The end of the UK?
We'll take a cup o' kindness
Not talking about global warming? That's weird, I could've sworn you said

How's your argument against global warming going? :wink:

in a thread about Scottish Independence.
Dry your eyes, Bobby, watch me give a fig about any of it. You are wasting your breath, seriously.
Cavey wrote:
Not using condoms one minute, the oceans lapping at your feet the next.

I do deliver quite the load.

Global warming IN YOUR FACE.
Cavey wrote:

Global warming IN YOUR FACE.

Climax Change.*

*Too far :(
Mr Russell wrote:
Cavey wrote:

Global warming IN YOUR FACE.

Climax Change.*

*Too far :(

Not at all - I thought that was some of your best work.
Is that your sea-level rising, or are you just pleased to see me? :D
MrChris wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Cavey wrote:

Global warming IN YOUR FACE.

Climax Change.*

*Too far :(

Not at all - I thought that was some of your best work.

You're too kind, and as a result I have moved you further down the list.
Mr Russell wrote:
Cavey wrote:

Global warming IN YOUR FACE.

Climax Change.*

*Too far :(

MaliA wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Cavey wrote:

Global warming IN YOUR FACE.

Climax Change.*

*Too far :(


You are also spared for a longer amount of time.
Mr Russell wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Cavey wrote:

Global warming IN YOUR FACE.

Climax Change.*

*Too far :(


You are also spared for a longer amount of time.

I can only die in your timlines, not mine. It's awful.
MaliA wrote:
I can only die in your timlines, not mine. It's awful.

Nobody said anything about dying.
I looked up environmentalists' chat up lines. It was pretty slim pickings if I'm honest, but the best I could come up with was:

'... you're such a babe - so hot as to cause Global Warming!'

Both lame and inaccurate because one person couldn't cause climate change by themselves.
Yeah, you haven't seen my garage, pal. :D
Lonewolves wrote:
Both lame and inaccurate because one person couldn't cause climate change by themselves.

Have you even met me?! :attitude:

Cavey wrote:
Yeah, you haven't seen my garage, pal. :D

I've just reported you to the police for growing cannabis.
Lonewolves wrote:
Both lame and inaccurate because one person couldn't cause climate change by themselves.

There are some people on this board who may be able to cause it through their flatulence alone. (Mentioning no names, but you know who you are)
Lonewolves wrote:
Both lame and inaccurate because persons couldn't cause climate change.



/runs away
Mr Dave wrote:
Lonewolves wrote:
Both lame and inaccurate because one person couldn't cause climate change by themselves.

There are some people on this board who may be able to cause it through their flatulence alone. (Mentioning no names, but you know who you are)

Cavey wrote:
Not talking about global warming? That's weird, I could've sworn you said

How's your argument against global warming going? :wink:

in a thread about Scottish Independence.
Dry your eyes, Bobby, watch me give a fig about any of it. You are wasting your breath, seriously.

The point was not that it was about global warming, but that you have the nerve to accuse someone else of cherry picking facts when that is all you ever do. The global warming was simply an easy example, of many. You do nothing but cherry pick, you ignore reasoned argument, fair enough but to accuse someone else of it is beyond the pale.

Furthermore, it appears you are a boorish twat to boot. 'dry your eyes'? Grow the fuck up.
Tell someone who gives a fuck, son.
Give it a rest guys. There's a lot of politics and shot going on in the world without it having to get personal. Stick them on foe for a week and relax.
I just did some shot. 5.4m. Heavy, them things.
Watching the Grauniad feed of the First Minister's speech. Nicola Sturgeon calling for 'INDYREF2: the empire strikes back' at the end of the Brexit process. Which gives her plenty of wriggle room, and puts the UK government in a tricky corner about granting the vote.
Going to have to listen to this later. Latest quote from the 'Guardian' is: Sturgeon denies wanting to fight ‘fact-free’ referendum campaign.

from fact-free referendum campaign wrote:
'we give the English, Welsh, and Northern Irish £350m a week. Let's spend it on Buckfast instead'.

Giphy "scottish independence":
Oh man, I don't think I can stand another 2 years of non-stop whinging and fact-free propaganda. Can you imagine the mess they'd be in economically if had voted for independence, knowing what we know now - and were reliant on the SNP to actually, like, govern the country in all respects?

I pity the people who live there and have to endure it all, every day.
Between Brexit, May's cosying up to Trump and the prospect of a near endless Tory government I think it's got a damn good chance of passing this time around if it comes to it.
Bamba wrote:
Between Brexit, May's cosying up to Trump and the prospect of a near endless Tory government I think it's good a damn good chance of passing this time around if it comes to it.

Oh, yes. With all that is going on, I'd say they should go. No point hanging around this shambles, if they think they could make a better fist of it. Good luck to them. I'd vote for them to go.
Unlike last time, I'm not even sure there's a clear, all-encompassing leadership team for any putative 'Stay' campaign. Ruth Davidson's feisty and great, but comes with the baggage of being a Tory. Labour are more or less dead, and afraid to share a stage with other parties lest they get accuses of being 'Red Tory scum'. A straight re-run of the economic doom approach won't work this time round, the UK having decided to trash the economy anyway. And on the critical emotional level, well, if you lived in Scotland, it's hard to be very encouraged by a future within the Union as things currently stand. We've come a long, depressing way since the 2012 Olympics.
Cavey wrote:
Oh man, I don't think I can stand another 2 years of non-stop whinging and fact-free propaganda.
(Also, well done Giphy for your clever satire)
I'd Rather the UK stay as one, but if the following all happen, there is part of me that would quite like it for selfish reasons:

1) The UK leaves the single market and we don't have access to unrestricted movement around Europe
2) Scotland leaves the UK but joins/remains in the EU
3) People with a Scottish parent/grand parent are allowed Scottish Passports
4) I can actually get dual passports for myself and my kids (and my wife?)
Amusing strapline from current BBC news coverage "Number 10: Vote would cause 'huge economic uncertainty'."
Bamba wrote:
Amusing strapline from current BBC news coverage "Number 10: Vote would cause 'huge economic uncertainty'."

Malc wrote:
3) People with a Scottish parent/grand parent are allowed Scottish Passports

Perhaps Mrs Sturgeon can give one to Mr Trump when he's next up there.
Kern wrote:
Malc wrote:
3) People with a Scottish parent/grand parent are allowed Scottish Passports

Perhaps Mrs Sturgeon can give one to Mr Trump when he's next up there.

Didn't realise discourse on East African states was high on their agenda
Just occurred to me that both Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa May are acting from positions of weakness within their parties. Mrs May has to appear to be going for the hardest possible Brexit to appease the Tory right who would otherwise depose her if she showed signs of wanting a closer relationship with the EU. Similarly, Nicola Sturgeon needs to appear ready for another fight to appeal to the mass of independence supporters who flooded to the party after 2014 whilst they are still in government. Neither really faces a decent opposition from Labour so they can't use that threat to keep their party's extremists in line. Both are heading down lines they probably don't really want to be on in order to hold onto the leadership.
UK gets no deal and Brexits hard
Scotland bats eyes at EU who see an opportunity
Scotland leaves UK and runs into EU
Hadrians Wall rebuilt from the North Side.
And Sinn Fein are making noises about the possibility of Irish reunification. That would solve the problem of an EU land border quite easily.
It's just occurred to me that as I have plans to visit Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland this year, I'm basically doing a valedictory tour of the Union.
Don't worry, Wales will hang limply by England's side as always.
Saw Wings Over Scotland pop up on Twitter. Thought I'd take a look to see what he's up to at the moment (as if one needs to wonder).

His profile now features a quote from The Times: "Scotland's own mini-Milo."

Which is a hell of a thing to wear as a badge of honour.
Last I looked, Stu's latest fundraiser was at over £120,000(!)
Say what you like about the (IMO absurd) stuff he spouts, but by crikey, he knows his audience and the whole boiling's paying very, very nicely indeed. The £2-a-month debacle seems like a very, very long time ago now, I bet.

To be fair and in the interests of accuracy, though, surely it would be better to say "Bath's own mini-Milo"?
Findus Fop wrote:
Saw Wings Over Scotland pop up on Twitter. Thought I'd take a look to see what he's up to at the moment (as if one needs to wonder).

His profile now features a quote from The Times: "Scotland's own mini-Milo."

Which is a hell of a thing to wear as a badge of honour.

Especially considering 99% of the country don't know who Milo is.
He's the annoying from the Tweenies.
I had to look him up.

Hate to say it, but the picture of him I saw looked like he had a bit of a "flat top" hairdo going on... :D
Some Lords have published a Bill to do a hard reset and reboot of the UK, with a series of referendums in each part confirming the Union, one on the House of Lords, and, for England, a vote on whether for a single English parliament or a set of regional ones. Westminster would be left with just a core set of functions. Essentially, it would create a federation.

It's got no chance of becoming law, of course, but it's an interesting idea, in particular the statement of the aim of the Union set out in the first clause, and a list of the primary purposes that all would have to have 'due regard to' in the second section:

The purpose of the United Kingdom is to provide a strong and effective union between the peoples of the constituent nations and parts.
The following are the principal purposes of the United Kingdom:

1. The rule of law and equality before the law.
2. The protection of fundamental rights and freedoms.
3. Defence of the realm and the conduct of foreign relations.
4. The promotion of tolerance and respect.
5. Equality of opportunity.
6. Provision of a safe and secure society.
7. Provision of a strong economy.
8. Protection of social and economic rights, including provision of access to education and health and other social services (including the National Health Service).
9. Benefiting from shared history and culture.
I'm finding it very hard not to smile whilst reading about Alex Salmond's arrest.
Kern wrote:
I'm finding it very hard not to smile whilst reading about Alex Salmond's arrest.

He's allegedly supposed to be up in court today; is that not massively unusually fast to be in court the same day you're arrested? I find it especially odd that no one seems to know what he's been arrested for given how quickly it's moving.
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