BETEO Official Nottingham Meet
9th August 2008
myoptika wrote:
You're at work on the Sunday? Rough deal.

Aye, penultimate one for this year though thank fuck.
We'll do another one nearer Christmas, don't worry. Whereabouts do you live anyway?
myoptika wrote:
We'll do another one nearer Christmas, don't worry.

If so, I would politely request that you hold it on the other side of Xmas, as the possible Alton Towers meet is going to be a fair bit later in the year out of respect for your own meet plans. At the end of October properly probably. I'd ask to please leave at least another month after that.
Oh yeah, sorry, I'd forgotten about that. Probably Feb or something, then.
Attendance list currently looks like this:

Mr Dave


Mr Chris
Goddess Jasmine
Ian Aris

Anymore for anymore?
For some reason I thought millions of people were going to be descending on Nottingham, but it appears to be a handful.
Can I get on the list for one of the crash positions please?
I'm sure we'll be able to squeeze everyone in. Would you like to be moved to the deffo list then?
Yeah, go on then, I can't see anything popping up between now and then, but if it does I'll let you know.
If nothing pops up, you'd be happy for Myoptika to squeeze you in? :o
myoptika wrote:
We'll do another one nearer Christmas, don't worry. Whereabouts do you live anyway?

East Yorkshire. I would have brought my flat cap and everything.
That would've whippet me up into a frenzy.
I'll probably be intimidated by everyone's beards.

Shave them off, and I might come along :DD
I've only got a little one, check out my avatar.

Let the FTFYs commence!
I have no beard.
I have a beard. Entirely unrelatedly, my girlfriend lives in America, which is very inconvenient and stuff. Tom Cruise is a dumb shit.
Dimrill wrote:
Hey Meaty, you going to lean on The Gaywood to get him to come along?

I have tried, he has refused. He claims he has 'real life'. I don't understand.

The same explanation has been given for why he won't be playing Rock Band this weekend. 8)

A shame, really, as he could up the beard quotient for us (I don't have one either)
He is a completely unreliable Tibetan. I shall mock his paedophile face. More.
...because his avatar is a monkey? A Tibetan monk-ee?
Dimrill wrote:
He is a completely unreliable Tibetan. I shall mock his paedophile face. More at ten.

Six o'clock News FEEX.
It was relating to The Dream.
Right! It's less than two weeks away, so I thought I'd bump this. What are everyone's plans? Anyone who wants to come to my house first to dump stuff off (that's not a euphemism for a poo, before you take it as an invitation) then you're most welcome to. Just PM me and I'll give you directions.

If you're planning on meeting us at the pub, then I guess we should make a decision on where to start. Jasmine, are you attending? I know you wanted to visit the Pit & Pendulum, so we could start there if you want; otherwise, I'll choose somewhere over the next week.
I'd prefer to come straight to your house to drop my shit off first, if that's cool. Is there a safe place to park?
How much parking is there around your place?

//edit: Spook!
There is loads of room to park on the road as most people have driveways. The first person to turn up can have a place on my driveway as I'll move my car across to make room.

I'd like to state that anyone parking on the road is doing so at their own risk, etc etc. I don't quite live in the ghetto, but you never know.
Assuming nobody else from Cardiff is coming and wants to share a car, I might well bike it up... so is it safe to stash that in your drive?
Also! Anyone who wishes to can bring their partners, as I don't think Ange is going away now and she might come out if there's enough girlies.
MetalAngel wrote:
Assuming nobody else from Cardiff is coming and wants to share a car, I might well bike it up... so is it safe to stash that in your drive?

Yes, that's fine. Depending on the size, you might even be able to bring it round the back and leave it in my back garden.
Re-iterating my offer, if there's anyone on the journey between Shrewsbury and myp, I've got room for one pickup.
If I would be welcome, I could/would. That is to say, "Why, that sounds lovely, and indeed if there would be any floor space remaining for me to kip, perhaps I might take you on that offer *voice trails off inquiringly*"

That said, it's been a while, so I can quite imagine if there's no floor space remaining.
Anyone is welcome - there is still space.
myoptika wrote:
Anyone is welcome - there is still space.

Your house is beginning to sound as big as Grim...'s :S
nynfortoo wrote:
myoptika wrote:
Anyone is welcome - there is still space.

Your house is beginning to sound as big as Grim...'s :S

It's actually quite small. People might end up sleeping standing up in cupboards at this rate. :D
myoptika wrote:
Also! Anyone who wishes to can bring their partners, as I don't think Ange is going away now and she might come out if there's enough girlies.

Do you have birthing pool facilities? If so I may turn up with Mrs Z.
Zardoz wrote:
myoptika wrote:
Also! Anyone who wishes to can bring their partners, as I don't think Ange is going away now and she might come out if there's enough girlies.

Do you have birthing pool facilities? If so I may turn up with Mrs Z.

I have an inflatable paddling pool and Curiosity*'s missus is a nurse. Any good? If not, then the Queen's Medical Centre is but a mere 10 minute drive.

* You have to pretend he's still coming for the joke to work.
myoptika wrote:
Anyone is welcome - there is still space.

Excellent! Then, GazChap, I believe I would like to occupy your seat, please.
Zardoz wrote:
myoptika wrote:
Also! Anyone who wishes to can bring their partners, as I don't think Ange is going away now and she might come out if there's enough girlies.

Do you have birthing pool facilities? If so I may turn up with Mrs Z.

Massive OT: You're having a birthing pool?
CUS wrote:
myoptika wrote:
Anyone is welcome - there is still space.

Excellent! Then, GazChap, I believe I would like to occupy your seat, please.

Whereabouts do you live nowadays, mate?
Grim... wrote:
Massive OT: You're having a birthing pool?

No way dude. Hospital job, no hippy shit. ;)
Zardoz wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Massive OT: You're having a birthing pool?

No way dude. Hospital job, no hippy shit. ;)

If I've learnt one thing from the whole experience, it's to have your baby in the hospital (Mr Chris should stop reading now).
Having it at home is, IMO, incredibly selfish with regards to the safety of the baby. Even if you only live a few minutes from the hospital it doesn't help - when they found out that Sam's heart wasn't beating there wasn't even time to get Mrs Grim... into another fucking room for an emergency c-section, he just had to come the fuck out. Cue around ten people running into the room shouting medical stuff while I tried to convince Mrs Grim... that everything was fine (she was properly out of it by then).
Grim... wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Massive OT: You're having a birthing pool?

No way dude. Hospital job, no hippy shit. ;)

If I've learnt one thing from the whole experience, it's to have your baby in the hospital (Mr Chris should stop reading now).
Having it at home is, IMO, incredibly selfish with regards to the safety of the baby. Even if you only live a few minutes from the hospital it doesn't help - when they found out that Sam's heart wasn't beating there wasn't even time to get Mrs Grim... into another fucking room for an emergency c-section, he just had to come the fuck out. Cue around ten people running into the room shouting medical stuff while I tried to convince Mrs Grim... that everything was fine (she was properly out of it by then).

Totally, totally agree. This made me think 2 things.

1) Fuuuucccck.
2) Doctors and Nurses are bad asses. Thats proper Dr Who Sonic-Screw-Driver-Shit right there. I'm surprised a theme tune didn't play.

I mean people harp on about natural this, and natural that and Evil Big Pharma and how drugs are bad, and going to hospital makes you ill, and energy and vibrations, and on and on. Whilst ignoring the fact that Doctors can do fucking incredible stuff like that.
*clears throat a little; looks up at the clock and then away again, without registering what the time is*

So, Nottingham eh?
Nottingham, you say?
I am planning on driving, so would probably like to dump some stuff (or at least my car) at your place first. I haven't been to Nottingham since I was a kid, so I have no idea where anything is.
I can give people lifts if they happen to be in the general vicinity of the M42/A42/M1 (the appropriate parts, obviously).
myoptika wrote:
*clears throat a little; looks up at the clock and then away again, without registering what the time is*

So, Nottingham eh?

Get your own thread.

Lave, as you were.
nynfortoo wrote:
myoptika wrote:
*clears throat a little; looks up at the clock and then away again, without registering what the time is*

So, Nottingham eh?

Get your own thread.

Lave, as you were.

Er, yeah, sorry about the rant.

Also: If I remember right the gamestation in Nottingham smells of wee - so avoid that. The old trip is good and "the oldest pub in Britain" apparently. Rock City is fun but populated with 14 year olds. Oh and The Adventures of Robin Hood is incredibly shoddy.
Grrrr... this thread is making me jealous.

myoptika wrote:
So, Nottingham eh?

Looks like CUS and myself will be arriving by car, so if you can PM me your postcode and house number I can begin to formulate a plan. We'll be dropping stuff off at your house beforehand, please-me-do.
What pub are you going to? I used to spend quite a lot of time drinking in Nottingham.
Are you far from the train station?
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Are you far from the train station?

About four miles, but I'm on the tram route which runs from the train station up to Hucknall (two minute walk from Moor Bridge stop).
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