Beex, Yo.
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You look like a wazzock
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You look about 30 there!
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GovernmentYard wrote:
Went for Reznor, ended up with Oakey. Non, je nes regrette rein.

/wakes up
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devilman wrote:
devilman wrote:
Craster wrote:
Inspired by Mali, I figured it would be fun to have a 'post photos of yourself' thread - only one from when you were on the cusp of adulthood, leaving childhood behind to explore the big wide world.

Hmm.. I don't even know if any photos like that exist of me. Maybe my parents have some when they were using film up when they wanted to get a roll developed (I think it's the only reason she has so many cat photos).. I'll have to ask.

Mind you, not much has changed. I just went from skinny runt to fat c.. er, chap.

This is about all I've got at the moment. I was about 21 then, so roughly 15 years ago.


I used to be so thin. *sigh*

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Seperated at birth!
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That's freaky.
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Closer to Michael Schumacher I'd have said.
Then again I never look in the mirror so no idea :p
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November 1998.

User avatar
That trophy's ridiculous
User avatar
Best damn trophy in sport. It regularly heads out to the public and draws thousands. It came to the O2 a few years ago and 20,000 people tried to have their photo taken with it. If you win it as a player, coach or GM, you get to take it wherever you like for a day. Some players have a small party, some a big party, adults have drunk out it, dogs have eaten out of it, and one set up an entire flashmob in a Boston street for it. Win it and your name is inscribed on it forever.

And winning it reduces the toughest sportsmen in the world to tears.

Although this clip still gives me goosebumps. My favourite ever player, 22 years of being on of the best players ever and trying to win the damned thing.
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Grim... wrote:
devilman wrote:
devilman wrote:
Craster wrote:
Inspired by Mali, I figured it would be fun to have a 'post photos of yourself' thread - only one from when you were on the cusp of adulthood, leaving childhood behind to explore the big wide world.

Hmm.. I don't even know if any photos like that exist of me. Maybe my parents have some when they were using film up when they wanted to get a roll developed (I think it's the only reason she has so many cat photos).. I'll have to ask.

Mind you, not much has changed. I just went from skinny runt to fat c.. er, chap.

This is about all I've got at the moment. I was about 21 then, so roughly 15 years ago.


I used to be so thin. *sigh*


Exactly what I was going to say.
User avatar
Sorry these are so late - worth waiting for, however!

Me at 13/14:




Me at 16/17:


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What the fucking fuck?! :DD
User avatar
Wow, you look completely different! Better now. Much better. This reminds me that I found an old photo album the other day. This is 1996.

This is a photograph of a photograph, so not great quality I'm afraid.
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Who's the hunkadunk on your arm?
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Daniel. He was Oberon to my Titania.
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That's a sex euphemism, right?
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Craster wrote:
That's a sex euphemism, right?

It means he carried stuff for her.
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No, no. I think we'd dated, but whether it was before, during or after this point I do not remember, but I think this was the summer we'd been in A Midsummer Night's Dream.
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Ha. This thread passed my by. I don't have any (scanned) pictures of me as a teenager, but this is me in about June 2001, final year of Uni. Proto-ears, proto-tattoos, a LOT more hair!
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Some crackers added lately.
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Myp: You definitely got better looking as you aged, those beef curtains didn't suit you at all.

Meems: WOW, very pretty!
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Taken in 94 or 95. Being attacked by my licky dog Biddy.
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That's not you - you're ginger.
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Goddess Jasmine wrote:

Indeed! Youthful ikkle Dimmers!
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Dimvinterblot wrote:
Taken in 94 or 95. Being attacked by my licky dog Biddy.

That clearly isn't you.
User avatar
I always have to look at Crasters pics again when this thread re-appears. Fucking awesome.
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Me and the Wiff in 98 or so. Probably a good candidate for Viz's Up The Arse Corner.
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Tis. Is it the lack of beard or something?
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It's the lack of same face.
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When did you catch ginger then?
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When my hair fell out and all you look at is my luxury beard.
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Zardoz wrote:

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Who is that?
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Zardoz wrote:
Who is that?

Chris Addison, comedian.
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Chris Addison?
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DavPaz wrote:

I'd forgotten about this. :DD :DD :DD
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Me and Catherine, my closest friend in High School, just before we went to the formal together, 1998.


Liisa, me and Catherine, in a bar on spring break in Barbados! 1998 again

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You seen to have written 1998 when you must mean 1978.
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His clothes are different to my clothes!
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Perkies, you look no different. You and Russ must tell me where the fountain of youth you sup from is.
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