The PS Plus thread
FAQ & links in first post
Bobbyaro wrote:
Try with a capital 'B'

No dice.
Future Warrior wrote:
OlliOlli 2 included on PS+ today! See you all on the leaderboards. :)

There are some other games too.

I beat you on the first level.

Now I'm going to turn it off and never go back to it again because just once I was at the top of a friends leader board like in the olden days before I became Ann Oldman.
Trousers wrote:
Future Warrior wrote:
OlliOlli 2 included on PS+ today! See you all on the leaderboards. :)

There are some other games too.

I beat you on the first level.

Now I'm going to turn it off and never go back to it again because just once I was at the top of a friends leader board like in the olden days before I became Ann Oldman.

Just had a quick go now I've finished the game on Amateur. Reckon I can top a million with a more judicious choice of tricks and reverts.
I played the first few levels and then uninstalled it, it's just not my kind of thing at all. I'm amused to see myself on your scoreboard there though, that's the first and probably last time that'll happen. :-)
Bamba wrote:
I played the first few levels and then uninstalled it, it's just not my kind of thing at all.

Yeah, tried it, didn't much like it.
Yeah, best to stick to easy games like The Last of Us.
Future Warrior wrote:
I am SilentElk.

This is my new favourite Dimlie: :insincere:

There are two 'SilentElk's! wtf?
Bobbyaro wrote:
Future Warrior wrote:
I am SilentElk.

This is my new favourite Dimlie: :insincere:

There are two 'SilentElk's! wtf?

Are you sure you haven't been scammed and you've given all your personal info to the PirateStation Network?
One of them is xSilentElk, but because I searched for 'SilentElk', it highlighted that and greyed out the 'x'.

I have sent a friend request to 'SilentElk'.
I haven't got it.
Future Warrior wrote:
I haven't got it.

You never had it. Boy, you weren't even close.
I'm in! Now friends with SilentElk and have access to his friends list, so will be sending out invites when I can!
I am also your fwend!
Bobbyaro wrote:
I'm in! Now friends with SilentElk and have access to his friends list, so will be sending out invites when I can!

The real question (for Myp) is what has Bobby actually chosen as his PSN sign in name ?

I sent him a friend requezt
zaphod79 wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
I'm in! Now friends with SilentElk and have access to his friends list, so will be sending out invites when I can!

The real question (for Myp) is what has Bobby actually chosen as his PSN sign in name ?


Bobbyaro. :shrug:
Yup, weird, huh?
I had this once before years ago, a mate of mine told me his PSN username to send him a friend request but searching for it never turned anything up. I checked with him the spelling and all that a couple of times but still couldn't find him.
Man, there are some fucking weird questions in that sign up page.
Bamba wrote:
Man, there are some fucking weird questions in that sign up page.

Glad it wasn't just me!
I AM FEARLESS. I shall play Peggle.
Yeah I'm not sure what, if any, useful market research they can get from a load of random answers to a load of random questions.

Question 1? I didn't know my username was case sensitive?! I hope I guessed right. It was 50/50.
Ian is first! Screw you Zaphod.

April's games:
PS4 - Tower of Guns (Yay!)
PS4 - Never Alone (Rubbish)
PS3 - Dishonoured (Brilliant game!)
PS3/4 - Aaru’s Awakening (Icelandic students made it. If that doesn't make it the best game ever made I don't know what will. Looks pretty interesting)
PS Vita - Killzone Mercenaries (Pretty decent multiplayer. Probably trash campaign)
PS Vita - Monsterbag (Never heard of it. Looks fun enough)
Saturnalian wrote:
Ian is first! Screw you Zaphod.

I had it bookmarked to come back to but got busy :-(

Saturnalian wrote:
PS Vita - Killzone Mercenaries (Pretty decent multiplayer. Probably trash campaign)

I really enjoyed the campaign for this one - and its a real proper FPS on the vita - it feels like a COD game (in a good way)
Tower of Guns looks pish but Never Alone is on my want list and Aaru’s Awakening looks interesting (albeit brutally difficult) so that's all good.
Tower of Guns is awesome you fool!
Never Alone is excellent.
When do the games actually refresh? As of this morning I'm still only seeing last month's.
I was just going to ask the same thing, I want Killzone - I was just considering buyying it actually, so this is pretty good timing.
It seems like they do it the first tuesday of each month. At least they are in April and did in March. Can't be arsed looking back any further. Though I'd prefer they did it when the month began, like any sensible person.
I could have swore it was the first Wednesday of each month, but I'll be damned if I'm checking either.
Ok, fine. I've done my research for you lazy sods and I can confirm that the PS+ games will be available from ...

... 8 April 2015. Which, I can reveal, is a Wednesday.
Saturnalian wrote:
I could have swore it was the first Wednesday of each month, but I'll be damned if I'm checking either.

Tsk - you should have done it right instead of rushing to try and be first :luv: ... ver-alone/

Leaving PS Plus:
8h April: Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty
8th April: Valiant Hearts
8th April: Papo and Yo
8th April: Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishments
8th April: OlliOlli2 Welcome to Olliwood
8th April: CounterSpy

Entering PS Plus:
8th April: Tower of Guns (PS4/PS3)
8th April: Never Alone (PS4)
8th April: Dishonored (PS3)
8th April: Aaru’s Awakening (PS4/PS3)
8th April: Killzone Mercenary (PS Vita)
8th April: MonsterBag (PS Vita)
That's a really random date for the switchover. Fannies.
ah, I was looking at the US blog because my work has a yankee IP or summat.
The words 'entering' and 'leaving' in these terms is really annoying. Frankly, they should have gone with, 'onboarded' and 'offboarded' like my HR department.
The word offboarded is used frequently by people in my current job and even a year and half in I'm still struggling to suppress the urge to punch someone in the throat every time they say it.
I'm not being offered Never Alone, is everyone else seeing it?
It's not up there.
I grabbed it from the website in the end.
It's not worth the minor hassle you've experienced.
At the risk of legitimising Saturnalian's opinion I played the majority of Never Alone last night and it's not very good. I mean it's incredibly pretty and charming as fuck and all that jazz but the game itself isn't much of an actual game. The platforming is trivial, the puzzles are barely worth that label and it just generally doesn't do very much.

I plan on properly hating Tower of Guns to make up for it.

I don't know what's up with Tower of Guns but it seems much, much slower than on PC. And easier. I cruised through about 6 levels yesterday.

I wasn't overly impressed. :S
Tower of guns isn't as good as it should. Bullet sponge enemies and slow moving projectiles don't make a fun fps.

Ziggurat is much better.
killzone mercenaries is pretty good, actually, not the greatest AI in the world, but other than that a decent game.
Tower of guns is a massive pile of gash.
I've been pretty unimpressed with the PS4 games this month.
Me neither. That Monsterbag on the PSV is pretty garbage too. Pretty. But garbage.
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