The Last Of Us
What is it with me and game...
Yeah, it'll say 'I'm not worthy'.
Is Chrome giving anyone else a warning about page ten of this thread?

Anyway, I'm playing this. I've only done the first few bits, and so far it's fairly mediocre.

Still, I understand it improves massively, so that's okay.
Fine on Chrome here.

Apparently its gets a lot better for the second half, but I was bored by then and switched off...
In case anyone missed it - the single player DLC is out and is getting 9/10 and 10/10 reviews everywhere

Eurogamer : ... ind-review 10/10
IGN : ... ind-review 9/10
Destructiod : ... 0572.phtml 9/10
Gamespot : ... 0-6415658/ 9/10
zaphod79 wrote:
In case anyone missed it - the single player DLC is out and is getting 9/10 and 10/10 reviews everywhere

Eurogamer : ... ind-review 10/10
IGN : ... ind-review 9/10
Destructiod : ... 0572.phtml 9/10
Gamespot : ... 0-6415658/ 9/10

It's incredible. So much different in mood to the full game. It's pretty short but well worth the entrance fee.
I has downloaded this. I can't play it until Metro: LL finally decides to stop bothering me though.

I've avoided any information on it other than what's above which is pretty good going I thought. I'm quite excited!
Just finished Left Behind. Despite knowing exactly what happens at the end I still have fucking dust in my eye. I didn't think they could do it again, but is was wrong. Amazing.
Loading up now. I'm looking forward to this now!
Saturnalian wrote:
Loading up now. I'm looking forward to this now!

It is so so good.
It really is.

Wubs photobooth!
Apparently this is only 2 1/2 hours long.

I must have spent a good two hours on it yesterday on survival mode and was almost back to Joel. I imagine I've got about 5 minutes playtime left!

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
I explored the crap outta every environment as well, did all the dialogue, tried on all the monster masks (aces), did most of the jokes, did the photobooth twice, did all the skull jokes (utterly fabtastic) and, generally, don't think I've missed doing anything.
Finished. Utterly awesome.

Naughty Dog nailed this absolutely perfectly. Music, graphics, voice acting, story, pacing, action, gunplay etc. All spot on.

Whoever did the music needs a medal, by the way: it's perfect.
Saturnalian wrote:
Finished. Utterly awesome.

Naughty Dog nailed this absolutely perfectly. Music, graphics, voice acting, story, pacing, action, gunplay etc. All spot on.

Whoever did the music needs a medal, by the way: it's perfect.

The music was quite Godspeed You! Black Emperor-y I thought.
Saturnalian wrote:
Finished. Utterly awesome.

Naughty Dog nailed this absolutely perfectly. Music, graphics, voice acting, story, pacing, action, gunplay etc. All spot on.

Whoever did the music needs a medal, by the way: it's perfect.

I got the soundtrack album as part of my preorder. :metul:
Finished my Survivor playthrough. Annoyingly I didn't unlock the Trophy for Hard though. Also tried to do all optional conversations and that didn't unlock either. So one more playthrough needed!
You do have to wait a little while after the end credits and you're back at the menu until the trophies pop. Mine took ages.
Saturnalian wrote:
You do have to wait a little while after the end credits and you're back at the menu until the trophies pop. Mine took ages.

You misunderstand. I was expecting the Hard Trophy to unlock after I finished Survivor (like the Easy one does when you finish Normal), but it didn't stack.
Maybe I didn't express it right, but I know what you meant because after I finished on survivor mode I got the trophies for survivor, hard, medium rare and easy. When I finished I was back at the menu thinking "maybe there aren't any trophies" and browsing the bonus drawings, when suddenly each one started to come up. First survivor, then hard and so on. It just took ages.
Saturnalian wrote:
Maybe I didn't express it right, but I know what you meant because after I finished on survivor mode I got the trophies for survivor, hard, medium rare and easy. When I finished I was back at the menu thinking "maybe there aren't any trophies" and browsing the bonus drawings, when suddenly each one started to come up. First survivor, then hard and so on. It just took ages.

Survivor came up immediately for me after the end credits. I still don't have Hard. :(
DLC maxed.

The multiplayer is surprisingly good. Interrogation is an interesting game mode. I don't expect I'll sink hundreds of hours into it, but it's definitely not tacked on like I expected it to be.
So still not confirmed but someone seems to have accidentally pressed a button that made this go live on the US PSN store (PS4 version)
You lucky PS4 owners!
And now official ... tered-ps4/ ... mmer-2014/

The Last of Us Remastered – Coming to PS4 Summer 2014

Well, it’s no secret that we have been working night and day at the studio to bring The Last of Us to PS4.

We’re calling it The Last of Us Remastered.

Moving our efforts to the PS4 has allowed us to remaster an already phenomenal looking The Last of Us in 1080p with a list of upgrades including higher resolution character models, improved shadows and lighting, upgraded textures, along with even more improvements. We love setting challenging technical hurdles for us when working on each game – and this is no different. We’ve been working hard on The Last of Us Remastered to release a next-gen evolution worthy of the 200+ Game of the Year awards, not to mention the acclaim and expectations of our fans. We will be revealing more detailed information about the upgrades for the PS4 version in the coming months.

In addition to all the technical updates, we’re also including an exclusive director’s commentary for all in-game cinematics featuring Creative Director and Writer, Neil Druckmann; Voice Actor, Troy Baker, who plays Joel; and BAFTA Award winning Voice Actress, Ashley Johnson, who plays Ellie.

We’ve released a ton of additional content since The Last of Us launched in June 2013, including our first ever single player expansion, Left Behind. We’re happy to say that the major content releases will be included with The Last of Us Remastered:

Left Behind single player expansion
Abandoned Territories multiplayer map pack
Reclaimed Territories pack – details will be coming soon on exactly what is included

Whether you are new to The Last of Us or have played it already on the PS3, we hope you are all looking forward to this release. We are!

You can preorder The Last of Us Remastered for PS4 right now from many of your favorite retailers and receive these preorder bonuses:

100 Supply Points (XP) for use in Factions mode
Two special bonus skins for Joel and Ellie which will be unlocked after your complete the single player campaign
Increased Crafting Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
Increased Healing Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
9mm Reload Speed Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign
Rifle Clip Capacity Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign

If you preorder on the PlayStation Store, you will receive three extra preorder bonuses to unlocks in Factions multiplayer:

Early Access to the Brawler Survival Skill in Factions Mode
Early Access to additional Loadout Points for use in Factions mode
Early Access to the Jeep Cap and Surgical Mask for use in Factions mode

Now that we’ve finally gotten the official announcement out of the way, we’ll be keeping you updated regularly about The Last of Us Remastered until it releases Summer 2014.
I've just found Frank's letter to Bill :(
Grim... wrote:
I've just found Frank's letter to Bill :(

The main cast are doing some kind of one-off stage version of the story on the 28th which will be live streamed over Twitch, YouTube and PSN at 3am our time. ... -announced
Been playing the remastered version. Bloody brilliant. I like the way it basically goes 'here's an area. There's some enemies. How you going to sort this out, fucker?'

Also like little touches like being able to melee with the bricks and bottles, (which everyone discovers by accident) the environmental kills (again something the game doesn't tell you) .

Clickers are scary from the moment you first meet one to the very last one in the game. And fuck stalkers.

Left behind is brilliant as well.
The story in 60 seconds.

Obviously it's got spoilers so, y'know, don't watch it if you haven't played it or something else bleeding obvious.
The Remastered PS4 version is £20 on PSN today (£18 for PS+ subbers).
Somehow this has failed to grab me. ?:|
Mr Dave wrote:
Somehow this has failed to grab me. ?:|

Anything about it that you actually don't like, or can you just not get into it?
It's just...

When I die I don't really feel the urge to have another try rather than go and do something else.

I can't really pinpoint the particular problems I have with it, but the scarcity of resources probably has something to do with it. I suspect that being not frugal will end up with me in a situation where I've saved with not enough to proceed and being utterly stuffed, leading to excess frugality and a not overly fun experience. (See: how I tend to only use items in games that I know I can replenish)
Trooper wrote:
I'm enjoying it despite the actual game, I think. I don't do sneaky, nor do I enjoy knowing exactly what I have to do but being beaten by luck, or the game engine, or my lack of skill. So I should hate this game, but for some reason I don't. True, when I actually have to do something I just want it over and done with as quickly as possible, to get back to the story part, but I'm still enjoying it thoroughly.

Well, I finished this last night.

As usual on the rare occasions I finish a game, I popped on here to see what interesting people had to say about it.

People seemed to spend a lot of time saying stuff about Bioshock, which was odd.

But a few pages in I found this post, a full two years ago, which echoed my initial feelings so exactly I felt like I'd become Trooper, like some 80s straight-to-Nirehenge's-shop scary movie.

However, like a lot of other people (Rita and Sue), Bob felt like a turning point, specifically the run to and escape with the car. I'd stopped worrying about perfectly executed plans and accepted I was here to survive, not Solid Snake it. The parts I enjoyed most were the breaks in the action, the time that afforded to look at the world around me and diligently search out every hiding place possible for supplies (something I've never done in any game). The game turned me into a survivor without me realising it. Every empty drawer made the world that bit more solid - every action won't be rewarded, just because it's a game.

Some big emotional hits in it, and the fight with the chap in the red restaurant in Winter felt horribly like what a fight with Bill from Twin Peaks would be like. Very alarming and unsettling.

Going to leave it a bit till I play the DLC, I'd tired of the game mechanics a little by the end and am going to dip my toes back into GTA methinks.
So, after starting this thread almost (exactly) three years ago, I'm finally actually playing this (I started to play it on my PS3 a couple of years back but didn't get out of summer before something else distracted me).

I'm cracking through the remastered PS4 edition now.

It's good, innit? I've played two sessions and I'm up to Winter. Ellie is fucking hardcore at hand to hand, much more than that pussy Joel.
It's a superb game. Enjoyed lapping up the ps4 version with dlc even though I'd played the original version on the PS3.
All done.

Cor, the ending is good, isn't it?
Where the hell is this guy?

I've joined the 1.4% club.

I've completed the Remaster on Grounded difficulty - the one which gets rid of the HUD, ups the difficulty to next-to-impossible, reduces the fun by a-great-deal, reduces the checkpoints and removes the bullets and items to barely-any. It's harder than Dark Souls.

20 hours later and 380-odd deaths and I'd done it. It gave me a good 3 bullets in total for the first 3 hours because they're generous, and most of the game involved running around benny hill style sneaking in a cheeky right hook; right up until the shitheads thought it'd be fun to remove all the checkpoints in the final level at the hospital so you have to do the whole lot in a single run. Yes, the level where they introduce assault rifles. Thanks.

Here's some obviously bullshit stats. I might have fired 900 odd bullets but that was probably between the 380 deaths cause I never had more than 10 items of ammunition at anyone time.
I can't post my picture cause it's a PNG file apparently. Is that a new feature of BeeX?
Saturnalian wrote:
I can't post my picture cause it's a PNG file apparently. Is that a new feature of BeeX?

Do you have an iPhone? I think it's a 'feature' of recent iOS updates.
Cras wrote:
Do you have an iPhone? I think it's a 'feature' of recent iOS updates.

For a "at least as old as 2014" value of "recent". ... for-photos

I also found a mention of it on a forum from 2010 but it's so old the forum is dead now and the domain has cybersquatters.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Cras wrote:
Do you have an iPhone? I think it's a 'feature' of recent iOS updates.

For a "at least as old as 2014" value of "recent". ... for-photos

I also found a mention of it on a forum from 2010 but it's so old the forum is dead now and the domain has cybersquatters.

It using the different formats is fine. The issue is when it calls the png screenshot a jpg, confusing the forum. That's new.
I just tried it with a screenshot from my camera roll from 2014 and got the error message though.
But if I share that picture to Drive, I get a file name with PNG extension.
Go me! As ever bang up to date with all the latest games and blazing a trail into new territories.....

So I've bought the remastered version of this for my PS4 Pro, it's on some sort of 'classics' label now so is only £16, and has extra PS4 enhancements. Most excellently these include a choice between 4K or 1080p upscaled at 60FPS so obviously I've gone for the latter.

I only had time to put a couple of hours into it last night but it immediately and massively grabbed me by the nadgers - I literally just loved everything about it right from the start.

Having skipped an entire Playstation generation completely (I didn't have a PS3 at all), and most of this one, means there is all sorts of cool stuff for me to discover.

Fuck the Dualshock as a pad though, the XBox design is so much better. I think I will get one of those third party Playstation pads that looks like an XBox pad.
I played more of this last night and have put it down to EASY difficulty, because I really am the worst player in the world with a pad when it comes to aiming a gun. (I'm OK-ish with all the other movement and combat, it's specifically using the gun that I'm abominably bad at.) On EASY skill level the gun auto locks on, which immediately made it a lot less frustrating to play.

Now I get that using the gun isn't necessary, or indeed even optimal and that one can stealth around and do quiet takedowns and whatnot. But I was in one big area with loads of baddies and I'd get about 80% through the area and then something would go wrong and the two or three that were left would then kill the shit out of me*, and I'd have to do the whole area again. I tried doing a manual save a bit into the area but that still just put me back to the start of the area when loaded back in, and after about seven or eight attempts I was thinking to myself, 'I just want to see the next bit of the story here'.

Overall I am very much enjoying it, the world itself is wonderfully realised and the voice acting seems to be of unusually high quality. Great sound and music design too.

* Or I'd manage to kill them but it'd be really messy and unsatisfying and I'd take too much damage and use too many bullets. I see Mr Dave made a similar point above about not liking to waste resources in a game where they're extremely limited.
I had to stop playing this last night at about 11pm as it was late and I was playing in the dark and it all got a bit creepy. I unwound with a nice cheery session on Wario Ware Gold before going to bed.

I'm having a much better time of it on EASY skill level, not so much for the guns as a lot of the time you don't want to be using them anyway, but because mistakes are a lot less harshly punished. (Not that I object to playing a challenging game, hence three back-to-back playthroughs of DOOM for example, finishing up on NIGHTMARE level. In the case of The Last of Us however, I'm fighting with the controls somewhat and it's a narrative driven mood game for me, so more than anything I want to enjoy the world and the story.)

One thing I'm falling out with a little bit is feeling obliged to go scrounging through every nook and cranny to find bits of crap to make things out of, I don't know how essential this will turn out to be, but if I find myself short later on I'll feel daft. Yes I get that it's a survival horror so it makes sense in the context of the world, but it reminds me a bit of rummaging through the bins in Bioshock.

Even in its PS4 Remastered form it does show its PS3 roots a bit (lots of people seemed to drive the same model of car in this city.....), but I don't feel graphically short-changed at all, the audio design is gorgeous, and the music is sublime.

Splendid game.
I did this on hard because I'm NAILS.

I don't know why, to be honest.
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