Taking the Brexit
Jeremy Hunt is the new foreign secretary.
Meh. He’s going to do less damage there than as health secretary.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Meh. He’s going to do less damage there than as health secretary.

Hearthly wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Meh. He’s going to do less damage there than as health secretary.


If Boris couldn’t cause a war despite his best efforts, I think we’re pretty safe.
Obviously, in two years time when we are living on rats in a nuclear wasteland, I will admit I was wrong.
I'm scared to turn on the news lest Chris Grayling gets health.
Malc wrote:
Jeremy Hunt is the new foreign secretary.

He's a homeopath. As our power on the world stage gets increasingly diluted, we'll gradually regain the Empire.
Matt Hancock to health. Fucking hell, you're short of talent when you promote someone from Culture to Health.
I very much like this guy as well.

In the absence of the logjam being broken, of course, there will be an outcome simply by virtue of the Article 50 process: no deal. Which is, indeed, the outcome that some of the Ultras want. For almost everyone else this would be a disaster on an unprecedented scale: massive economic and social dislocation leading to goodness knows what political calamity. This now seems more likely than it ever has done before, simply because it is the default if all other outcomes are rendered impossible (and the prospect of it is what increases the chances of an extension to the Article 50 period).

http://chrisgreybrexitblog.blogspot.com ... eaves.html
Absolutely scathing from the NYT

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/10/opin ... rexit.html

For the second time in three years, Boris Johnson, a politician whose ambition and superficial charm far outstrip his ability, judgment or principles, is destabilizing the British government and threatening the country’s future.

On Monday, Mr. Johnson, in protest against Prime Minister Theresa May’s plans for Brexit, resigned from his post as foreign secretary. Now Mrs. May’s authority, longevity and ability to deliver a Brexit without causing an economic crisis are in question. But further political paralysis seems certain.

Britain is in this mess principally because the Brexiteers — led largely by Mr. Johnson — sold the country a series of lies in the lead up to the June 2016 referendum on leaving the European Union. They did so because neither Mr. Johnson nor his fellow leader of the Leave campaign, Michael Gove, intended, wanted or expected to win.

At the start of 2016, Mr. Johnson was perhaps the most popular politician in Britain. Supporters and fans mobbed him at train stations and traffic lights; pollsters and pundits thought he could reach the parts of the country that other Conservatives could never touch. But he was also driven and insecure, so desperate to guarantee he would be the next prime minister that he cynically abandoned his own previous positions on the European Union in order to try to secure support from his party’s Euroskeptic right wing.

Because Mr. Johnson and Mr. Gove were confident that the Leave campaign was a hopeless cause, they were free to make ridiculous claims that they had no expectation of ever having to fulfill. They said that Brexit would make Britain both richer and more independent, with more money for the National Health Service, much greater control of immigration and continued friction-free trade with Europe.

Every earnest warning from the other side — about how any Brexit would damage trade, business and jobs — was dismissed airily by the Brexiteers. There were no costs or downsides in this vision of the future.

This casual dishonesty has had devastating consequences.

In the two years since the Leave campaign unexpectedly won, nobody, from the prime minister to Mr. Johnson to the Labour Party, has been able to come up with a plan for exiting the European Union that can satisfy both a majority in Parliament and the expectant public. Why? Because fulfilling the false promises peddled by Mr. Johnson during the campaign is impossible.

The gulf between the easy, prosperous, productive Brexit that its voters are impatiently expecting, and the grim, complicated cost of disentangling economies that have been intertwined for decades has poisoned and paralyzed British politics.

The Conservatives’ leaders cannot admit to the electorate that they were deceived without splitting the party. And instead of apologizing for misleading voters, Mr. Johnson and the other Brexiteers have doubled down, taking refuge in optimistic slogans and vapid promises, refusing to believe the increasingly agitated evidence from hospitals, airlines, farmers, supermarkets and factories that a hard Brexit will damage them all.
Wowee. That’s some damningly accurate summary of what a cunt he is.
The way I currently see it, we could be in situation where all imports could stop, food supplies run out, and we're all cowering around candles in caves, but Jeremy Corbyn still won't go in for the coup de grace on this administration.
My take there is that Corbyn is willing to let the entire country go down the shitter due to the hardest Brexit in order to maximally embarrass the Tories and attempt to wrest an election victory out of the ashes.

Presumably, his dictionary doesn't contain the word "Pyrrhic."
Clears the way for the New Jerusalem, I suppose.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
My take there is that Corbyn is willing to let the entire country go down the shitter due to the hardest Brexit in order to maximally embarrass the Tories and attempt to wrest an election victory out of the ashes.

Presumably, his dictionary doesn't contain the word "Pyrrhic."

I agree with you.
Kern wrote:
Clears the way for the New Jerusalem, I suppose.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

And did those feet in ancient times
Walk upon mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God

On England's pleasant pastures seen?

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem

And did the countenance divine
Shine forth on clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem
In the dark satanic mills?

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
It was the fault of the government
It was the fault of the government

I was walking down the streets
When I tripped up on a discarded banana skin
And on my way down, I caught the side of my head
On a protruding brick chip
It was the government's fault
It was the fault of the government

I was very let down from the budget
I was expecting a one million quid handout
I was very disappointed
It was the government's fault
It was the fault of the government

I became a semi-autistic type person
And I didn't have a pen, and I didn't have a condom
It was the fault of the government
I think I'll emigrate to Sweden or Poland
And get looked after properly by a government

Bring me a bowl of burning gold, bring arrows of desire
Bring me spear, O clouds unfold
And though I rest from mental fight
And though sword sleeps in hand
I will not rest 'til Jerusalem
Is built in England green and pleasant land

It was the fault of the government
It was the fault of the government
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem

It was the fault of the government
It was the fault of the government
Jerusalem, Jerusalem

It was the fault of the government
It was the fault of the government
Jerusalem, Jerusalem

Of government
It was the fault of the government
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem

It was the fault of the government
It was the fault of the government
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem

It was the fault of government
It was the fault of government

- Mark E Smith
Has anyone sorted out getting the gas from Eastern Europe and electricity from France yet?
BikNorton wrote:
Has anyone sorted out getting the gas from Eastern Europe and electricity from France yet?

I've got an empty jerry can in the car, if that would be useful.
BikNorton wrote:
Has anyone sorted out getting the gas from Eastern Europe and electricity from France yet?

Funny you should mention:

https://twitter.com/PickardJE/status/10 ... 9636920321

Interesting, if there's No Deal we'll be in a State of Emergency .....

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/p ... 43241.html
Who could have possibly predicted that Trump, who destroys everything he touches, would respond to May offering him a state visit by throwing her under a bus.

Makes sense though. Putin wants him destabilising Europe, and it's in America's interest to weaken the UK's negotiating position.

I eagerly anticipate the UK taking back power by adopting the US pharmaceutical/medical model, dropping food standards, revoking many workers rights, fully embracing the prison industrial complex etc as part of the USA trade deal it will have no choice but to make.
Absurd, Kafkaesque hypocrisy:

https://twitter.com/steven_swinford/sta ... 9529487360

Melania Trump is currently hanging out with Philip May, that must be an interesting conversation!
Probably at it like rabbits.
LewieP wrote:
Who could have possibly predicted that Trump, who destroys everything he touches, would respond to May offering him a state visit by throwing her under a bus.

Makes sense though. Putin wants him destabilising Europe, and it's in America's interest to weaken the UK's negotiating position.

I eagerly anticipate the UK taking back power by adopting the US pharmaceutical/medical model, dropping food standards, revoking many workers rights, fully embracing the prison industrial complex etc as part of the USA trade deal it will have no choice but to make.

And now he's saying that The Sun posted "fake news", even though there's a damn audio recording:

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... rexit-plan
Of course, we already know where Trump is concerned that "fake news" just means "stuff I said but now need to disown for political reasons".
Four_Candles wrote:
LewieP wrote:
Who could have possibly predicted that Trump, who destroys everything he touches, would respond to May offering him a state visit by throwing her under a bus.

Makes sense though. Putin wants him destabilising Europe, and it's in America's interest to weaken the UK's negotiating position.

I eagerly anticipate the UK taking back power by adopting the US pharmaceutical/medical model, dropping food standards, revoking many workers rights, fully embracing the prison industrial complex etc as part of the USA trade deal it will have no choice but to make.

And now he's saying that The Sun posted "fake news", even though there's a damn audio recording:

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... rexit-plan

I'm surprised he hasn't said that audio recordings can be faked and claimed that he wasn’t even interviewed by The Sun.
Vote leave fined and reported to the police. I'd paste a link, but long pressing isn't doing anything in this text entry box.
Today the MPs are voting on whether they should go on holiday early. I wonder what they will choose...
Parliamentary summer recess isn’t holiday, they’re still working. It’s more like No Meetings Week, only longer.
It's "can't do a no confidence vote if parliament isn't sitting" extension, as far as I can see.
Also perhaps can't debate the Electoral Commission findings into the Vote Leave campaign either
Malc wrote:
Also perhaps can't debate the Electoral Commission findings into the Vote Leave campaign either

Isn’t this a moot point as it’s now in the hands of the police
I really don't know, I think it's a bit confusing personally, it's not like it's football league, and the players have just been fined for racist behaviour and now it's being referred to the police. It's an inquiry into a referendum that will decide the fate of this country for decades to come, surely it should have the powers of the police here, and now they've been found guilty and fined, all that's left is to work out what to do with the result.
Nothing will happen from it, it's basically a 10% election rigging tax... Budgeting for it in your original costings in future will be the outcome, I expect.
All these amendment votes are amazing. Basically what's happening is the Tory's 4 red lines on Brexit are becoming 42 red lines by force of domestic law, half of them contradictory.
Vote Leave; end cheese.

Everyday dairy products such as butter, yoghurt and cheese could become luxury items in Britain after Brexit, with price rises being caused by the slightest delay in the journey from farm to table, a report by the London School of Economics finds.

The LSE research, commissioned by the company behind Lurpak, Anchor and Arla brands, also found that speciality cheeses could become scarce after Brexit, with escalating costs whatever the outcome of the exit negotiations.

Good old British Dairylea for everyone! Take that Froggies!

Dairylea is made in Belgium.
That's just the kind of defeatist remoaner talk that is ruining Brexit and stopping Britain from being GREAT AGAIN.

You enemy of the people, you.

Fake news!
I'm over Brexit satire, tbh.
Let's have an Article 50 petition shall we?

' Rescind Art.50 if Vote Leave has broken Electoral Laws regarding 2016 referendum '


Signature count increasing pretty fast
We can't rescind article 50 unless every other EU member state agrees.

I can't imagine there wouldn't be terms attached. Goodbye rebate and probably goodbye pound sterling.
If there was a chance of Brexit being cancelled then why would the rest of the EU would want to jeopardise it? Surely that would be the best outcome for everyone's self-interest.
LewieP wrote:
We can't rescind article 50 unless every other EU member state agrees.

The Treaty doesn’t even remotely say this.
Satsuma wrote:
LewieP wrote:
We can't rescind article 50 unless every other EU member state agrees.

The Treaty doesn’t even remotely say this.

Although Parliament do need to vote to withdraw Article 50.
Looks like there will be weekly government warnings on how to prepare for a No Deal Brexit, starting next week ............

https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/publ ... -d9wd3lwbk

Reddit thread ........

https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/com ... al_brexit/
I imagine the best advice would be "get rid of the prime minister"
Called it.

Crash the country; make people demand a rethink.

Unfortunately, I don't trust her to do this competently, nor the Conservative Party to find a replacement who wouldn't accept that the fault lied with the idea rather than just the execution.
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