Dark Souls 3
12 April 2016
Pundabaya wrote:

I also met Slashy McButthole off to the left of the Firelink Shrine. I beat him fair and square.

I cant beat him (yet) - at the very start I did not even go into the shrine but was looking around and ran into him instead - right now he's probably killed me as many times as the first boss
I fried his arse with fireballs. But only after I'd upgraded my fire glove a little.
Treebastard down. Also met Onion Dude and killed a demon with him.
Man.. Hit a bit of a wall in Cathedral of the Deep. Done the first bit back to the bonfire.
Pundabaya wrote:
Man.. Hit a bit of a wall in Cathedral of the Deep. Done the first bit back to the bonfire.

Is a bit of a hard area, but pales compared to later areas. I found a bow to be quite useful for the part I think you're on.
The bit where you
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run past the giant, then there's the first Cathedral Knight with the big mace and Great shield, who's a bitch

I think I might just need to level grind a bit, and try to get a weapon above +3.
Pundabaya wrote:
The bit where you
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run past the giant, then there's the first Cathedral Knight with the big mace and Great shield, who's a bitch

I think I might just need to level grind a bit, and try to get a weapon above +3.

Ahh, that bit.

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I just converted all my estus you blue estus and then fried the giant with fireballs. Although I'd guess you can hide in the corners until he goes back to sleep. He's piss easy to beat when you reach his legs. Mace guy isn't too bad, although I think my halberd was +4. And you can probs by run past him Don't remember finding much large titanate before then.
I have 1 from the crow and I know where I can get another... It involves a lot of arrows.

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re: the knight... I can beat him, it takes a fair amount of resources though.
I went for a wander in a poison swamp, got a new sword and levelled it to +4. I also finally beat that Blue Lothric Knight in High Wall.
cathedral done. Easiest boss so far.
Has everyone else given up?

I've done 3 more bosses.

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Abyss Watchers, High Lord Wolnir and Pontiff Suy...Suh...Fuckhead with the lightsabers.

Abyss Watchers is the coolest so far, Wolnir was pretty memorable but I beat him first go. Darth Twatface is hard, couldn't get any hits in so I summoned one of the AI dudes (Londor Paleshade) who basically tanked him for me. I still think I've died most to the first boss. Which I put down to a combination of getting used to the combat again and having pretty shitty starting gear as a cleric.
For various reasons, I haven't played it for a week or two.

You have just about caught up to where I am.

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Wolnir is an absolute twat if you have low damage. He'll just push up against the wall and put down the instant death cloud before you can beat him. With high damage, he was nothing. Beating sarivaan solo is one if the reasons I haven't played recently. Needed a rest after that. (And more annoyingly, forgot to save the clip of it, along with the abyss watchers, which was another tough fight)
Desperately want to play, but real world is in the way. And I need at least an hour with the game at a time. Roll on my next holiday!
Well, beat a boss. About a second later, the bosses delayed attack beat me.

On the plus side, it remained beaten. And after I died, I became alive again.
On the minus side, as a consequence of things being missed, I spent almost exactly an hour traipsing round the world trying to figure out where I needed to go next.

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After killing the boss, you get teleported. Presumably to where you need to go next. However, I died as soon as I appeared, not seeing where I was to allow me to return.
Checked a guide
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assuming you've beaten Yhorm, Abyss Walkers, and Aldrich... Lothric High Wall, where you got the banner, at the other end of the plaza from where you fought Dog Boy Vorht.

Meanwhile... I reached
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Anor Londo! Didn't manage to get to the boss though. I also got... Um... Married...I guess?
Pundabaya wrote:
Checked a guide
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assuming you've beaten Yhorm, Abyss Walkers, and Aldrich... Lothric High Wall, where you got the banner, at the other end of the plaza from where you fought Dog Boy Vorht.

Meanwhile... I reached
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Anor Londo! Didn't manage to get to the boss though. I also got... Um... Married...I guess?

Yeah, I figured out where to go eventually. The summon signs were a big clue, along with the empty throne name.

And yeah, same happened to me where you are. Was a little surprising.
3 more bosses down.
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Yhorm, Dancer, Oceiros. Dancer... fuck me thats an epic boss fight.

Oh hello, you seem familiar! Ouch, stop it, Stop it! Fuck you
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I'm sort of sitting outside what I'm fairly sure is the final boss, not really trying overly hard to beat it. Because it'd be over then.
Anyone been invaded by the Fashion Police yet?
Reached the final Lord of Cinder... ouch.
Bounced off the chuckle brothers all night. Then ganked the fuckers with the help of a Sun Bro. Then encountered Mr final boss, had a few attempts, keep getting owned by his second phase.
First run, yah, brothers were tricky. Got up to them in my second run, and my roll timing for them went to shit.

Final boss is far from the hardest of the game, mind.
The final boss seems easier than the brothers, tbh. I got the second form down to about a 5th of his health on my first go, got cocky and fucked up a dodge on his 5 hit combo. The one that juggles you so you have to eat the rest of the combo with no chance of escape.

I just found brothers annoying. I could do the big one easily except he keeps teleporting out of lock-on, and once the little one comes into play it feels too busy. The homing soul masses in particular suck, and if he uses that a lot you're in trouble.
Yeah, brothers is an interesting fight, but it's not a mechanic that I'd like to see overly regularly.

Final boss I find OK, so long as I can take out the start part without it getting all mage some.

Bosses of
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The graves and dragon peak
can suck a big fat one. Although I have yet to try with my Dex character to see if they're any easier.
I love reading the spoilers in this thread. The names are ridiculous.
Mr Russell wrote:
I love reading the spoilers in this thread. The names are ridiculous.

Bear in mind, any spoilers from me are not official translations.

Although given the boss in the original Dark Souls "Ceaseless discharge" (who, unsurprisingly, discharged unceasingly) , the official names are...
Mr Dave wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
I love reading the spoilers in this thread. The names are ridiculous.

Bear in mind, any spoilers from me are not official translations.

Although given the boss in the original Dark Souls "Ceaseless discharge" (who, unsurprisingly, discharged unceasingly) , the official names are...

Yes, I saw that you were playing the Japanese version.
Mr Russell wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
I love reading the spoilers in this thread. The names are ridiculous.

Bear in mind, any spoilers from me are not official translations.

Although given the boss in the original Dark Souls "Ceaseless discharge" (who, unsurprisingly, discharged unceasingly) , the official names are...

Yes, I saw that you were playing the Japanese version.

Was just a word of warning that my translations may be more than a little Wonky.

(although the official translations also seem to be a little suboptimal, and in at least one case, actively unhelpful)
The thing about Dark Souls is that everybody finds different bosses difficult. It depends on playstyle and even RNG. I'm pretty sure I would have died a lot more on Aldrich, except he didn't use the arrow storm attack in the second half of the fight on the attempt I killed him.

People have had difficulty with the Deacons...
Pundabaya wrote:
The thing about Dark Souls is that everybody finds different bosses difficult. It depends on playstyle and even RNG. I'm pretty sure I would have died a lot more on Aldrich, except he didn't use the arrow storm attack in the second half of the fight on the attempt I killed him.

People have had difficulty with the Deacons...

I had problems with most bosses on my first playthrough. It seems that recreating my DS1 build gives you something really ill-suited to DS3 (I even died to the deacons once.)
Credits rolling as I type. Apart from super secret optional area, I'll have a go at that in a bit.
Current status: 18 of 19 bosses down, summoned on 4,
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Crystal Sage, Pontiff Suhlavayn, Champion Gundyr and Twin Princes

4 done first run:
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Deacons of the Deep, High Lord Wolnir, Oceiros the Consumed King amd Ancient Wyvern

Other 14 Soloed.

Pretty happy with that.

Favorite boss fights:
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1)Abyss Watchers 2)Dragonslayer Armour 3)Soul of Cinder 4)Dancer of the Boreal Valley

Least favorite: The ones I summoned on, basically.
From what I've seen as a summon, summons for the boss you haven't done aren't very useful.

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it makes the dragon phase hard in that it's verr hard to get close to its head. In 5 or so runs, we only managed to kill the dragon once. And the host was already dead in the second phase before I could get to the boss and distract him. Have only tried solo twice. Once on my old Halberton character, didn't go well. Once on my new sword character, Dragon died easily. Nameless King then wiped me out almost instantly. Rolling timings seemed a little unusual for the three attacks that hit me
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Nameless King

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Yeah, I have yet to beat him. Although I think I've only tried solo three times. First phase isn't too bad, although keeping track of the dragon is a pain. Second phase wipes me out so quickly. Getting my timings so wrong.
His attacks seem to come out slow. Like he moves his body first then brings his weapon through, catching you after you've dodged.

I got him down to around a third health.I was like 'I can do this!' No. No I can't. Yet.
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Nameless King down!

With no Estus and 7hp left. I got some help with him, the Sunbro blew through the first phase with Lightning Spears, then he got himself killed in the second phase. With about 60% of the bosses health left.
Also killed him today. But with a slightly larger victory margin, as below.

Videos of all bosses defeated on second playthough. With overly literal name translations. And some thoughts.
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Gunda, the judge of ash (1 Attempt)

Borudo of the icy valley (1 Attempt)

Only really has one dangerous attack. Once you've figured out how to dodge it, not much of a problem.

Cursed belly large tree (1 Attempt)

How much better was a sword for the fight? Infinitely.

Crystal elder (2 Attempts, both shown here)

Pretty easy, but also easy to be gangbanged by multiple spells.

Bishops of the deep place (1 Attempt)

Still piss easy.

Abyss guardians (2 Attempts)

Fun fight. Again, halberd weren't overly good for this. Sword much better.

High king woruniiru (1 Attempt)

Having looked up quite how this boss worked (Not as timed as I thought it was) was stupid easy.

Pope Sarivaan (1 Attempt)

So, so much easier this time around. Getting in an attack didn't leave me exposed.

Youmu the giant (1 attempt)

Gimmick fight. Might be harder without completing onion dudes quest, but doubt it.

God Gobbler Erudoricchi (3 attempts)

Ok, God gobbler may just be me being daft, but God eater doesn't quite get across the implied vulgarity of the act. And then name is clearly eldritch.
Still hate his bow.

Dancer of the icy valley (1 attempt)

Like the pope, much easier when your weapon doesn't leave you vulnerable.

Dragon hunter armour (5 attempts)

Don't like his shield.

Bewitched king osuroesu (3 attempts. Annoying, as it was one of 4 bosses I didn't die on the first time round)

Snow AoE attack is painful, aside from that didn't seem too bad.

Ancient Flying Dragon (1 attempt)

Not really a boss

Old Demon King (1 attempt)

Yeah, I completely forgot about him until I was massively overlevelled. And after him, it's arse time.

Hero Gunda (3 attempts. The first two spent trying to kill the booss by parrying as per saturnaliens request. The third one playing my normal style. Normal style wins. Although parry attempt one came much closer to victory than I expected.)
Still overly aggressive. Even Mr Sword couldn't find a suitably safe attack window.

Elder brother prince rourian and prince rosuriku (6 attempts)

Still overly teleporty twats. They calmed down for this run, though.

Incarnation of the kings (1 attempt)

Such a sloppy fight. I'm almost embarrassed to have won this.

Nameless King (I'd guess about 12 attempts - Don't know for sure. Although I didn't try and beat this boss in my first playthrough)

I like the dragon hunter armours shield now.

Overall, fast swingy sword > slow pokey halberd. And late bosses = hard bosses.
Finally off to a proper start now after ditching my first 'naked' build for a Pyro.

Feels like it's been made for fans of the series rather than tempting in new folk as it's so punishing from the start. Nothing beats exploring new turf on low health and getting to the next bonfire.
Thought I'd have a go at this, as it was only £20 in Tesco.

Fucking Cathedral is some tricky shit for a tank character :(

Like a fucking idiot, I didn't trasmonifute the tree souls (I think) into the Bloodborne ring, which I really should have done.
Have folks tried Nioh (in open beta until next week)?

It's very Souls-y.
Nioh I haven't.
I didn't Nioh about it.
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