Beex, Yo.
Halo 4
Awesome Happy Spartan Thread.
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Baby permitting... yes! (I realise that I'm not doing that well so far, but I do keep trying)
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chinnyhill10 wrote:
I believe its Thursday.

Anyone up for an hour or so Halo action tonight about 9pm?

Don't think I'll be on at 9.00. I'll try and get on later if I can though.
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Get on at 9 you poof so I can gently caress the butt of my rifle upside your cake-hole.
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Stay up late then you jumping woofer.
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Half hour warning.

I'm popping on now to start tweaking the "Say It With Rockets" map,
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I'll be on at 10pm
Shit! Shit it!

Sorry guys :(
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Saturnalian wrote:
Get on at 9 you poof so I can gently caress the butt of my rifle upside your cake-hole.

Chickened out?
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Zardoz wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
Get on at 9 you poof so I can gently caress the butt of my rifle upside your cake-hole.

Chickened out?

You missed out on us trouncing the rival team twice in Big Team Slayer before being thrashed ourselves the final time and going back to playing among ourselves.

With 5 players, "Say It With Rockets" is absolute carnage.
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Bloomin' good fun that!
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I got pipped. PIPPED!

Really enjoying Halo4. Been ages since I've enjoyed MP with randomers. Obv, it's best with BeeXers.
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Yeah, I'm enjoying mulitplayer again. The big team Slayer matches are brilliant I just wish that there were more maps.
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Zardoz wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
Get on at 9 you poof so I can gently caress the butt of my rifle upside your cake-hole.

Chickened out?

Oi. I was on between 9 and half past but no one was on so I buggered off. Disappointed face.
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Saturnalian wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
Get on at 9 you poof so I can gently caress the butt of my rifle upside your cake-hole.

Chickened out?

Oi. I was on between 9 and half past but no one was on so I buggered off. Disappointed face.

I was on from before 9 as I was map tweaking.
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He's a Chicken and a liar!

He poohed his knickers, end of.
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Outrageous. I don't think I've got you on my friends list then, Chinster.
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Saturnalian wrote:
Outrageous. I don't think I've got you on my friends list then, Chinster.

Send me a friend thing and I'll give it due consideration.
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I'd ask for some references too, Chinny.

He's a slippery character this one.
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Not as slippery as your mum. How'd you like that reference, aye? Aye? AYE?
Still annoyed I forgot. halo 4 is acebest and these days I favour a mix of custom and match made games, I like the contrast. Always feels good to warm up with a round or two of seat to get your eye in, even if you don't like it, it's like the exercises at the start of a martial arts lesson. Once loose, try the new game mode du jour, then do a load of custom, then play some randoms, and finish off on silly custom.

You can get a really broad experience from an hour or two's play. Most balanced criticisms of the game are valid, but it's a solid fucking gold experience overall, warts and everything. If the 360 never top sit, it's a fitting high to go out on.
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Hope to be on after 9 as it is H-H-H-Halo Night!
Maybe on for an hour or so from 8. Really don't have the stamina for things that involve thought and people at the moment after thursday work. Will overcome it and reign supreme eventually though. I promise I'm not deliberately avoiding you, Chinny. It's just a handy side effect :p
Password bullshit again I'm off to read a book :/
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Right, no one about. I'll play Far Cry for a wee while before storming off to do valentines things to myself.
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Saturnalian wrote:
Right, no one about. I'll play Far Cry for a wee while before storming off to do valentines things to myself.

Just been online for an hour and playing against randomers.

Came TOP of a Big Team Slayer game. Although this was purely due to anomaly of the enemy team not jumping out of the way when I ran my Ghost at them. Killed 7 of them alone in a single run like that.
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Anyone fancy an hour or so now?
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Zardoz wrote:
Anyone fancy an hour or so now?

Go on then. Give me 5 mins.
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Thanks for popping back on.

Was great fun playing those few games, and I managed to level up a couple of times (thanks to the bonus points for winning 3 in a row).
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I'm upset by a lack of Dimrill and Mr Dave in the Halo4 scene.

Would you be up for some Legendary Campaggen?

And Perkies.
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Zardoz wrote:
Thanks for popping back on.

Was great fun playing those few games, and I managed to level up a couple of times (thanks to the bonus points for winning 3 in a row).

Not a bad evening. Some good games. Shame that Longbow map is such a pain compared to the others.
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I was on till 11 as well. Hnnngh! And Far Cry 3 is a bit dull an' all... Pah.
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Saturnalian wrote:
I quickly turned off my 360 before I got savagely beaten by Zardoz.
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Zardoz wrote:
Saturnalian wrote:
I quickly turned off my 360 before I got savagely beaten off by Zardoz.

Series one of Spartan Ops has concluded and I ruddy bloody loved it.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
interesting to see what the Halsey situation means for Cortana. Because she isn't dead. No she isn't. Shut up. She's alive.
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Where is Halo night!?
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Saturnalian wrote:
Where is Halo night!?

We just had it. Only Pundy and me mind. Govyard is on hols now I think although I had a cracking session with him last night.
Back on Monday. In Wales.
Well, back on Monday if there's still a forum.
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I also like Halo.
Friend up governmentyard and I'll play with you tomorrow. Then we'll have a go on Halo.
By tomorrow I of course mean some point reasonably soon.
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Saturnalian wrote:
I also like Halo.

a) Did you used to be called something else?
b) Friend up Chinnyhill10 on Xbox.
Ah, it's Ian Aris. We already pay with him.
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Yeah, he's a real flexible friend.
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But does it have Grannies House?
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Mr Dave wrote:
But does it have Grannies House?

It would need that bloke to make it. You know who I mean...... er...... Craster?
Mr Dave wrote:
But does it have Grannies House?

No, thank fuck.
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Majestic Map pack due out today

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Are we bothering?

How much is it?
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Zardoz wrote:
Are we bothering?

How much is it?

Problem is that it only takes 1 person not to have it and we'll never play it. Just like the Halo ODST extra maps.
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