Dark Souls 3
12 April 2016
Replaced it with a better (but not perfect) version. It was Twitch I should have been shaking my fist at, turns out.
Here it is, the last ever Dark Souls 3 DLC and it looks goodly.

Christ, I must finish my Kate Whippy videos.
I was going to poke you on the day of wednes.

DLC screenshots. Is that Earthern Peak from Dark Souls 2!?
Ready for some more Dark Souls.

Give me more Dark Souls.
Mr Dave wrote:

You sound like Jeremy Corbyn
Mr Dave wrote:

Gah! Point.
Final Ever DLC drops in 7 days, people. 7 days.

Bit sad though, hope their next full game is already underway.

That intro gave me the chills after completing the first DLC.

Also the game has been patched! Patched I say! THE PLUME (on ornstein's helmet) IS BACK. Thanks to these guys apparently https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/com ... t/.compact
Location spoiler.

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Earthern Peak confirmed
really? Thats a bit shit.

Should have made it Yharnam just for the reaction.
8 hours and 29 minutes till release. I'm kinda expecting this to be all sorts of awesome. I cannae wait.
Better spoil hide this just in case.

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Oh boy, there's a rumour that there's a boss covenant. YOU are the boss. Channeling Demon's Souls.
Say what you want about Dark Souls but when FROM get their act together they make some interesting environments. The Dreg Heap shown in the trailers is as fascinating to look at as it is a bastard to traverse.

I also didn't realise I've got 90 hours logged on this and despite me doing a fair amount of gaming I barely stick around after most games.
Lothric Knights can fuck right off.

2nd butterfly can fuck right off.

Boss 1 can fuck right off.

Fucking fuck right off.

I've forgot how to play this, haven't I?
You're meant to use your iron sword, not your pork sword. Hope that helps.
This is the problem with Soulsborne DLC. It gives you enough time to completely lose all your skills at the game before it comes out.
Satsuma wrote:
Lothric Knights can fuck right off.

2nd butterfly can fuck right off.

Boss 1 can fuck right off.

Fucking fuck right off.

I've forgot how to play this, haven't I?

Yes. Had a go last night. My first thought was 'Why am I dressed like this' very odd outfit, must have been for a specific boss/area.

Next thought, 'these new low level bastards are knocking chunks off me'.

Killed a big headless man, ran past a floaty magic hurling bastard and fell off a ledge.
My fave new thing is to invade someone and take them through the Ringed City pointing out the route through the archers, where the baddies are, pointing at hidden treasures and then collecting the spoils when they invariably get set by some big fucker.
WHnnnngnnnn fucking die shit angel.
Ah, running bravely past it/them is best.
Don't try and take it on, you nutter!
I took it on and killed it!!!

Then it comes back!

And I killed it again!!!

Then it came back again :'(
The ankle grabbers can fuck off too.
The 2nd butterfly is a real cunt. I couldn't find the slug thing for love nor money; the little sluggy bastard is tucked away like a Crying Game penis.
Things I completely missed about the first boss room. Location spoiler.

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Anyway, I thought it was cool how you descend through the Dreg heap and through the Dark Souls series.
By Butterfly you mean shit angel? Yes?

I'm not reading anything you're spoiling btw, I'm discovering things by dying repeatedly all by myself.
Yeah the shit angel. Yeah avoid the spoils; a blind play through is the only way to play. I just like looking back at what I've missed when I've done a run through. There's some interesting stuff I've missed and I thought I'd been thorough.
It was on my last 'go' last night, when I'd ran out of embers so was helping someone else, that I'd missed a different route altogether! I'd slipped by a staircase previously
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in the bit with the two big knights
FINALLY got summoned as a blue!

Soon as I arrive this invader guy is straight on me! BUT the tracking on my Fire Red Halbard +10 is unreal and I'm R1 spam crazy. He knows he ain't got me and he's wasting Estus so he makes a run for it and I'm on him.

He thinks he's outrun me but BAM the best timed jumping attack you've ever seen gets me back in the fight!

He finds the host but I'm all over his ass. Double But, I forget I'm a blue and not a filthy invader so he hides behind the enemies. Fortunately the host has a phantom and BAM BAM he's on the run. It gets hairy cause he's ran into stupid knight land but the phantom takes him out and I win an earhole for my trouble.

Yay Dark Souls!

That chandelier drop was pretty pro.
Final boss DEADID.

Damn that's some good DLCing right there. Totally worth the asking price and a fabulous almost astounding amount of content. It looks amazing, plays as good as ever, has some interesting bosses (the final boss is a brilliant 1 v 1 fight and another has an old mechanic brought back which is cool as fuck), some great new weapons and builds on the lore with a cool as fuck time thingy at the end of time.

Looking up what I've missed and I've totally missed an optional boss. Now to find him and stare at some stuff.
And wouldn't you know it, Optional Boss is a cunt.

I need someone to come help me...
Satsuma wrote:
And wouldn't you know it, Optional Boss is a cunt.

I need someone to come help me...

Afraid I can't help with DLC. What with not being able to get dlc for import thing.

Sucks be to you.
You suck ass.

I've burned through 30 embers but luckily I've got 70 left. My team members have a nasty habit of dying before me and then it takes another 5 minutes to get another couple of numpties to come and help.
Mr Dave wrote:
Afraid I can't help with DLC. What with not being able to get dlc for import thing.

You'd need to jump through hoops but assuming its a Japanese imported copy you have

1) Create a Japanese PSN account (give it any valid address - google a mcdonalds or a hotel)
2) Add currency to that account (playasia will sell you PSN codes for Yen : http://www.play-asia.com/playstation-ne ... /13/703xk6 )
3) Login to that account , make it your primary console for that account , and buy the DLC
4) Download the DLC as that account
5) Login to your normal account and play

This works with Canadian and US accounts , and DLC , although i dont know if Dark Souls has anything special on there to stop this type of thing
(I bought the full deal COD version from the canadian PSN store so that was IW / MW4 plus the season pass and i can play it on my UK account just fine)
Still at it...only seen the second stage twice...

Ok, someone to distract the bastard while I cast magic up his arse...
Fucking done it, first go!

First phantom bit the dust early on but the other guy was a trooper and died right before the last swing killed the big fucker! Poor guy wouldn't even get the spoils. :(
Some players are scum. Don't call me in for a duel and then call in a phantom to back you up, dickhead players.

Not even pointing at one, doing the duel bow and chugging all my estus in front of them could make them get the message. Dickheads.
Watching it back, I really feel sorry for that guy dying in the last two seconds. Vidyo below.

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Its not nearly as epic as actually being there. Tch. Plus I'm sure I get unfathomably lucky because he rarely targets me, none of the second phase projectiles come my way and he never does his fuck you laser in our direction during his first or second phase. It probably helped that we were as close as we could throughout most of it.

Also, that wingspan at the start of the fight!? It must be at least 80% of the width of the massive arena area. I know there's not much going on technically in a big empty arena but, dayyum, that scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it.

What did that weird claw looking weapon of yours actually do? Because it just seemed like you waved it ineffectually for the entire fight while the phantom did all the work but I'm assuming that wasn't actually what was happening.
The arm is a spell catalyst. I was using the pestilent mercury spell which leaves this fizzing white/grey cloud which causes damages in its radius. It's quite "high" so I could cast it underneath and still get hits in plus the damage increases the longer he stays in it.

I figured I was doing the most damage, but who knows. When I was using the big flume knight sword (the biggest DS sword) I was doing about 500 damage when I could manage to swing at the head and about 200 elsewhere. You can see the damage ticking up into the thousands with the spell in place though so I reckon that's about the best way to do it.
And I got called in to the boss fight last night ...

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...as The Boss.

Couldn't fucking believe it. The host and three fucking phantoms. FOUR FUCKERS. He must have been using the fingers but, come on, it's a bit overkill for that boss. I did it all by my lonesome.

Anyway, of course they kerb stomped the shit out of me and the computer character.
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