Bits and Bobs 50
50 shades of bits
I used to read three at a time when I read books, because I'd leave the books in different places.

Now I have a Kindle I read one at once.
My mind is actually blown at this. I’ve got short term memory issues now, and find it really difficult to have more than one TV series on the go at once (I need Russell to catch me up with who she is, why they’re here, etc, even if we are just watching one show). It’s not so bad if one is a Brit comedy and one a multinational fantasy epic, or similar, but even if due to leaving more than a day between episodes makes me forget more, I find it difficult, but I’ve never read more than one book at a time.

"I ain't got time to read!"

When I was on public transport I was a voracious reader, but I only read one at a time. If there's a series of books (or podcasts, or TV, or Youtube) I tend to consume all there is in one go. I'm not one to flit.
I have several books I'd consider "on the go", but for some it's unlikely I'll ever pick them up and finish them off so it probably doesn't count.
Grim... wrote:
I used to read three at a time when I read books, because I'd leave the books in different places.

Now I have a Kindle I read one at once.

Exactly this. Also because of the Kindle I completely forget what the book is called and who wrote it sometimes to the extent that I have to read a couple of lines before I remember what it was even about. I read every night before sleep but don't travel very often and when I do I'm driving so that's the only reading I get, can't sleep without it though.
Normally one book on the go. Exception at the moment being I've got an E.F. Benson short story collection, Robert E Howard's Complete Conan and a Cthulhu collection (various authors) on the go but I complete each short story before I even consider flitting to another book.
I have three on the go:

One on the phone
One on my Kindle
One made of paper.

The paper one isn’t a novel though, more a collection of musings and cartoons on football, so counts less.
I only ever seem to listen to books these days, usually have between 1 and 3 on the go.
I virtually stopped reading books altogether as t'internet became a thing. Before that I usually read one at a time, but I always had one on-the-go. I've kinda started reading books again now, because I HAVE to take an hour lunch break at work, so I have been reading in the van.

I've got a Kindle that Mrs. W got for me as a pressie, but barely used it, and now stopped altogether as I have the app in my tablet, but I don't read many books on that either. Alsdo, I prefer paper books to reading them on a screen.

In addition to short term memory issues, now that I'm getting really old, I can fall asleep very easily at any time when reading a book.
I usually read one book at a time because I hate reading in little bits, I will generally not read if I know I can't read for at least an hour
But I do always have an audiobook in the car
so one paper book (or kindle if on holiday) + one audiobook in the car
Oh, I forgot that I'm reading 'Always look on the bright side oif life' a sortabiography by Eric Idle when I'm having a pony.

Van reading has included 'Dance, dance, dance,' by Haruki Murakami and I'm currently on 'Americana,' by Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche. Both were given to me by our next door neighbour when she was clearing out her daughter's bed room and she thought I might like them. I have no idea why.

'Dance....' was a slow starter, but I poersevered with it. It was OK, but not as good as the hype would have me believe. I'm only in the early stages of 'Americana,' and the jury's still out.
I just saw this photo (I’ve obscured the face) on IG, and if blazers tucked into jeans is going to be a thing then I think we’d better halt the planet as it’s time to get off.
Is that Jacob Rees-Mong's new look?
Nothing there is in any way okay.
Phew. Thought I’d missed a memo.
Are we sure that isn’t an old picture of Mr Russell?
Are we sure it's not a current picture of MaliA?
This is currently MaliCool
Jesus fucking Christ.
It’s like if Butthead from Beavis and Butthead starred in the stage adaptation of Tom Hanks’ Cast Away
Mr Chonks wrote:
It’s like if Butthead from Beavis and Butthead

As opposed to Butthead from The Tempest?
Grim... wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
It’s like if Butthead from Beavis and Butthead

As opposed to Butthead from The Tempest?

I’ve not read it so couldn’t tell you
Mimi wrote:
Phew. Thought I’d missed a memo.

Only acceptable if his trews have ripped knees.
Like a pervy side quest character from Yakuza 0
Whatsapp with Second Born just now, as he's about to get on the school bus:
Me: How was your day?
Sam: Last thing was science...
Me: Cool! What did you do?
Sam: Fire
Sam: I did fire
Sam: [gif of Elmo waving his arms in front of loads of flames]
MrChris wrote:
Whatsapp with Second Born just now, as he's about to get on the school bus:
Me: How was your day?
Sam: Last thing was science...
Me: Cool! What did you do?
Sam: Fire
Sam: I did fire
Sam: [gif of Elmo waving his arms in front of loads of flames]

This is a long shot, I know...

I’m not sure if I said, but my mum is selling a load of my uncle’s house clearance stuff on eBay. He’s been a collector (some would say hoarder) of just ‘stuff’ for years, so though he has a load of things, he doesn’t seem to have a clue what half of it is.

One of the things she’s been asked to sell is this. It’s a dark green beret style hat, in a frame.

Has anybody any clue what it is?

Obviously Soviet, but beyond that? Are the commemorative badges rather than military? Honestly, they could all say ‘Mikhail’s Ice Cream Parlour’ for all I understand.
Sorry, having an issue with the pics
Looking at it, it’s more a cap than a beret. I just wrote beret because my Ma said beret. Anyway, I assume it’s a hat of some kind, but no idea on the badges.
Appreciable homoerotic undertones of this particular pin. I hope that is what the designer was going for.
She said this one appears to be part of the hat itself.
I can’t believe this place isn’t a hotbed of Russian military experts!
To me, they don't look like war medals. Google Translate managed to get the two images I've attached but apart from that, I don't know.
Haha, brilliant. Ta xx
The red one with the guy on a horse fighting a dragon is a Moscow coat of arms under the name "Moscow", so probably a fairly standard souvenier type badge. The word under the motorbike is literally "motorsport".

No idea of any of the others so far!
Russian cub scout equivalent, and the badges that go with it?
That’s what I wondered. That or maybe cadets?
Cheers hive mind.

It was indeed a cadet pilotka. It’s got the same badge on front and red piping as these
my father is from Bosnia, when I was young I went to "Yugoslavian school" (in addition to normal dutch school) and we would recite patriotic poems and I basically finished the equivalent of schooling til 12 years old
I was declared a pioneer and received a cap thing like that shape and a boy scout type handkerchief for around my neck and 1 pin.
I remember my cousins having books full of pins so receiving them and collecting them was quite a thing there as well
I can read some of the pins but Im not sure they are all in the same genre
the horse jumping one says something like Spartakiada Narodov SSSR (like sports thing for the people of sssr)
the house one with the red around it says something like: teatr (im) Ivana Franka (which might be this ... eatre+kiev)
Ah, that’s fascinating! I wonder how it ended up in my uncle’s cupboard? Actually, 99% chance it was from a boot fair, but I wonder how it ended up at a boot fair?
Probably worn as part of a disguise used by 2 dwarves and a russian goat when they made thier way across Europe, to escape their wicked stepmother. I'm guessing there is a greatcoat to go with it.
They got caught when the goat bleated as they were trying to buy a single ticket to see Casablanca.
I'm probably very late in realising this, but I today I found out that you can play PS2 ISOs (and various other things) on an unmodified PS2 console just by having a McBoot memory card inserted. I'm not about to go on a pirating spree, but it's interesting that the PS2 can be exploited just by a memory card.
I have one of those but it's not very user friendly.

Maybe I should see if there's an update or anything?
It did take a few attempts to work out what I needed to do and even which of the programs on the card I needed to run. Eventually I managed to get Gradius V running from a USB stick. This was the one I bought. It's a shame they don't allow imports to be played as that's what I'd find most use for, but apparently that's controlled at a hardware level.
Mrs B fancies trying out a beat em up and Final Fight seems like a good option. So I'm looking for a way to play it with these requirements:

  • Free or very cheap
  • Runs on Windows
  • Two player, so the arcade ROM rather than the SNES versions basically
  • Can be played with two control pads with minimal fuss

I'm also open to other recommendations in terms of what game to play that fits the above. I'd prefer something more modern but it's not a genre that's seen a lot of action in recent years and I don't want to spend money initially in case she's not into it.
Not sure how smoothly it runs, but there's a browser version here that looks like you can map the controls to pads
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