Be Excellent To Each Other

eBook readers & Kindle
Page 5 of 22

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

The screen on my Kindle 2 is 9cm x 12cm, near as damnit.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

ApplePieOfDestiny wrote:
the screen footprint isn't much bigger than an iPhone.
It's massively bigger, eejit.

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

No, this one at work looked iPhone size. Remember everything's bigger for you, Doc.

Author:  DavPaz [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Massive hands! Memory! On the train in Holland there was a gorgeous tall blonde lady sitting opposite us. She had a stunning face, great legs, seemingly nice chest bits and FUCKING HUGE HANDS. I mean massive, like 2 of mind put together. That was weird. Was she the Kindle model, APOD?

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

DavPaz wrote:
Massive hands! Memory! On the train in Holland there was a gorgeous tall blonde lady sitting opposite us. She had a stunning face, great legs, seemingly nice chest bits and FUCKING HUGE HANDS. I mean massive, like 2 of mind put together. That was weird. Was she the Kindle model, APOD?

She was a man, dude.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
No, this one at work looked iPhone size. Remember everything's bigger for you, Doc.
The iPhone has a 3.5" diagonal screen. The Kindle has a 6" screen. Your problem is you've spent so long telling yourself that your 3.5" penis is normal you can no longer tell the difference.

Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

DavPaz wrote:
Massive hands! Memory! On the train in Holland there was a gorgeous tall blonde lady sitting opposite us. She had a stunning face, great legs, seemingly nice chest bits and FUCKING HUGE HANDS. I mean massive, like 2 of mind put together. That was weird. Was she the Kindle model, APOD?
Were you reliving the Man Hands episode of Seinfeld?

Author:  Cras [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
No, this one at work looked iPhone size. Remember everything's bigger for you, Doc.
The iPhone has a 3.5" diagonal screen. The Kindle has a 6" screen. Your problem is you've spent so long telling yourself that your 3.5" penis is normal you can no longer tell the difference.


Author:  MrChris [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
No, this one at work looked iPhone size. Remember everything's bigger for you, Doc.
The iPhone has a 3.5" diagonal screen. The Kindle has a 6" screen. Your problem is you've spent so long telling yourself that your 3.5" penis is normal you can no longer tell the difference.

You may slap your penis across your iPhone screen ( I assume you have an app for that), but I can't say as I do. Not least as it wouldn't fit.

Author:  zaphod79 [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Craster wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
No, this one at work looked iPhone size. Remember everything's bigger for you, Doc.
The iPhone has a 3.5" diagonal screen. The Kindle has a 6" screen. Your problem is you've spent so long telling yourself that your 3.5" penis is normal you can no longer tell the difference.



Author:  Doctor Glyndwr [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
You may slap your penis across your iPhone screen ( I assume you have an app for that)
I'm waiting for the iPad version.

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
You may slap your penis across your iPhone screen ( I assume you have an app for that)
I'm waiting for the iPad version.

Ah - multiplayer airhockey.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Size comparison for blind fools:

Author:  MrChris [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Yeah, the Kindle screen is about the size of an iPhone.

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers


Author:  Malabelm [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Good lord, your iPhone is a state.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Tell me about it. I need to replace the screen cover, but I can never be arsed.

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

So, is it decided that the Kindle is better than the Sony e-reader?

Author:  Cras [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

I've had both...and yes.

The screen has better contrast, it's lighter, it's more responsive (faster menus, page turning), and it doesn't have irritating requirements for proprietary software.

Author:  Malabelm [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Craster wrote:
Tell me about it. I need to replace the screen cover, but I can never be arsed.

What on earth do you do to it? I don't understand how people grub up their expensive things.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Well it's sat in my trouser pocket for 18 months.

Also, I'm constantly using paraffin-based hand creams because of a skin condition, which means it gets hella smeary and also picks up dirt/dust very easily.

Author:  kalmar [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

I hope you don't smoke 8)

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

In case his hands burst into flames?

Author:  kalmar [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

That would tend to aggravate the skin condition, yes.

Poor craster :(

Author:  Malabelm [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Craster wrote:
Well it's sat in my trouser pocket for 18 months.

So does mine. The trick is to not keep anything else in there with it…

Also, I'm constantly using paraffin-based hand creams because of a skin condition, which means it gets hella smeary and also picks up dirt/dust very easily.

…especially your hands.

I noticed that at Manchester, but I don't like asking about potentially sensitive things. It looks frustrating. Nasty :(

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

My sister has a skin condition that affects her hands, also. I'm not quite sure what creams/lotions she uses but I know she gets frustrated with things like laptop trackpads as her hands are really very bad and the pad on my Mac at least does not like it.

Worse, she wanted to be a hairdresser and had just started training when the condition developed in her teens, so she then couldn't wash hair, was sensitive to shampoos and couldn't even wear latex gloves as she was sensitive to those, too, so had to leave.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

kalmar wrote:
I hope you don't smoke 8)

Heh - I was once in hospital for an extended stay, and I had some particularly potent 'stuff' slathered over my hands, with cotton gloves over the top. Went outside, lit a fag, and both hands went up in flames :D

Author:  kalmar [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Argh, shit, I was only joking! That's awful!

Mimi, I didn't know you had a sister :)

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Craster wrote:
I've had both...

That's what I think when I see your mum and your wife together.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Luckily it's like lighting a palmful of meths - it's the stuff that burns, not your hands.

Author:  Grim... [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

It is when I'm with them.

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

I have two half-sisters and three half-brothers :)

I don't see much of them, mind - they are scattered around. The two youngest boys (twins, 17) are the only ones that I really hear from so I guess I don't mention the others much. Not because I don't like them, but we grew up apart so I don't much know them.

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Craster wrote:
kalmar wrote:
I hope you don't smoke 8)

Heh - I was once in hospital for an extended stay, and I had some particularly potent 'stuff' slathered over my hands, with cotton gloves over the top. Went outside, lit a fag, and both hands went up in flames :D

Argh! What?! I guess with the cotton outer wick and the cream as well it was like an inside out candle, but sheesh! Did you have any burns at all?

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Oops, just remembered I have four half-brothers :p

Author:  Cras [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Nope. Completely unscathed.

Author:  Mimi [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Still, must've been really frightening! Did it just quickly burn out or did you/others have to take action to put it out? That must have been a sight if anyone was around - man lights cigarette and whoosh! Did they not warn you that it might happen? What did they say when you returned to the ward, burned gloves and all?

Sorry, I am not trying to be nosey or morbid, so don't answer if I am prying - I just think it is amazing you weren't hurt and that something like that might actually happen. :kiss:

Author:  kalmar [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

It'd be a great party trick anyway...

How did you put it out? I just had a flashback to when I was 9, filling a model steam engine with meths while it was lit and spilling blue flame everywhere *panic*.

Author:  Cras [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

I flailed around, running in circles and flapping my arms. I must have looked like I was trying to take off.

I went back up to the ward, still slightly trailing smoke, and asked for new gloves, on the basis that I just spontaneously combusted. They were all rather lovely in there.

Author:  Squirt [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers


Craster, yesterday.

Author:  Malabelm [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Squirt wrote:


Uh-oh. Crap. Erm. Ooo. Er, er sorry guys. Erm. This is not supposed to happen. Oh my God. *chortle* Erm. crap. Aw, no way. Yeah. What the hell just happened? Erm. You have got to be kidding me. This is not even funny. Seriously? Oh my God. I don't… I don't understand what happened.

Author:  Sir Taxalot [ Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Sir Taxalot wrote:
I've ordered a kindle 3 for Lady T's birthday, I'm hoping it arrives in time but think I might have left it a bit late.

Shipped! Yay! Estimated delivery date: the day before Lady T's birthday.

Let's see what DHL are like around here. I probably should have got it delivered to work, as no one is in during the day and I have a feeling the depot is a long way away, and I don't have a car to use during the day to go and get it. This could be interesting ?:|

Author:  Agent Starling [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 20:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Yesterday I ordered a Kindle. It says there is currently about a two week wait (though this has always been the case I'm assuming, from scanning through this thread), but that's fine.

I've always sort of been against these type of gadgets, thinking I couldn't stand to not have the "real" book, but I did some reading up on it, plus read a selection of posts here, and came to the conclusion that it's now essential I have one. :)

Also, they're not massively expensive, are they? All quite reasonable, as gadgets go.

I am also planning to get my g/f one for Christmas, but naturally I need to have mine first since I'm the geek in the relationship.

EDIT: When I placed my order yesterday, it was saying a two week wait. Now it's saying, "Orders placed today are expected to dispatch in 2 to 3 days." So I should get mine sooner, then, hopefully.

Author:  DBSnappa [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 21:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Craster wrote:
Well it's sat in my trouser pocket for 18 months.

Also, I'm constantly using paraffin-based hand creams because of a skin condition, which means it gets hella smeary and also picks up dirt/dust very easily.

I take it as read that you've tried other remedies? The reason I ask is that HC had a really irritating rash (it would flare up, crack and bleed on a weekly basis, reacted to base metals such as belt buckles and watch straps) on her wrist, back of her neck and her midriff that she went through all kinds of treatment to try and get rid of, none of which really worked. She did switch to a ridiculously draconian diet for several months which cleared it up (no wheat, sugar, dairy, red meat, pork, alcohol and a bunch of other things, but came to the conclusion she'd rather be dead than live like that). She started treating it with stabilised Aloe Vera extract which cleared it up. Obviously real aloe vera is best but it doesn't grow in this country. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it on the off chance you hadn't tried it.

Author:  kalmar [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 21:34 ]
Post subject:  eBook readers

Hmm, quote has stopped working on tapatalk?
Anyway, just saying that aloe vera does grow surprisingly well as a house plant. We had one and you could just snap a bit off, squeeze the juice out and apply to insect bites, heat rash, whatever and it certainly soothed it. Obviously if you need industrial quantities daily you'd need a shed load, but just saying. And yes the stuff in a bottle seems to work just as well tbh.

Author:  Cras [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 22:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

I don't use it as a treatment - I have large amounts of NHS men stick needles in me for that. The stuff I use is plain, simple aqueous cream, a couple of quid from boots. It's purely to keep the skin flexible.

Author:  DBSnappa [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 22:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

But have you tried it anyway?

Author:  Cras [ Mon Sep 27, 2010 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

Oh, goodness yes. Nada. I've never had any decent reaction from topical treatments.

Author:  Sir Taxalot [ Tue Sep 28, 2010 0:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

YAYS! The Kindle has arrived, in plenty of time for Lady T's birthday. It was fortunate I was running late for work today, as the van turned up just as I was about to leave home (and the depot is over an hour drive away).

I really want to open the box and see what it is like, but it's not my present.

Do they come with any sample material on them?

Author:  markg [ Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

You really ought to check and make sure it isn't a dud or anything. To avoid disappointment.

Author:  Sir Taxalot [ Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: eBook readers

markg wrote:
You really ought to check and make sure it isn't a dud or anything. To avoid disappointment.

Hmmm I was thinking the same, but the box is quite nicely sealed up, with the easiest way in being a rip-tab.

I think I'll just have to wait for her to open the box, and then snatch it away to 'get it set up properly'.

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