Be Excellent To Each Other

Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening
Page 55 of 60

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 16:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Dimrill wrote:
Does anyone know whether Section 8 is any good?
Surely, for the man who bought LSL and maxed Two Worlds, no amount of shitness is a "do not buy" decision?

Author:  myp [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 16:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

I liked the demo of Section 8, as did Meaty. We didn't buy it, though, because the scope for bezziness was extremely low.

Author:  JohnCoffey [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 16:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Wow what an utterly beautiful day it's been today.

Author:  Dimrill [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 16:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

myoptikakaka wrote:
I liked the demo of Section 8, as did Meaty. We didn't buy it, though, because the scope for bezziness was extremely low.

Well it's seven six quid on shopto today.

Author:  Dimrill [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 16:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Fuck it, I've ordered it. If it's crap I'll punch Gaywood.

Author:  Zardoz [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 16:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Never even heard of it.

Author:  LaceSensor [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening ... s_1057.php

this is awesome hahahah

Author:  KovacsC [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Ok Ok... with my well documented personnal life...

I have finally completely lost motivation for work.. just really can't be arsed..

Not sure what to do.... best to take a few days off, or just try and plough through it..

I have never been serious un-motivated before....

Author:  JohnCoffey [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

KovacsC wrote:
Ok Ok... with my well documented personnal life...

I have finally completely lost motivation for work.. just really can't be arsed..

Not sure what to do.... best to take a few days off, or just try and plough through it..

I have never been serious un-motivated before....


Cheer up mate. It does get easier.

Author:  metalangel [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Section 8 seemed decent enough - a bit like Tribes, but not nearly as jetpacky. You'd occasionally get a random mission, there were vehicles to be driven and equipment to be repaired, and STOMPY STOMPY robosuits.

Unfortunately, it made the mistake of existing at the same time of Modem Woof-fare 2.

Author:  KovacsC [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

JohnCoffey wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Ok Ok... with my well documented personnal life...

I have finally completely lost motivation for work.. just really can't be arsed..

Not sure what to do.... best to take a few days off, or just try and plough through it..

I have never been serious un-motivated before....


Cheer up mate. It does get easier.

Don't get me wrong I am not down. I had a most excellent weekend... Drank way to much had a great laugh, met folks etc..

I even have a young lady interested in me, in my town... so that is ok

I am just unmotivated.....

Author:  Dimrill [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Yeah, a load of good games got released at the same time as that massive steaming turd too. Such a shame.

Author:  JohnCoffey [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

LaceSensor wrote:

this is awesome hahahah

Funny part is I have heard one 100% identical here in the UK. From the radio, too.

Author:  Cras [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

LaceSensor wrote:

this is awesome hahahah

Fuck. That's brutal. OK, she cheated on him, but that was just awful.

Author:  Zardoz [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

KovacsC wrote:
Ok Ok... with my well documented personnal life...

I have finally completely lost motivation for work.. just really can't be arsed..

You've been through a hell of a lot lately and had a heavy weekend. Take some time of though and recharge the batteries, get a 360 ;)

Author:  JohnCoffey [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Craster wrote:
LaceSensor wrote:

this is awesome hahahah

Fuck. That's brutal. OK, she cheated on him, but that was just awful.

I reakon it's staged. I seriously do. I have heard an absolutely IDENTICAL thing from the UK. They even built her up pretending to be a jeweller and then he dumped her (the UK one)

Author:  KovacsC [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Zardoz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Ok Ok... with my well documented personnal life...

I have finally completely lost motivation for work.. just really can't be arsed..

You've been through a hell of a lot lately and had a heavy weekend. Take some time of though and recharge the batteries, get a 360 ;)

I have friday off... cheers dude

Author:  kalmar [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Zardoz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Ok Ok... with my well documented personnal life...

I have finally completely lost motivation for work.. just really can't be arsed..

You've been through a hell of a lot lately and had a heavy weekend. Take some time of though and recharge the batteries, get a 360 ;)

We can ban you from the forum if it'll help? :D

Author:  KovacsC [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

kalmar wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Ok Ok... with my well documented personnal life...

I have finally completely lost motivation for work.. just really can't be arsed..

You've been through a hell of a lot lately and had a heavy weekend. Take some time of though and recharge the batteries, get a 360 ;)

We can ban you from the forum if it'll help? :D

I have only just come back :)

Author:  Ange [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed Beex Summer meet: Oxford, 27th-30th August

myoptikakaka wrote:
That's Ange's birthday weekend, so no. I'm not that much of a cunt I'd leave her on her birthday.

I'll start looking at trains.


Author:  metalangel [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed Beex Summer meet: Oxford, 27th-30th August


Author:  Malabelm [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Malabar Front wrote:
Right, then. Time to re-install Windows 7 before it starts going wonky later on. Fortunately I seem to have had the subconscious foresight to save all of my data onto other drives, so it'll only be a case of re-installing programs.

Wish me luck! I'll be back shortly.

And… done! I'm back.

I still need to install all the programs, of course, but I'll do that in drabs to save my sanity. Had a bit of a hiccup getting the wireless card to work, as I could have sworn Windows installed that automatically last time, but I was wrong.

And man, Chrome keeping things synced online, plus DropBox have saved me a tonne of time here. Hurrah for technology!

edit: and I left my tablet plugged in by accident, which Windows wasn't too happy about for some reason. It kept screwing with all kinds of stuff, most notably the monitor control panel.

Author:  SisterCheeba [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

MetalAngel wrote:
You've been popping online repeatedly for the last few days anyway, Cheeba.

Well yeah, things to catch up on and all before I reported in here, you know how it is.

As for what I got him in return, that's the kicker. His bday's next week 8)

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Craster wrote:
Fuck. That's brutal. OK, she cheated on him, but that was just awful.
When I found out my ex was cheating on me, I deliberately left her phone off charge all night so she went to work with it flat in the morning. I then called the guy she was cheating on me with and had a little chat with him, knowing he couldn't contact her, before calling the school, getting put through to the staff common room, and reducing her to tears in front of 30 of her colleagues. I refused to let her call me from another, more private phone and kept her on the line for almost half an hour.

Author:  Malabelm [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
When I found out my ex was cheating on me, I deliberately left her phone off charge all night so she went to work with it flat in the morning. I then called the guy she was cheating on me with and had a little chat with him, knowing he couldn't contact her, before calling the school, getting put through to the staff common room, and reducing her to tears in front of 30 of her colleagues. I refused to let her call me from another, more private phone and kept her on the line for almost half an hour.

That's harsh, but then not even nearly as bad as having your fiancée cheat on you. You're better off; Danielle is lovely.

Author:  MrChris [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 17:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Malabar Front wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
When I found out my ex was cheating on me, I deliberately left her phone off charge all night so she went to work with it flat in the morning. I then called the guy she was cheating on me with and had a little chat with him, knowing he couldn't contact her, before calling the school, getting put through to the staff common room, and reducing her to tears in front of 30 of her colleagues. I refused to let her call me from another, more private phone and kept her on the line for almost half an hour.

That's harsh, but then not even nearly as bad as having your fiancée cheat on you. You're better off; Danielle is lovely.

Very much :this:, on all counts.

Few things disgust me as much as infidelity.

Author:  metalangel [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 18:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed Beex Summer meet: Oxford, 27th-30th August

nickachu wrote:

You've ruined the forum!

Author:  nickachu [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 18:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed Beex Summer meet: Oxford, 27th-30th August

MetalAngel wrote:
nickachu wrote:

You've ruined the forum!


Author:  Dimrill [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 18:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed Beex Summer meet: Oxford, 27th-30th August

Golden Dong Lancing.

Author:  Mimi [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 18:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Goddess Jasmine wrote:
To be honest Meems, I'd probably be reporting her to her supervisor anyway, it's likely that she's doing this elsewhere too, but again it can't be proven, more than one incedent would confirm it. She could well be taking from someone who doesn't have someone around like your gran, and is possible going without meals or thinking they are losing their mind. She might not stop at food either... there's a nice shiny DSi coming up.

If you want some back up I'm in that London from Thursday. :)

Well, she never turned up Sunday or this morning, so I phoned up to see what was going on and she had handed in her time sheet this morning (which they do on Mondays to cover the last week and 'I' had signed it for Sunday. When I said this was impossible as she hadn't been here for me to sign her sheet they called her, but she wouldn't answer. I asked if she was supposed to be coming today and when they asked her on the phone she had told them that she had already paid her visit to my nan. I mentioned the food thing, and they said that carers are specifically instructed not to help themselves to biscuits, etc unless offered. I explained that I had no proof but as I knew it was impossible the food had disappeared and nobody else had been here I was concerned as it seemed to be the only logical explanation. They said she was in enough trouble with forging the time sheets for us not t expect her to be here this evening and they are sending someone else around instead.

Still, you can give her a shifty elbow in the ribs, if you want :smug:

Author:  WTB [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 18:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed Beex Summer meet: Oxford, 27th-30th August

That's the one! It's really bloody tough. :(

Author:  Wullie [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 18:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed Beex Summer meet: Oxford, 27th-30th August

Dimrill wrote:
Golden Dong Lancing.
Gnu Delivery Licence?

Author:  kalmar [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 18:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Well that's a relief.
Hope the next one is better!

Author:  TheAlbin0Kid [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 18:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Proposed Beex Summer meet: Oxford, 27th-30th August

JohnCoffey wrote:
BikNorton wrote:
I luffs the Oxford - I should be able to get crashage for myself, but can't help out anyone else I'm afraid. What I will be able to do, though, is ferry 3 people.

If it's nice weather any passengers, particularly those in the back, will need sun tan lotion.

Where are you?

You shunned the Manc meet thread completely then?
edit - how the hell did this post end up in this thread? 8)

Author:  Dimrill [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 18:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Few things disgust me as much as infidelity.

Bloody audiophiles.

Author:  Malabelm [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 18:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

My mum has just decided to go back into that line of work, and she's a lovely person. Shouldn't imagine she'll be looking after Mimi's gran, mind.

Author:  Cras [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 19:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Craster wrote:
Fuck. That's brutal. OK, she cheated on him, but that was just awful.
When I found out my ex was cheating on me, I deliberately left her phone off charge all night so she went to work with it flat in the morning. I then called the guy she was cheating on me with and had a little chat with him, knowing he couldn't contact her, before calling the school, getting put through to the staff common room, and reducing her to tears in front of 30 of her colleagues. I refused to let her call me from another, more private phone and kept her on the line for almost half an hour.

I have little issue with him wanting to get his own back on her, and upsetting her as much as she may have upset him. I do have an issue with how much the two radio vultures were enjoying making a girl cry though.

Author:  Morte [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 19:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Craster wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Craster wrote:
Fuck. That's brutal. OK, she cheated on him, but that was just awful.
When I found out my ex was cheating on me, I deliberately left her phone off charge all night so she went to work with it flat in the morning. I then called the guy she was cheating on me with and had a little chat with him, knowing he couldn't contact her, before calling the school, getting put through to the staff common room, and reducing her to tears in front of 30 of her colleagues. I refused to let her call me from another, more private phone and kept her on the line for almost half an hour.

I have little issue with him wanting to get his own back on her, and upsetting her as much as she may have upset him. I do have an issue with how much the two radio vultures were enjoying making a girl cry though.

:this: I have a pretty low opinion of the human spirit but that really does make a zombie apocalypse an appealling proposition.

Author:  metalangel [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 20:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Have we just come out of the regularly scheduled dinnertime downtime?

Author:  Mimi [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 20:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Malabar Front wrote:
My mum has just decided to go back into that line of work, and she's a lovely person. Shouldn't imagine she'll be looking after Mimi's gran, mind.

My mother's ex-husband's ex-wife (the one after my mother) is a carer, too, and she is truly wonderful at the job. She goes out of her way to make the chance of independence and fulfilment in later years a reality for all of the people she cares for, and I have deep, deep respect. The carers that my grandad used to have, though, were never very nice. I think the gems in the professions are quite rare jewels, though, but the ones that do care are quite wonderful people.

Author:  Mimi [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 20:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Craster wrote:
I have little issue with him wanting to get his own back on her, and upsetting her as much as she may have upset him. I do have an issue with how much the two radio vultures were enjoying making a girl cry though.

It didn't quite ring 'true' to me. It just felt like the girl knew it was going to happen - either as a prank or a staged piece by the station, but maybe it is because, as JC aid, i seem to remember this being done a few times before. Or maybe I am just a cynic.

On the surface, though, I didn't like the amount of enjoyment that these two DJs were having at the fact that the lives of these two people had just fallen apart. Similarly, though, I can't quite understand how someone, when finding out that the love of his life (which I assume she was if he was going to propose) was having an affair would have the calm cunning to delay a confrontation or break-up to plan it for Valentines Day. I'd be far too devastated to manage that :(

Author:  Goddess Jasmine [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 20:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Mimi wrote:
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
To be honest Meems, I'd probably be reporting her to her supervisor anyway, it's likely that she's doing this elsewhere too, but again it can't be proven, more than one incedent would confirm it. She could well be taking from someone who doesn't have someone around like your gran, and is possible going without meals or thinking they are losing their mind. She might not stop at food either... there's a nice shiny DSi coming up.

If you want some back up I'm in that London from Thursday. :)

Well, she never turned up Sunday or this morning, so I phoned up to see what was going on and she had handed in her time sheet this morning (which they do on Mondays to cover the last week and 'I' had signed it for Sunday. When I said this was impossible as she hadn't been here for me to sign her sheet they called her, but she wouldn't answer. I asked if she was supposed to be coming today and when they asked her on the phone she had told them that she had already paid her visit to my nan. I mentioned the food thing, and they said that carers are specifically instructed not to help themselves to biscuits, etc unless offered. I explained that I had no proof but as I knew it was impossible the food had disappeared and nobody else had been here I was concerned as it seemed to be the only logical explanation. They said she was in enough trouble with forging the time sheets for us not t expect her to be here this evening and they are sending someone else around instead.

Still, you can give her a shifty elbow in the ribs, if you want :smug:

Well I'm glad they've found out what sort of person she is anyway, hopefully this will be the end of her 'caring' career!

You tell me the time and place Meems and I'll be there with bells* on! :kiss:

*May not be real bells.

Author:  chinnyhill10 [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 21:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Few things disgust me as much as infidelity.

I agree. The Amstrad brand name should be enough on its own. -

Author:  Trousers [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 22:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

In an effort to recover from not sleeping much on Saturday night for fear of Nikachu dropping a care package on me, MrRussell constantly checking the padlock on his sleeping bag zip to keep me out and Kovacs mumbling "How much?" in his sleep I awarded myself the day off today to play on the 360.

It also meant I missed my daughter's swimming lesson but last time I went she just acted up anyway because I was there so I figured (justified it to myself) that it was for the best.

Turns out she refused to wear her armbands, fell under the water, got a fair few mouthfuls of pool water and was then sick. At this point the pool manager ordered everyone (about 40 children of different ages having lessons) out and cancelled all lessons for the rest of the evening because it takes 10 hours to clean the pool out. Helen was mortified and apologised to everyone going while going a rather fetching shade of scarlet.

I missed all that because I was unlocking characters on Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing because I was too tired to do any proper work.

Beex Manchester meet - indirectly saving me from a situation the wife described as "The most embarrassed I have ever been in my life".

Author:  chinnyhill10 [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 22:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Todays question of the day on Popbitch "what was the first computer game you played?".

Author:  DavPaz [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 22:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

genuine lol!

Author:  kalmar [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 22:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

But I don't WANT a browser :'(

Author:  chinnyhill10 [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 22:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

kalmar wrote:

But I don't WANT a browser :'(

There is only one browser choice, right kids?


Author:  Mr Dave [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 22:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Few things disgust me as much as infidelity.

Mmm. Child Rape, Rape, Infidelity and Sprouts

The four things that will get me properly angry.

Author:  ApplePieOfDestiny [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 22:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bits and Bobs 17: The DavSpazening

Mr Dave wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Few things disgust me as much as infidelity.

Mmm. Child Rape, Rape, Black G-rape reunion and Sprouts

The four things that will get me properly angry.

Unless they are any good of course. Which is unlikely.

Turns out that Sonic Mario Galaxy can't play Sofa+online at the same time. Disappointing. Still, Bad Company 2 looks lush.

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