Official BETEO Forza Race Club of Gentlemen
FM3! 14/04/10! 9.30!
chinnyhill10 wrote:
Shame on all those who didn't play, as usual it was enormous fun.

I know, I know...

I was pooped though and I think you need to be in on a Forza night from the start for max fun.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
And your lovely lady lumps.

Shame on all those who didn't play, as usual it was enormous fun. Double shame on those who played Halo, I hope one day the baby Jebus will forgive you for your sins. Or a written note from Bob Carolgees would do.

Yeah that was lame they all said that they couldn't possibly play Forza because they'd committed to play Halo with someone else who gave the same excuse.

Anyway good fun racing last night, prize definitely goes to lasermink for sounding the most like a proper racing driver through my headset. Chinny, that corner at Silverstone, the one that you "don't need to brake for", well you kind of do need to :DD
We wanted to play Halo, though. It wasn't a lame excuse. I've had OSDT for ages and not put it in the drive, so we decided earlier in the week we'd give it a bash. Wednesday was the only day we both had free.
Myps, is that your spine on the floor, next to your balls?
markg wrote:
Anyway good fun racing last night, prize definitely goes to lasermink for sounding the most like a proper racing driver through my headset. Chinny, that corner at Silverstone, the one that you "don't need to brake for", well you kind of do need to :DD

In the right car I still maintain you don't need to brake. I have managed it, but only in certain cars. In all versions of F1GP I used to be able to whizz through there no probs.

Of course if you tried it in real life your suspension would break.

I'm starting to love my Pontiac now. It is still shit around corners but not as shit as it was. And it is insane in a straight line.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
markg wrote:
Anyway good fun racing last night, prize definitely goes to lasermink for sounding the most like a proper racing driver through my headset. Chinny, that corner at Silverstone, the one that you "don't need to brake for", well you kind of do need to :DD

In the right car I still maintain you don't need to brake. I have managed it, but only in certain cars. In all versions of F1GP I used to be able to whizz through there no probs.

Of course if you tried it in real life your suspension would break.

I'm starting to love my Pontiac now. It is still shit around corners but not as shit as it was. And it is insane in a straight line.

They don't brake in real F1 cars either. But they do have some serious amount of aero downforce as compared to most other cars, so their handling at speed is quite different.

I'd generally touch the brakes to improve turn in in most cars.
Thanks for invite last night Kalmar, sorry couldnt join tho as I was too busy playing online league matches in Fifa 10.

May be next week if anyone else is.
I should be fine for next week too.
No, sorry, we're all playing twister round at chinny's house next wednesday.
Fuck it then, more Space Lesbians for me.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
And your lovely lady lumps.

Shame on all those who didn't play, as usual it was enormous fun. Double shame on those who played Halo, I hope one day the baby Jebus will forgive you for your sins. Or a written note from Bob Carolgees would do.

Cheers for the invite last night but I'm not sure I've even got Forza 2, let alone 3.
Zardoz wrote:
Myps, is that your spine on the floor, next to your balls?

Says the man who was all pooped out last night. Diddums!
Mr Dave wrote:
I'd generally touch the brakes to improve turn in in most cars.

Not in my Pontiac you wouldn't. :DD
Maybe, but given it's a US made car, I'd be scared of going straight on into a wall.

In races, I'll touch the brakes there on at least the first speed lap, as unless it's something like an R1 car, I'm not sure how well it'll turn in at speed, and it's better to lose a little time from being over cautious than alot of time from going off course.

If someone's right behind me and I'm in danger of being passed, I may take a few more risks.
Mr Dave wrote:
Maybe, but given it's a US made car, I'd be scared of going straight on into a wall.

In races, I'll touch the brakes there on at least the first speed lap, as unless it's something like an R1 car, I'm not sure how well it'll turn in at speed, and it's better to lose a little time from being over cautious than alot of time from going off course.

If someone's right behind me and I'm in danger of being passed, I may take a few more risks.

If someone's right behind you the greater danger is usually of being punted off I find so the greater risk often comes from appropriate braking, at least if you run wide you'll usually stay pointing forwards. I seemed to do most passing last night by waiting for people to out-brake themselves.
You don't need to brake but you do need to lift.
Mr Dave wrote:
Maybe, but given it's a US made car, I'd be scared of going straight on into a wall.

In races, I'll touch the brakes there on at least the first speed lap, as unless it's something like an R1 car, I'm not sure how well it'll turn in at speed, and it's better to lose a little time from being over cautious than alot of time from going off course.

If someone's right behind me and I'm in danger of being passed, I may take a few more risks.

For non Forza people reading this, you have to realise that Mr Dave wears driving gloves when playing the game and refuses to go above 56mph claiming "man was not to live at such speed" while tutting as he gets lapped again.
markg wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Maybe, but given it's a US made car, I'd be scared of going straight on into a wall.

In races, I'll touch the brakes there on at least the first speed lap, as unless it's something like an R1 car, I'm not sure how well it'll turn in at speed, and it's better to lose a little time from being over cautious than alot of time from going off course.

If someone's right behind me and I'm in danger of being passed, I may take a few more risks.

If someone's right behind you the greater danger is usually of being punted off I find so the greater risk often comes from appropriate braking, at least if you run wide you'll usually stay pointing forwards. I seemed to do most passing last night by waiting for people to out-brake themselves.

I use mirrors and place myself accordingly ;)

chinnyhill10 wrote:
For non Forza people reading this, you have to realise that Mr Dave wears driving gloves when playing the game and refuses to go above 56mph claiming "man was not to live at such speed" while tutting as he gets lapped again.

You clearly don't remember the way my fastest laps were usually seconds quicker than everyone elses last week, and by the end of the evening, I was top point scorer despite joing halfway through. All with, I'd imagine, fewer assists too (Only one on was ABS. I can only do without that with car tuning time)
Yeah, I was on holiday last week and ABS is for n00bs.
Mr Dave wrote:
You clearly don't remember the way my fastest laps were usually seconds quicker than everyone elses last week, and by the end of the evening, I was top point scorer despite joing halfway through. All with, I'd imagine, fewer assists too (Only one on was ABS. I can only do without that with car tuning time)

All I remember is you pulling out in front of me in a Land Rover, giving me flashbacks to that morning last year.
Mr Dave wrote:
You clearly don't remember the way my fastest laps were usually seconds quicker than everyone elses last week, and by the end of the evening, I was top point scorer despite joing halfway through. All with, I'd imagine, fewer assists too (Only one on was ABS. I can only do without that with car tuning time)

You'll be needing a new trumpet soon the way your blowing your current one.
Psh, I could've blown my trumpet much more than that. Storming victories from 2000 odd feet behind etc etc.

markg wrote:
Yeah, I was on holiday last week and ABS is for n00bs.

Tsh, I was talking to Chinny, of course you don't remember it.

ABS I'd turn off was it not for the fact that even breathing on the pedal seems to lock the brakes unless I turn down the brake pressure in the tuning first. I did, after all, do without ABS for most of my time playing Forza 2
Mr Dave wrote:
Psh, I could've blown my trumpet much more than that.

Any of you ladies going to be on this later tonight?
I thought it only worked on Wednesdays.
Myfinger wrote:
Any of you ladies going to be on this later tonight?

Sounds awesome. 9:30?
Ok cool. I'll make sure I'm online then!

It seemed to me like I had the only copy of FM3 that worked on every day other than Wednesdays!

Warning: I may drive into you. I may laugh when I do. Then curse when I realise my car is broken and pressing back doesn't do anything.
I can't really. I just wanted to rile up the others.

Sorry. :(
Zardoz wrote:
I thought it only worked on Wednesdays.

We did say that we'd do a Thursday for this week only.

I should be up for a quick blast if anyone sees me online after 9.30pm. Have a few things to do first.
Mr Dave wrote:
ABS I'd turn off was it not for the fact that even breathing on the pedal seems to lock the brakes unless I turn down the brake pressure in the tuning first. I did, after all, do without ABS for most of my time playing Forza 2

They do seem a little sensitive. I can understand how it may cause difficulties if you aren't very awesome. Some people have reported that jamming a squash ball behind the pedal can help.
markg wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
ABS I'd turn off was it not for the fact that even breathing on the pedal seems to lock the brakes unless I turn down the brake pressure in the tuning first. I did, after all, do without ABS for most of my time playing Forza 2

They do seem a little sensitive. I can understand how it may cause difficulties if you aren't very awesome. Some people have reported that jamming a squash ball behind the pedal can help.

You lot and your steering wheels! I have to make do with a joypad.

I always thought that having a steering wheel was taking things just a little too far. Like that Portsmouth fan who changed his name to Portsmouth FC.
It's just a lot more enjoyable really, like how Guitar Hero type games would be less fun if you were tapping buttons on a normal controller. I wouldn't say it makes it make it any easier. In fact in Forza 2 I couldn't get near the times I'd done with a pad when I got a wheel.
markg wrote:
It's just a lot more enjoyable really, like how Guitar Hero type games would be less fun

"Guitar Hero" and "fun" aren't words I ever want to hear used together again. Thank you.
markg wrote:
I wouldn't say it makes it make it any easier. In fact in Forza 2 I couldn't get near the times I'd done with a pad when I got a wheel.


I bought it, and then didn't use it for ages as I was much better with the pad.

Then, when F3 was getting fairly close, I spent a while going round Suzuka with a wheel (It was also quite close to the japanese GP, which may have had some bearing on this) and eventually it clicked.

Squash ball does sound like a good idea. Sadly, they seem to no longer be with the rest of my squash equipment.
myoptikakaka wrote:
I can't really. I just wanted to rile up the others.

Sorry. :(

Why I oughta.... *fist shake*
I have pimped my Pontiac further (although I have kept a setup to keep it A Class friendly). I dropped in a bigger engine and new suspension parts. It's now is far faster and handles better and is an R3. 800HP, with a top speed of 236MPH and a 0-60 in 3.8 seconds.

It's basically got twice as much power as it had before. Still only got 4 gears though. How come I can't replace the gearbox?

It is utterly batshit mental to drive and great fun on the speedway ring track. I daren't take the traction control off!
chinnyhill10 wrote:
Still only got 4 gears though. How come I can't replace the gearbox?

Can't you do this under "Transmission". I don't own anything Pontiac, but in my other cars that's where gearbox upgrades are to be found...

And if you fancy spunking Cr on a laugh, get a TVR Sagaris, crank it up to S700 and try and drive it*. I did thinking lightweight and powerful it would make a good S car. It doesn't. It makes a good spin dryer.

*I always have TCS off so don't know what it's like with it on. Less awful I should think.
markg wrote:
It's just a lot more enjoyable really, like how Guitar Hero type games would be less fun if you were tapping buttons on a normal controller. I wouldn't say it makes it make it any easier. In fact in Forza 2 I couldn't get near the times I'd done with a pad when I got a wheel.

I thought it was a pretty well established fact that unless you're Lewis Hamilton you will be slower with a wheel as there are so many invisible assists when using the pad - it's more fun with a wheel, but harder to be good.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
I have pimped my Pontiac further (although I have kept a setup to keep it A Class friendly). I dropped in a bigger engine and new suspension parts. It's now is far faster and handles better and is an R3. 800HP, with a top speed of 236MPH and a 0-60 in 3.8 seconds.

It's basically got twice as much power as it had before. Still only got 4 gears though. How come I can't replace the gearbox?

It is utterly batshit mental to drive and great fun on the speedway ring track. I daren't take the traction control off!

Speaking of batshit, I have just discovered you can make the Viper 4WD and give it a lunatic NASCAR engine. Fuck me it's fast and clings to the road whatever you do with the throttle! Miss out one upgrade and it's R3 bang on 800. Just blows the other R3 cars away. Zoooommmm!!!
DBSnappa wrote:
markg wrote:
It's just a lot more enjoyable really, like how Guitar Hero type games would be less fun if you were tapping buttons on a normal controller. I wouldn't say it makes it make it any easier. In fact in Forza 2 I couldn't get near the times I'd done with a pad when I got a wheel.

I thought it was a pretty well established fact that unless you're Lewis Hamilton you will be slower with a wheel as there are so many invisible assists when using the pad - it's more fun with a wheel, but harder to be good.

I'm not sure if that's something they've maybe tweaked for this version or not as I've only played Forza 3 with a wheel.
Myfinger wrote:
chinnyhill10 wrote:
Still only got 4 gears though. How come I can't replace the gearbox?

Can't you do this under "Transmission". I don't own anything Pontiac, but in my other cars that's where gearbox upgrades are to be found...

And if you fancy spunking Cr on a laugh, get a TVR Sagaris, crank it up to S700 and try and drive it*. I did thinking lightweight and powerful it would make a good S car. It doesn't. It makes a good spin dryer.

*I always have TCS off so don't know what it's like with it on. Less awful I should think.

Turns out I do have a Sports gearbox. Tried a racing gearbox but it hits the performance big time. Seems no matter what box I go for I only get 4 gears.

Have pimped further and now its 750. Tried to drive it with the assists off but it's pretty much impossible. The traction control light is lit almost constantly if you are on the throttle.
On some you can swap the whole drivetrain out but you'll lose any upgrades you've already done on the old engine.
markg wrote:
On some you can swap the whole drivetrain out but you'll lose any upgrades you've already done on the old engine.

Yeah I've done that. But you can revert back, So if I put the old engine back in, I still have my old upgrades.

I've got 2 setups now, one that keeps it A Class for Beex rules and the batshit mental one.

We need to sort a race where I can race it in batshit mental mode. But putting it against proper R3 cars might be unfair unless its speedway (i.e no corners). We'll have to sort something that is fair.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
We'll have to sort something that is fair.

You are nothing without your robot car.
kalmar wrote:
chinnyhill10 wrote:
We'll have to sort something that is fair.

You are nothing without your robot car.

We need to do KITT v KARR.
Tomorrow then Chaps?
Zardoz wrote:
Tomorrow then Chaps?

I believe I should be available Wednesday night should I survive a trip to Scumdon.
It'll be 9.30ish anyway so plenty of time to have a wash.
Yarp, tomorrow.

Obviously not this week but if there are enough interested I think it might be quite good to do a hot lap challenge during the week and then race those cars on Forza night. That way everyone should be lapping within a few tenths of each other and there'd hopefully be some good close racing.
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