break in a lay-by on the Silk Road just outside Macclesfield. There are random nutters in customised cars tear-arsing past every couple of minutes, exceeding the speed limit and making a hell of a din. I wonder if they're all members of a local boy racer club.
Here's a thing that guarantees nobody has seen that object from the museum online before ... index.html
Frankly I'm astounded that no one ever looked up "Part sectioned pipe with joint, showing improved streamlined branch construction" on the Science Museum website before!
MaliA wrote:
Here's a thing that guarantees nobody has seen that object from the museum online before ... index.html

This is wonderfully addictive!
Still being woken up at 5am! :'(

Giphy "sleepy":
Let’s have a look at the resulting trauma, then.
So... imagine you had to go a week or two without a fridge and could only get groceries once a week. What would you buy on your grocery shop?
Tinned veg are surprisingly decent and retain a good amount of nutrients. Generally the woodier vegetables are the better they last without refrigerating, especially if you've got somewhere in the flat that stays colder than the rest. Root veg including potatoes, basically. Cheese you're not even meant to keep in the fridge, but again it depends on how warm you keep the flat. Anywhere under 20C and cheese will last a decent while, easily a week.

Dairylea dunkers.
Mimi wrote:
So... imagine you had to go a week or two without a fridge and could only get groceries once a week. What would you buy on your grocery shop?

So it will depend if your looking for quick things or not - and how much processed food you want to eat but if I was in that situation some things I would look at :

Dried foods - pasta / rice / beans (chickpeas / kidney beans / etc) / soya mince - all you just add water to and use - no need for refrigeration

If you use milk (or milk substitutes) small UHT cartons or powdered

Cereals / porridge oats

Tinned 'meals' - virtually every supermarket has chilli / curry / etc in a tin
Tinned fruit
Tinned soups
Jar's of sauce - either for pasta or to have with rice

Veg that can be kept outside of the fridge - onions / garlic / potatoes / turnip / parsnips
Bread (can also get part baked)

Snacks that can just be opened and eaten.

And then you could look at camping / backpacking options - there is a lot of ration pack type things you can get just not from a supermarket (search for MRE's) - mostly freeze dried packed stuff that you either add water to , or submerge in hot water to cook
Basically just anything you'd usually buy except for the stuff that's in the fridge at the shop.
markg wrote:
Basically just anything you'd usually buy except for the stuff that's in the fridge at the shop.

Well now you say that it seems obvious.

But really I think I meant more along the lines of what Zaphod and Craster said. Obviously I’ve got a five year old here away from school, and pretty much all of the breakfast and lunch foods I have for him involve milk or butter, jam, cheese, etc from the fridge. Dinner is a bit easier as I can make dhal, chilli, curry (I have some dried soya mince as Zaphod says) and any kind of pilaf, etc. There will be some veg that won’t be good, but as they pointed out I can keep some vegetables in a cool place. Obviously being able to make a cup of tea is important also :)
Do you have an outside space? It's so bloody cold atm you can probably keep milk and stuff outside in a cool box or something.
Car boot would do for fridge type storage.
It was -5°c here al day yesterday, so there’s the risk of that going the other way, but yes, should be able to keep things in the car. We don’t have a cool box or anything like that, but if the car is in shade that’d work. Hasn’t thought of that, so thanks :) Hopefully that’d keep some uht milk going a bit longer.

Craster said cheese snd the world seemed better already.
What's happened to your fridge? Could you get a mini fridge?
We’re ordering a new fridge but whilst we have none are just looking for ways to bridge the time without, (the delivery time bring a bit longer than usual). I am trying to avoid the mini fridge route just as it’s a) more expense for a short stopgap, and b) won’t be used afterwards so will just add to waste and clutter. Luckily it’s winter rather than the height of summer, which would make it more difficult still.
Can't you use your old fridge until the new one arrives?
Haha, sadly not :) We wouldn’t replace a working fridge, or without having good reason why it couldn’t be used. If we had a current fridge it wouldn’t be a problem.
Well, a powered down fridge is still a nicely insulated box. Perhaps a big bag of ice in the bottom will keep it cold enough to store milk and the like.

Or hang a carrier bag out of the window.
Over winter we use our back garden as an overspill without issue and in fact prefer it for things like cans because it's colder than the fridge.
Scotland: Nature's Fridge
Why is it taking two weeks; it a custom size? There's loads of places with next day delivery.
DavPaz wrote:
Well, a powered down fridge is still a nicely insulated box. Perhaps a big bag of ice in the bottom will keep it cold enough to store milk and the like.

Or hang a carrier bag out of the window.

We won’t have a fridge ‘shell’ in the interim, sadly.
MaliA wrote:
Why is it taking two weeks; it a custom size? There's loads of places with next day delivery.

No, but there’s a few logistics things that mean we can’t order one immediately. It’s a long story. Do you k kw anywhere that does next day delivery of fridges, etc that’s actually delivering next say? My friend’s fridge broke and she went through a couple of places that said next day who, at check out, actually quoted 7+ days due to high demand. She then went with AO, who said three days was the earliest delivery slot and that kept getting pushed back and it ended up being 11, so I’m just trying to be as prepared as we can be as we only get groceries in once a week.
Mimi wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Well, a powered down fridge is still a nicely insulated box. Perhaps a big bag of ice in the bottom will keep it cold enough to store milk and the like.

Or hang a carrier bag out of the window.

We won’t have a fridge ‘shell’ in the interim, sadly.

Have you slung it already?
Mimi wrote:
Do you k kw anywhere that does next day delivery of fridges, etc that’s actually delivering next say?

Amazon have plenty that are showing Friday delivery for me ordering now.
I know this goes without saying, but if you could allow me a moment:

Love to you, Gilly. I’m not sure what being scunnered entails, but it doesn’t sound like fun.

You’re doing fab, and everything IS horrid, and you’re STILL doing great x
sdg wrote:
I know this goes without saying, but if you could allow me a moment:


I hear you :luv:

(I thought this would be easier on me because I'm used to working from home but nah, still sucks)
It helps to shout it out. Everything is proper shite, can't wait to get back to some sort of normality.

Thank FUCK for SD&DG :metul:
Zardoz wrote:
It helps to shout it out.

It really does!
Zardoz wrote:

Thank FUCK for SD&DG :metul:

Absolutely, it's brilliant having something fun to look forward to every week.
Today is a tough day because the external environment is causing major parts of my workload to need constant changes and now today, a completely change of focus on day 2 of a 12 week project. Plus, it's at a site I haven't been to in person in 12 months. So when they're having a tough day and I should be able to help most, I'm stuck in my bedroom completely disconnected from what's going on and unable to add anything. My team was restructured early last year so I've not met the majority of them in person, ever, including my director. My house is too small so my office is my bedroom instead of having a proper office. I've not been able to go out rowing in over a year :'(

I'm usually really positive and laid back but I'm just having a tough day today.
Sometimes you just have to let it out. Sorry to hear you're having a crap time today.

Although I'm not involved and don't play D&D, I'm really glad the Monday nights are going well and I do enjoy reading the thread about it here!
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