BETEO Official Nottingham Meet
9th August 2008
*starts making alternative plans for August 9th*
Fucking hell, I'm really scared. I might join the guinea pigs at my parents house!
myoptika wrote:
That's one of the most adorable things I've ever seen. The other is Dimrill's sleepy yawny face as we wake up together, spooning.

But then you must have to spend 20 minutes carefully unweaving your chest hair from his back hair?

Also, Dimrill, you have clicky knees too?
Oh god, I think I'm gonna be sick.

I take it I'm sleeping on the sofa that night then. ;)
Ange wrote:
I take it I'm sleeping on the sofa that night then. ;)

Hey, steady now, I'm not even sure if I will be attending...

CUS wrote:
Ange wrote:
I take it I'm sleeping on the sofa that night then. ;)

Hey, steady now, I'm not even sure if I will be attending...


That would make more sense if you weren't an acronym.
I *am* an acronym, yes! And indeed, I forgot that. Comfortable Uncontroversial Sofa, that's me.
My knees sound like concrete mixers at times.
And let me guess - you've been advised to take cod liver oil by doctors and it's done fuck all good?
Not as such, can't take it due to veggieness. They also recommended Glucosamine, but that's shellfish derived too. There's been a recent veggie friendly version made, but I have yet to get some. :S
CUS wrote:
I *am* an acronym, yes! And indeed, I forgot that. Comfortable Uncontroversial Sofa, that's me.

An initialism, surely?
Only if you call me 'See You Ess' instead of of 'Cuss', would it be an initialism.

Anyway, to go back to the original point: if you want to sleep on me Ange then that's okay with me (I'm very well-padded, and my moobs would make excellent natural pillows), but maybe check with your fella first...
I call you "See You Ess", should I not do that anymore? ?:|
Uh,makes no difference to me, I just assumed everyone callled me 'Cuss'. Anyway, Nottingham, eh? Brian Clough, Robin Hood, Fudge Tunnel etc.
Perhaps you should start a poll?
Joans wrote:
I call you "See You Ess"

However, I also call Curiosity "See You Are Aye Oh Ess Aye Tee Why". :)
I think there have been enough threads already about the life-changingly awesome person I am, in all my majesty and glory, but I'll bear that in mind for the future.
Hmmm I might sleep on the floor. *prays there's no one here with "floor" in their name* :s
So who gets Dimrill as a pillow?

There is still a chance I can come and drink Ange's wine.
Everybody needs a Dimrill for a pillow.
Ange wrote:
Hmmm I might sleep on the floor. *prays there's no one here with "floor" in their name* :s

Did someone call?
Brimful of craster on the 45.
SexOnTheFloor wrote:
Ange wrote:
Hmmm I might sleep on the floor. *prays there's no one here with "floor" in their name* :s

Did someone call?

Mr Chris wrote:

There is still a chance I can come and drink Ange's wine.

Ha! You'll be lucky ;)
SexOnTheFloor wrote:
Ange wrote:
Hmmm I might sleep on the floor. *prays there's no one here with "floor" in their name* :s

Did someone call?

FFS. 8)
CUS wrote:
I just assumed everyone callled me 'Cuss'.

I Cuss you bad.
You are the cuss.

Also, I have succeeded in booking the days off. Hurrah!
Yay! Perky poo poo at the meet. Now all I need is a way of getting there myself :/
Where are you Dims? I'll be heading up from Birmingham (assuming I'm going), so I can grab a few people on the way.
Is Birmingham on the way from Bristol to Nottingham.

If so, I can offer lift.
Just outside Lichfield in South Staffs. Erm, put "Chase Terrace" into google maps and I'm in that area :)
Mr Dave wrote:
Is Birmingham on the way from Bristol to Nottingham.

If so, I can offer lift.

It is. You'd normally go around it (M42, I think), but it won't be much of a detour to go 'in'.
Man, I wish I had a meet to go to *kicks can disconsolately down road*
You can't be far away, surely?
Dimrill wrote:
Just outside Lichfield in South Staffs. Erm, put "Chase Terrace" into google maps and I'm in that area :)

That's certainly doable. If you want the lift, you're welcome to it.
Yay! Mr Dave in car picking Dimrill up heaven!

I have a sat nav with Myp's address already inputted in too. :D
According to google you're about 30 miles from me, but I'm not sure how much of that is out of the way (about 20 miles of it at a guess). I'll have to look into it.
Mr Dave, from Bristol you'd want M5, M42, A42, M1, whatever bit takes you into Nottingham. The M42 bit takes you pretty much all the way round from the SW corner of Birmingham to the NE, but it's still a bit of a trip over to Dimrill.

I should really check to see if there have been new posts before I post.
Don't forget to put plastic over the seats.
Or M5, M6, off at junction 11, A5, my house, A38, A50, A453, fiddly bits, Myps. ;)
Dimrill wrote:
GPS, Myps. ;)

21st Century FTFY
MetalAngel wrote:
Don't forget to put plastic over the seats.

More importantly, get a bit of old carpet or something, and hang it over the back of the front seat, so there's something to claw and bite at, or your seats will get a bit damaged.
Hey Meaty, you going to lean on The Gaywood to get him to come along?
Dimrill wrote:
Or M5, M6, off at junction 11, A5, my house, A38, A50, A453, fiddly bits, Myps. ;)

Yuck, what a horrible route! You're best off getting onto the M1 and coming off at J26, otherwise you've got to drive right from the very south of Nottingham right the way up to my house which is on the edge of Hucknall.
Surrounded by golf courses, it seems.

Yeah, you could get on the M1 after the A50 though.
Yeah, there's two golf courses near where I live. Makes it sound posh, dunnit?
myoptika wrote:
Yeah, there's two golf courses near where I live. Makes it sound posh, dunnit?

Do not be fooled by this, people.
I would have been up for this but I'm at work the following day so I don't fancy driving back early doors having imbibed a skinful the night before.

Count me in next time there's something in that area though (or if the date of the current one changes).
You're at work on the Sunday? Rough deal.
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