Bits and Bobs 50
50 shades of bits
MrChris wrote:
Do you mean Coke Stevia?

Yes, him. And Coke Yiannis, and Coke Dimitri.
When I worked at Game they sent over about 2000 samples of a new Tango flavour. I forget what it was but it tasted like rotten vegetables.

It turned out that all the cans had been left in the direct sunlight in a van for a week before being sent to us.

We gave a load away to customers before we were told too.
MrChris wrote:
Pepsi Max is objectively the best cola. I've been stuck in Coke land for two years now sob

Objectively? Clearly you don't know that word
Cras wrote:
Greece is heavily into Coke Green, which tastes of mud.

They mix it with white wine.

What the fuck is this now?
Right? I think it's because the wine tastes of aged arseholes, so they basically just try and mask the taste.
I mean red wine and coke is a thing in various parts of Europe and while I still think that's horrible it makes more sense. White wine and coke is mad though.
Has anyone tried that Coke energy drink? It's easily one of the worst things I've ever tasted, and I will happily drink Red Bull.
Findus Fop wrote:
Has anyone tried that Coke energy drink? It's easily one of the worst things I've ever tasted, and I will happily drink Red Bull.

Oh, I got a can of that given to me in the street by one of those promo squads. It was very strange, and I will not be drinking any more ever again.
Squirt wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
Has anyone tried that Coke energy drink? It's easily one of the worst things I've ever tasted, and I will happily drink Red Bull.

Oh, I got a can of that given to me in the street by one of those promo squads. It was very strange, and I will not be drinking any more ever again.

They're so late to the energy drink game! And with such an awful product, too.
Octoberfest in Liverpool during Freshers week. Prediction: a mix of beardy middle aged men and bewildered overdressed 18 year olds.

Bring. It. On.
Top Red Kern seeing the sights
Who's the other guy?
Must be their dad.
Remember: it is a competition, if you don't drink one of each you're missing out and urinating is for the weak.
This is Culture.
Mimi wrote:
My gynaecologist was called Dr Pepper.

What's he called now?

Many years ago, wife's dentist was Dr Frankenstein.
Warhead wrote:
Mimi wrote:
My gynaecologist was called Dr Pepper.

What's he called now?

Many years ago, wife's dentist was Dr Frankenstein.

Haha, I mean he’s not my gynaecologist anymore. He’s a specialist that took care of me when I was pregnant. He was incredibly smooth and suave. Both Russell and I ended up falling a little in love with him :D
I've now got a senior citizen's concessionary public transport pass, so am now A Twirly.

I'll have to start using public transport now. Is it possible to buy a tazer on t'internet?
What’s a Twirly?
What Liverpool pensioners say to the driver when they get on the bus at around 9.30am, as their passes aren't valid until that time. "Am I twirly?"
Squirt wrote:
My missus like rum and Dr Pepper, a drink we have entitled the "Captain Pepper"

Dr Pepper was created as a whisky mixer.
Warhead wrote:
What Liverpool pensioners say to the driver when they get on the bus at around 9.30am, as their passes aren't valid until that time. "Am I twirly?"

This post is deliberately blank .
Because there was this one time when things were ok.
Ventriloquist act needs polishing
Man that was a lot of lager...
DavPaz wrote:
She was nice

Yes. Yes, indeed.
DavPaz wrote:
Man that was a lot of lager...

We got our deposit back! I think.
Buckets of piss?
Suffice to say I had a very early night on Saturday.

Was great fun nonetheless.

Much Ado About Nothing in St Michael’s Square, Southampton, 1996.

I was 14 and had curtains. I was also wearing the most ridiculous pantaloons. That’s me on the left in the thumbnail.
That thumbnail makes it look like one of those dodgy composite shots used in Knightmare on CITV.
Mr Chonks wrote:
That’s me on the left in the thumbnail.

That's me in the spot light
Findus Fop wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
That’s me on the left in the thumbnail.

That's me in the spot light

Losing my dignity
Mr Chonks wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
That’s me on the left in the thumbnail.

That's me in the spot light

Losing my dignity

Trying to keep to my route.
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no, what postcode is this?
What road am I on?
GazChap wrote:
That thumbnail makes it look like one of those dodgy composite shots used in Knightmare on CITV.

This was the exact same thought and comment I had!
Why were you crucifying Dusty Bin?
Findus Fop wrote:
Has anyone tried that Coke energy drink? It's easily one of the worst things I've ever tasted, and I will happily drink Red Bull.

My main take-away (other than 'fuck no, never again!') was that the cola flavour tasted really cheap. It was like someone had taken a bottle of Happy Shopper cola and just piled sugar into it.
I also thought it was minging.
Happy Birthday Mali! Have a great day and enjoy being "old".

Giphy "40":
Happy Birthday dude. You’re rapidly approaching the age when your clothes will be cool ;)
DBSnappa wrote:
Happy Birthday dude. You’re rapidly approaching the age when your clothes will be cool ;)

Mali has been 40 for a long, long time. His chronological age has now finally caught up.
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