Taking the Brexit
Guardian: 'Theresa May tells EU leaders: you are putting lives at risk over Brexit '

Guardian wrote:
Theresa May has issued a stark warning to EU leaders that their citizens’ lives will be at risk if they fail to show more flexibility on Brexit, as she struggled to regain the initiative at a bad-tempered summit in Brussels.

If I wanted a good example of projection, I'd go to the cinema.
:attitude: has solved the Brexit Irish Question!

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
You keep Scotland in the customs union, and move the border to the mainland!

Our King over the M4 wrote:
That’s because NI would no longer be shut off from the rest of the UK, the situation that’s so intolerable to the DUP – instead it would be England and Wales that were effectively quarantined. The need for a hard land border on the island of Ireland could be avoided, replaced with one between Scotland and England which would have no implications for the Good Friday Agreement.
Wings Over Scotland wrote:
And let’s be honest, nobody much cares what the Welsh think.

:DD :DD What a cunt!
https://twitter.com/Petercampbell1/stat ... 8638657536

https://twitter.com/faisalislam/status/ ... 4704534530

https://twitter.com/Petercampbell1/stat ... 5252923393

Well, they've only been making them in this country for seventy years.
Technically incorrect, as “they” — in the form of Jaguar Land Rover Automotive PLC — was founded January 18, 2008.
I assumed they were part of Rover at one point but didn't realise they sold them as early as 1967!

Ah, British Leyland bought all of the Rover family of cars it seems.
Who needs them?

We can make innovative jam!
How hard can it be to build cars anyway? Surely we can just get some British companies to build them?
GazChap wrote:
How hard can it be to build cars anyway? Surely we can just get some British companies to build them?

They could call them the Ukgo
Apparently Theresa May’s grand plan is to basically obey all EU rules without being a part of the EU, which is surely just a shit idea.

The Brexiteers are obviously up in arms about this, with cries of ‘sovereignty’ and ‘vassal state’, but they’re also massively pissed off that they can’t just destroy all rules, standards and regulations on stuff like food safety, which was their wet dream all along.
Wait... does this mean we'll be less sovereign from Brussels once we've gained our sovereignty from Brussels?

Giphy "paradox":

EDIT: Not quite what I was expecting, Giphy, but once again you've summed things up perfectly.
Kern wrote:
Wait... does this mean we'll be less sovereign from Brussels once we've gained our sovereignty from Brussels?

Giphy "paradox":

EDIT: Not quite what I was expecting, Giphy, but once again you've summed things up perfectly.


Esit: Oh, it's different
MaliA wrote:
GazChap wrote:
How hard can it be to build cars anyway? Surely we can just get some British companies to build them?

They could call them the Ukgo

I think this very fine :)
Curiosity wrote:
Apparently Theresa May’s grand plan is to basically obey all EU rules without being a part of the EU, which is surely just a shit idea.

The Brexiteers are obviously up in arms about this, with cries of ‘sovereignty’ and ‘vassal state’, but they’re also massively pissed off that they can’t just destroy all rules, standards and regulations on stuff like food safety, which was their wet dream all along.

Used to have an empire.
https://twitter.com/SamCoatesTimes/stat ... 8694993921

Heh. That's very clever. But of course, knowing Mr Johnson and co., they could always agree then backtrack as soon as they're heading back.

Reminds me of one of my favourite political jokes about the former minister who sat in the back of his family car and wondered why it didn't start moving.
Bloody children. The lot of them
MaliA wrote:
Bloody children. The lot of them

I can help!
Bye-bye Brexit Bulldog.
What a stupid mess the Tory party is in right now.

You’d really expect Labour to be about ten points in front in the polls...
Please, please tell me they're not going to put Michael Fucking Gove in charge of Brexit!
DavPaz wrote:
Please, please tell me they're not going to put Michael Fucking Gove in charge of Brexit!

He was ok as justice minister *clutches at straws*
DavPaz wrote:
Please, please tell me they're not going to put Michael Fucking Gove in charge of Brexit!

It's OK - Chris Grayling to the rescue!
Dominic Raab gets the poisoned chalice.
Raab's resounding success on that whole "British Bill of Rights" thing clearly make him the ideal man for the job.
Ian Dunt's review of David Davis's reign pulls few punches.

The opening paragraph could serve as a full summation of the situation:

There are few projects a lifelong eurosceptic could treasure more than managing Britain's withdrawal from the EU. David Davis was given the most coveted role in the history of his ideology and he flunked it, at every stage, with a series of unforced errors based on his own ignorance of the thing he ostensibly cared about.
I enjoyed this line:

His errors were so consistent and severe the opposition had started copying and pasting his own Commons statements as attack mechanisms.
That is an excellent piece.
And now bojo, Christ they'll be running out of biggots soon.
He must be really angry about that new runway.
Odds of this leading to a leadership challenge / 1922 thingy to May in some form?
We're going to end up with the 4 horsemen. Trump, Putin, Boris, Kim Jong Un.
There is a lot of irony in the thought that Kim is the sanest one of the bunch...
So in essence the rats are deserting the ship at this point.

Well, Cameron was the first to go, cheerfully whistling to himself the day after he realised quite what the fuck it was he'd done.

Davis was completely out of his depth (Ian Dunt skewers him superbly in the article linked above by Kern), so took his chance to fuck off, and now Boris done the same.

Lying, incompetent, cowardly shower of cunts.
Yougov have Reese-Mogg as the frontrunner to take over from May, rather than Johnson...
The grinning twat.
Trooper wrote:
Yougov have Reese-Mogg as the frontrunner to take over from May, rather than Johnson...

And the advantage of 25 months.....
Trooper wrote:
Yougov have Reese-Mogg as the frontrunner to take over from May, rather than Johnson...

Because the vote goes to members, and a poll of them shows he'd lose in a head-to-head to not only Rees-Mogg, but also Gove, Davidson and even flipping Javid.
He should have been sacked for disloyalty (let alone incompetence) years ago.

As for the Prime Minister, if she is defenestrated I really hope the Tory infighting keeps Mr Rees-Mogg away from the membership's leadership vote. Like Mr Johnson, he's someone who's spent years crafting an image to distract us from his real character and ambitions.
Kern wrote:
he's someone who's spent years crafting an image to distract us from his real character and ambitions.

Unless his real character is something other than 'Dickensian villain' then I'm not sure he's done a great job there.
https://twitter.com/mutablejoe/status/1 ... 4802397184

https://twitter.com/bbclaurak/status/10 ... 6288789504

Off with her head.
Please let JRM be PM, please. It’d be ace.
Satsuma wrote:
Please let JRM be PM, please. It’d be ace.

I... I... I...
Satsuma wrote:
Please let JRM be PM, please. It’d be ace.

Fuck off would it.
I think it would be horrifically compelling to watch, like how people slow down to rubberneck at car accidents, but just across the whole country, continuously, and with awful consequences for everyone for years and years to come.
LewieP wrote:

Off with her head.

Not so sure they will be in a hurry to get rid of May, she has made progress, not the best or what everyone wants, but progress all the same

I think even the self-serving Tory backstabbers now understand kicking May out will mean one of them will have to take the thankless task of Brexit negotiations on.
Some northerner resigned.
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